*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I know she would Stacey haha, yeah Ariana is sometimes taking 6oz other times she'll only take half then I give her the other half about an hour later when she starts to look for it, feel like Im literally feeding her every hour or 2 all day long but she's sleeping well at night so If that's whats helping I can't complain.

See the wonder week app is it like £1.25 or something or is there a free one? Want to get the right one as it sound's really interesting...

I know kaa I hate the thought of it to but think it's good that once it's in its in, no remembering the pill or forgetting in my case! It lasts 5 years and can stop your periods, will see how it goes but so far I'd recommend it over all the others.

Lucky you Mellie, I'd never hear the end of it if I hadn't done it by now...are you feeling abit scared or just no time and energy?
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Babyboo..its £1.49 the app..its a good read but no solutions..think i am pleased got it...even if just to plan holidays around good weeks haha...i do actually see a correlation in dates.

Firstly noah stanley is a lovely lovely name! I love the name stanley...may put it on my list haha ;-)
You are not being unreasonable to be pissed off especially with the back story but regardless...interesting how she is telling everyone already...probably anticpates upsetting you. The positives...she may not have a boy and you may not have a boy and also (although probably slim you may change your mind..unlikely but possible) so iwould say try not to get upset over a non issue untill it becomes an issue...easier said than done though i would be fuming haha...but in your situation and she has a boy and you have a boy...please keep to your guns dont be put off by someone else...especially as you got in first.

Im actually feeling really positive today , i have been able to get imogen to day nap and just feel loads positive, wonder if i have touch of pmt??
Read on kellys mom..that empty breast=high fat milk and full breast=low fat milk...interesting always feel my breast is fuller in morning...this tally with anyone else?

Had a lovely day at baby club, also to give credit where its due and so you girls get full picture...saw bitchy nct girl...and she was for the first time, really nice to me and i didnt come away sad...woohoo (although she is still mean :-0)..

Going to take positive vibes and clean the bathroom as folks are coming tomorrow
Hmm, I understand you being pissed off about the name but given that you're only using it as a middle name I think she'd probably think you were being unreasonable. I'd be pissed off too though. Perhaps just talk to her and remind her that the name means a lot to you and that you're planning to use it, just see what her attitude to it is?

Mellie, is your other half okay with the lack of sex? Mine keeps grumbling about it and making comments. We tried once but it didn't go very well and upset me a bit so she stopped commenting for a while but she's started again. Now they only thing really stopping me is time, when the baby is asleep it isn't always convenient timing. It's harder with teens around too, it's not just the baby we have to work around.

Apple that's interesting about the milk & explains why Frankie doesn't feed for long now - she's getting a gutful of high fat milk! Mine are fuller at the 4am feed and that's the one where the other boob will leak a bit.

Kaa, can't believe that about the whiskey! I've heard people joking of putting brandy in the milk, like the old days but didn't think anyone would seriously still think it's fine.
He's not exactly happy about it but he's not bugging me about it. He knows why I don't want to go on hormonal contraception, I did say to him he'll have to buy condoms but he hasn't got round to it as it means he's got to search for ones that'll fit him.

But even then I don't know when we would get chance. Of an evening we're generally both knackered. Plus I think I'd be worried that Jake would wake up the whole way through. I think his hands become his best friend recently! Haha.
Thanks for your advice i will still be using the name if i have a boy as its the meaning of it. At the end of the day she knows it was my gdad name and knows im having it and never mentioned it before she always had other names n we always joked about not having same ones. So its just come out the blue. If u knew her and what shes like u may understand why im so annoyed but too much yo go into loads of detail even nige fuming n said she prob done it on purpose. :(
We had a big row about lack of sex but its too easy to just sleep instead ha. Feel bit bad but shouldnt be made to feel i have to or its over. It just seems too much effort at times doesnt it haha
God sex is completely off our radar...its not even been discussed lately. We kiss and cuddle and say love alot (between feeds and argueing hahaha) but i feel too gross to feel sexy..and oh is probably as knackered as me. :-)

Njp..dito about full/leaky boobs at 4am..also i notice that she poos less now, maybe once twice a day...but they are thicker , bigger and smellier. I asked a hv today about it and she said my milk has changed to adapt to her needs...do you think thats true? If so that is mighty clever of my boobs..who knew my boobs had brains!

My little one is soo heavy...despite looking the same size as her peers at playgroup the difference in weight is massive...she is really dense! I was wondering whether in fact she is bigger and i cant see it (love is blind and all that) im not worried just curious. My friend is down at the weekend so will ask her honest opinion. Also thinking outloud so to speak..my mum is coming to a first aid course with the other nct girls and babies so be good to see what she thinks.
We had a great bedtime routine tonight :-) making progress...
We have had two good days in a row...(ok so i may of given her calpol...but still happy mum=happy baby)
For the record i think it has taken 7 nights for her to get used to her new cot...its still in the middle of the room..,may attempt moving it at weekend)
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Apple I know what you mean about denseness, Frankie feels very solid and stocky. Obviously with her birth weight being 10lb 2oz, I expect her to be big but she doesn't feel delicate and fragile like some babies.

Glad it's not just me with sex! It's just too much hassle. Timing is awkward because even if there's a window of opportunity with Frankie's sleep, half the time one of us hasn't been showered and I don't do anything unless we're both showered and by the time that's fine there's not enough time to do anything before she awakes. I think it's going to have to be scheduled in properly. Kaa, we haven't argued but I do get the impression that she thinks I'm being unreasonable and she's just trying to be patient, so the pressure is still there. I'm like you, I don't think I should feel like I have to. But, the more it gets mentioned the less inclined I am to want to.

BFing kills libido too, the hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle aren't happening so you don't feel up for it as much.

Apple, Frankie's poos have lessened too, one or two pooey nappies a day now. Which is great because I made the move to washable nappy liners and you have to rinse them before putting them in the bucket, so the fewer the better! I have heard that the milk adapts, that's why feeding on demand is supposed to be best, so the boobs learn from the baby.

Mellie, condoms aren't really my area of expertise but is it really that much of a hassle for him to find some that fit?! Haha! Either you're very lucky or he's very deluded!
Jakes a big boy too. When I compare him to other babies he is so much chunkier yet he's not that heavy. Very strange. At one of the baby groups he's the youngest there but the biggest!

Im definitely going to blame bfing if he mentions sex. I keep getting night sweats which i assume is down to bfing too.

Jakes poo changes. He was going 2-3 times a day. Then last week it suddenly changed and he didn't poo for 2 days and then 3 days! It appears to be back to normal now. At least he pooped 3 times y day!

NJP, when he said about them not fitting I assumed he was being a typical bloke too. But they really don't! They kind of dig in really tightly around the base, cutting off blood supply. I assume uf he went to boots he'd be able to find ones. But how often do men go to boots?! Haha
Could he look on Amazon? Might be cheaper there too. Only suggest this if you actually want him to get some & use them. ;)

I got the most spectacular pooey nappy last night! It was full of opaque pale yellow poo, loads of it. It stunk too, no idea what caused that! I told her she was disgusting but she seemed quite pleased with herself!

We've been back to the hospital to check up on the boots which still aren't fitting great. They said I've just got to keep practising putting them on, but couldn't get them on properly themselves either. If the heel doesn't fit in, we might have to go back to casts for a bit. That'll be a pain because she's outgrown most of the cast friendly clothes.
Oh that made me laugh njps last sentence then meilles first!

We've dtd a few time I do feel guilty I don't want it more but we are both tired. I was advised not to wait too long to do it after having the baby or it would get harder to do it. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

Kaa I do know what you mean about the name, chances are she would be annoyed with you using it thinking she had got there first but I would still use it, it's meaningful to you.
Our favourite boys name was Lennon, my husband even started calling bump it he was convinced it was a boy (pre scan) and my SIL wants to call their baby lennie if it's a girl. My oh says he would still use the name and I would too buT it would be odd cousins being called almost the same!

We gave Ruby her first baby rice today. My ohs off work and she's not been taking her milk very well so we decided to try it. She loved it! She kept licking the tray. We kinda just gave her the spoon and let her do what she wanted hehe
Haha, it does read a bit wrong doesn't it!

Lennie seems odd for a girl, and that's coming from someone who called their girl Frankie! Lennie just makes me think of Of Mice and Men.

Aw, must be lovely to see then try something new. Imagine having only tasted one food ever then being given something new. I can't wait to try Frankie on food. Does Ruby hold stuff well? Frankie doesn't really so she wouldn't have managed the spoon very well.
Stacey you clearly have a dirty mind! I wondered what on earth I'd written when you said that.

I think Lennie is a strange girls name too. I'd automatically think of a boy.

Im pretty excited about starting food too. Not doing it for a little bit yet though as he seems more than happy with breast milk at the moment. I keep looking at high chairs and stuff trying to find the best one though.
Yea it's a little odd!

Yes Ruby holds things really well she didn't get a perfect shot with the spoon a fair bit went on her cheeks lol but she had fun. She even started licking the edge of the bowl and the high chair tray ha!
Haha that was the topic of conversation and I didn't start it lol!

We bought a joie high chair I liked it cos you pull a strap in the back of the seat and it folds down. Really simple. She's taken her milk really well since having it don't know if it's a coincidence and she's feeling better or something but last few days she's been off her milk
Kaa I think that's pretty selfish of ur friend, wether she gets there first or not defo still use it.

I can't wait to start weaning Ariana, really need to start stocking up on spoons bowls little tubs and the likes. Do u all have in high chairs already? I don't, not a clue what to go for if anyone has a recommendation...

If you can't get out of having sex now then when can you...we've done it a few times but I just really can never be bothered I feel bad but they need to realise it won't be like this forever...maybe...haha.
Haha stacey ihad tolook back then too. Funny!

3 weeks on sunday faith is 6months so will get her first taste of food will be interesting to see her reaction. No high chair but have a bumbo so prob use that at first. I want a chair that can be attached to a chair so can actually be at table with us they sell them in asda i think.

Njp right pain with the boots hope they get it sorted. What have they suggested in the meantime or dod they manage to get it on in the end?

Oh dont say that babybooboo at times i feel i could happily go without forever...then other times i think i do miss it...a bit haha
We didn't intend to start Ruby before 6 months she's 5months on Sunday but just felt we would try her. I think we will just try baby rice for a few days to make sure she is ok with it and her stomach can digest it and then maybe try some banana for a few days. I've read to introduce one new food at a time? And do it for a few days before introducing a new one?
Mind you I've read that much and it does all say different!

We have a mammas and pappas on that attaches to the chair we kinda bought it by accident thought it was a bumbo.

We intended to get the high chair out anyway so se could sit at the table with us and have some water in her tippee cup so I hope every meal she doesn't expect food now lol!

These last few nights she's been waking every 4 hours for a feed, tonight she's managed 3 hours before wanting a feed :/
Well it was all a bit vague about the boots. Tbh, I'll probably get more sense out of the fb group I joined for talipes advice. The treatment has been good so far but the guy who does the boots seems a bit blasé about it all. Like, 'well there's a high chance of relapse but we'll just go back to the casts if necessary'. Oh that's fine, it's only my child's feet being tied together with a big metal bar for months on end, but we'll just prolong that.

The boot is on, it's just still not fitting great. Keeps slipping off a bit. Strangely, she's got two blisters on the good foot that the shoe fits on, but none on the bad foot where the shoe keeps slipping off.

Baby booboo, I don't have a chair yet, there's a lot of options out there, need to look into it. I saw an interesting one in asda, I think it's a Red Kite one called HiLo. You can adjust the height so it's level with a sofa or up at the table. I thought it might be useful as a seat in general, or for her to have a snack while I have a cuppa on the sofa. But I haven't checked whether the foot support is suitable for us.

Kaa I can't believe Faith is nearly 6 months! I feel a little sad that time is passing so quickly. This time last year we would have all been counting down until first scans. I know I say it often but I feel really sad that I won't be pregnant again. I was focused on trying for so long, can't believe it's been and gone. I wonder how long it will take for me to get past that. I don't want another child, I just want to do Frankie all over again!

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