*** November 2014 Mum's ***

My mother in law was saying how, now my boobs don't get full in between feeds, we can't be sure she's getting anything from them. Yeah, apart from when she pukes a bellyful back up, when you can see it dribbling down the side of her mouth, the fact she appears full & satisfied after a few minutes and the fact she's putting on weight satisfactorily...

I've been asked a couple of times how much longer I'll breastfeed for but not in relation to weaning, as in when will I switch to formula, like it's just what you do. If it was convenient I'd not hesitate but money is tight and I find it so easy now to just flop a boob out. Especially at night. No offence at all to those of you who are FF or combi feeding, I'm not taking some moral stance, it's just cheap & easy for me to BF but I am surprised by the attitude from some people that switching to formula is inevitable. I like the fact that it means I can refuse sleepovers too!

Strangely though, none of them have commented negatively about weaning starting at 6 months. I have had the 'baby rice for a big baby' advice though!

Stacey that card is a lovely idea! How sweet of him to do that. I need to do Frankie's handprints, wish I'd done them when she was first born, for size comparison. Will have to pick up some poster paint.
Stacey...you sound like you had the mothers day i was hoping for..haha..

I do hope everyone had a lovely day..mellie these pics of jake you are posting are super cute he really is adorable. Xx you should post a couple so stacey and njp can see him!

Frankie is such a clever little thing knowing the best mothersday gift is sleep.

Its been a pretty pants day and if im honest most weekends despite me looking forward to them are ending up pants...

Mothersday...i had nothing until 4pm when i had a delivery of flowers...apparently the card was ordered on thursday and failed to arrive. The flowers are lovely with a lovely message but i did spend most of the daybeing upset that i didnt get anything...oh was a bit sad too that i was sad and he said he had really tried but been let down on the flowers delivery and the card..anyhow..i got bigger fish to reply.
Although he did stay up till 2am to give Imogen a night feed and to allow Imogen to sleep till 6am so I got a good night sleep.

Re weaning...no one said anything to me about weaning...i have no idea when i plan to start she really isnt showing any inerest..

Njp i get what you mean if i read your post correctly, my boobs feel empty most of the time now and there is a bit of me that wonders if she is getting enough milk..as she seems to drink way less formula than she used to...use to be she would guzzle down 5oz now its a slow 3oz...but she is definately putting on weight and growing so figure must be ok...only conclusion is thats she is just super effiecent at bf.
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Hi ladies! Hope you're all well?

Apple just caught up on that horrid NCT friend! The others are right she's vile and clearly quite bitter about how tough she's had it which is horrible for her but nothing to do with you. If you can't always avoid seeing her just ignore her comments and know she's just a jealous cow!
Also regarding Imogen's crying, how old is she now? About 15/16 weeks? Both my eldest and A have done that from week 14-17. They would suddenly start crying quite abruptly in their sleep/out and about etc and nothing and I mean nothing would settle them at all. It's horrendous. But it must be a phase because after that my eldest became so chilled and this one *touch wood* seems to be doing the same now and she's 18 weeks tomorrow.
The only thing that I would advise is don't leave her whinging when she's hungry - boob her asap. Otherwise it just escalates. Also when she's screaming as though she's posessed having a bath can really calm her and then you can feed her in the bath and that does make things much much better. That's what has worked for us anyway. But just don't think its you failing her because you're clearly doing an amazing job!

NJP I always get that question too! Even though I never moved my toddler onto formula, people still ask me now when I plan to stop breastfeeding. I just say not before a year. I agree about it not being a moral thing but more to do with convenience!
Also that's crazy people think just cos your boobs aren't full you're not producing enough milk. If anything it means they're working perfectly. Try weighing yourself before the first morning feed then after. When my eldest was 5 months there used to be a 1.5lbs difference!!

Mellie I hate that weaning question too! We had A's christening yesterday and my aunty said 'oh well if she's 4 months she can have food can't she?' I said no and we're waiting till 6 months like we did her sister. She said 'oh but it's her christening at least let her have a lick of the white chocolate' (I had these little white chocolate booty lollipops as favours) I just laughed as I thought it was a joke, Realised it wasn't so just said Id think about it and then changed the convo. So annoying! She's so tiny still! Nowhere near ready for anything other than milk poor mite!

Stacey, hope little Ruby feels better soon.

Happy Mother's Day everyone! It's my third and I was treated to breakfast, a lovely dinner and hubby taught my daughter to say 'happy mummy day' when she came into our room this morning. So was lovely!
Haha...i just read your message to oh about stacey what you reicieved for mothers day...

His reaction was priceless...lol...good work staceys oh!
Stacey I missed your post about your mothers day present! So lovely!!!xxx
I know I'm so lucky he treated me to a Sunday lunch out too :)
Have a lot to live up to for fathers day!

Ladies with regards to breastfeeding do it for as long as you can and don't let anyone influence your choice. I felt awful when I couldn't breastfeed anymore I'm positive my milk never came in properly. I don't mind that I'm using formula now it is a lot more work sterilising making up flask etc and it's a lot to take when we go it but it does involve oh and gives me a break and he likes that.

With regards to weaning I'm not sure when to start :/ I thought I should wait until she's having a fair bit of milk but she's still on 4oz every 3 hours and she doesn't always take it sometimes it's only 2oz. I did wonder if she was losing interest in her milk and needed something else? She's been on this amount for a while now probably over a month. I'm just not sure. She does watch us eat and puts everything in her mouth so I think she would put the food in her mouth but she's still small and I don't know if she's physically ready.

We might try her in a 2 weeks when she will be 5 months and see what she thinks of it

Aw goat that's so cute for her to say that. Apple I bet you felt awful but I bet your oh felt worse that they messed it up!
Haha apple I like your style making him feel bad aw!

Thanks goat I really was spoilt :)
Apple, as they get older they get more effective at getting milk from the breast hence why they're not on it for as long. :)

Before I had Jake I just assumed I'd feed until 6 months as I thought then you gave them solids and follow on milk. I only realised after he arrived that I don't have to stop at 6 months. So I'm planning on going until 1 (I hope) not keen on wasting money on formula if I can produce milk for free still. If I can (work allowing) ill probably feed him past 1 too. But we'll see what happens, would be nice to do it until 2 as apparently that is what's normal in a lot of countries so they're still getting benefits from it.

Oh Goat, chocolate I don't know what I'd have done if someone said can Jake have some. Even once he's on solids I'm not planning on giving him chocolate for a while. Don't see the point in giving it to him too young. Yes its nice, but it doesn't really have any nutritional benefit and he'll have many more years to enjoy it when he's older!
Yeah its funny how some people think....i will try and avoid giving chocolate till as long as possible, that said im sure its alot harder if you have older siblings

Re bf i can not wait for it to end haha...guess everyone is different! :-). I too was like you mellie, thought it would end at six months
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Are you not enjoying bfing Apple? Stop at 6 months if you're not. No need to put yourself through it otherwise! If I wasn't enjoying it I'd definitely stop. To be honest I'd have probably already stopped.

The only thing I don't like is that I can't just give Jake to Shane or my Mom and do what I want. Well i suppose I can but it takes a lot of forward planning and expressing. Plus I'd constantly worry he wouldn't take the bottle, and obviously I'd have rock hard boobs if he didn't empty them.

Anyway. Here's my cutie pic of Jake yday for NJP and Stacey to see. You Facebook friends of mine will have already seen it! :D


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Hi everyone, it's taken me days and days to catch up with ur convo and see what's been happening. Really need to come on more often As it's so good for advice/support.

Hope u all had a lovely mother's day yesterday ☺

Stacey I know it was a couple of weeks ago apple put ur pic of ruby on but she's so cute, Ariana has the exact same outfit and bouncy chair!

I might have missed it but has anyone been to baby massage & if so how was it? We're starting it on Thurs...

Got the coil fitted today so no more baby's for a couple of years, bellys quite tender, need someone to mother me!!
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Ahh Mellie, he looks so happy in there!

Apple if you're not enjoying BF, you could stop now and solely ff. Then you could share the feeding more with oh, it might help you feel a bit better to get breaks. You don't have to wait until 6 months to stop.

Goat, as if chocolate would be the first thing you give her anyway, regardless of age! I'm planning to avoid giving her sweets until she's had a good chance to try out lots of healthy food. I've heard of babies not taking to things like fruit because it doesn't compare to

I like the fact that I can't hand the baby over becayse of BFing, because my SIL has asked how soon the baby can stay over at hers so BF is a great excuse. She's a relapsed alcoholic so we'll not be having sleepovers any time soon but I can't say 'no because you're a pisshead'!

Apple, so he did have good intentions but the delivery people screwed it up. Glad you got them in the end, I'd have spent the day feeling put out too. Hopefully next year he won't rely on deliveries.
Hi baby booboo! Ooh, imagine having a coil put in would be quite uncomfortable. I had a hysteroscopy last year which is where they thread a camera through the cervix, guess the pain would be similar. You need to relax and eat chocolate all day!
Yeah it was njp but the doctor was very good and quick and so much better than having the implant put in or takin out, when I got it out to start trying to get pg I swore never again, I'm not good with needles and being cut open! Us females go through it all! Haha thanks I will be im in bed now, eating some chocolates from yesterday would love a nap but she's due to wake up.

Re weaning I'm getting so annoyed with my mum and her comments she just doesn't have a clue, why do people always have to get their bit in, would be great to just be left alone to get on with it. Apparently ari is getting far too much milk and should be getting some solids now (this was weeks ago aswell) then last week, "5/6oz? She should be getting 9oz bottles by now..." She gets as much as she wants when she wants!!
Aw thanks baby boo I bet Ariana looks equally as cute. Your mum would have a field day with us Ruby's only on 4oz and she doesn't always take it all.

Ouch I never fancied anything like that I didn't like he idea of something been put into me. I'm good at remembering to take the pill so I'm back on that but apparently it's a cheaper version of the pill I was on before and it doesn't seem to be agreeing with me it's making my skin oily and my periods are all over the place last month I had 3! I'm going to go back to drs just havnt got round to it yet.

Mellie jakes so cute I love his cheeky smile.

Ruby's been really grumpy today. She's had maybe an hour in total of been happy and smiley and the rest of the time if she hasn't been asleep (which hasn't been a lot she's had about 2 30min naps) she's been whingy and crying.
I've tried bongela and given her some paracetamol she's appeared really tired but just doesn't want to have a good sleep. She's just nodded off on me now but I tried to put her down 10mins ago and she woke straight up crying :/ will let her have a mummy cuddle. Going to my dads in half hour for a rest lol he will fuss over Ruby for a bit
I downloaded the wonder app..this weekend. (Periods when our babies have development leaps and therefore likely to be more. Grumpy...) we are in a one now...i think its also known as 4 month regression..so Ruby is probably having a tough development day. interestingly Imogen has been a bit grumpy today and i have given her calopol twice...(although i moan about her alot she is generally only bad in the evenings)

We actually had a good evening with her tonight...she self settled really well in her cot :-) ...middle of night feed was a different story, actually ended up swaddling her (first time) as everytime i out her down she would wake her self up flinging arms in the air.

The reason not giving up on bf...(we are currently combination, she takes 5oz a day of formula..given at night) is because Imogen clearly prefers it and uses it as a comforter...whilst i would prefer routine of bottlefeeding and the shareing...I do see the benefits..knowing you can comfort her immediately and its easier..i think if i was to have another baby inwould definately bottlefeed.
This is meant to be one of the worst wonder weeks (and the longest!) So we'll all be struggling soon of not already!

Last night was terrible, Jake woke up loads. Tonights not been so bad so far. At 9pm he went down properly and he only woke up at 1.30 for his first feed. But will have to see how the rest of the night pans out......

I think it's easier to comfort because of breastfeeding.....I can just pop him on the boob and 9 times out of 10 he's happy again. It's also been a God's send recently as it helps relieve/distract him from the pain of his teething. The sharing side only bothers me occasionally like when I have other stuff to do or if OH is off work and I'd like to sleep. In the day it would annoy me bottle feeding as I'd have to get it all ready on my own, plus it seems like so much hassle when out and about. Plus knowing me I'd have ended up going out at least once by now and either forgetting to take a bottle or being out longer than expected and not having enough! Haha

Apple, I'm sure if you really wanted to mainly/exclusively bottle feed then if you slowly reduced her bfs and replaced them gradually she'd accept it. She can obviously sleep ok without being breastfed as she does it at night for you.
To be honest im too tired to even make a stragegy todo it...and will stick with how we are for now..

She takes the bottle from my oh..,if she is half a sleep, otherwise she wimpers and cries, your right though babies are extremely adaptable so such it would work out...but withthe night settling issue have enough on plate to throw something else on the table.

My ideal /plan was to bf till xmas..i phone hv to ask to help me plan how to do it., and they just told me to carry on with b...i wish i had the strength to say no this is what i want...but even now im torn as the whole breast is bestsings in my ear..if anything i can see more pros in bf than i did)
Hi babybooboo hope you're ok. Rather you than me having that fitted. Ive chosen to stay off contraception (we use condoms on the extremely rare occasion that we have sex) i just like having my body natural and not having to rely on memory for the pill. I dont want anything in me either the thought makesme feel queasy :-/

Apple sorry you're not enjoying it much it is very hard at times but i think once imogen is past this regression and sleeps better u will feel different about it. That being said you must speak up if you need help advice or support. I dont think u seem the type to do so though. Might be wrong though. Just dont kind of suffer or worry in silence hun. To be fair i never think u really moan loads about imogen just normal talks about sleep issues as we all have.

Think faith is xoming out the other side of it now as the last 2 nights shes gone down at 9 and only been up for a feed at 4:30 yay haha. So there is hope for all of you!!! I know shes older than ur babies but because it goes off due date and she was early think it makes them all relatively similar in corrected age doesnt it?

Njp sorry but made me chuckle about the piss head thing ha.
Found out that at christening when faith was unsettled mil told hubby to give her whiskey!!!!!! What the actual fcuk!!!! Fuming. Luckily he took her away from his mum n brought her to mefor a feed but theres another reason why i wouldnt trust them alone with her as if had overnight n wouldnt settle think they would do that without telling me. Not putting my baby at risk ever!!!!!

Also another little rant. My friend is pregnant and my other friend just toldme they were talking baby names and she has said if boy calling him stanley. A couple years ago i lost my grandad to cancer we were very close and he was like a father to me in the absence of my dad (his son) i lived with himandmy nan too. Still find it so hard that he is not here. Anyway his name was stanley and i said if i have aboy i will call him noah stanley. My friend knows all this yet has said that to my other friend. Im livid!! But am i being unreasonable? I honestly feel like if she calls him stan i will not be able to have her in my life anymore may sound pathetic but its just how strongly i feel about this.
Be as honest as u like inur opinions girls i dont mind maybe i do sound like a nutter.
I totally understand where you're coming from with the name thing. I'd be a little pissed off myself but I'd still probably see her, or at least try to and see how it goes. If you have a boy it's not like you'll be referring to him as Noah Stanley. Jake's middle name is John, I already knew if my brother was to ever have a boy then his middle name would be John too. However neither of us really mind. Same as if we have a girl her middle name will be Susan, my brothers daughters middle name is Bobbie-Sue. I suppose that's different though as they are all family names. Does she just like Stanley or is it a family name for her too?

Apple, you've given Imogen the "best" part of breastfeeding already. The first few days are the most important.

I'm not on any contraception either. I'm a bit paranoid incase it reduces my supply because I keep hearing stories about it! We still haven't had sex since Jake was born....oops.....

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