*** November 2014 Mum's ***

He wanted to take me, his mom and my mom out on sunday. So he rang his mom and she said his sisters had mentioned doing something similar. So hes been waiting all week to hear off one of them. So yday he said why dont we just go out this afternoon instead of Sunday (as I said by now everywhere will be fully booked) so he rang his mom and she couldn't come because she was spending the day running errands for one of his sisters. Then his other sister finally rang him about Sunday and hadn't even thought about everywhere being fully booked she thought they'd just be able to walk in somewhere and they'd instantly find a table for 7 adults and 4 children. Umm nope.

Jake was terrible last night he woke up like every hour between 1-5. Not fun for me at all. Dosed him up on medicine again and he finally slept for a little bit.
That's crap! Is there any likelihood of getting somewhere for just you three and your mum?

I don't do anything big for my mum, she's not bothered about mother's day, I just send a card. I don't want much myself, not presents or anything, just acknowledgement. And when she's old enough, a handmade card.

I have attempted to coordinate her today, but although she's in all yellow, they're all different shades and they don't complement! It would look better if she had her other yellow cardie on but mil is popping in and she always comments when the baby is wearing my mum's cardies rather than hers. So I've put mils yellow cardie on. Will change it when we go out ;) It's her own fault really, I told my mum & mil what kind of colours & styles I liked but my MIL didn't listen.

Hope you got some more sleep when Jake did. Frankie, as predicted, had a lovely mid morning snooze but I didn't join her.
Jake hasn't slept much today, we went to ikea in coventry and he had a little snooze on the way there but thats about it. His napping is so bad. :( Going to attempt to get him to bed and then eat my dinner tonight, will see how that goes.

My moms not bothered about mothers day or most occasions really, I always like to do special things though as she's on her own most of the time and my brothers so rubbish at these things so its down to me.

Think I'm getting breakfast made for me tomorrow too, Shane wanted to pop into Asda and then he wouldn't let me see what was in the bags.

Frankies got loads of hand knitted stuff hasn't she? We got given a lovely hand knitted cardi but it was red with heart shaped buttons so I've never actually put him in it. Was so pretty though.
How adorable does he look in this by the way? Wasn't allowed to buy it though, Shane said he looked like an old man (but clearly thr cutest old man ever!)


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Ah that's so cute!

Frankie has so many hand knitted cardies. My MIL did 3, my wife's auntie did 3 and I think my mum has done about 10 so far, plus one pair of knitted trousers, one pair of knitted frilly knickers(!), and several hats, gloves and socks. It's such a shame that some of the early ones barely got worn as they hardly fitted to start with.

I doubt I'm getting breakfast since she's working, don't think the step kids will bother! I usually get a card off them though.

MIL popped round and Frankie was a right arse! I was saying how cheerful she is and how much she babbles, but for the entire visit she just scowled and cried!
Haha njp she might be trying to tell the mil something!
The smiles in a morning are so nice Ruby's been waking up like this for pas month or so I love it!

Omg knitted things we got so many things! Some nicer than others. My Nanna even bought some knitted things I was like no you really didn't have to! I do try out her in things tho like you njp when there going to see the people.

I like to take a pic of her in outfits people have bought and send them a pic. My Nanna also got her this really frilly pink dress and tights combo. Now I like frilly and pink but this was something else. I put her in it and sent her a pic she loved it and said how cute she looked! Hehe one happy Nanna. Ruby did enjoy eating the frills on it tho but she got changed when we went for a walk cos a frilly dress just wouldn't do in a pram suit :/

Mellie that hat is super cute I would have bought it anyway! That would be lovely if he has got you a canvas. We made my mum a canvas it says 'love' the l and e are painted on, the o is my nephews hand print and the v is Ruby and my nieces footprint :)

My oh is doing breakfast on bed too cos he asked what I would like lol!
He's taken Ruby off somewhere jut now he says someone has given him an idea and he's going to do something he doesn't get to do cos he's at work...?! I said there won't be any play groups on at this time lol!
That's nice that your step kids get you a card. I had one last year off the dog! Haha

We tend to take pictures of him in outfits people buy too, then send them a pic so they know that he definitely wears them. The girls who's going to be his godmother works at George and she keeps buying him loads of things. She brought him a few things yday and then today she's sent me pictures of more stuff she's seen and wants to get him. Not complaining though as she actually picks out all the nice stuff :)

Ahh stacey that sounds lovely what you've got your mom. Mine would love something like that, but then I know she'd moan because her house is a mess and she'll have no where to hang it. Definitely going to keep in mind something like that for if she ever does decorate!

I'm intrigued to know where your OH has taken Ruby, do tell when you find out yourself!
From the dog!! Haha what a clever thoughtful dog! My dog never gets me one lol

My mum has a canvas wall so it will go nicely on there.

That's great of your friend, what a fab friend!

I will let you know :)
HELP!! Imogen must of been crying now for the last hour...im so fed up...why am i messing her up??

Yes our dog is very clever, he knows how to use a pen and everything! Haha

Apple, don't be so silly you're not messing her up. I know exactly how you feel, Jake keeps being like that too. If he cries for too long my answer is normally calpol which does seem to work. All our babies are due to go through a wonder week soon, so don't be surprised if she's fussier than normal.
It's not you, Apple! Babies do that sometimes and it's nothing to do with what you're doing. I say to Frankie to tell me in proper English, fancy being born without an effective communication system! It could be teething, even if you can't feel teeth under the gum they can still be hurting.

Has she calmed down any yet?
Apple we've all been there don't blame yourself. Ruby's been really creating for my hubby everytime she's upset and he blames himself I keep telling him it's nothing he's done.

Can your oh take over so you can go out of the house for 10mins?

I gave Ruby some baby paracetamol tonight she's still got a bad cough and is sniffly like me and oh we've been taking things and it hit me that I hadn't really given Ruby anything. You could try that or calpol incase she has some pain.

I hope she's settles soon for you
She settled at 10pm...oh was with me the whole time he is amazingand dont think i could be without him..my oh had offered to do last night and deal with her all alone, but it wasnt fair to leave him. But i did breakdown..

I guess we had high expectations..we had bought a curry, wine and chocolates...and planned so well..we had kept her awake since 3:30, first cue of tiredness we took her up, bath, fed, changed, etc (whatever routine we have forget order right now) and she was fast asleep mid book, so put her in cot (which we had heated and had towells looped round) trusty ewan sheep on..and she settled straight away.

Great back downstairs wine open and start to relax. (7:30) .lthen the red lights on monitor go and the crying started... Its at this point it all goes wrong and couldnt settle her..we tried everything...calpol, controlled crying, more milk, boob, moving the cot. So distressing..she eventually settled on boob at avout 10pm..

For me its the loss of the evening...i had to go to sleep and had rice cakes for dinner with water( a i was tired and it just makes nights feed so much harder if i havent. Had a decent amount of sleep!

Need to come up with another plan.
Stacey stupid questions whats difference between paracetmol and calpol?

Hope everyone has lovely mothers days! Eekk our first how exciting
Oh no apple sorry u had such a bad time of it although keeping her awake wouldnt have helped. They say sleep breeds sleep so perhaps if tired earlier u should have let her nap :-/ i just let faith sleep when she sleeps and try to fit in around her in an evening for tea etc. It usually means that she goes down for at least a few hours at first although her sleep is wrecked at the min last night was awful but she didnt have proper sleeps in the day really.
Anyway just a suggestion as at times everything is worth a go.
Hope u get a rest today and a better night tonight.

Happy mothers day to you all especially those of us for whom it is our first!:) have a lovely day ladies x
The thing thats seems to of made the biggest difference is moving the cot to the centre of the room away from walls! In desperation we put the cot exactly where we used to put the moses basket as she used to settle so well..obviously cot is much bigger and now we have to squeese around it..but we are that desperate. She seems alot happier waking with smiles rather than tears and scared. I dont know whether i want this to be the solution or not as it makes the room virtually unuseable and i had spend time putting things on wall and getting it all nice
Thats strange! I put a blankie in that smells like me perhaps give that a try is she at the wall and near u in bed?
Well I got the best gift ever from Frankie! A lie in! After two early feeds, she took her dummy at 7.30am and went back to sleep & we didn't wake again until 10. She also gave me a card & chocolate, but that might be because I drove my wife to asda last night, told her to get her mum a card & I waited in the car. She had completely forgotten so if I hadn't done that I'd have gone without.

She is currently snoring in her bouncy chair next to me, noisy baby.

Apple, it might just have been a bad night. She probably sensed that you'd planned a nice evening. Frankie did that when I had baked camembert, by the time she'd settled my lovely camembert had solidified. Hope tonight is easier.

Calpol can either be paracetamol or ibuprofen, I think. I have unbranded versions of both, only used paracetamol so far. Giving it is awkward, I gave her some when she was crying and I think she inhaled some she was coughing and spluttering, like when food goes down the wrong way, I felt so bad.
Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Apple I have no idea probably just the label on the bottle ha. At least she settled in the end they are funny things these babies we will never know what they are thinking.

Aw njp a lie in that is a fab pressie hehe and at least your oh got you something did you give her the Chocs you bought or are they in your secret stash?

Well oh had been to his mums last night and was doing some hand painting with Ruby to make me a card. I cried when I read it! It's the best thing ever. It's a plant pot with her hands coming out to look like flowers with her photo in the middle and the message he's wrote is lovely.
I also got breakfast made would have been in bed but Ruby woke me crying- she didn't have a great night again cried a bit in her sleep like little whimpers and wanted lots of cuddles
I also got some gorge flowers, wine, chocolates and a massage and facial voucher which I am
So looking forward to! :)
Calpol is paracetamol. It's just the brand name for it. Same as Nurofen is ibuprofen.

Hope you all had a lovely mothers day, we had a terrible night, but I have to forgive him because he always looks so cute when he wakes up.

Stacey your OH sounds lovely, cant believe he got her to make a card. What a sweetie.

We've been to OHs mothers today. She asked if I'd given Jake solids yet I said no I'm waiting till 6 months and then she then started going on saying OH had solids at 3 months and he turned out ok. Made me so angry. I was being so diplomatic talking to her telling her my reasons and how research has come out "recently" and stuff.

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