*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Njp..great news about the tooth, fingers crossed it will make things easier.

Mellie..oh how exciting about the suit...have you tried it on..its so nice getting parcels in the post.

I did try to escape her...joined waterbabies with just one of the nct girls and then two weeks later she rocks up....i have two other baby groups that she doesnt go to ...im really hoping she doesnt join...

My reaction was complete silence...i was shocked and i feel what ever i say would be taken the wrong way so kept quite..the other girl defended me by saying its only natural to want to protect your baby ( i suspect she was thinking it was a slight attack on her) i hate it, its like being at school again...plan is to just back off from her.
Yes the suit is lovely. Not tried it on him yet as he's had his injections today so he's been a bit hit and miss all afternoon. Got him to sleep now though. I really like this replacement pushchair they've given us. I don't want our old one back this one is so much nicer :(

Anyway hoping the suit will fit ok, it's a next one so the waistband is adjustable. Might just be that the leg length is a little long. But can always roll them up.

I normally go to sleep not long after Jake. Take him up feed him, he finally goes to sleep about 8 and then I tend to go about 9-9.30 ish. Might change it though so that I take him up to bed at 6 so then hopefully he's asleep by 7. Then come downstairs have our dinner then go up to bed about 9-9.30. Just a bit worried incase we try and do that but then he doesn't settle so then I'm stuck starving with a crying baby.

Is she following you or something apple? I assume she has very few other friends, don't know why anyone would want to be friends with someone as vile as that. Just a shame as you seem to like the other girls, and obviously you don't know many other people down there.

You just need to try and ignore everything she says to the best of your ability. You're doing better than me though. I'd have probably ended up crying infront of her and avoiding all of them by now if I was you.
This is his suit by the way. :D


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Oh wow gender envy lol! He is going to look so cute in that mellie...i bet you cant wait!

The thing is she is really nice to everyone else and actually alot closer to them than me...which in the early hours when sleep deprived makes me look at myself...the only thing i can think to rationalise /justify her behaviour towards me is her journey to having a baby. Her little one was ivf on the second attempt the first attempt ended in misscarriage, she was trying for 3 years and spent £20k...me i concieved straight awayboth times (misscarriage in feb 2014) ...we also gave birth a day apart and were in hospital together...mine was the c-section i wanted, hers was a horrendous experience which i think she still is having pains from so her recovery was alot harder..so i wonder if its just been a gradual build up of resentment over time...
Her baby screams alot and mine doesnt kind of thing...bare in mind this has happened/developed in first three months of having new borns, lack of support , sleep etc can takes its toll. Ontop of that she has moved house i. This time, so muct be hard...

Btw mellie whats the latest on your house move!
My inlaws put there house on the market this week.(they are planning to move to devon to be closer to us)..they are so excited about moving, but i find it funny how they think they will have it sold by the weekend..last night his mum phoned to ask for a removal recommendation!!
Yes he is going to look adorable, I cannot wait. Just can't decide whether to bother with "shoes" or not. At the moment he just wears socks all the time as shoes are too much bother. But not sure if it'll look funny with socks and a suit.

I wouldn't try and think of justifications for her behaviour. If those are her reasons then she's still sad and pathetic if you ask me. It's hardly your fault that she had all that difficulty. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she's jealous of the support you have from your OH, especially as she's mentioned that before.

There isn't any news really on the house at the moment. Our mortgage got audited by Halifax because of OHs credit history. It's all gone through ok now though. The valuation is booked for Monday. Then once thats done I can pay the solicitors and then I imagine it will all happen fairly quickly. Fingers crossed.

That's nice that your in laws want to move closer. Sometimes houses sell really fast so you never know. Just depends if the right people are looking I suppose. Even then though they'll have to search for the right place too.
She might have had a hard time but no need to take it out on you!

I think shoes, mellie. I don't normally think babies need shoes on an outfit but I think the suit needs them tbh, to finish it off.

Frankie has been wearing a terribly clashing outfit today! Her wardrobe has changed now she can't wear footed things and I'm not quite on top of it yet. She was wearing leggings with black, yellow and red stripes and a cardie with orange, green, purple and pink in. Oh and a cream vest with navy spots!

Will you be pleased to have the in laws nearby, Apple? I wish my mum was closer. I always imagined her having a close relationship to my child and it's hard with her being so far away. I value our relationship more than I did 5-10 years ago and wish we were 'popping in for a cup of tea' distance.
HaHa re in laws..time will tell, i wish it was my mum moving closer but hey ho...the advantages out weigh negative..more help, more love for imogen and surely i wont have tospend christmas with them now because.."we see you all the time, its only time we get off work to see my side of family" :-) anyone buying that line?

Now njp...i hope you ddn'tleave the house with Frankie today wearing clashing clothes?!?:-) to think the shame of it..:-) i went to exeter today and used my 40% off voucher at gap..got a really cute summer hat and lots of leggings.mlet us know if anyone wants the email, forwarded ro them, although i think its easy to sign up.

Made the mistake of going into jojo maman shop which have lovely baby grows £15 for one though ouch...i just looked and didnt touch!

Tonight was a massive fail..bedtime routine goes so well right up untill the time we put in the cot...i started the bath and routine at 6:30 we have only just put her down at 9:50pm...we need super nanny...im sure we are doing something simple wrong we are just clueless...allshe wants is to fall asleep on the breast (but that cant be a long term plan..otherwise i can never leave her) anyway..at least she is asleep now
Oh I've seen some lovely baby grows at that sort of price but the idea of paying that! For something that will last 3 months and get poo stained!

Is it too early for her perhaps? If Frankie falls asleep on me and wakes up when I put her down it usually means she's not that sleepy. But when she's into her proper night sleep she'll not wake at all when I move her.

She did go out like that but under her carrycot cover. I don't care though, my favourite hat of hers clashes with my favourite blanket but I take her out all the time in them. She looks like a paint factory exploded on her half the time! It's weird because I don't wear bright colours myself, just black, purple & maroon really.

Are your parents very far away? I've suggested my mum gets a railcard and does day trips to me sometimes but she's not keen. She doesn't travel well. We had our wedding reception on a boat and she was green the entire night! Most of my family were, geordies mustn't be good at sea!
No they are an hour and half...we tend to meet in exeter, although next week they are coming to me as my mum and me are doing a first aid course. Railcard is good idea for your mum.

Love the idea of frankie dressed as a 'paint factory' in all serious i bet she looks fab in all those bright colours ..you caan probably get away with it.

Most my baby grows i feel i got good wear out of them, maybe because i tumble dried them they looked like they were on there last legs/or well worn. The only things that feel a waste and hardly worn have been pram suits...she has out grown two already the 0-3 feels like she must of worn twice.

Thats interesting njp..your experience to putting frankie down seems similar toimogen..ie..i do tend to know the minute i put her down whether its going to work or not...
Aw the suits lovely mellie. I think it's up to you about the shoes it might finish the suit off but you could pay alot for something he will wear once? Suppose they will be in photos tho.

There are benefits of having in laws close both mine and ohs parents live 2mins away in the car and we can easily walk to both In about 15mins. My in laws are childminders so Ruby will be with them when I go back to work. I do worry about how my mum will feel about them seeing her all the time tho. But my parents will see her more on an evening which could make it difficult because in laws will still want to see her on an evening as they will have other children during the day. Argh

Ruby did well again at bed asleep in Moses basket just after 8 and woke at 3, but then woke at 5 and just wanted a cuddle. Then got up at 6.45. I've just sat her in her bouncy chair whilst I have my breakfast and she's fallen asleep! Someone has defo swapped my baby lol she never used to fall asleep on her own without crying and needing rocking/cuddling to sleep!

I'm full of cold :/ my whole body's aching. Ruby's still got a cold and my oh has got a bit of one too. Only going out of the house for baby massage will chill the rest of the day. It's snowing again too!

Might be having some professional photos done of Ruby tomorrow. People know my love of photos and a few people bought us photo shoots. Going to do a 'watch me grow' shoot where they the her picture at 4,8,12 months and then put a pic from each in a frame.
We were also bought a large picture so going to have a family shot at 12 months for that. My house will be full of photos before she's even one! Lol
Pram suits were definitely a wasted purchase of mine. Perhaps if we didn't drive they'd have got more use. We only brought 1 (but we're given 3 others all in 0-3) and I think he wore one about twice. Going to have to contemplate getting the 6-9 month clothes out soon, tops especially. Trousers and babygrows I can probably manage with 3-6 for a while longer.

Think I will get shoes, nothing expensive though. I'll just see if I can spot anything in Asda or somewhere similar.

Not sure I could cope if my mom lived as far away as some of yours. I don't see her loads but its nice to know that she's there for anything if I need her.
I just had to share: my Mother's Day has started early. My oh takes Ruby out for an hour so I can have a nice bath, then he comes back with a gorgeous bunch of flowers from Ruby.

I had just spoken to my mum on the phone and said I wasn't feeling well and my nephew was there baking buns, I asked him to save me one. 10 minutes later he turns up holding a tub with buns in and a pressie from my mum and says 'auntie aren't you feeling well. These will make you feel better' aw such a cutie!

I'm very lucky :)
Ah stacey you do have a goodun! And a lovely family.sorry your feeling crap.

Im somtired today..imogen is again struggling to go to sleep..i really just want to switch off..i wish i had a nanny
I kept the labels on my pram suit and ended up taking it back for a voucher. Didn't use it once. I ended up with so much knitted stuff I could use instead, including knitted overtrousers!

Stacey, that sounds lovely! Wonder what he's going to do for the actual day. That's sweet of your nephew too, what a sweet little boy!

I've got some 6-9 vests in rotation now. I still use the 3-6 but with extenders, but that's a lot to do with bulky cloth nappies.

I don't think mother's day will come to much here, aside from anything else, my wife is working all day. She hasn't even bought her mum anything yet and she's working all day tomorrow, so I'm not holding out much hope that she's remembered to get me anything :-/
Ahh stacey your OH and family sound lovely :)

My OH picked up my present today. i think it's a canvas of one of jakes pics. Which will look lovely in the new house :) We were meant to be going out for a meal on Sunday but OHs sisters have messed that up!

I dont understand how Jake is outgrowing all his clothes already. Hes on the 50th line for height and weight. It makes no sense!!
Mellie when did you last get his length meaured...he may have jumped off that line..Imogen was 50th for both height and weight she is now 91 for height and 55 for weight...does seem weird otherwise..

Mellie you sound like you have a well trained oh..

Njp..i think i will have a similar experience, have deliberately not mentioned anything to see what happens :-)... I thi i will get a card. Out of interest will you give your wife a card tomorrow? Or fathers day?!?
I did wonder if he'd jumped lines so I got them to do his length when he was last weighed 2 weeks ago and he was still on the 50th.

Jake was a nightmare to get to sleep last night. Started at 6.30 and he eventually went to sleep just after 10. His teeth are really hurting him, he just kept randomly screaming for no apparent reason. Was trying to get him to sleep without giving him calpol (as we've had to the past few nights) but it wasn't working so had to give in.
Aw stacey i had that its horrid hope ur better soon faith is still quite snuffly from hers :-/

Im close by my mum which is great and her not working fridays means we spend every fri together and she will have faith on fridays (need to find part time job for like thurs and fri)
Re inlaws i dont ever plan on them having her!!

Mellie what have his sisters done to screw up ur meal out?

Apple hope ur ok i agree dont try to justify her actions shes just a nasty bitch! Hope she doesnt join waterbabies!!

Njp i hope ur wife surprises u. Did u decide to get her a card and present from frankie in the end?

My nights arent great 2 get ups back to night feeds but hooefully will settle back down soon. Apparently im gettung breakfast in bed tomorrow but thats all i know so far so will be interesting to hear what we all get ha
I've bought her a card and box of chocolates from Frankie just in case. But I bought chocolates I like so if I don't get anything, I'll add them to my chocolate stash and eat them when she's out! I'm planning to just ignore father's day, at least until school age.

Mellie, how come you're not getting a meal out now? As for the clothes, I just think different brands are different sizes. Most of my stuff is supermarket stuff and she quickly outgrows it, but we have some nice M&S baby grows given as a gift and they're much bigger, by several cm. Poor Jake, hope his teeth settle soon. I sympathise with him after last week.

Frankie has taken to waking me with happiness the last few mornings. She feeds around 4 then around 6 so I'd like to sleep in a bit but around 7.30 she has other ideas and wakes me with loud shouts but when I look, she's smiling and kicking. She's not hungry, just awake. I try ignoring her by shoving the dummy in and letting her lie silently but she just shouts with the dummy in her mouth. It's cute, but I'd just like an extra hour to snooze! She'll nod off again mid morning while I look on jealously!

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