*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I didn't even think of asking them to look on the computer to order one with the discount! Can I still blame baby brain!!? Ha

Tbh I don't know for defo which one we want so I was more hoping to test them at the show.

The decongester was ok she didn't cry like I thought she would it kinda just brought the snot down her nose so I could then wipe it with a tissue but I thought it would have gone into the tube. My friend said she got one with a long pipe thingy and you do the sucking and she found that a lot better than the bulb type one that I've got. I'll let you know how I get on when I use it next time.

I was saying I thought it would be hard to get Ruby into her cot- well she's surprised me today she's had a 20min and a 35min nap in her cot! First time I put her down awake but whingy put her mobile on and it took her 12mins and some eating of her blanket to fall asleep. The second time took a few attempts and she did stir a few times. I used a cellular blanket and tucked in under her matress to give her a snug feeling. When I went up to get her she has wriggled that much wanting to get up she had managed to get her feet out of the blanket! May have to do it tighter next time.
I also made sure the room was dark. Hardest part was keeping the dog out of her room! I hope it wasn't just a one off
I tried a nap in the cot this afternoon..massive fail..even after being exhausted from waterbabies.
Keep trying apple a few weeks ago Ruby was having none of it! She woke as soon as I put her down. She's had 3 short naps in it today 20/30 mins and has just gone to bed now in her Moses basket. Her teeth are really bothering her today I'm hoping she's not going to be as sniffly tonight.

How's the water babies going? Does Imogen like it and what does she wear?
I just bought some swimming knickers today to go over a swim nappy I'm hoping this is right lol!
You tried to nap in the cot surely you're a little big for that apple ;)

Yeh it was better for pre baby and expensive to eat, did i not say those things in my post cant remember what disappeared that time when i had to write it all again :-/

Faith went from moses basket to crib so she was used to the layout and space more than just moses basket to cot.
Shes still quite restless during the night and ewan seems to help her settle but i wonder if shes just a wriggly sleeper haha.

Hoping for an even better night tonight although we are about to hit the thunder cloud on the wonder weeks chart anyone else follow that? (I dont really take too much notice of it to be honest though)
Jake starts swimming lessons today! :) not water babies as they wanted £13.50 a lesson, it's a local swimming group instead that uses the pool at my old primary school. Lessons only cost £6 so less than half the price :)

I think/hope that we've had the thunder cloud a little early. As last week his sleeping was terrible but this week it's not been too bad. I hope it'll stay this way but only time will tell.
Oh I didn't hear back off that seller of the suit so eBay have issued a full refund! :)

Lying here feeding Jake wondering what the strange noises are coming from outside. There's two cats outside making some weird noises to each other.
Cats do make weird noises theyre always at it round here ha.

Great u got a good refund but make sure u report here and leave bad feedback thats awful she doing that !!

Much better night last night earlier to bed and only woke at 4 then down again til 7:45 ish. :) happy with that ha she still so snuffly though do u think i should see someone about it as its been over a week now??
What week is the thunder cloud meant to strike?

We're not doing swimming lessons just going to take Ruby ourselves, think we're going at Easter
Yep already left her bad feedback. Ordered another suit now, identical to the last one. Pretty certain its not the same person though, but had to pay more for it.

We were going to take Jake ourselves, but the public baths are all freezing round here. probably take him to them once its warmed up a little.
Week 17 stacey. :-/

Glad u managed find another one then!
Thats good mellie about ebay playsuit.

We may be having the best evening yet..little one went downat 7:30...we had an evening together horahhh

Also she took a bottle off me today, never really does and it was beautiful, she was all sleepy just before, she always needs a little top up and oh usually gives it to her...but he was still at work so i had to give it to her and she took it without complaint she was starving bless her..i just loved every moment..hope i remember it forever!
Aw that's fab apple! I hope it continues

Ruby's still not settling for my oh on a night he will bath her and she's finally taking her bottle straight away for him but when that's finished she just cries and screams until she has a cuddle from me, then she will fall asleep on me with very little crying, it's getting to oh a bit. I'm out at bedtime tonight so he will have to do it all, it might go ok cos im not actually there.

I wonder if this is linked to the 17week development, were in the 17th week.

She did sleep from 8pm to almost 4am tho! She got up at 7am I hope this continues!
Wow great night apple u sound so happy too how lovely. Hope she slept well through the night for u.

Stacey thats good too. We are getting better here (until now that is haha) but shes going down earliercnow we are at 9pm.

Aw bet she be ok coz cant smell u or anything. Think faith cried a bit but soon settled when she realised it was nige or nothing ha poor thing. How was she in the end?
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Stacey your post rings true with our situation...

Yesterday was a day of highs and lows....

Lows first
Imogen was a nightmare going to bed again. She cried and cried..,finally got her down around 10pm having started at 6:22pm
Me and john argued generally shit night.
Other low was met up with nct girls again and mean girl was there...all started well with me thinking it was all in my head, then about five mins before the end she came up with a classic..
Background.,in the early days i went to the docs with Imogen virtually every week...docs were always very good and had a genuine issues i think the last i went was back in jan and was worried she had something and doc gave me a little form to read advising when to ring doctors when to go to a and e and ehen not to bother etc...i genuninely was able to laugh at situation and laugh at self...anyway fastforward a month or two later to yesterday and the girl said to me...when we were discussing going to doctors.."i think your behavour was disgusting and its because of People like you that the nhs is on its knees and taxes are so high."

It has had me in tears most of the evening its such a mean thing to say...i would also like to say pre pregnancy that i never went to the doctors and i hve always had a job and paid taxes..., in my defense each time i had a genuine concern with imogen and i guess in hindsight i needed reassurance and support..its such ridiculous statement that i should just laugh..but i guess my confidence is not great at the moment and with such stressful evenings and long lonely noghts those comments replay over and over in your mind.

Any way enough of the lows...
The high...imogen rolled over yesterday (3 times in total) it was lovey..even got the last two times on video! Had no idea she was even close to doing it.
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Oh apple I really wish I could give you a hug! You really shouldn't think like that, you shouldn't have to justify yourself to anyone! If you are concerned about your baby then you take her to the drs. If people like this mean women were more supportive and helpful they may be able to give you some of the reassurance and support your seeking.

I wouldn't meet with the full group anymore you really don't need to listen to it she's not someone you need in your life.

I took Ruby to the dr when she had a cold it hadn't gone for almost 2 weeks so we wanted it checking. The dr was lovely about it but there wasn't anything they could give her. Like you I'm not one to go to drs a lot and pay my taxes so if I want an app I will ring for one.

On the bedtime struggle could you be trying to settle her too early? I don't know your general routine and pattern but I found with Ruby we were assuming it was time for bed and almost forcing her to go to sleep which made her cry more. We kinda go with her cues now when she starts to get whingy around 7ish we will bath her sometimes it can be 6.45 sometimes 7.30 then give her a bottle and cuddle to sleep.
You may already be doing this it's just a suggestion.

That great about rolling over!! And even better you caught it on camera! The amount of times I've thought Ruby's about to roll over so got the camera out then no lol!

Ruby settled ok for her dad, wouldn't take her bottle after bath tho cos we were out at my nephews it was his birthday and she has a bottle at 6-15. So was too soon or more milk. She fell asleep but woke about 20mins later cuddle and bottle. When I got in at 9.15 she was fast asleep and slept til 2 then til 5.30 and got up at 6.15 argh! She's since had a 40min kip woke for milk and has flaked out across my knee lol!

Rhythm time again today....meeting some lovely people, then going to join the library- well Ruby is hehe
Oh apple, she really is vile. I think in the early days its kind of expected to have concerns and worries as you have this brand new little child and its all so new. If they came with a manual of whats normal and not it would be so much easier! Haha

Sometimes we have evenings like that with Jake, clearly he's tired but he just wont go down. Ar the moment my solution tends to be either calpol or bonjela and normally after a little bit he goes to sleep (not sure if thats because it helps or just a coincidence.)

Bonjela is currently my best friend though. Still no sign of any teeth but obviously his gums are hurting him. Poor little thing.

Fabulous news about the rolling over, especially that you got it on camera. Jake hasn't done it again since last week. So annoying as Shane wants to see it.
Firstly wow well done imogen:) thats fantastic. Still no sign of rolling for us but a very wriggly baby ha.

Secondly i want to come down to see you so i can meet this woman what a horrible thing to say. She is full of crap anyway its not people like uat all ur a ftm worried about ur baby ive done the same and they say before 4 months old u should take them to be seen.

I know its not fair if u dont socialize with them again as u do like the others but for ur own sanity dont go out with them again.
Did none of the other girls say anything? What did u say?
Hope ur ok hun what a stupid insensitive and generally nasty woman!!
Jakes suit has arrived!! Yayyyy!!! (The second one that is! Haha)
Oh yey mellie are you happy with it?

Attempting a nap in the cot again she looks to happy when I lay her there lol!
Tuesday she laid in there awake for about an hour! I kept going to check on her and she still hadn't fallen asleep but wasn't making a sound so I just left her until eventually she got a bit fed up and started to whinge
Apple that woman sounds like a cow. I know it's easier said than done but ignore her comments, she's just a nasty bitch. Can you start arranging to meet up with some of the others in one on one or smaller groups? Or are you close enough to one of the others to ask what they think of what she says?

Mellie, we'll need a picture of Jake in the suit! Glad you got you money back on the other one.

You all seem to have some sort of bedtime routine going on, I don't! I still just take her UK with me, I have tea in bed and feed her & put her into her night nappy one the bed, all around 10-11ish. I suppose I should start doing something about getting an earlier evening routine in place soon but I like her being downstairs of an evening.

Good news on the rolling over, think I've got a while to wait for that, she's just relearning to kick her legs with the bar on. She's had to learn to kick both at the same time. However, I have managed to get her to lift her head for tummy time, finally!

I had my tooth out, it's a bit uncomfortable but miles better than the pain of last week, I feel human again. Don't know how people cope with chronic pain conditions.

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