*** November 2014 Mum's ***

My OH took Jake out for two hours this morning. I got to have a little lie in (couldn't sleep) so then I had a bath with my free time. Rest of today he hasn't done much with him though and just left him to me which is a little annoying when I want to do things.

Calpol is always my answer when Jakes crying for no reason. Although tonight I opened the bonjela and that appears to have helped too.

Can't be nice for Frankie having a big boot on her foot though.

Apple I have heard of babies not liking sleeping bags if you dont introduce them at the right time. Jakes been in his since birth so he doesn't know any different.
Yes i think may have missed boat...my sister might be getting aload of sleeping bags off my at this rate...will get a light wait one to try, but she seems to have a massive issue everytime we put anything on legs to restrict there movement, obviously been in undersized sleepsuits one too many times.
Jake can still move his legs about. Its funny because it makes him look like a mermaid. I'd say just keep persevering with it, try putting them on when she's not sleepy to get used to it a little.

Jakes only woke up once so far tonight. Leaky boobs because of it though!!
Haha mellie, no that feeling.

Our night was terrible 2nd worse night we have had. She went to sleep 8pm-2:30am (oh fed her a bottle 1am which she quitely went back to sleep if she ever really woke at all.) so far so good..then she woke at 2:30 and 3:30,5:30 and 6:30 and i definately saw the time with 4somethingnso i saw every hour last night.

Fx it will be one of these things that improves with time
Having to write this all again I'm so pissed off with this phone it's a piece of crap argh!!!!!

Oh I am still so full of it I'm fed up worst cold ever (obviously not helped by lack of sleep) Faith is full of it still too so snuffly all night and restless then when she does sleep I can't and just lay there. Last night was because I had a lot of pain in my lip. I have the worst cold sore you ever did see my bottom lip is covered and hugely swollen it throbs like mad. So fed up right now!! And worse still I can't give Faith calpol to settle or help her at night as she refuses to take it. Spits it out and gags :-/

Aw ruby is gorgeous Stacey! Faith has the same top/dress. :)

Show was fab! Definitely recommend although lots of things are good for younger babies so we were a bit past a few things. They had changing and feeding areas with free nappies and wipes for u to use and I hired a sling for a bit which was ace. Got a few freebies and bought a few bits for when we introduce solid food. It was so cheap I couldn't not get it!
Want to go again when she bit older so can get more ha.

They had talks on too. First aid, bfing, birth etc. Some obviously more beneficial than others.
I'd say try and get to one if u can hun :) but take ur own food and drink it's expensive so we went over to Trafford centre afterwards for food.

Hahaha goat that's funny of ur lg bless her!

Mellie defo report that woman!! That's awful!
Kind of wish I'd gone to the show, with Frankie's boots and bar on it would be useful to have tried out some car seats etc. I'll have to find a shop that has a good range of ones to try out.

Have you tried a syringe or perhaps expressing a bit of milk and giving it to her in that?

Apple, I feel for you! Frankie fed every two hours from 1am until 8am which meant I only really slept 1 hour in between each feed, by the time she fed then I got back off to sleep. Like imogen, she seems to manage quite a solid chunk of sleep from the evening to midnight-ish. Once we're over the various ailments, I'm going to work on moving this chunk to a bit later. If she could have that chunk of sleep more around 11pm-4am I could sleep then too and then just do a couple of feeds early morning.

Does Imogen like a good kick about? Are you using 0-6 month bags? Perhaps try a bigger one so it's more roomy? As the weather gets warmer, it's not essential to have them so perhaps you could just dress her warmly for bed in the expectation that the blankets will come off. We used them from day 1 so she's used to them which is great because they're recommended for kids wearing boots and bar. She's at the end of the 0-6 ones now so I'm off to ebay to find some more.

I noticed there's a November 2015 mums thread up and running, I had a sneaky peek in, made me very nostalgic. I got my BFP a year ago tomorrow and while I wouldn't wish to go back to the first weeks of anxiety and counting the days, it still made me go 'awww' :/
Yes they had all sorts of car seats and i like the one that swivels round so easy to put them in and can have it both ways too.

Ive tried all those things but she wont take expressed milk so thats no good for us.

Oh i know im the same makes me feel weird thinking back to the beginning almost like its a fond yet distant memory :-/

Got a new phone wahoo so hopefully my messages wont keep disappearing haha
Kaa, glad the show was good! Sorry you're still feeling rotten though. I'm getting a cold too.

Apple, my eldest was swaddled until 6 months as she just wouldn't take to the sleeping bag or just a blanket. Reluctantly I had to stop swaddling, aside from the fact she was way to old for it, it was also a really hot summer that year and far too hot to swaddle. We had a rough three nights of constantly settling her - without a blanket at all - but after that she was totally fine. They say it takes a baby 3 days to get used to something so if you keep trying her and be prepared for another couple of crappy nights it might be worth it in the end.
Also the sleepyhead mattress is meant to be good. Alternatively rolling up a towel and putting it in an upside down U shape helps the baby to feel cuddled.

NJP, toddler is surprisingly great with the baby. She's the first person she demands to see when she wakes up in the morning, she's constantly trying to hug and kiss her and 'helps' change her nappy. Though she's become a total daddy's girl as he's way more fun than me who's constantly got the baby attached to my boob or cooking or something equally as dull for her. She does get fed up with the crying and is constantly telling her to shhh in the car!

I totally get what you mean about feeling nostalgic!! I do too.xxx
I do a little get nostalgic but...also it marks the last time I got a decent night sleep! A whole year with out a complete night sleep! Oh i miss the care free days...

Will perserve for three days goat...but she really doesnt have any option she barely fits into the moses basket...the thing is we know she sleeps in it which is a good thing, its the waking up alone that she just needs to get use too...
Thanks goat i was thinking the sleepyhead thing may be an option if we continue to struggle but it was the first night, she did go into the cot for a nap in the toddlepod this morning...

Kaa...the new mazi cosi axisis is the car seat i want..its iso-fix, its got reverse seating option and swivels to let you put them in easily...do you recall how much the show price was? Mothercare sells it for £350!

Really not looking forward to the night
The u shaped towel under the sheet is a good one. They showed me it in the hospital. Just helps her feel a bit more snug because the cot is quite open compared to the basket. Doesn't solve the blanket problem but might help the sleep issue.

Frankie has had lots of lovely long naps today, the little madam. Felt like waking her so she'll sleep tonight! Going to keep her awake as much as possible this evening until I go to bed.

That maxi cosi looks good but rather costly. They recommend the britax two way elite for clubfoot kids but I haven't checked it out yet. I'm not sure if we can continue with rear facing after this seat because the boots and bar might not fit.

Goat, it's lovely that she's taken so well to the baby. Look upon this as her time to get closer to daddy. Soon you'll be out of the tiny baby phase and you'll be able to do fun things with her again.
Ahh I just wrote a reply and it vanished, got to wait until the new Samsung galaxy comes out to get a new phone though :(

I cant wait for the baby show in brum, still got 2 months to wait though but I want to get all his weaning stuff from there. I'm actually starting to get excited about weaning him to see what he does and doesn't like. Plus I obviously want to film his reaction when he has a lemon. Cruel mommy!!

I saw the November 2015 thread, can't believe how fast this year has gone. I'm pretty sure I got my BFP this week as I think we told OHs mum and sisters on mothers day.
I got my bfp on 17th march......hate it when you lose a long post.

Mellie..what a beautiful picture on fb..jake does look such a cutie, thats a pic to treasure forever..i can not feed like that so impressed.

Yes goat very cute that your toddler gets involved.

Imogen was asleep on the sofa with oh and just started screaming like she had a nightmare...anyone else experience this
I know mine was a Friday, because I had the day off work as I felt really ill then I realised my period was like a week late.

Actually really pleased I posted a feeding pic I'd been putting it off in case someone said something horrible or reported it but I've had all good comments :)
I was definitely lucky that Jake is a natural I can feed him any way and he's always happy as long as he's getting boob! Haha

Jakes cried in his sleep before, I've gone to get him up before realising he was still fast asleep. Normally he goes back to sleep after a few seconds.
Aw goat thats lovely she asks for her haha. So sweet!

Yes apple faith does this a lot sometimes its a whimper or cry then she goes bk to sleep sometimes its blood curdling screaming like something really bad has happened and i panic ha. Poor thing.

Hoping for a good night tonight now ive put her in the cot. Last night wasnt too bad but hoping tonight be better as she will be more used to it. Got a star projector from babies r us with some of the money we got for her christening. Its ace. I love it too haha.

Njp ive read not to bother keeping them awake and just let them sleep as much as they want because sleep breeds sleep. Not sure it always works like that but who am i to disagree with theory of "experts" ;)
Had a busy weekend so just caught up!

Someone told my oh that if the baby sleeps more in the day they will sleep better at night. I can't say Ruby has slept better for it but she hasn't slept any worse.

Good luck with the move into the cot I think we're going to struggle with it too as it's such an open space. I did try her in it for a day time nap but havnt done his last week I'm going to start it again and be consistent. Think I'll try the towel trick, people have also suggested I put the Moses basket inside the cot to get her used to the room but I'm Not sure if that would just confuse her?

I enjoyed the baby show but it wasn't as good as I thought. I wanted to look at next stage car seats but I barely saw any! There was only like 2 stalls that had things for weaning and then the staff wernt clued up on weaning.
I also thought there might have been more freebies and money off vouchers. I think the show would have been better if you were pregnant as we had most of the stuff.
We did buy some next stage teats and some bowls and snack pots for when she starts weaning.
The food was so dear! We got pasta and meatballs each and a drink £15!

Apple that made me laugh a year since a last proper nights sleep haha.
We had a good night at a wedding Saturday night and my parents had Ruby eek! I cried a little when I left her there. We had a better nights sleep but I kept wakin up I think expecting Ruby to be waking up for feeding. She only went and slept from 8pm-5am for my parents!! She's never done that!
Yes i heard about sleep breading sleep..in my experience of Imogen, her being over tired is the worse situation to get to sleep.(that said she will go to sleep but there will be tears before bedtime lots of them).

Reassuring to hear that other babies have nightmares.

Imogen was better last nightwent down second attempt and slept through till 6am and again needed two attempts to get back to sleep. In the end we have her crib mattress on the cot mattress whichseems to work if we warm it up. It actually works well because allows us to tuck the blanket under this mattress.

New problem is she seems to be taking advantage of the new space and sleeping diagonally...which means i need to by some vented cot barriers today to prevent her putting her foot inbetween the railings? I take it thats what cot barriers are for...never thought about buying them before.

Lovely pic Kaa...i have asked for a star projector for a present from someone (they asked what i wanted) hopefully seeing them at the end of the week so will get it then Imogen will love it.
Stacey...my morning sickness had me up all hours and then when i was massive it was loo breaks all the time..now baby...and if its not baby, i have leaky boobs to contend with,..

I think in hindsight i should of been a bit more consistent with day time naps inher cot..we did it but not routinly and not in the week running up to transfer day.

We did consistantly put her to bed in her room for weeks, which is possibly why she slept well the first half.
apple at the baby show I went to last year everything was the same price as in store but with 20% off. So the car seat you want would be £280. Hence why I ended up getting our pushchair and car seat from there last year. Probably be getting his next stage seat from there this year. Can't have any of those though because I haven't got isifix. I'll probably get the joie stages.
I was looking for the joie stages at the show there wernt any (well I didn't see any!)

Just tried Ruby in her cot for a nap this morning epic fail ha! She laid there smiling away. I put her light projector on but I'm not sure it makes her tired I think she enjoys watching it too much

Just been and bought one of those nasal decongester things Ruby's so sniffly going to try it in a minute lol.
Bought some more teething things too she's really struggling with her teeth.
Jake's cot mobile doesn't make him sleepy either. He just stares at it.

I'm not expecting there to be any stages when I go, but I'm going to check it fits first then they normally (at least they did last year) just search for it on their computer and order it for you. As their stands are only small so they cant have everything.

Let me know what the decongester is like, I was contemplating buying one but don't know if it'll be worth it.

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