*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Oh well done jake! A mini suit...would be lovely to put him in...its kind of thing you see everywhere until you want to buy it.
Yea that's what I wanted a little suit. Next only have 1 in at the moment and it's horrible. Brought one off eBay nearly 3 weeks ago and its never arrived. So now I'm back to square 1
Haven't seen any in any other baby shops. So annoying.
Ruby looks lovely! Very cute!

I think I'm having sleep regression. Not Frankie, me! Between her feeds my toothache flares up and I can't sleep. By the time it settles she wakes up again. I was in so much pain last night I could have cried. Just as I drifted off, she woke up. And now I'm getting a cold! I feel very sorry for myself. I told my wife and just got a distracted 'hmm' in response.

The boot still isn't fitting her bad foot properly so we're going back in on Monday.

You see baby suits all the time, typical that they don't have any when you want them! I'm off to Gap so I'll keep an eye out.
Oh Mellie that's so annoying!! Have you tried John Lewis or Debenhams? And well done Jake for rolling!

Apple yes I live in North London. I remember you lived in London before you moved. Are you happy with the move? Have to say I've really enjoyed having young kids here as there's loads to do for free. Once they're older I agree it's a different thing but I grew up here and really enjoyed it too. I guess it's just what you're used too?

Stacey, yes we're paying the bill but it's a very small affair. I think including us there's only 25 people unlike the first time when there were 60! Definitely wouldn't go to a restaurant for that number. But the restaurant were going too is mainly a pizzeria so even though I'm happy for people to choose starter, main and dessert, I reckon most people will just go for a pizza so will probably work out £10 a head. I'm really looking forward to it, I ordered little white chocolate booties on lolly sticks for favours which sounds a bit ott but it's an Italian tradition. Plus they taste so good!

Hope everyone's had a lovely day!x
Haven't looked in gap, Debenhams or John lewis because it means going into town which I've only done once so far with Jake because it's a nightmare! May have to venture in if I still haven't found one in a few weeks.

Njp asda had loads of footless baby grows today, they were all pink or lilac though.
Thanks Goat!

I think I saw those in Asda, Mellie, a bit pastelly for my liking but might get a lilac one just for practical reasons.

Don't bother with Gap, there was nothing there that was any good for you for a christening, it was all to casual looking. With the others, perhaps look online first then you'll get an idea if they're likely to stock anything suitable before trekking into town?

Have you chased up the ebay one?
I looked on m&s online they had a nice suit but in navy blue. Not a fan of navy blue suits really, I'd prefer grey or black. Will have a look on the other shops websites though.

Yea chased up the ebay one loads, personally I don't even reckon she's sent it. As I won it for really cheap so she'll probably relist it again in a month or so. At first she replied to my emails but she's stopped now so I've sent it to the resolution centre. So hopefully I'll get my money back. Just glad I started looking with plenty of time tl spare.
If eBay doesn't resolve it and you paid by PayPal, try getting your money back from them. Be interesting to see if she relists again tho.

I think grey would look cute but it just depends what you can find. I'll keep my eye out.
Oh Mellie, have you tried Monsoon boys website? I was just chatting to my friend who's getting married and her little toddler is their page boy and she bought him a grey suit from there - grey shorts with a matching shirt/waistcoat. Thought id let you know!x
I could be wrong, she might have sent it. I just find her behaviour strange if she has. As she's only replied to me once saying "oh sorry I'll track the package." Which everyone knows is impossible with first class. If it was me I'd be so apologetic/annoyed and be making the buyer know I was annoyed and that I'd be contacting royal mail to complain.

Plus she's got 1 negative feedback from a few momths ago that says "item never arrived, refund given by eBay." Unlikely she'd have 2 missing parcels in a few momths.

Thanks goat will have a look. Never get time to properly search websites now. But OH is off work for a week now so hopefully I'll get chance.
Aw I hope you find something for him mellie that does sound odd with the ebay seller. I've seen some gorgeous pant/braces type sets recently but I can't think where!! It might have been next or mammas and pappas.

Kaa how was the show?
There seems to be a few at mamas and papas. No idea where my nearest one is though because they annoyingly closed the one in Birmingham City centre just before I found out Jake was a boy!
My nearest one is 10 miles away. Which wouldn't be too bad except its just off the worst part of the m6 so would take ages to get there and back. Annoying!
They closed our local one too. They do nice stuff but I find it a bit more than I want to pay, given how quickly they grow. Different for a special occasion though.

Had a hard night and morning with Frankie. Between the boots, my tooth and both of us having colds it's not too great. She cried for two hours solid early in the morning. I've given her paracetamol now, that's helped.
Njp...you sound like your gowing through it at the moment... Your post the other day made me cry..(just because i emothasised with you) i know the feeling when you cant sleep and then just as you drop off she wakes up again ...also as much as oh helps i dont think they can ever understand the constant /relentness that is our lives currently...oh tried to give me a lie in but she wouldnt take it so i ended up getting up and oh went to bed. So i do symptasis with you xxx just remember it will pass
It definitely does pass! My toddler just told me to 'take baby sleep' when we were bathing them just now. She was essentially telling me to leave her alone with daddy! Oh the rejection! Lol.
But it does pass I promise.
NJP sorry it's particularly tough at the moment, big big hugs.xxx
Thanks girls. I read that the first couple of weeks with these boots are the worst, shame it coincides with my toothache! I've never had such bad toothache either.

I could have killed the wife this morning, she didn't wake during the 2 hour crying session. I could have woken her but I think I would have just screamed at her. How can you sleep through two hours of a baby crying in the same bed as you?!

I don't think I could sleep anyway, like you say Apple, you end up getting up anyway but it would have been nice to have someone to sit up with me, since she's not in work all weekend.

The house is a tip but I am ignoring it. I am doing the bare minimum to get through, which means oven pizzas, chips and crap like that.

Goat, is she sick of the baby crying too? Haha! How is she taking to being a big sister generally?
Arghhh first night in big cot and own room, dont think i will sleep tonight...even though the rooms are next to each other and we will have doors open.

Took a bit of a mission to get her down as well..we had a sleeping bag for her and eventually the only way she went down was without the sleeping bag and just her cellular blanket not ideal...will do a seperate thread as i dont know if this is the norm or not. Feel guilty for putting her in her own room so soon, but its the only solution we tried to drag the cot into our bedroom but couldnt get it through the door...

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