*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Frankie's got a decent crop of dark hair so carries off bright colours well. Stacey, it's like our babies are complete opposites, your dainty girl in pink and my big bruiser in clashing brights!

We had a crap night. She was quite unsettled and woke early. When she was asleep though, my toothache was throbbing so barely got any sleep.

I have discovered her latest favourite song, it's '4 5 seconds', she 'sings' along to that!

Colds are really doing the rounds at the minute. We always seem to have someone with one in the house at the minute. Hope it's not a bad one, kaa. Stacey glad you got a bit of sleep it makes all the difference.

Going to give Frankie her first bath in 8 weeks! Have to wrestle the boots back on her afterwards, hope I can get them on right. If not, I'm going to my friend's later so she'll have to help me.
I am a pink fan...I like the bright pinks though...however saying that Imogen is in navy and orange today. Still at my folks heading back today..although maybe i should stay we had 9:30pm-7:30am today no feeds inbetween...couldnt believe it when i woke and realised i hadnt been up in the night...also when she starts to wake now we are greeted with big beaming smiles, thats only just been happening last couple of days.

Mellie...have you got anywhere with the pram...?


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I know njp! I'll try post a pic again but it never seems to work! I might have to join you Facebook group then you'll all be able to see her.

I hope frankie enjoys her bath! I bet she will like the feeling on her legs

Imogen doesn't look impressed but that outfit is too cute! Is the hat a knitted one?

Ruby's got pink leggings a white Tshirt with bunnies on and a pink bow and a white knitted cardi with sparkle running through it hehe
Not taking the pram until Saturday. As that's ohs day off and I don't wana drive that far. Its still usable at the moment though just awkward to get in and out the car.

Ahh imogen looks adorable. The hat is lovely, definitely one to show her when she's older! Haha
Oh Imogen looks so adorable, Apple! Where's the outfit from? And what a good girl for sleeping so well!
I love pink too! But I like most colours really.

We had an ok night but we're still co-sleeping. It's the only way I get a full nights sleep. I use a sleeping bag for myself and put the pillow behind me so it's all safe. Took them both to work to meet my colleagues this morning, complete and total disaster, baby screamed the moment we entered and toddler fell and bumped her head and screamed. Funny now, embarrassing at the time!

Hope everyone's well!xxx
Oh dear goat hope ur LG ok it's typical that isn't it haha!

Njp hope Frankie enjoys the bath and good luck getting them bk on :-/
Cold is dreadful and prob not helped being outside all day at the zoo but never mind got the baby show tomorrow then can rest at weekend!

Apple love imogens little grumpy lip hehe cutie!

Faith is in a pink baby grow with white love hearts on it. I can't help it she suits pink so so much!!
Lol goat, thats how to make an entrance! Im sure know one minded..

It is a knitted hat but shop bought...and if im totally honest bought 3 years ago in a GAP sale...i figured if i never had children i could give it someone as a pressie!

Apologies if i missed it, but what did people do or plan for the gathering after christening...sorry if i missed this Kaa..

Goat what a great idea for co sleeping, re sleeping bag.

I am happy to post pics on your behalf stacey, (njp isnt on fb) although mine never come out properly...pm me your email address and ill email you back...i want to see the out fit sounds cute.
Aw goat it's typical! Same as when your baby is the only one screaming the place down! Lol

Hope you enjoyed the zoo kaa, don't forget to let me know how the show goes!

Thanks apple I've messaged you :)
Lol yes it was funny when we got back. Typically they both fell asleep as soon as we got on the tube. Little monkeys!

Apple that's so clever buying the outfit a few years ago! Wish I'd done something like that.

Regarding christenings, my lg's is next Saturday and I've hired out a section of an Italian restaurant for lunch afterwards, then I've bought a cake which we'll serve there with some Asti. Then that's it. Last time my daughter's christening was in the summer and we had a garden party with a bbq. It was so lovely but sooo much work and clearing up and people didn't leave till 2am! Luckily they were a couple of hubby's friends so I went to bed at 11 as I pretended baby wasn't settling. Very social of me I know.

Kaa and NJP, hope you both feel better soon!

Tomorrow I'm taking baby to get her bcg, I should've done it weeks ago but I kept forgetting!xx
Jakes christening is in May and we've just hired out a social club for afterward. We'll be putting on a little buffet. Would have had it at our house but it's just a little too small for the amount of people we're inviting.

Hope you enjoyed the zoo, kaa. Typical that you're feeling so ill when you have lots planned. It never seems to happen on quiet days.

Jakes woken up already. Really hoped he'd have a good night tonight I'm so tired :(
We have had a week of grear sleeping,,,although she wont go back down after 6am feed..she has the snuffles, so she is deep breathing sleeping on me.

I think we are reserving an area of pub, but its £10 a head, seems really steep.
Goat is bcg a jab?

I started filling out Imogens baby book last night, after reading mine that my mum wrote for me.
£10 a head does seem expensive, you could do a buffet yourself for less but then it takes away the hassle from you and they can tidy up after. Depends how many people you are having.

That sounds good cake and Asti! Are the restaurant ok with you doing that? Many places we go wouldn't be. We once went to an Italian for a birthday and they charged us for the use plates and a knife to cut a cake we had taken! We didn't pay it!

Ruby's got sniffles too and a cough it doesn't seem to be affecting her sleep too much but she's got into the habit of getting up early. She's finally eating again too :)
Stacey i could of written your last sectence...

Here is the gorgeous Ruby


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Oh Stacey, Ruby is absolutely adorable!!! Sorry to hear she's got a cold.

Where I live in London there are just so many restaurants they have to be competitive which is great for us so they're letting us do that without a corkage charge and giving us 15% off the bill. Which is great but then again the cost is still pricey but at least customer service is good I guess.

Apple the bcg is a jab to protect against TB, London it appears is a high risk area. I don't think the effects are quite as strong as the main vaccines though thankfully!

What's everyone upto today?xxx
Ahh Ruby is lovely. Only taken 3 months to see her! Haha :)

A friend of mine is having a meal in a restaurant after the christening. Would have worked out far too expensive for us though. Just family is about 25 people then we have friends coming as well.

Had an awful night, Jake was up 7 times. Had to wake OH up at 4am because he just wouldn't settle and I was about to have a breakdown.
Oh mellie, you do seem to be going through the 4 month regression with jake...just keep telling yourself it will pass..xxx

I am hoping to share cristening with my sister so that will keep costs down and my parents talked about contributing..so we will have to see.

Goat where in london are you? North i recall??i was in battersea before we moved...i actually think london would be good with a baby.(maybe not when grown up) but miss just nipping to the shops.
Thank you :) and 4 months mellie hehe!

That's not good up 7 times let's hope it is just the sleep regression and it will pass. Ruby had 5/6 bad nights and seems to be past it. Hopefully that's all we will see of the sleep regression.

That's good goat! Are you paying the full bill for everyone? That could be pricey
I reckon it is the 4 month sleep regression. Especially as he keeps learning new things these past few days. Today he's just rolled over for the first time! He did it twice, then when I tried to film it he wouldn't do it again, typical.

My dads paid for the room we're hiring and we're planning on doing the food ourselves but most of our families have said they'll cook or prepare a few things for us if we want. Having a nightmare trying to found an outfit for him at the moment though and it's only 8 weeks to go!

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