*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Haha I love Miranda hart!

Apple that doesn't sound good at all. I would definitely complain to the airline about your pram!
Glad you had a good visit with your grandparents.

I can't believe I'm up having a cup of tea at this time! Ruby got up at 6am today she woke up at 12 and 4.30am and at the last wake up thought it was play time and didn't go back to sleep til after 5! She's getting earlier. She hasn't even woken cos she's hungry she doesn't want a bottle.

She only had about 14oz from 7.30am to bed time at 8.30! She just wasn't interested and only finished one 4oz bottle first thing in the morning. She did finish a 4oz at 4.30am this morn so I'm hoping she will eat better today. She slept most of the day too, I wonder if that's why she's up early!

George at asda do some baby sleep suits that have stretchy legs but they have feet in them
I've seen the ones at Asda, don't think it'll help Jake though I reckon he's going to have a long body like me and OH.

Jake was up loads in the night, everytime I tried to put him back into his cot he'd wake up screaming. Finally stayed asleep once OH got up for work at 5am. As then I could just leave him in our bed. When its warmer I'll probably leave him in our bed loads but at the moment its tricky as I get freezing cold if I don't have the duvet covering me all up.
Stacey I know the feeling! I fed at 11pm, 2am, 5am and 7am this morning. I only really slept properly between the 2am and 5am ones. I was begging her to go back to sleep at 6am but she just gave me the sweetest smiles and started chattering to me, hard to resist the cute then!

When I was at my mum's I put the baby in the bed next to me but there were sheets I could arrange to cover me but not the baby. At home I have a thick feather duvet, plus the dog jumps on the bed. It's a shame because the early morning snuggly cuddle sleeps were lovely!
Ruby had a cuddle in bed at 4.30 this morn I think it was she was all smiles but didn't let her fall asleep there. The dog also comes on the bed in a morning.

Ruby's not eating again she took 4oz eventually this morn after lots of refusing and has only had 2oz since. She's been quite grumpy too and has wanted to sleep slot again. Going to mention it to the health visitor this aft
Oh Apple such a disaster!! Definitely complain to airline about pram although not sure u will get far with any complaints as they will probably say it's the risk u take and they're not liable. Hope not but can imagine they get out of loads of similar problems :-/

The thing with the car seat reminded me of the time ur dad came to help and got paint everywhere :-o

Ooh better night for us 10ish til 5ish so cut out that mid night feed again. Fingers crossed for a similar night tonight as going to Chester zoo tomorrow and need all the rest I can get to get over this cold :(

Stacey that's not good let us know what hv says about it
Kaa, haha forgot about Dad and paint incident.

Thanks to you girls, I decided to contact airline today.(thought wasnt really worth it, but touchwood, its seems like its a really easy process and according to them they are sending me a replacement frame already?!? And giving me £50 for the replacement pram I got this morning to keep me mobile! All sounds a bit too good to be true.

Also may have said already but my dad has managed to unfix the pebble from the car seat. So thinks are looking alot more positive. The car seat was for the cabriofix car seat.

Enjoy zoo tomorrow.
Ruby weighs 12lb 1oz she's put 1lb on in 3 weeks bless her.

Hv said she might be sleepy due to her injections and not taking a bottle due to teething, she said the teeth could be close to cutting through, she will try to chew anything soft or hard if it goes anywhere near her mouth inudunv the dog!

She said if not taking bottles any better by Friday to go see dr just to have her checked
Kaa that's a good sleep!

Brilliant apple I thought you would get somewhere with them, I always complain. Gosh that sounds really bad ha!

I'm feeling really sickly I nearly vomited changing Ruby's nappy earlier. I'm glad her dads home he's taken Ruby and dog for a walk. Early night for me.
I assumed the bases fitted cabriofix and pebble. I know both the base I have in my car and OH has in his car fit both. At least it's been unattached now.

Good news about the pushchair, there's not much time for them to damage it really plus surely it would have to have been properly chucked about.

Hope Chester zoo is good tomorrow, I really want to go in the summer when they open the new islands part. Plus maybe Jake would enjoy it more then. I'll see what happens in the summer though. Definitely want to go there again soon.

My pushchair has broken (again) it broke a few weeks ago the wheel wouldn't lock into place so I took it back to toys r us. They were going to send it off then realised there loan pushchair had already been loaned out. So a manager took it out the back and "fixed" it. Now the wheels gone funny again so we'll have to take it back again. Taking it to a different branch this time one that stocks the pushchair so hopefully they'll just exchange it for a new one.
Ah that's great news Apple I was worried they might try to fob u off!

Glad car seat sorted too. At least the time spent with ur grandma made it all worthwhile anyway. :)

I feel it's a little pointless going I suppose but one of girls from the group going back to work soon and wants a day out so we all said we'd go. (I'm going with girls from bfing support group did I mention can't remember...baby brain)

Good luck sorting pram mellie!

Stacey hope it's just teething then and not that she is poorly or anything. Haha the dog that made me chuckle!
Kaa she is obsessed with the dog! If she's crying and she spots the dog she often stops.

You'll have a great day I love Chester zoo. We're going to have a family day out at Easter, not sure where tho yet.

My sickness has gone up a notch :/ has anyone else been ill since becoming a mummy. How has that worked out? I hope I feel better tomorrow so she gets all my attention.

That's rubbish about the pram! I'm not a fan of toys r us pram/car seat section they never seem to know what they are on about! We got our isofix from there and they came our with a stage 3 car seat or something!
Just looked into it more and I think the footrest on the main pram part is broken too. Its meant to be adjustable but it only has 1 setting where it locks in place. Tempted to see if they'll swap it for a totally different pushchair but I doubt they will :( I only got it from them because it was loads cheaper than anywhere else.

I've not been properly ill since Jake has been here, just had a couple of colds which I can still cope with. Think the big problem for me would be the night times if I felt really ill as I'd just want to sleep
I love Chester Zoo! We took a group on a school trip most years. I think the new Islands thing looks boring but I prefer fluffy mammals.

Glad to hear most of your stuff is sorted, Apple. I'm surprised but pleased the airline were so quick to accept the blame.

Mellie what a pain about your pram. I think you should push for a replacement.

I've had a bit of a cold but it wasn't bad. It's hard managing the toothache with the baby, but sometimes she distracts me from it, you just somehow manage to get on with things. Stacey, hope you feel better tomorrow.

Frankie has her boots and bar now. She screamed the place down when they put them on, not looking forward to doing that myself tomorrow. Her leg has that manky smell you get from having a cast on but I'm putting her to bed like that because I think she's had enough faffing for one day with the boots. I've got to really bend her foot into them to make them effective and it looks so painful to do.

He found the last pair of grey ones in her size, fortunately otherwise she'd have been wearing pastel pink ones and they have clashed with practically every item of clothing she owns!
Aw njp that must be hard to put the boots on. Does she not have another cast then?

Mellie I would emphasise the fact that this has happened twice and they 'fixed' it before and say your not happy and want a different pram. Or maybe your money back? You could then buy another.

Thanks njp in hoping it's a one off and tomorrow I'll feel better. I don't want to miss rhythm time in the morning!
Yea I'll try to push for it but have to see what they say. Probably won't be going until Saturday as thats when OH is off work and ideally I want to go to a large toys r us this time.

Good news that they found a grey one for you, why people assume that you will automatically want baby blue or pink is beyond me. Jake wears it occasionally but not very often.
When Frankie wears pink it's a darker shade than baby pink. But mostly I gravitate towards red orange and yellow colours. I do have some nice navy stuff too. I think boys get a crap deal too, lots of navy, brown and grey.

She's very unsettled tonight, going to take some getting used to. And she's got a sore behind her knee from the cast, poor thing. Lots of mummy snuggles needed, I think.
I don't mind grey, it can look quite nice. Jake has every colour under the sun in his wardrobe I think. I can't put him most of the cream things though as he really looks like a girl. He's definitely got too much of a pretty face! Haha

Hope Frankie isn't too bad, must be horrible to watch at least you know it's only temporary though and I'm sure she'll thank you for it in the long run.
Oh Stacey I've had a few nights of feeling sickly and not been able to sleep coz of tummy ache etc. At min I'm battling a horrid cold given to me by Faith haha.

Njp that sounds awful poor Frankie but at least they got u grey ha. Just hope she gets used to it soon and won't feel too uncomfortable for her.
I love blue it's my favourite colour and always said I don't want pink everywhere but with Faith being a little Blondie I've found that soft pinks really suit her!

Mellie just have a breakdown that should help things along haha!!
Ha yea mellie try the breakdown! Go when it is really busy and kick up a fuss I'm sure they will be happy to help then!

Oh my I love pink! It's my favourite colour so I was thrilled to find out we were having a girl. Most of Ruby's clothes have pink on them somewhere. I bet when she grows up she will be a tomboy or something ha! I'll be devastated. Her room has two pink walls kind of a bubble gum pink.

Argh colds are hard to shift kaa when the whole family has them. I havnt had a cold for ages and i usually get them all the time. I've had a good nights sleep my hubby tried to do the night things bless him, so I feel a little better

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