*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Yep a massive 3D one, I told him I want big gold hoop earrings to go with it though. I then searched "Mum" on the argos app and all types of jewellery came up. There was 1 ok ish ring but would have been a million times nicer as a necklace. Hoping he doesn't get me jewellery though as I barely wear anything anymore.

I love it when they have a chat. My niece and Jake were trying to chat to each yesterday.

If either of us had really religious people in our families then I'd have asked them straight away, but we dont. The other 2 godparents we're having have both been really involved in Jake's life so far. The one ridiculously so. She's even booked the day before off work so she can help us with the preparations which I thought was lovely.
Wow what a day...firstly havent had a chance to read your post to catch up! So apologies will endeavour to catch up.
Firstly...does anyone babies heart mumor or skips a beat occassionally...really worrying me, if you are all no, please let me know as need to get it checked. Imogen does it all the time.

What a day.
Highs. Imogen being a superstar, letting everyone cuddle her, smiling going on her first flight and living every minute.
Lows. Broken car seat, broken pram and damaged hire car...total damage cost £800 and all in three seperate incidents.

I actually dont think i have the energy to write the full story right now, majorly stressed, all happened as a result of taking Imogen up on a plane to see her Great grandparents.

Catchup hopefully tomorrow and not in the middle of thenight.
Ah haha ok 5 is a little much! Sil and bil had 8 for their kids. Was embarrassing more status than anything.
I know the 2 I picked will offer spiritual guidance but I let Nige choose the godfather haha.

Aw that's lovely njp wish could see the video!! It's so cute when they chatter. I'm so convinced faiths trying to say mama as she keeps making the mm sound mainly when whingy like but I'll take it haha.

Oh no Apple nightmare :( will be patient and wait for u to divulge more info before I say anymore. Hope everyone has a good night
Had a chance to catch up...its lovely that this forum is busy again (no i went awol for a bit.. But loving it again)

Njp..loving the fact franke is making noises,..we have some days of absloute silence and other days of constant nattering! Frankee seems so advanced, i sometimes wonder although she was born later because her due date was a week before Imogen whether that makes a diffence?!? Either way go Franke you clever things (apologies if i have spelt it wrong, will go back after post and check spelling), hey forgot that you have relatives up in blyth too..we had a fab day..will exapnd in a bit.

Mellie, we have 3 god parents for imogen all friends ..such a social nighmare and kaa i decided against family as they already have a title and special bond with baby..just my line of thought xx

mothers day...im deliberately not mentioning it to oh..has shortly after Imogen was born i said to oh, will you remember to get me something for mothers day untill imogen is old enough and he bit my head off and said he didnt need reminding to buy something. So havent mentioned it since...if he dare forgets it will end up being a very expensive gift, especially as i still havent had my push present...
Oh no apple, they say bad luck comes in three's and it certainly has with you. Im just curious as to what happened now.

That is exactly my thinking on godparents, my cousins title would be something with once removed in it so not a proper title hence asking him.

Your oh seems good I can't imagine him forgetting, mine would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on.
It was originally my plan but it would have caused a fuss amongst my friends and couldn't be bothered so was easier have my sister and she is more religious than any friend so the role of spiritual guidance would be best with her anyway.

I never got a push present either haha.
Hopefully ur oh will make sure u have a very special mothers day.

Now hurry up and fill us all in we're all on pins here!!!! Haha
Aw apple that's not good about the damage! Did it happen on the airline? You may be able to claim.

I'm glad I don't have the dilemma of choosing godparents it was hard enough choosing bridesmaids and who was chief bridesmaid!

Me and my oh are unofficially 'English' godparents for my ohs good friend who had a philipino gf. They had the christening in the Philippines as they live there but he asked us to be his English god parents. I felt a little bad because I'm not religious in any way but his friend wanted someone he knew would be there for his son if anything was to happen to them. I was flattered.

Ruby was a little grumpy yday after her injections but didn't have A bad night, she wouldn't take her bottle before going to bed so she woke at 10.30 for a feed.
Having her weighed again tomorrow, she must have put weight on she's growing out of clothes.
Aw that's very sweet Stacey isn't it :)

Aw poor ruby hope she's ok today then? And it was just yesterday. Good that she's growing out of clothes and putting weight on. What's she weigh last time u had her weighed?
Apple, I do think Frankie is developing from due date, mine was very accurate so I know she was definitely two weeks late. I don't think she's advanced in all ways, she's just big and gobby! Movement wise nothing is happening, she still screams at tummy time and hates lifting her head when face down. She'll hold it up when sitting upright but face down just enrages her!

Did you just see the rellies at blyth? Can't imagine you sight seed in the town much, I haven't been into the town for a while but I haven't heard good things about it. What on earth happened to all your stuff?! You need to come back & update we're all curious here now!

The godparents thing seems such a minefield, glad we're not doing it either. I don't understand people getting offended so much by stuff like that but then, baptism means nothing to me I suppose.

I don't know about the heart murmur thing, Apple, I don't really feel Frankie's heartbeat much. My heart does it, sometimes like flutters or a stop then a big thump restart kind of skip. I've googled and it's apparently normal but sometimes if it happens too long I think 'oh god this is it!' and panicking doesn't really help a heart rate normalise, haha! If you're concerned ask the doctor or hv, just to put your mind at rest?

I'm taking loads of painkillers for this toothache. I know it's meant to be fine in the milk but I still don't like it. I can't not though, it is only just bearable with the tablets. They gave me paracetamol and ibuprofen in hospital though so it must be okay?
Jake's only started lifting his head up during tummy time in the past week or so. He just seemed to suddenly not mind.

It is due date they're meant to be measured from for a lot of the developmental things. But like everything baby wise they'll do it once they ready to and they wont follow a strict schedule. Think a lot of the time a baby can be advanced in one aspect and then behind in another.

I cant say I've ever really listened to Jakes heart to detect a murmur or anything. Did your dr not listen at the 6 week check. If you're worried I'd take her to get checked. Best to be safe than sorry.

Im not sure if you're meant to take ibuprofen I thought it was only paracetamol while breastfeeding.
I havnt really listened to Ruby's heartbeat but you should mention to your health visitor even if it's just for reassurance.

Kaa she was 11lb 1oz 3 weeks ago when she was 13 weeks. We went to a first friends group today and a few of the other babies were same age and I don't think she looked loads smaller.

Yea I thought the godparent thing was sweet :)

Anyone watch childbirth:all or nothing on BBC? Very odd lol and call the midwifes from Sunday oh my id be heart broken!
I wouldn't worry njp Faith used to get really frustrated and then the other day I just randomly decided to try again and she had her head up! These things literally can change at the drop of a hat can't they haha.

The stupid thing is that a lot of people think it means if something happened to u they would be responsible for u but it actually doesn't mean that. His sister didn't turn up or let us know she wasn't coming. Rude!! Presume it's coz she wasn't asked to be godmother needs get a grip. I've got my own sisters I would never choose anyone over them especially when none of Nige family are religious!

Not sure about the heartbeat I know they're really quick and their breathing can stop and start but that's normal. I'd enquire just in case although sure it's nothing.

Aw that's good. Faith is 20 weeks and 13lb 3oz but no idea if this makes her behind as such as other babies look similar size to her at the classes I attend.

No I missed them need to catch up. Haha. One born starts again soon I'm intrigued to see how I feel and respond to it now I've been through it haha.

Apple, where are you?????
They gave me a huge box of ibuprofen to bring home after birth so I know it's fine. Codeine isn't, I googled that and it's linked to infant death so not taking that! I just don't like the idea of taking so many tablets even though it's safe.

I haven't watched any type of childbirth programme, because depending on my mood it either makes me shudder to recall or feel overwhelmingly nostalgic.
I think Apple is still visiting but how rude to whet our appetites then bugger off again! ;-)

There's a percentile calculator online, kaa, but it's all relative anyway my would expect faith to be a bit smaller due to her early start. I think Frankie is over 15lb now. She was weighed 3 weeks ago and was 14lb and has so far been gaining 1/2lb a week. Cast is off tomorrow so will try to get her weighed then.
Jake was weighed on Thursday and he's 14lb 10oz at 15 weeks. He's still on the 50th centile line.

I watch call the midwife, I love that. I could tell at the start of this weeks episode what was going to happen. I'll watch one born when its back again too.
Yeah I think she's doing fine considering she was a full month early ha.

I know I can't believe Apple's done this to us!! Haha
Haha i am back, yes still at folks so its all visitors and distractions...gosh didnt even get to watch this morning or loose women today :-)

Sorry for the tease ..thats the other reason for the delay been trying to sort ghe mess out...

Before i reply to all your posts..will tell my story.

So in an nut shell aimogen was amazing baby, so proud of her yesterday, she let a million strangers cuddle her and i honestly think she didnt cry once, i think she was just loving the attention and just interested in everything. Njp..we never go into blyth its usually just straight to my grandparents and then home again, if we are lucky we manage lunch. Sadly no lunch this trip just to pick my grandad up and take him to the nursing home. My grandma is very ill now, doesnt speak, see or hear and can no longer swallow so has food fed to her and really not much quality of life. (Hence the care home) anyway despite terrible eye sight and alot of warning from people that she wouldnt know who we were , we had the best smiles and My grandma knew exactly who was visiting her...it was wonderful..so worth the trip truly memorable day, will post a pic later.

So when did it all go wrong...
We return the hire car parking in an open space with no cars either side, the nice guy checked the car over and informed me that the front tyre was damaged, unsafe and would have to be replaced (we 100% did not damage the car)...i must of missed it when expecting the car. (It was raining and the car was parked between two cars so very easy to miss) note to everyone always check condition of tyres?..as they always do ! So that was £146 damage to the car...

So any way got the pram out the car and having not used it since we left bristol airport, it just didnt feel right, i just assumed i hadnt fixed the wheels on correctly so struggled with it through newcastle airport. When we got to bristol airport..could i get the buggy up...it was completely buggered...so frustrating it was completely broken, ended up coming through airport arrivals with my mum carrying imogen in her arms, me carrying the bags and the pram in bits..it was ridiculous..my mum assures me at this point that my grandparents will cover any cost. (Which made me feel alittle better about the situation)... She probably said it just to stop the tears...:-)

Anyway fine at this point still ok, we were a pram down, £146 out of pocket but we still had had an amazing day..and we were at bristol nothing kore could go wrong...surely?

My dad had taken my car seat (a maxi cosi pebble) and put it in his car with a maxi cosi base (base has been borrowed and not the one i usually use, for ease we thought it would be worth my parents having the borrowed one in there car).. All fine got home and went to take imogen out the car...could i get the car seat out...no, at this point i was fine about it as knew could google how to do it later on...when i actually went to google i realsied that the base was not compatable with the car seat..for love nor money we couldnt get car seat away from the base..

So it turned out to be a very expensive day...apart from alot of phone calls and writing emails..I am still in the same boat!
The only thing is that i know i wont be out of pockets and my very kind parents have agreed to cover the cost..

So things i have learnt.
-NEVER take an expensive pram on a flight.
-ALWAYS check the hire car especially the wheels
-Never assume anything about car seats.

Despite all this we had an amazing day.
I am bf and taking Ibropheen, i also think you can give babies ibropheen in liquid form post 3 months.

By the sounds of it all think i do need imogens heart to get checked...it skips beats all the time..i definately notice it when i cuddle her...so i think you ladies would of notcied too.

I watched call the midwife tonight...they always pull on my heart strings the storylines..feel like i cry everytime i watch it.

I also agree about hitting different milestones at different times...at the moment Imogen is much more about movement tha she is words...she speaks far less than she did last week...probably because she is concentrating on something else developmental wise.

At 3 months exactly Imogen was 13lb14 oz she was just over the 50percemtile line..will go on the online gadget to check..everyone keeps telling me she is long and then back it up with , she is still poportioned.,,? What does that mean ...keep thinking she is going to end up like Miranda Hart...
Oh gosh apple, that is all a bit rubbish. You would think that all maxi cosi bases were compatible with the pebble. I certainly did anyway. What car seats is the baae compatible with then?

Thats really rubbish about the hire car, that much for a tyre aswell is ridiculous. To be honest I'd be tempted to complain about all 3 incidents, especially about the hire car and the pushchair anyway. I always think it's worth a shot, especially as these have all been so costly.

Anyway glad you had a nice time, and that your grandma knew who you all were. They say children help them though. OHs grandma didn't know who anyone was however her face always lit up whenever she saw any of her great grandchildren.

I got the hv to measure Jakes length the other day as he's filling all his baby grows. But he's only on the 50th centile so no idea why he's filling them all so quickly. You'd think a 50th centile baby should be in 3-6 months until 6 months!
I hate accepting a hire car in rain, so much can be masked. I got stung for petrol once, they seriously overcharge on that. I would definitely complain about it. The car seat is crap. I have a Base which doesn't fit the car seat I use but it does fit my spare. I dont use my spare because it doesn't fit the pram Base. All 4 things are graco evo but not all compatible. As for the pram, is there any way the airline will accept responsibility? If not, check both your house insurance and your bank account, sometimes you're covered through one of them.

Lovely that your grandma knew who you were, you must be glad you managed to get Imogen up to her while she could still enjoy the visit.

Did you stay over in Newcastle or fly back same day? I keep saying that next time I visit I'll go into the city or along the coast but all I ever really do is sit on people's sofas!

Mellie, the lengths of baby grows are a mystery! Our asda 3-6 ones don't fit at all while the M&S ones are flapping off the end of her feet. It makes buying online so awkward. I found some nice footless ones in Vertbaudet - pricey but got a money off code - but I have no idea how generous their sizes are.

Apple when they say proportioned I would assume they mean height is a similar percentile to weight? Lol @ Miranda Hart! She is an odd shape, even with the weight loss.

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