*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Apple, I was there last week! I visited my auntie who lives in the same town as your grandparents. Have they met the baby yet? Hope she is okay on the flight.

Kaa I can't believe she would go to a christening and blank the mother of the baby, that's incredibly rude. Is nige sticking up for you with her?

Mellie that sounds like a good website, hope they are nice mums.

Stacey, if Ruby fits in, I definitely won't get a bumbo since Frankie and Ruby are at opposite ends of the size spectrum! Sounds like the sleeping is a lot better, guess you just have to have early nights to combat the early mornings.

Frankie has a cough. She's had a mild cold but that didn't trouble her, just need to keep an eye on the cough.

I have awful toothache. It woke me this morning but Frankie, needed feeding before I could get painkillers so I sat there feeding her with the pain growing worse & worse til I felt like hacking my jaw off! I ended up with frozen peas on my jaw until the painkillers kicked in. Can't wait until it comes out now.
Haha they sure are njp! I don't know if there are other makes/brands that might be better.

Aw no tooth ache is awful! Ouch.

That sounds good mellie might see if there's anything like that in my area. Let us know how you get on. A trip to the park would be out of the question for us today it's snowing again!

Ruby's got her injections again today :( she's got a bit of a cough too. Hope the snow doesn't got too bad so I can get there I hate driving it in. The drs is literally 2 mins drive away but it's all up hill.
Have you got snow again? It's cold here but once again we'll miss any snow the rest of the country gets.

I'm taking her to Mamas and Papas once she has the brace on to see if their snug fits okay as there's quite a few on offer on ebay.

Is this her third lot of injections? Frankie had her second lot last week but fortunately they don't seem to affect her much.

Frankie's 3 months today, the time has flown. I miss the early days already!
Aw Stacey I wish I had that relationship. We used to get on fine and I'd go round for a wine on the weekend and a chat but not anymore. :(
Yes mellie it's still the aftermath of fb how pathetic!

Aw njp that's horrid I think I need to see a dentist I keep getting jaw ache and headaches and think it may be toothache and pain is showing up elsewhere forget the word for it ... Baby brain strikes again!

Good luck with rubys injections hun we have had snow on and off here this morn too not enough to stick or anything though!
Go to the dentist while it's still free! They'll give you a full check up too and do any other work needed. I get terrible jaw ache because of my clicky jaw and it ends up in neckache and headache too.

I think you should withhold visits to Faith from your MIL if she's going to be like that with you.
I know I really need to!!

Oh don't worry I have no intention of ever seeing them again unless I have to. Certainly won't be going round to their house. They never come to visit much anyway. Seen her about 10 times if that in the almost 5 months she's been here! Never txt or call to ask how she is.

Mellie meant to say I will put pics on soon as I can but I didn't take any and all on cameras so need my mum to send me some somehow! Will mither her after ha
Yea snow again and it's settling but still drive able.

Yup her 3rd lot she was more aware at the last set so don't know how she will be today. It doesn't seem to have an effect after either which is good.

I wouldn't go visit either kaa. What does your oh have to say about it? Life's so much easier when you get along, I can go to my ohs parents house when he's not there and I go out places with his mum.

I'm looking forward to the month of march. Lots of birthdays including mine and our first Mother's Day as mums! :)
MILs are weird. Mine is lovely most of the time but she has some annoying advice about the baby. I just have to try to ignore it because in other respects we get on well.

I have the house to myself for the first time in over a fortnight, it is lovely! I have done a bit of shopping, a bit of cleaning and the afternoon is mine and Frankie's to enjoy. She's currently zonked out on her playmat so I'm giving the dog some snuggles instead, don't want her feeling neglected.
Are you going to drop hints to your OHs about mothers day? Or do you think they'll remember? Our kids do their own thing now but I used to help them when they were little. Now, I don't know whether they'll get something for both of us from Frankie, or whether the wife and I should get each other something from Frankie. I need to work out how to drop hints without seeming like we're just organising it, if you get what I mean, I'd like it to happen spontaneously but i can imagine waking up on the day to find everyone expected someone else to do something about it.
Kaa so glad you had a lovely day but shame on your mil for being so immature. Like you say her problem, not yours!!

NJP, I drop 'hints' like 'Mother's Day in 2 weeks, I'd like these gloves!' ;) No beating round the bush from me. But it'd be lovely if you and your wife got something for each other from Frankie!!

Hope everyone's well and babies are good! We're good here. Night times are so so but she's becoming less fretful and clingy in the day so that's great!x
My mummy social went really well. Met lots of nice mums and their babies. They're on about making it a weekly thing which will be nice. Definitely have a look at the website it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It was only a wall around a local park but was nice for a bit if exercise and fresh air for the babies.

I've reminded OH about mothers day as he's highly likely to forget otherwise. Hope he gets me something nice.

My MIL isn't too bad, we went there yday for dinner but ended up staying there for agesss and then we all come back stinking of smoke so I have to forward plan and wear clothes which need washing anyway. Haha although she did make a comment to OH the other day about Jake's christening. My cousin is being a god parent because we're really close and she said as there's a memeber of my family there should be one from theres. Which I'd agree with if OH was close to any of his cousins or something. But only option is one of his sisters and as they're twins you cant have one without the other. Plus personally I don't see the point of having sisters/brothers as godparents as they already have a role as aunt/uncle. She was drunk when she mentioned it so I'm hoping she won't mention it again.
Oh NJP, someone at my mummy social happened to mention that H&M do loads of footless baby grows!
Glad the mummy social went well. I signed up to it, doesn't seem a lot happening near me just a few people. I don't actually know if id dare go lol!

My oh has been hinting to me that it's Mother's Day soon. He's already told his mum he won't be going out with her for Mother's Day because he's taking me and Ruby out. He's booked a Sunday lunch at a lovely pub near us and I know he's bought me something from Ruby cos he's rubbish with keeping quiet and told me he had ordered something and hoped it was the right one!

Ruby's a little grumpy after her injections, she cried a little but then gave the nurse a smile. She's been grumpy since we got home I gave her some paracetamol and she had a little nap
There's been a couple near me but this is the first one I got the courage to go to. Really glad I went now though. I live in Birmingham though so there's a lot of mummies near me joining!

Your OH sounds lovely Stacey, very well trained. Mine joked yday that he was going to buy me a big gold Mum ring from Argos for a tenner. At least I hope it was a joke.....
Oh that's good mellie glad it went well it's fab meeting other mums and babies and at least everyone has something in common haha.

Njp I wouldn't count on them including Frankie so I'd be tempted to get something for yr wife on behalf of Frankie. My sister (she's 16) is useless at including our younger sister, typical teenager ha.

Aw goat glad all is well.

Stacey he's a keeper!! Haha.

Oh don't I'd hate that . They're the kind of thing in laws are into!!
I had my sister and cousin. I know what u mean that she's already an aunty but it was a better choice as no politics then if having to choose a friend or something. Nige ended up asking his brother. He felt it was the right thing to do. Ha.
Ps Nige mentioned it will be my first proper mothers day so let's just hope this works out better than my first Christmas and bday as a mum! :-/
If he'd said from the start I want my sisters then I wouldn't have minded. But if he asks them now it means he'll have 3 godparents which I just think is too many!

Nige best make sure you have an amazing mothers day, I'll be driving up to sort him out otherwise!! Haha
We had 3. I always said 2 was enough but my cousin has done so much for her since she was born that I felt she deserved a special role in her life.

Hahaha yes please do!!!!
Ha that was meant to say 5 godparents as we've already asked 3! I think 3 is the perfect amount.

Jake is definitely teething, still can't feel or see anything though. Going to in another teether tomorrow. He has sophie the giraffe but its a bit big for him at the moment.
Frankie just did the best thing! She's started 'talking', making 'oohaahh' noises at us so i recorded it and was playing it back to screenshot it and she started replying to herself while watching the playback! I wish i'd had another phone to hand to record it.

The kids put Frankie on their birthday cards to each other but I think I'd like a separate card from her tbh. Will have to start dropping hints i think!

Can you resolve the godparent thing by saying he picks one person and you pick one person? It's silly that it has to be family though, it should be someone you see regularly who will have a role in the child's life. If baptism is to be taken seriously it should be someone who is around enough to give spiritual guidance.

Thanks for the heads up on H&M, I'll have to have a look at what they've got. I've ordered a few leggings from the internet, like this:


They're cute and cheap, I bought some for £1 on the sale page. As the weather gets warmer, some of those with vest tops or t shirts will be nice.

Mellie, a gold mum ring, ooh that'll be lovely! One of those big 3d block ones? When I left work someone bought me a mum necklace. It was silver and it was very pretty but I don't do pretty really and it just hasn't got worn at all. I might ebay it...

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