*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Damn, I never even thought about my hairy legs.....I don't think I've done them since a few months before Jake was born..... i think I'll be able to get away with it though. At least I hope so. The hair isn't that dark or anything and I'm hoping everyone will be more interested in their babies than my legs....

Just found out a girl I went to school with, who had her baby a month before I had Jake is in the same swimming class so that'll be nice to see her again. :)
You're so lucky, within two weeks of not shaving you can barely see skin on my legs! It's like I'm wearing hairy black legwarmers! Be nice for you to have a familiar face there.

Do you put armbands on the babies? I have visions of the baby wriggling or slipping out of my hands.
Love the bottle pasta and rice toy, think i will make one! Brilliant.

If there have been peoplei liked the look of in a group i have just bitten the bullet and said...'next week if you fancy it, we could go for a coffee after the class?' Everyones in the same bolt trying to meet other mums ...

Swimming is by far the best thing we do, imogen wears waterproof nappies and wet suite type pants ontop (mothercare and boots). We are going to try and go tomorrow, i have learnt things to do from the lessons so want to share with oh. Also want oh to see her smile and reaction when in the pool. She reminds me of a puppy dog.
I mainly used to epilate my legs, not shave them so think that's why the hair isn't really thick.

Nopr no arm bands you just kind if hold then. You can get little raft boat things but think thats mainly for holidays not actual swimming.

Our local pool is freezing so waiting until the weather warms up to take Jake there. OH is off in a few weeks so will get him to come and watch swimming that week :)

I'm pretty certain Jake will love it he laughed all the way through the bath we shared earlier!
All done now just need tomorrow to come and so can get all room organised with food etc. Still annoyed we are doing this as rather just come home after especially now that Faith is poorly :(

Apple what on earth is happening with this woman u feel is bullying?? I'm gutted to hear that. Hope ur ok?
Currently trying to get Imogens nursery finished..had some wooden letters made which look so cute. Also made some bunting, but it may be over kill...


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Its all work in progress but too excited wanted to share


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Looks fab! Hope the imogen letters are the right way round in real life haha.

Did u see my earlier msg Apple???
Yes i have no idea why my pics, come out like that!

No sorry must of missed it!

Its so hard to explain, but i feel like im back at school and everytime I am in her company i come away feeling sh*t!
She says things to put me down...something and nothing if you know what i mean.

One example. (Background to it is My Oh generally takes responsibility for imogen 8pm-1am (its a time that I know, if i choose i can have to myself and OH likes the time to bond with Imogen, it seems to work well for us on a number of levels)...anyway this girl turned round and said something catty like."are you still forcing john to look after Imogen in the evening" its sounds petty but I see Oh getting involved as a positive thing and she made it sound like i forced him and its a mean thing...i know it sounds petty but ther are constant remarks like this with a negative tone. There are tonns of little things like this. The easiest thing would be to stop seeing her, but the other girls are so nice and as I dont know many people its hard at the moment!

Hope tomorrow goes well....
Pfft she sounds vile, she's probably just jealous that her OH doesn't help out like that. Sometimes I wish I wasn't breastfeeding so Shane could just take him away, put it takes far too much planning what with expressing. Does she say anything like that to the other girls or just you? Have they not noticed what she's like to you?

Imogens nursery looks like it's coming along nicely, I love those Ikea storage boxes, we have some in Jake's room. We spent ages doing his nursery and he's probably never even going to sleep in it....oops!
How awful she sounds vile. Bet the other girls are only tolerating her too.
Would you not feel comfortable saying something to her? Be it tell her that was a harsh comment or to kind of snipe back? As in I would have said oh no I don't need to force MY oh to help out he actually WANTS to!!

Hope she will give it up soon how unpleasant for u. Don't just put up with it though hun shame her instead.

Yes we have the Ikea set up too but just bright colours as we did it when I was pregnant so didn't know was having girl.
Need to move Faith into cot crib is far too small now :-/ moving cot into our room though yay! Hehe Nige said she can sleep with us in our room til 1. Haha winner! Told him he could have his own room if he liked and I just share with Faith hahaha needless to say he was a little put out
The other two girls are super lovely and probably oblivious to it, (the nasty girl seems very close to one of the other girls, they meet up quite alot)i dont want to start anything bitchy and so at this stage not rising to it. I defend my position but just in an innocent manner like with this incidendent , i said John loves this time with Imogen and it works for us so at this stage no need to change...to wgich she replied something along the lines of me not being very considerate to his needs to sleep during the working week.?!?!

Im sure its just a super stressful time for her and this is her way of dealing with it. I dont want to start anythiny bitchy its not my style and for the time being i need the support/friendship of the other girls. Im sure it will settle down and if not she will be back at eork in a few months and i will not have to see her at all if i choose...of course there is the option of me being totally paranoid.

We really dont have the room for cot in our room, if i cant sleep when she is in the other room i willjust put the airbed in her room till she is 18! :-)

I love those ikea shelves there so handy, for atorage, i think half the boxes are already filled! :-)
Im having an anoying middle of night feeds, we are on 2nd nappy change and she is eyes open talking to my nipple rather than drinking.

Whats weird is from where i am sitting i can see neighbours living room window. They have been up since 5:30 this seems to be there regular get up time even at the weekend.
I can't imagine you're being paranoid, she just seems like a not very nice person.

Jakes been up and down all night again, I'm exhausted. Think I'd have been less tired if I hadn't gone to sleep at all. When he wakes up he just keeps crying until he gets boob. Which is annoying as I normally kick OH to get up and settle him but Jakes not having any of it. Even if he's just been fed. :(

Your neighbours must be crazy who gets up at 5.3p30 unless it's for work?!
Apple Imogen's room looks lovely! Were debating putting Ruby's you box up as she has lots of toys already and there just down the sides of her wardrobe which looks untidy. I was going to wait a bit so the room didn't look so full with the extra toy box but I think it will look better than toys in their packaging boxes!

I did get a little more used to blood tests but I still dread them!

Ruby fits her bumbo seat lovely but then she is petite so I could see how they might be snug. I was going to buy one second hand until my auntie gave us her old one which is like new.

That's great they provide the nappies too! I wouldn't have thought mine will provide them. I bought some in the sale from mothercare.

The women at the nct doesnt sound nice at all. Let's hope she goes back to work soon!

Good luck for faiths christening today!
Thank you it went really well. Lovely day and everyone enjoyed themselves. I'm shattered now though. Faith is so poorly full of a cold bless her. Was a very long hard day for her she just wanted to sleep but couldn't so cried. Felt so sorry for her :(
Only thing to spoil it slightly was my mil not speaking to be the whole day but she's cut off her nose to spite her face really!!

Ah just persevere hun and hopefully she'll shut up.Haha.
Kaa...thats very silly of your mil...i find it so much harder to ignore and be mean to someone, its much more labour intensive than being nice...

So we pretty much always have a. 4-5am feed...which would of been perfect this morning as we need to be up at 5for a flight to newcastle..so what time does Imogen decide to feed today. 3:30am great, also anoyingly i have woken up with a sore throat feeling like the start of a cold. Just what i need!
I know!! I'm never having anything where our 2 families come together again. I put all my effort into that day to try to get it perfect Fed them and everything and not so much as a thank you, lovely day, went well, bye...nothing!!!
Just ungrateful too I would never attend anything and not at least speak to the host to say hi and bye.

Oh no imogen!!! Haha typical that. Hope u got sorted how did u feed her on the plane or didn't u need to? What are u doing up in Newcastle?
Glad the christening went well shame about the mil! I wouldn't dream of being like that at such an event.
My mil is the opposite. Wants to come see Ruby all the time even at inconvenient times! Speaks to me just fine we even go places together, I'm lucky I have good in laws really.

Aw that's not good Imogen waking early throws your schedule out. How's the flight gone?

I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I think we've passed the rubbish sleep this past week. The last 2 nights she's gone to sleep around 8.30 woken around 2-2.30am for a feed and change and then woken at 6.30am and wanted to get up! I can't really complain at that nights sleep but I wish she wouldn't get up so early :/
Kaa your MIL sounds a little childish is this still because of the Facebook thing? Glad the christening went well though, although I'm still yet to see a picture of Faith in her dress, sort that out soon please Jake wants to see her! :)

Hope your flight went ok apple, are you going up there to see family?

I might be going to meet some other mummys today. I joined this website called "mummy social" and people arrange socials and there's one today at a park near me. So I feel like I might just bite the bullet and go.....fingers crossed everyone's nice.

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