*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Interesting that they use due date for it. I know they don't most of the time because due dates can be inaccurate, but I think if you know your due date is accurate then it's good to use it. I'll look up the app.

Glad to know I'm in for a few weeks of crying, cranky, clingy...!
Thanks for the link mellie. That says one happens at 12 weeks, hopefully I've just had mine, with the few nights of bad sleep.

According to that, the later wonder weeks can last longer, several weeks at a time. We're all in for some fun there!

I wonder why they call them wonder weeks. It sounds kind of gimmicky like it's not a real thing.

I've got a graco car seat and we took the newborn insert out within days as it was too small straight away. After that, there's a series of slots for the shoulder straps and she's on the second highest and even then they're slightly under her shoulders. The strap length has been extended to its widest, though there's still a couple of inches adjustment left in them. If I need to, I'll take it back to mothercare and ask advice from the car seat fitting staff. She's really long, she's on the 99th percentile for length and it's mostly body, with little legs, which my mum calls 'ducks disease'!
They're called wonder weeks because when they come out of one they're meant to have mastered a new skill....its still a bit of a kind of gimmicky name though.

Ideally you want her in the first stage car seat for as long as possible as they're the safest ones. Even if you get an extended rear facing seat for once she's outgrown it they're still not as safe as the infant carriers. It's when they're head reaches the top of it that they're too big for it. So sounds like she might outgrow it fairly quickly.

We've just put an offer in on a house!! Eek!!!
Mellie, how exciting...i saw your fb post and figured it must be house related but didnt post unless its a secret!

I hope we have come through...are household is having a bad day.Imogen is refusing the bottle again so we are having a battle of wills today and so far imogen is 1-0 up versus me amd oh (has we are just at each others throats today...shit at weekends are so vauable, i feel pants on so many levels)...

1-1 imogen has sucombe to hunger and had a bottle...what to do next i have no idea!
Yes it was indeed house related, only told family about it so far in case it all falls through as obviously anything could go wrong still. It was the first house we viewed, so had to go round and speak to my Grandpa about it to make sure we weren't rushing in, but he said it was nice so we made an offer. Haven't even sorted the mortgage yet, because we didn't expect to find a house so quickly.

Jake won't take a bottle at all if I'm near him, I have to be out the house for him to accept one, otherwise he just wants me! At least she's taken one eventually for you, hopefully she takes one later on too.
Exciting news mellie keep us in the know and good luck fingers crossed you get it for the price you want!!

Yes wonder weeks...American?!

Oh Apple how come she refusing bottles? What's hv said?
Nige and I fell out again Thursday night. So sick of arguing :(
She prefers breast i think...she accepted bottle from me just now, going to play it by ear...babies certainly test relationships, sadly i think i am to blame most of the time, i have such a short fuse at the moment. Any way happiness is resorted. Just a waste of a day! :-(
Do t know why my pics never upload properly


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Ah that's lovely! Love the baby grow, where's it from?

Have you patched things up now kaa? It gets a bit like that with us sometimes.

Apple, it's not your fault, you might feel short tempered but you are hormonal, sleep deprived and your daily life has had a massive change so things are bound to get fraught.

I thought they might be wonder weeks because you spend all day wondering what the hell is wrong with them, haha!

Mellie, good luck on the offer. I hated that sort of thing & we said we're staying put because house buying is so stressful. I found the hardest thing is just not knowing what to do, all the stuff that needs to be done & decided.
Well we're not planning on having to move again anytime soon. It was really annoying me because loads of the estate agents were showing us 2 bed places when I purposely asked for 3. I don't want to move into a 2 and then have to worry about moving in a few years time because I want another baby. Just got to wait until Tuesday for the mortgage application, that's the next big step then after that I don't know what happens.

Apple she's getting massive, got a good head of hair on her too ;)

Is Nige getting any better now Kaa? Now Shane's realised he can slightly throw Jake in the air he seems to be enjoying fatherhood a bit more. He never argues with me though, which is actually really annoying. He just kind of agrees or does whatever Im moaning about to shut me up. I had a massive strop with him the other day because he kept forgetting everything I told him or not paying attention when I was speaking. He couldn't agree or do what I moaned about then though. So he just shut up and followed slowly behind me when I stormed off! Haha
Oh apple she so cute! Do you have an insert type thing in her cot/ crib that she's lying on? I've tried putting Ruby in her cot during the day for naps but as soon as I put her down she wakes up more or less straight away. I also think it's because she likes to lie on her side and in the cot she just rolls straight onto her back!

She's got loads of hair still! Ruby's is a total mess lol it's fallen out all over but is still long down the back and the top is all fuzzy. I'm convinced it's falling out as it's going to come back red like mine ha! (I'm hoping!)

Fingers crossed for the house mellie!
Thanks i needed to post a pic to remind myself about why im doing it. Tha baby grow was from baby gap (sale before i was even pregnant) has since got poo on it :-) she is loosing her hair loads at the moment fear it may come back light..its weird her hair and eyes both look like they are going lighter (mousey brown :-()and yet her skin is darkening.

She is having day naps in a toddle pod inside her cot to get use to cot...i think if the time comes when we have to put her in cot and she doesnt go , we will use the toddle pod like we are doing currently for day naps. She falls asleep now everynight in her own room, so we are hoping transition is a smooth one. Although we tried to leave her in there last night as a trial and i could nott sleep , so can see me in nursery with airbed first few weeks we do it.
Mellie, fyi banks are easier than building societies to borrow from! (In our experience) . Definately if you can afford it get a 3bed i feel a two bed is already too small.

Njp..wonder weeks comment made me lol xxx
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Jakes only loosing his a little bit, it may suddenly start falling out soon. It's brown at the moment but I was born with brown hair which fell out then went blonde and OH had blonde hair as a baby too. So it could easily go blonde. His eyes look like they're staying blue. Which I'm extremely happy about!

I cant get Jake to sleep in his cot in the daytime. I tried the other day but he just lay there staring at me as if to say "dont be so stupid."

3 beds by us aren't that much more than 2 beds, its just that they're in higher demand so go quicker. My Grandpa seems like he's willing to help us quite a bit financially so as long as somewhere will give us a bit of money we should be alright (I hope. I'm just trying to be optimistic.) Thing I'm worrying about is how do you move house with a baby?!
One of the girls in our nct had her baby on the 23rd november and moved house on 15th dec! Impressive! Im sure you will be ok! Just get grandparents to come and help.

Thats great that your grandfather has been able to help with a deposit..sooo exciting
Aw Apple imogen looks so cute! I love her cardigan!

Faith has a big bald spot as she constantly turns her head from one direction to the other in her crib. :( hope all her hair will stay put don't want it all falling out. She is blonde and her dad was born blonde with blue eyes so she is the same. Was hoping her eyes would go green like mine but alas! it is not to be :( think her hair will go darker as she gets older but need to get rid of her cradle cap otherwise her hair will never grow!

Great that ur grandad is so forthcoming financially mellie :) my parents offered us a deposit but my useless lying husband continues to take out payday loans when advised not to and so we need to wait at least two years now before anyone will even contemplate giving us a mortgage!!
Can imagine it being stressful but hopefully it can be done quickly.
My aunty and uncle had a baby 14 weeks ago too and are moving next weekend. The house isn't completely finished either. They've paid removal company to pack their house up and move stuff for them. Certainly makes it easier but they're loaded the house they've bought cost half a mil and they've had a complete renovation done! Lucky sods!!
I wish Ruby had a bald spot she just has patches of hair! And they are short and fluffy in most places bless her.

I'm going to look at a toddle pod Ruby will not nap in her cot and I think when she is ready to move into her cot from her Moses basket it will be really hard if she's not already used to napping in it. Might look for something like that at the baby show in Manchester...anyone else going to it?

I think with moving house just make sure you label all your boxes and pack room by room and then unpack room by room at the other end. You could pack a few boxes with essentials so that as soon as you get there you can unpack them boxes and have baby things to hand so that might be less stressful. Also when we moved we did a part exchange and bought a new build an we kept our old house keys over the weekend so we could move and not exchange keys on the same day. We asked our solicitor to include it in the sale but tbh the company was so rubbish they didn't really care that we kept the keys anyway! It was helpful tho as we moved all the boxes in an evening and then furniture in a removal van in one day. We also had a new fridge/freezer delivered on the Monday so left the food at the old house until it came.

It's fab that your grandad is helping you
I was born with dark hair then it all fell out and grew back blonde. OH had blonde hair as a baby too, so Jakes hair could well all fall out and grow back blonde. He's got OHs lovely blue eyes though. Everyone keeps commenting on them and asking who he's got them from.

My mom had an operation a few weeks ago and she wont be fully recovered for 6 months so I'll probably get her to look after Jake while we move and decorate.

Kaa you need to sort your husband out, what does he keep getting pay day loans for? I take it he's not very good with money then? OH has a few defaulted payments, but they were all before we were together so over 2 years ago now. We looked on experian and they have them registered but his credit score is still higher than mine because he's had loads more credit than me.

I'm going to the baby show in Birmingham in may. I got free tickets to the one in Manchester but not sure I can be bothered to trek all the way up there.
I am considering going to the baby show ...purely just to get the next car seat. I want the new maxi cosi axis..its rear ward facing till the right age and the best bit is it rotates to make it easy to get in and out of car. Its only sold at mothercare and at a wooping £350!

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