*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Sometimes Jake will happily sit in his bouncer. Other times he wants to constantly be bounced and other times he'll scream and scream until we get him out.

Jake is terrible at sleeping in the day time. I was out all morning visiting estate agents and he slept for about an hour in total. He's still awake now. Its so annoying. Even tried feeding him in bed but nope still wide awake. Hoping Shane will be back from work soon then he can take Jake and Rocky on a walk.

I think Jake has a dodgy tummy. He'd pooed over night, which he never normally does. And he's just had his 5th poo of the day!!

Jake likes row row your boat too. He also likes nick nack paddy wack. Oh and he likes when Shane dances like an idiot to anything

NJP, you've missed all the drama on the Facebook group. It's been going crazy. I don't know what suddenly happened!
Been meaning to say to you to Mellie what was up with facebook group! Fallen apart...i am completely out of the loop...seems to me that people have become a little too sensitive...such a shame, wonder if people will come back on here! Made entertaining reading though!

Mellie..my sister baby has been pooing non stop for last 48 hrs...apparantly there is a bug going round..babies are well in them self but pooing continuously!
He's just had his 6th one. This time extremely green. Getting through far too many nappies!

I think everyone just has different views on things, especially parenting and then something (not quite sure what) just seemed to tip a few over the edge. Oh well hopefully it'll all be alright from now on.
Thats sound exactly what my sisters baby had..lots of poos and then turned green...her little girl is still pooing..
I don't want it to carry on. We're going to the zoo tomorrow, I don't want to have to take 20 nappies with me :(
Ruby's had a lot of poos lately, wet ones but there not green. The health visitor said that when babies start teething they can have poos like that. I don't trust her anymore tho so going to ask the dr tomorrow. I was going to suggest this could be the case for jake but not if there green a

Have I missed something with the Facebook group? Was this a mummy to be group gone wrong?

Went clothes shopping today I feel so much better for buying some clothes that fit. I don't have to look in my wardrobe and spend ages trying to find something to wear!

We got a text today were finally starting baby massage on Friday yey! :)
Oh I've missed loads again!
Njp that's hilarious!! I am so addicted to chocolate (never was before having Faith) so I've given it up for lent. Hoping to see some major improvements as I've put on loads and feel disgusting. Can't fit in (looking nicely without bumps) my nursing tops anymore really down about the state of myself! And having to dress up for a party Friday then faiths christening week on Sunday....I could cry, literally!!! :'(

Glad the wife better now hun perhaps u need to let her be involved a little more at times haha hard though isn't it?! :-/

Apple glad u had a better day! We are having to shift our bedtime routine an hour earlier now as she is just so tired. She won't sleep in the eve much anymore so gets over tired and can cry a lot!
Just means she's up at like 3-5 wanting a feed. It's like we are going backwards a little bit grrr.

Njp mil kicked off as I put a status on fb basically saying slow down rushing and wishing away ur babies enjoy them (u know like why do ppl rush to put them in their own room at like 6 weeks etc) well she took it personally and made out I was calling her a bad mum and put her own status on saying how she just been told been doing it all wrong after 32 years. Ffs never said that AT ALL!!!!!
I am wondering if Jake's teething, as he's had very rosy ccheeks the past few days and he's been dribbling even more than normal (which I didn't think was possible!)

Yes the Facebook group was so we could all keep in contact and post things easier. It is still working ok, just a few falling outs happened over the past week maybe. So were now 2 members down :(

I've been waiting to start baby maasage for ages, I feel like they've forgotten about me. By the time they start a class Jake will be too old at thia rate :(
Mellie it sounds like jake could be teething. Ruby's cheeks are always red and she's dribbling loads. Everything goes in her mouth.

I thought that about the massage it would have been helpful when she had colic! I rang to book a place on rhythm time ( which is fab!) and got on the following week and I asked about the massage as Ruby's names been down since birth she said it looked like we would be on the next one and we are :) I would keep ringing them.

How are the plans going for faiths christening it's pretty soon.

I'm just up doing a night feed Ruby went to sleep at 8.30 and has just woken she's going loads better . We finally moved to 2 flow teats, she must have been sucking hard on the 1 flow as she's sucking so hard the teat is going inwards bless her. She's taking more bottle in one go though so it's defo helping.
Imogen has started pushing the teat inwards..we put it down to teething and needing to chew on something!

Has Katiee left the group as well?
Faith was/is teething wasn't as bad last couple days or so I thought! Night times are not the same we have regressed to 2 night time get ups :-/ no more lie ins til 7:30 here cue me being a zombie!!

She is certainly chomping down a little harder during feeds anyway.

Great stuff stace glad that's working well for ruby then!
All ok just need to organise food nearer the time. Mainly my outfit I need to sort now as I need something I can feed easily in. And perhaps some shoes for Faith not sure necessary though!

Yes Katie gone too. Such a shame.

Baby sensory today but first a play date at a play centre with a couple friends. One has a 1 year old so keeps her entertained whilst we have coffee and chat :)
kaa how come all of your classes are still on? All of mine aren't on this week because of half term which is a shame for Jakey.

Is Faith wearing a nice dress for the christening? It's so much easier to dress girls than boys. I went searching for a suit for Jake to wear for his (not really anything else smart enough he could wear) couldn't find one anywhere except a not very nice one at next. I then had a brainwave to look on ebay and managed to get a lovely next suit from a previous season for just £8.50. Bargain. :)

I'll have to try and chase up baby massage next week. I really wanted to do it.
Ugh. I've has about 3 hours sleep. She's not upset, just awake, kicking and cooing since 3.30am. I'm driving 200 miles to my mum's with her today on virtually no sleep. Wife has taken her downstairs for me to get some more rest but I an wide awake now, with a banging headache.

The Facebook group sounds fun, haha! Shame I didn't join, I like a watching a good internet bicker!

Kaa, your mil sounds a bit touchy, it was years ago that she had her kids, why would she think you were aiming it at her! Can't believe she'd actually stop speaking to you over it.

Seems like you're all getting teething indicators now. Frankie is fist chewing and dribbling but doesn't seem to be in massive discomfort so I don't think she's teething yet. She's only 11 weeks still. I keep feeling her gums in case but nothing there.

Might as well get up now. Need to get some coffee, the bloody stepson has used all of it again, thought I'd hid the good stuff but he must have found it.

Think I'll be taking a stash of mini chocolate santas to get me through this car journey!
Thanks for the info on fertility friends NJP! I'll pass it along.

When are you ladies getting your little ones christened? We're having it done mid March. Mellie, Jake's outfit sounds so cute! Mine have the one I worw as a baby - a proper 80s gown with bonnet! It's so funny and cute on them. However I'm just envisaging her screaming the whole time. What kind of parties are you having?

Kaa your mil sounds so touchy. I hope she backs down soon.

If anyone's looking for a good diet I can highly recommend the Hairy Bikers diet. It's good and healthy, just a bit pricey. I lost 9lbs in 2 weeks. But I've got sooo much to lose still. I've never been this big.x
Ha ha I did wonder if the chocolates would come out for the long trip. Are you staying for the night/weekend?

Some of my classes arnt on like rhythm time and the sensory class but the stay and plays are on. The magician thru had Tuesday was ok my nephew loved it, Ruby slept

There funny things arnt they, Ruby was awake for an hour after her feed she off a leaky poo and then wanted to chat. We couldn't help but laugh at her.
She woke up then just before 8.

Don't be disheartened by the 2 night feeds we've always had 2. They say they have a sleep regression around 4 months...? so it could get a little worse then better again.

Have you tried monsoon for a suit for jake? They also have nice shoes kaa. Is faith wearing a traditional christening gown?
That's fab goat well done! I havnt got loads to lose so not going on a diet but I have bad back fat! Don't know how I'm going to loose that. I dance 2/3 times a week and walk the dog regular I'm just hoping I will start to tone up a bit, I've a little to loose around my waist my jeans don't fit yet. I have a feeling that i might stay this shape.

I just remembered you've got a suit mellie!
Faiths christening is 1st March so a week on Sunday!!
I have her a dress from asda of all places! Ha. I wanted a long traditional one from monsoon but it's 100 and nige won't let me spend that haha. Walked in asda and saw a really nice lace effect cream dress although mum keeps going on about it not being white and stressing me about it and the other baby being christened the same time has a full on ivory traditional dress :-/ not sure what to do now!

Have booked the church Catholic Club for after as we didn't want a do but got that big a family of ppl we know want to come we just booked it to give more space. Literally doing finger food buffet no knives and forks and music on iPod just keeping it simple. Won't be staying long either hate when they become big discos and excuses for piss ups!!

I asked and they said most of women who come to groups don't have other children so they try keep classes going throughout year for those women really. Which is good coz they stopped for 6 weeks summer hols n got loads of complaints but not surprised not really fair for those who rely on groups for getting out and socialising too.

Hahaha njp get on the chocs for the sugar boost. They be gone before u know it and u will need to buy more haha
I wouldn't worry about what the other baby is wearing I would dress faith how you want to. It will be your photos and your memories to look back on. Oh gosh £100 is a lot. Do you have a monsoon outlet shop by you? You can get lovely things there for really good prices. The other alternative is if someone in the family had a dress you could borrow that had some meaning to it?

I didn't think about the 6 week holidays I think the childrens centre runs diff types of activities but they might be more open aged ones.

Drs today see what they say about Ruby's eyes! Oh had booked the afternoon off he's not happy with the health visitor so wants to see hat the dr has to say. I think he's wasted a few hours leave but it makes him feel better

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