*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Thanks njp, we just got back Ruby's fine! The health visitor did ask the doctor to look for Down syndrome, she reluctantly told us that though. Straight away the dr said there's nothing wrong with her eyes. At least that it something we don't have to worry about
Oh great news all is ok Stacey :) waste of leave yes but worth it to know ruby is ok and nothing to worry about.

Hope the drive went ok njp??
I doubt all the other babies would be in traditional christening dress. I dont think many people do that now as its so expensive. Think people mainly do it if they have a dress in the family.

Jakes christening is in May at the C of E church that I was christened at. The after bit is at a local social club. Shane wanted somewhere with a bar so I reckon it may turn into a bit of piss up :/ we're just going to have a finger food buffet though. May do it ourselves but not sure yet. Its so expensive to hire a company to do it.

We've just got back from the zoo. Had a lovely day. Although one of the nephews managed to get lost briefly. Had 7 adults looking for him at one point. Turned out he'd managed to sneak into the soft play area.

That's good news about Ruby, better to be on the safe side though.
Fab news about Ruby, staceylou...although your mothers instinct knew everything was fine.

We have had another bad day, she is soo tired, soo moaney, even the boob wont settle her. she flips from making the most chiling screaming noise to smiles! Dont know whats up...her poo is really runny as well.. Want ro bang my head against the wall..oh has got her now from 9pm so at least my shift is done!
Glad all is okay stacey, did she check anything or just know by looking? I suppose hvs have to err on the side of caution but what a waste of time.

Drive was fine, my mum has been fussing over Frankie since I got here!

Apple hope she settles soon. It does sound like wind, hopefully she'll grow out of it in the next few weeks!
Thanks everyone. She said instantly by looking at her but did a full check too.

Aw apple I hope it passes for you, she could have a tummy ache? Or it could be teething?
Oh no mellie what a cheeky monkey!!! That must be so scary! We are going to get those back packs they do now with reins coming out the back (you know so children don't realise they're basically on a lead ha) wonder how long you can make them wear them for though hehe!!!

Aw Apple that's not good. Hope u had a better time of it throughout the night. Growth spurts cause all this as does teething and wind can too. It's a bit like Russian roulette of babies never know what or when it will be!! :(

That's funny njp bet she's made up. Where do they live if it was a 200 mile journey? How long are u staying for? Sorry if u said already and I'm asking u to repeat it ha.
Ooh also did u know you could do marking of tests like sats etc at home and get paid for that? I'm looking into it. That and private tutoring!

Up feeding. Where the F are my nice 7:30 wake ups?? :( not really sure what's going on here or what I can do to get them back haha. Oh well good job I love her so Much wouldn't be up at this time for anyone else!! :D
He's 7 so a bit too old for reins really. Funny thing was everyone would have expected it from the littler nephew but not this one.

Jakes only just woken up for his first feed, normally hes up at about 2. So just got 7 hours sleep in! :D

NJP bet your moms thrilled to have you both there. My mom fusses over Jake whenever she sees him, normally at leaat once a week so I cant imagine how much she'd fuss if I lived as far away as you.

I remember people telling me that a mother always knows what their baby is crying for. I certainly don't. Sometimes I can guess and possibly be correct. But I definitely don't instantly know.
Ha we have no idea why she crys most of the time...she used to never cry and its only the last week or so its becoming worrying. She has always sleeped well once a sleep....just woke now 6:15 for her first feed of the night which is good. I went to bed at 9pm so have had 8+ hours, although woke with leaky boobs before imogen woke up.

We ended up taking off her baby gro last wondering if shes crying because her baby grows are too tight. I have washed her 3-6 month baby grows today...its so sad to move up to the next size.

Kaa Imogen was sleeping really well a few weeks back 7-8 hour stretches...they have disapeared
I suppose 7 is too old but worth a try hehe

I was the same with crying too. Now I do know at times as she does have different cries and u can kind of tell a difference but I don't always know what she wants or needs necessarily. You will probably find the same as Jake gets older.

I take faiths legs out at times just to give her air n it seems to soothe her sometimes if only for a short while. Does she just cry for ages?? Is it a certain time of night?
If it's only come on recently I wouldn't be surprised if its some sort of growth spurt or wonder week. But the only difference is they normally come with lots of cluster feeding too.

Jake has two sorts of cry his general cry (which could be anything) and his stop putting clothes on me cry.
Haha Mellie, Frankie hates having clothes put on too! I can tell a hungry cry, it's quite angry and demanding but can't tell other cries instantly. She has a whimpery one for when I've left her alone and she wants me to come back but any other cry could mean anything and I have to go by process of elimination to work out what's wrong.

Seem to be having sleep regression here too, it's every 2/3 hours at the minute, not good for me as I really struggle to get back to sleep quickly. The worst thing is, she wakes for a night feed, falls asleep after it and won't burp then wakes up half an hour later crying about wind.
Just had a look at my wonder week book they have one at 12 weeks and then one a 19 weeks.

The 19wk one says things change between 14-17 weeks: they can be much quicker to cry and may whine and grumble more often than before. They may have trouble sleeping- may not settle well. May want night feeding again. They may demand more attention, may always want to be with you, lose their appetite. Apparently they may have mood swings lol! This period is supposed to be longer than the previous ones.

Just a few bits taken from the book.

Baby massage wasn't on due to tutor being ill :( so Just taken Ruby out in the pram with dog for a walk, I've finally converted the pram from the carry cot to the 'pram'. She used to not like going in it as she didn't want To be laid down, she loved looking at evrything, she still fell asleep though.

Has anyone else stopped using the carry cot/lay down part of the pram? I thought she looked a bit little to be in it but she seems much happier and still looks comfortable.
Jake only cries when getting him dressed after a bath. When we get him dressed of a morning he's normally ok. Its very strange.

Yea stopped using our carry cot bit a few weeks ago. He's in the main pram now, but it has a newborn insert thing in it which keeps him snug although he'll have outgrown that soon too.
Stacey thanks for that info. I have the wonder weeks app on my phone. Faith is just starting that phase (it goes off age from due date not actual age from birth doesn't it) it explains a lot ha.

Njp same here falls asleep beautifully but then writhing and wide awake after 10 mins of being put down :(
Bummer pressed send by accident.

Still in carry cot even though getting a little big now. Just can't bring myself to change as means accepting she's no longer my very tiny baby :-/ plus mine says not to use til 6m and no insert or anything so think will just give it a bit longer.
No still using the carry cot bit of mine, although know lots of people who have swapped wiith our age babies. She still likes it and looks cute so plan to keep her longer in it.
What is a wonder week? Frankie is 12 weeks next week, is that why she's sleeping worse? She was a bit better tonight, did about 5 hours.

I'm still using carrycot too. There's still space as I made sure I got a long wide one. I tend to use mine if we've had a long drive, to stretch her out after being in the carseat. I'm sure she's going to outgrow her car seat way too early. It says up to 13kg, but she's about 6.5kg and on the second biggest setting of the straps. I can't see it fitting until she doubles her weight.
It's to do with the different developmental milestones and how they can affect babies behaviours. I downloaded the app its interesting to see what weeks they can be affected etc.
I'd screenshot it but my phone won't upload pics.

What was her due date? I'll look for u now
Sure that 14 weeks from due date they start this 3cs thing...crying cranky clingy so sounds about right coz u went like 2 weeks over

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