*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I'm planning on buying the next stage car seat at the baby show. Its where I got our pushchair and everything from last year and I got a right bargain. Think I'm getting the Joie Stages, most of the other extended rear facing seats won't fit in my car :(
I'm going to the Manchester one on Friday 6th when are u going Stacey?
When's the Birmingham one mellie?
Which one will u go to Apple are there some near u?

I want that car seat the rotates too as we only have a 3 door car :-/ such a pain with the car seat and had to take the base out now as the car seat was never at the right angle coz sporty type astra so it's got kind of bucket seats in back that slant downwards so base didn't fit right so annoying!!
I'm going on the Sunday kaa. Havnt been to one before, we don't really need anything at the moment but might be a good chance to have a look at next stage car seats too.

Hoping there will be some bargains!
Ah right. I haven't either but like u hoping for bargains. There's a few things I want to look for like car seat, those high chairs that are just attached to chairs so can have baby at table with us when she's old enough to start eating, mirror for in car so she can be seen when nige driving if I'm not there etc etc haha.
I got one of those mirrors for my drive to my parents'. But I bought a pretty bright starts one which has useless straps so had to gaffer tape it to the headrest!

I've checked Frankie in her car seat and her head is one inch from the top. I can move the buckle between her legs forward by one space but that'll make her slouch down more. I can see her not fitting in at all soon. However, once she gets the boots and bar on her feet, I might have a problem with car seats anyway so I'm going to have to research that.

I doubt I'll be going to the baby show, it looks interesting but it's the weekend after Frankie's having her achilles tendon cut so I'm expecting her to be grumpy and sore.

Mellie, could you get an extra month's rent onto the mortgage and overlap houses? We did that and it was so much easier. It meant we could paint & recarpet the new place without all our stuff in the way. The extra month's rent onto your mortgage would barely be noticeable in your repayments.

Kaa, that sounds annoying about nige. Is it because he's got stuck in a cycle & needs to get new loans to cover the deficit from the repayments of the previous one?
The Birmingham one is in May. Which is slightly annoying because it'll be too late for me to buy my highchair and stuff. But if we get this house I might end up buying the Ikea one anyway as we'll have a dining room.

I want a mirror for my car but annoyingly it hasn't got headrests in the back and all the decent ones attach to them. I could get one that sucks on to the window but apparently then its a hazard in a crash as its bound to fall off

NJP, Im on a fb group that gives car seat advice and they say to pull baby right the way down even if they're then slouching. So hopefully you'll still have a bit more time with this car seat.

I'm planning on getting the houses to overlap somehow, should be fairly easy though as the current one is rented so the landlord wont be bothered as long as he gets his money. Want to decorate at least the living room and our bedroom before we move in. The other rooms can wait as they won't have as much stuff in them.
We have one of the mammas and pappas seats you attach to a chair and it also has a play tray on it. We bought it buy accident I thought it was a bumbo seat lol. My auntie gave us a bumbo seat so we have both now.

We bought a joie high chair it has a strap in the back of the seat you pull and it folds down it's pretty handy.

We have one of those mirrors it's not great either you have to lean forward to see her.

We need some sun shades for car window and a sun brolly for pram.
We know a few people who are pregnant so we may get them something too.

Kaa you'll have to let me know what it's like when you go on the Friday. I got an email to say they were loaning baby harnesses for people to try out at the show and leave their prams parked up. We planned to take our carrier anyway don't want to play dodgems with the pram!

I don't know how you will get on with car seats njp, there must be a way around it tho
Have you brought your tickets stacey? Just checked my email and the free ones i got are for Sunday. So you (or anyone else) are welcome to them.
Where'd my reply go!!! :-/

Yes njp they're due to loans he'd taken out n not paid off and getting behind on bills when I wasn't working in September then baby arriving early in October but he tries make out all is fine rather than admitting he needs help! :-/

I'll let u know how it is Stacey! That's good to know as I want to trial some slings anyway!

Njp the girl I told u about from baby massage who has a lg with brace...well she kept ringing hospital and they let her out of brace earlier than they'd originally said which means it wasn't necessarily needed for as long as they'd suggested! The lg kicks her legs about loads now. She still has to wear it of a night time but that's ok when she's asleep anyway.
Yea I think mine were from Emmas diary too. Just a shame for them to go to waste.

Suppose it must be awkward for him Kaa, I imagine you get stuck in a kind of rut. But men are always too stubborn to admit it and ask for help.

Have our mortgage appointment tomorrow, trying to find a letter dated within the last 3 months is proving impossible. Damn everything being online now!
Provably too late but you can usually print online statements out, some might have your address on. Good luck for the appt!

Kaa, I'd be wary of taking it off early because if they relapse they have to go through all the casts again. I see toddlers in the plaster room redoing what Frankie is having done now.

I found a fb which makes pretty covers for the bars but they're American so I'm going to show my mum and get her to make some in colours that I dress Frankie in.

Would he consider getting a small loan that isn't a payday loan just to consolidate? The interest wouldn't be great but it might be better than the payday loans. Though if he's not wiling to discuss it you might have a job getting him to do that.

Mellie thanks for the car seat advice, I'll try moving the bottom buckle thing to the bigger setting. I assumed it was better to keep her back straight.
Appointments not until 3.45 I had a letter this morning off the council though so I hope that will be ok.

If your mom can make them definitely do that instead as it'll be a lot cheaper too.

Think ideally you'd want to keep their backs straight but obviously they're not meant to spend too long in their car seats at this age anyway.
The highest part for shoulder straps on our car seat still doesn't seem high enough and I feel they come from behind and over her shoulders as opposed to just coming from over the top of them. (Hope that makes sense ha)

Hope ur appt went well mellie.

Yeh that's what I thought but like I said she still has to wear at night so think she's just been allowed to spend less time in them.
Aw that's cool if ur mum can make some!! Are u still there now? Not sure if I said how long u were staying for?!

Not sure we could get another loan our credit history that bad :(
For rear facing car seats the straps need to be level with or below her shoulders. For forward facing it's level or just above. So as long as the straps aren't above her shoulders you're fine :)

We have a mortgage in principle, got to go back on Thursday to sort it all. It could still go wrong though. Especially as Shane has a default on his account from a credit card he had before we were together. That meant there was only 1 bank that would lend to us! Was horribly stressful, but fingers crossed it all goes ok on Thursday.
It is stressfull and from our experience extremely long winded..amazing that you already have mortageg in principla!

We had Imogen weighed today, she was off the 50percentile line which i queried so they measured her length as well and she has jumped in height to the 91st percentile which i am dead chuffed about, drinking all that milk during pregnancy worked! Yay!
Hv also asked if Imogen suffered from Jaundice and wanted to see her in natural light until i told her she was mixed race. Nice that she was just checking and made me chuckle.

Annoyingly cant sleep, put imogen back in moses basket at 5 am and still awake!
Oh good so the straps are right then haha thank u.

Ah that's good though hopefully it means I be ok getting one coz the first thing they do is check ur credit so they must be ok with default. Is it in both ur names? Just wondering as ur on Mat leave so presume they go off ur earnings before that even though if u got mortgage now I wouldn't be earning that ? Did I say ur leaving that job coz of hours?

Oh that's good Apple!! I'm getting faith weighed today. Not sure she's going to be tall though as I'm short and nice just average height.

Hahaha bet the hv was mortified hehe where ur oh from?
Oh apple that made me laugh.

Fab news about the mortgage so far mellie fingers crossed it all goes through.

I think Ruby's going through the 4 month sleep regression. The last 3 nights have been awful she's settled into bed ok around 8.30, one day she was in bed by 7.20! She used to wake around 1.30 and then 5.30-6 and would usually go back to sleep then til about 8.30.
The last 3 nights she's woken at around 11, 3,5,6 and then has been getting up before 7.30. She's not always wanting a bottle when she wakes a cuddle and her sunny usually settles her but last night she was moving about all night! Kept having to re settle her unsuccessfully most of the time.

I joked with my oh that i wanted to take some anual leave! He keeps saying that im getting paid to be a mum, I said well I need a pay rise! And now I want to use some leave! Lol

Anyone else having these sleep problems? I'm just assuming it's the sleep regression but she had been eating a lot better and napping for longer in the day the last few days so I did wonder if it was a growth spurt. I hope she has a nap today do I can have one too!
Yea its in both our names. They need a letter from my work saying I'm going back, and as far as my work know I am going back. Probably could have got a mortgage just on Shane's income amyway as we have such a big deposit. Apparently years ago they wouldn't class your income if you were on maternity because my parents moved not long after my brother was born. But it's illegal now because it's classed as sexual discrimination to assume the woman won't go back to work.

I think Jake's height must be higher than the 50th, he's only been measured once though. But he's filling his 3-6 baby grows in length already. Getting him weighed on Thursday so might see if they can do it.

Is your OH tall, apple? Good that the HV at least noticed her skin wasn't quite aa white as most babies though.
Stacey have u not got the wonder weeks app? How many weeks is ruby now?
We are definitely at sleep regression every night gets worse than the last. She will fall asleep beautifully in my arms after a feed but the minute I put her down she's awake and crying til I put her bk on the boob. This must be why some people use dummies!

That's good to know thanks mellie!

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