*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Ruby will be 16 weeks on Sunday. I've got a wonder weeks book.

Same here every night seems to get worse than the one before. We have been using a dummy. I was really against it but it helps her to fall asleep without a big crying fit. Ruby's never just fallen asleep on her own unless out in the car or pram. She knows she is tired but will cry and want cuddling/ rocking to sleep. We're trying to get out of the habit of rocking her to sleep, last night after her bath and bottle I gave her a dummy and just let her lie on me and she sell asleep without a protest. I'm hoping we can get to the point of putting her in basket/cot and she will fall asleep herself.

She's just had a 30min nap I tried to nap too but couldnt seem to fully nod off :/
She's nodded off again! Picked her up cos she had woken up and was laid there smiling at me gave her a cuddle and she was sat on my knee chewing her hand, next thing she's nodded off
I've tried about 5 different types of dummies but if you put one in his mouth he just spits it out and pulls a disgusted face!

Jakes sleep is not as good as it was, but then I don't think his has ever been as good as a lot of yours. I'm hoping if he gets the sleep regression it will be in a week or so as Shane's off work for a week so I can make him do more in the night! Haha
I use a dummy, I started after a bad night when she was in hospital with the bronchiolitis and the nurse suggested it. I bought some once we got out and have used them ever since. I never really weighed up the pros and cons, the fact that it shuts her up is good enough for me, haha!

Stacey, hope Ruby settles soon, just take it easy and do the bare minimum to get through.

Thanks for the info on car seat straps. When they're under her shoulders I find they slip off so I move them up to be level with her shoulders as quickly as possible.

Good news on the mortgage! It definitely helps if you have a big deposit but it's so hard to get one now. We wouldn't have managed without some inheritance money. We were lucky too, it was just before my wife was 40, after that it gets harder to get one.

Apple that's funny about Imogen's skin! They just assume things and from what I saw when I visited Devon, it's not got much racial variation. It's like when my midwife asked about the baby's father, she was embarrassed afterwards but I didn't mind.

We're at the end of some 3-6 baby grows too. I'm sad because my favourite baby grow almost doesn't fit any more. I had her wearing it yesterday and will wash it to wear again this week, hopefully. It's a lovely stripy snoopy one and I've got a matching legwarmer for her cast. I'll try to find a pic. She's about 97th percentile for length and 99th for weight. I don't worry about her weight as long as her height centile also remains high.

I'm back home now, kaa. The drives were horrible. There's loads of speed restrictions for road improvements and the weather was crap. Frankie was great though, just slept. I woke her for milk & a stretch halfway but I think she would have happily slept through if I let her.
Njp I think I just thought of all the negatives of a dummy like how would we get her out of the habit! But in the end I gave in and I'm glad I did. Defo doing bare minimum today will be going to my parents this aft to walk dogs to the woods will take Ruby in the carrier.

I've just looked at Ruby's red book I bet she would look funny next to all your babies she was on the low end of 25th centile for length and weight when she was born and is now on 9th centile for both! She had a new baby dress on at the weekend! Lol. I've put it away now tho it looked a little short she kept flashing her tights lol!

She's in 0-3 now but a few bits still look too big, she did wear a 3-6 dress sunday tho but the matching vest was too big!

Mellie did you ever ring about baby massage?
Another bad sleeper here! She's never been a great sleeper but I think this regression is hitting as she's slowly getting worse. I wish she'd take a dummy or a bottle but she downright refuses both and gets so worked up! Picky little thing.

Will be really interesting to see what car seats everyone chooses. What are you all thinking? I got a Cybex Sirona which I love but the shell is small and my toddler is large! My toddler has always been on 91st-98th for weight and height and I thought she was growing out of her bucket seat at 4 months. I changed her over to the ERF at 11 months but in reality their growth slows a lot when they get to around 9-10 months and looking back I probably could've kept her in there until around 17 months. Her legs would've been crumpled but still. This baby is a titch, 25th for weight and 75th for height but her neck and face are so chubby she looks like a mini Michelin man.

Apple that's so funny. It happened to my friend too as her husband's from China but wasn't at the baby weigh in and the HV wanted to check the skin in a natural light as she thought baby looked a bit 'yellowy'. Was so funny. Poor HV was so embarrassed when my friend told her.

Mellie, great news about the house and mortgage!

NJP glad you're back now from all the driving.

Has anyone tried their babies in something like a jumperoo yet? I keep wanting to get ours out but I can't remember if they enjoy it at this age? We've also started putting A in the high chair at meal times as she seems to enjoy watching us all but the peace doesn't last for long.
Yep Jakey uses his jumperoo. Only for short periods, and he hasn't mastered bouncing yet but he seems to like it.


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Oh you have a gorgeous little boy Mellie!

Ok I'll move some of my toddler's junk she doesn't play with and get the jumperoo down. It's about time this poor baby had toys that weren't taken away from her.xx
Here is Imogen on her jumperoo, we got it out yesterday! She is obsessed with the yellow monkey!

My oh is 6ft4, he is mixed race (half welsh half nigerian) although he is adopted so thats all we know he is quite light himself, so its hard to see on Imogen, she will just tan nicely i think. Yes its very white in Devon, niw you mention it!

Mellie, well done jake on his laughter and giggling thats a great milestone to hit.

imogen had injections today, ok initial,y but lots and lots of tears this afternoon. She has been asleep though most of the evening so that is something.

No sleep regression here (yet) although i feel we have just come out of a growth spurt. So surely we deserve a few nice peacful evening.(if that exists)

Car seat, i would love the maxi cosi axisi (new one)... So expensive though.


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Ahh Stacey, she must be tiny! I never had the pleasure of having a tiny baby, Frankie was a big lump from the word go.

Jake and Imogen both look cute in their jumperoos. Frankie isn't allowed in one because it can encourage walking on tiptoes initially which isn't a problem normally but for babies with a club foot it's damaging to development. Not such a bad thing anyway, as I was wondering how we'd fit one of those bouncers/walkers around the living room furniture.

We went to have her cast changed today and they said she doesn't need her Achilles tendon cut! So next week she's getting her little boots and bar. I know this sounds really shallow and ungrateful but I saw a little boy in them today and he had pastel blue ones and my first thought was 'I hope I can pick the colour' because I'd prefer white or something to pastel pink, they'll clash with everything I buy for her.

Because of the boots, she needs sleepsuits without feet in, so ones that finish at the ankle. I haven't seen many around, so if any of you see any when out shopping could you let me know please?

I have no idea about next stage car seats, I'm just going for something reasonably cheap but durable. And something roomy to accomodate a big child.

It's a couple of weeks old, but this is Frankie in my favourite outfit:

Gap sell body suits without feet. If you wait for a sale and use a voucher code they can be reasonable price. You have just missed a 25% off sale voucher. When i get another one i will let you know.

First picture i think i have seen of frankie..what a cutie, and with such lovely hair. Love the cast. Haha thats the kind of thing i would thin about cast would have to match clothes.
Ahh she's got a right head of hair on her! I've seen some without feet in Asda, but they were boy ones so not sure if they do the same flr girls. Surely as the summer is coming up they're more likely to have ones without feet in. That baby grow is lovely, bright colours are nicer than baby blue/pink. Fab news about her not having to get her achillies tendon cut.

I knew when Jake laughed it would be for either OH or someone else in the family. Shane's definitely getting more into it now, he was so happy to make him laugh. Next milestone is rolling over, it did seem like he was going to yday a couple of times. I really want him to, but then don't at the same time!
Aw so cute they look like there enjoying their jumperoos! I don't know wether to get runs activity table thing out or not I do to want to agrect her development cos she can't reach the floor in it. It does have 3 height settings but I'm not sure if even the lowest won't be low enough. May have to try at the weekend.

Frankie does have lots of hair. Ruby did at birth . I posted a pic of her on Facebook yday which I rarely do and my auntie commented she was going fair, I was like nope bald! Lol.

I have no idea about the next car seat I'm totally clueless about what is best. I'm hoping we will get more of an idea after the baby show.

That's fab about frankie not having to have it cut, I bet your glad she doesn't have to go through that. As for foot less grows we have some from mammas and pappas, they can be expensive there tho we got these from the outlet
Thanks for the gap & mamas & papas recommendations, I wouldn't have thought to look there. I looked in asda but ours is weird, we have one of those huge ones but the baby section is limited to their pink/white/blue stuff and I'm sure the website has more range than that.

I thought I'd shared a pic of Frankie before. I'll have to put another up, that one shows off her outfit but facially doesn't really look like her for some reason.

Mellie, after spending an afternoon with my cousin's 10 month old recently, I think we should just be grateful for how ever long we can prevent them from getting mobile, haha! He was exhausting!

I managed to dream feed Frankie these last two nights, around 11/12, but it doesn't seem to keep her asleep all night - she woke at 4.30am for milk, cried for a top up at 5.15 and then at 6.20 I'd sneaked downstairs for toast only to come back to her screaming the place down for more milk.
Stacey are you planning on keeping Ruby rear facing for longer? It's just generally mothercare, halfords etc aren't that good at recommending rear facing seats because they only stock a limited range. They'll have to get better though because of i-size. Think I'm getting Jakey the Joie stages, my choices are limited due to having a small car without isofix :(

NJP, your best bet is probably websites, they tend to have loads more than in shops. Plus then you don't have to search and search round lots.
Yea when there crawling around it will be harder,au help to get god of more baby weight tho ha!

I'll keep a look out for more footless baby grows, we also have a few from morrisons. And I think someone bought us some from John Lewis.

Is dream feeding when you don't actually wake them up?

Ruby didn't have a great night she keeps waking around 11, last night it was 12.30 and she just cries really badly and won't take a bottle even tho she last are around 7.30-8 so should be ready for one. Eventually when she calms down she will take around 2/3oz and needs soothing back to sleep. She only woke one other time for a bottle at 3.30 and stirred a few times after and needed turning back on her side. She got me up at 7.15. I've had a little more sleep Than yday but it's going to catch up with me.

What are you all thinking about weaning? Ruby's approaching 4 month now but I don't think she's ready and she's just so small I'm going to wait til 6 months I think
I had looked at the joie stages someone else had mentioned it and I like the idea that it lasts a lot of years!

I honestly hadn't thought much about rear facing I didn't know about the new guidelines. It does sound better to have them reR facing for longer tho .

We will need two one for each car. Mine is a 3 door so would be hard putting her in and out of a rear facing cos we would leave the seat in all the time, unless you can get like one that rotates to put baby in...?

My oh has a silver cross isofix base in his car I don't know if we could get a next stage car seat to attatch to that I don't think silver cross do bigger seats do they?
Yeah, Frankie never used to respond to being fed asleep but it has worked recently. Doesn't help me sleep any better though!

She's lying asleep on my chest now, it's so lovely. I have toothache & need painkillers but don't want to stop the snuggles! I could spend all day like this.

The broken sleep is wearing isn't it? I've had 12-4.30 I think. It makes me want to go back to sleep now but I feel like it's a waste of the day.

I'm going to try to hold off weaning until 5.5 months. They say size isn't the issue, but age, and since she was two weeks late I think she'll be fine to wean 2 weeks early. I'll see how it goes though, if I need to start earlier I'm not going to make life miserable insisting on waiting.

Mellie, I think I will be mainly online shopping anyway, I am too lazy to go to many shops!

I agree about Halfords etc for car seats, I'll research online. Shame Kiddicare closed down they had tons of car seats to look at.

I realised just before that the egg that made Frankie ovulated one year ago tomorrow! I think it fertilised immediately as we'd already done an insemination so tomorrow Frankie has existed for 1 year. Strangely, I kind of wish it was one year ago so I could do it all again. I still miss carrying her a lot.
Stacey, one of the maxi cosi ones spins around but it's something like £350. Apple will be able to tell you, she's coveting it! It might be too much, especially with you needing 2. I think Apple was hoping for a good deal at the baby show so might be worth investigating.
I love those cuddles njp you don't want to out them down.

Ouch that is a lot for a car seat! I'll look at the show see what the prices are. I think Ruby will be in this car seat for a while if she keeps growing as she is.

I agree with you on the weaning if she's ready I'll start i won't wait til exactly 6 months.

How fab is that, you know the exact date your egg fertilised. I was already knew I pregnant this time last year. I miss being pregnant too.

My SIL is pregnant now (other SIL my ohs brother and wife!) so I can still have pregnancy chat with her

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