*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Fab about the 8 hours sleep! I bet you felt really refreshed in the morning.

I love making things like that, I'm still in the process of doing Ruby's memory frame my friend suggested I try fabric for the background and use that wonder web stuff you hem pants with, to stick her baby grow to it so I think I'm going to try that. Just need to buy fabric and wonder web! Lol

How often are you having your babies weighed? Ruby was last weight 2 weeks ago when she had her 8 week injections. You now have to book an appointment at our baby clinic whereas before you could just go. The health visitor said we don't have to go get her weighed and just to ring them if we have any concerns. She was 9lb 6 1/2oz at 8 week old.

I think Ruby is going to be petite, she eats pretty well but is still in some newborn clothes and up to 1 month clothes. Only some of the 0-3 are fitting her, we do put her in 0-3 vests but there is room in them bless her. I have noticed her little feet are growing tho! The only few pairs of socks we had that fit her are too small now :/
Every couple weeks or so mainly because I bf so like to know all is well and she getting enough and her medicine increases in dosage as her weight increases.

I know obviously faith was prem so bit different but she only just fitting perfectly in some 0-3 next ones go up to 14lbs so still big on her. Asda seem best fit.

Great idea with the webbing!
I have a scrap book I need to start on for faith it's lovely I can't wait!
All of asdas 0-3 I've had to retire, although I can still manage to fit him in the top and bottom sets from there, but got no chance with the onesies. I washed all his 3-6 over the past couple of days. Just managing to squeeze him into his next 0-3 but I think in a week they'll have to be retired too :( makes me so sad loads of mt favourite bits were in 0-3.

I've took Jake to be weighed once so far, not planning on taking him that often. Especially after the "advice" that the hv gave me when I went. Plus I was waiting for ages in a room full of very rough parents (yes I know that makes me sound like a snob. But unless you live by me you have no idea of the sort of people I mean!)

The web is a great idea, annoyed I didn't think of that for you! Haha
Yes i keep thinking about scrap book /diary and really need to get poster paint to record her hands and feet etc.

I have a cough and think poor Imogen is showing signs of catching it.

So we had a lovely weekend in london...Imogen now has a full set of godparents which was lovely to see there reactions... Imogen seems to be growing so fast too...i feel like her 0-3 baby grows wont fit her soon too...
Remind me of the "advice" u were given Mellie?!

Ooh yes I need to do footprints etc. :-/ have to be when she asleep but then I'm like I don't want to wake her haha.

Aw that's good how many u having and who/how have u chosen? When's the christening? Sorry for Spanish inquisition hehe :D

Off to bf group today followed by funbox so should be good. Although I think faith is poorly she's had a few bad nappies like diarrhoea and seems to have developed a cough?! Her cheeks are quite pink but no temp and last night she just kept screaming out randomly and crying like she was heartbroken. I gave her paracetamol and then when we went to bed gave her the usual dose of ranitidine (which she hates so I feel I torture her 3x a day) this proved too much as she then vomited with full force and it went everywhere!!!!! :(
Then a huge feed and bed. Not a bad night but unsettled around midnight after going down at half 11. Just fed her now and then putting her down again but in her nest next to me on the bed.

Know what u mean Mellie I've not returned to coffee morning since my first visit haha
To leave him to cry in the daytime and to move his moses basket to the other side of the room at night as he wakes up when he smells my milk. Apparently both of these will make him go longer between feeds, however I didn't even complain about how often he feeds. He's only 9 weeks old he's meant to feed often! Oh and she assumed I'd be feeding him formula soon which also annoyed me.

Have you checked to seeif Faith has any teeth coming through? Just the pink cheeks could definitely be a sign. Hopefully shes not getting them yet though.

Exciting about all these christenings, are you putting them in little white dresses? What are boys meant to wear to them? I know they traditionally wear the gown thing too but I don't think I'd want to put Jake in that. He's got too much of a pretty face so everyone will definitely think he's a girl!

I'm going to a baby group on Wednesday just hope there's nicer parents there as it sounds quite good.
Haha mellie I'm on the hunt for some today. Someone told me the asda baby event is on so going for a nosy even though I don't need anything really. I do know the tesco baby event is on

Aw no kaa, I hope she feels better soon. Ruby still has a little bit of a sniffle it's taking ages to clear it's not affecting her much tho she slept 10.30-5.30 last night! She went straight back to sleep after a feed and change and is asleep still now.

That's great about the god parents apple, it's all coming together.

We got bought a moulding set for Ruby's hand and foot it looks so small! We also got a baby record book for her. I'm really pleased with it, it's got lots if diff parts to it like first holiday and first Christmas. I love things like that. I've also been printing out the photos of her and we have wayyy too many! Eek I think I need to start putting them on a disc rather than printing them all. Just print my favourites which is hard cos I love them all or I wouldn't have taken them lol!

I can't believe your hv said that! Mine has been quite good and hasn't judged on anything we have been doing.
Ooh, thanks for the reminder on the baby events. I don't need much but got to get a couple of bits of clothes.

My Asda baby clothes seemed smaller than other ones. Though, I did only get the plain white 'value' baby grows so perhaps that's why. She's wearing Sainsburys 3-6 (non-'value') vests at the minute but they're a really strange fit. They're really long in the body but the gusset bit is short so the leg holes are small. Not great on disposables, but a complete nightmare over cloth! I looked into buying vest extenders but then thought perhaps I can chop up the old vests and stitch them together and make my own. But my sewing skills are shockingly bad.

Mellie, sounds like your HV is as useful as your MW was!

I haven't done footprints/handprints yet either, didn't even think about it.

Mellie I kow what you mean about the type of people at baby groups, I imagine some of the ones around here to be like that because of where the children's centre is situated. It's in the middle of a council estate, not a nice one but a scummy one. I know I sound snobby too, but I'm just as unwilling to mix with the rah-rah yummy mummy middle-class social climber types, so I'm not only prejudiced against chavvy people! I'm just prejudiced against annoying people.

I managed to get her to sleep at midnight again tonight, she woke at 7.30 so it's getting better. I can't complain about the length of sleep, I know most would give a limb to have a baby sleeping through like that. I just need to work on bringing the timings forward a little.

How is everyone doing with tummy time? Frankie hates it and screams. She's got some neck strength as when she's lying on my chest but tilted up a bit, she'll happily lift her head up for a look around, but put her on the floor to do it and she hates it. I've tried propping her up with the thing on her playmat but she still screams. I've tried lying face to face with her so she's not lying there alone too but that doesn't help either. The HV said to just persist and eventually she'll learn to lift her head up, but she doesn't seem to because she's too busy screaming about it.
That's exactly where my children's centre is too, right in the middle of a council estate. I cant imagine they'll be many middle class yummy mummy's round by me. But yes they too would annoy me. I think I must just be too picky!

The hv who was coming to my house was lovely, but she's not coming anymore and I just get put with whoever when I go to the baby clinic.

I'm going to pop down to Asda later on once Shane gets home. Need to stock up on breast pads and they have 80 for £2 in the baby event. :)

Jake's been able to hold his head for short periods pretty much since birth. I think he's just quite a strong baby. The doctor even commented at his 6 week check how strong his legs are. He can stand up as long as I kind of support him gently under the arms.

But as for tummy time he has to be in the mood for it otherwise he just screams and screams. But then I'm torn about leaving him screaming as while he screams he tries to roll himself over and he's so close to doing it sometimes. But I tend to give him most of his tummy time on my chest. I looked up about it and it said tummy time on your chest is better than none!
I bought some of their washable breast pads. They're okay, but I don't leak much during the day, don't know how they'd manage if you're a heavy leaker. I just bung them in with each baby wash I do.

Yeah, Frankie lifted her head up soon after birth, I know she can do it on me and she holds herself quite upright when I sit her up and hold her upright against me. But tummy time on the floor is not working out! Glad to hear that doing it on the chest still counts. I might try it on the couch, so she's elevated. If I do it so she has to lift her head to see the TV it might work! She likes watching the tv, trying not to encourage it though.

Going to attempt a big food shop with Frankie this afternoon. I'm sick of trailing out for each meal, so going back to my weekly shops if I can. She's normally pretty good in the shop, fortunately.
Only problem with having them on your chest is when it comes to rolling over, but don't think thats meant to happen for a while yet. Jake's not shown much interest in the tv, he's still too interested in staring at the lamp when it's on!

You're brave! I've not done a big food shop yet on my own yet always waited until Shane can come too.
Oh Frankie does that too! And when the curtains are shut and it's got light out, she stares at the light/dark pattern of the shadows. Such simple things eh? If only they would always be so easy to entertain.

I've also noticed that I get eye contact and smiles when I take my glasses off, but not so much when I'm wearing them. I wear those type that are sort of rectangular and the top of the frame cuts across the eye so perhaps they're blocking her from recognising them as eyes, if you get what I mean. So now I take my glasses off a lot more to look at her.

Going food shopping with my wife would be harder than on my own, I think. She irritates me in the supermarket, it's not just her, having one of the kids or anyone would annoy me, I need to get in the zone and shop, having someone lurking in my way doesn't help at all. They stand in the wrong place, walk too fast or slow, wander off with the trolley, make me buy things I don't need, distract me from ad-hoc meal planning.
Haven't noticed any difference with Jake if I have my glasses on or off, but I pretty much always have them on now apart from when I sleep. Otherwise everything in the distance is one huge blur! To think this time 6 months ago I just used to cope with the blur absolutely no idea how I used to watch tv without them.

Fortunately Shanes easy to shop with, he doesn't tend to faff about too much. But then we're terible at meal planning, we tried to do it last week and it failed on the second meal!
Have you just got glasses recently? I remember when I got mine, I couldn't believe how clear things were! I didn't realise just how blurry things had got, and that I'd been driving like that. I used to squint to watch the TV, and my wife went mad one time when I asked her to read a big road sign because I didn't know what it said.

I still haven't made it to the shops, haha! I've been watching the soaps online. I'm so lazy.
Sorry only just seen your reply! Preston is well, filling out nicely and weighs 13lb 10z. No mil horror story's! She hardly bothers with him tbh. If she looks after him she gets her friend round to help.. Her friend does all the work of feeding and nappys etc and does nothing. We went walking the dog today on a 4 mile walk but didn't want to take preston in the snow.. It took us 3 hours and she was moaning because we said an hour!
Yea I got them in about August, it had got to the stage where I couldn't read the tv guide I had to guess what the words were or squint a lot. I hadn't noticed how bad it had got when driving until I got them. If the police had tried to get me to read a number plate I would have failed miserably.

I've just got back from Asda. Annoyingly they didn't have any of the breast pads. Even got one of the managers to look for me as I used to work there but he couldn't find any out the back. He reckons they'll probably get some in tonight. :(
Could you order them on click and collect?

My eyes were like that, the optician asked if I'd driven to the appointment & when I said yes she told me I'd be breaking the law if I drove home.

Katie, strange that she's gone the other way. Wonder what it is. It can't be a gender thing because it seems like she dotes on her own son. You must have managed to scare her off somehow!
No they don't seem to have them on the website annoyingly! They had the 40 packs that they always sell but they're £1.50 so for 50p more you get double!

I went to vision express for mine so they made them in an hour. Never even thought of what would happen if you drove to the appointment and needed glasses. Bet they get people doing that all the time. Is surprising how dangerous it is though.

Shanes decided to make a hot milkshake.... I'm not sure how I feel about it.....
He made banana. It was weird, very very weird. I let him drink it and I just had a fruit tea!

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