*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I'd be annoyed at that too, Kaa, glad you spoke out! I do generally have to sort dinner each night but only because we've got the other kids. If we didn't, it wouldn't be guaranteed that we'd have a hot meal on the table. My wife makes 'jokey' comments about how the housework isn't up to standard and I can't work out if she means it but is hiding behind the joke or if she's genuinely just winding me up. But then, she's been off work all week and hasn't done anything either so pfft. I hope your husband realises soon that it's not so easy. Is there any way you could leave him for a few hours and let him see what it's like?

Speaking of meals, when we went to get the cast on the other day, I left 3 bowls of soup on the side for the kids for when they came in (from my pre-birth batch cooking, knew it would pay off!). I got a text when we were out, saying that the dog had managed to pull one of the bowls off the side and there was lentil soup all over the kitchen. When I got home and they told me properly, it was literally ALL OVER the kitchen, god knows what she'd done! Fortunately all the good bowls were lying dirty in teenage bedrooms so I'd used plastic ones! I'm still finding dried splodges of lentils in random places now.

Frankie was awake until 3am last night, every time I lay down she started up again. I couldn't rouse her this morning. I think I accidently gave birth to a teenager.
I never cook dinner, its pretty much always been Shane's job. Although I am cooking dinner at some point next week. Sausage casserole :) Kaa I think your hubby needs to be left with her for a bit too, possibly when she's in a lovely crying mood. Although it is awkward when breastfeeding as you can't leave your boobs.

Did the dog not actually eat any of the soup then, just knock it off? I think if that was Rocky they'd be no evidence other than the empty bowl on the floor. But he's a doggy dustbin! I caught him with his paws on the kitchen work surface today, I went MENTAL. Never seen him do that before!
The empty bowl was in her bed & there was soup all round her mouth so she had got some, but so did the kitchen! She's normally pretty good with food if we're around, we can leave a plate of food on the coffee table, nip to the loo and come back to find it intact. But if we go out she must think she won't get caught!

Ooh I like sausage casserole! I'm doing one for my parents next weekend. It's sausages and apples in cider, in the slow cooker. It's delicious. Dead simple too. I need to start using the slow cooker more again, so easy to chuck stuff in and leave it.
Yea Rocky knows his life wouldn't be worth living if he took food off the table. There wasn't even any food on the kitchen surface so god lnows why he decided to jump up it. We've left things out before and he's never eaten them, wont be any more though just in case.

I love sausage casserole, Shane didn't think he would but last time I made it he was pleasantly surprised and even had seconds. We've not got a slow cooker. Im always tempted to buy one but I dont know if we'd use it enough.
Arghhhhhhhhhhgggghggg wrote THE longest reply and it went off wtf!!!!!!
Shorter version.... Naughty dogs perhaps it's attention they're seeking.

Assembly fine as she slept most of it wouldn't feed in school anyway for children's sakes. We got caught in horrendous hail storm on way to and coincidentally from school :(

Heart aches when leave her with him as often he won't speak to her to console her just sits (yes SITS) with her on his knee going Aw what's up. That's if he speaks to her at all. Useless shit.
i hate that when you write a reply and suddenly delete it all or press undo..

Kaa im sorry your oh is being not as supportive as you would like..he probably does do a better job than you credit him..perhaps he is embrasshed or a little insecure about his own abilities so does nothing at all (less to go wrong and be critised) and when your not there with no one watching he can play with hee...men feel incredibly useless and inferior to us women (who are equally clueless, but just get on with it and learn through trial and error).

I have a slow cooker...still in box never been used..would love to use it but i guess fear of unknown again..when ever i have tried meals made from slow cookerr they always taste amazing...stupid question but can you leave it on cooking and go out during the day? i would never leave an oven on so with that logic i guess not?
Apple, yeah, set it to auto. You leave your fridge & freezer on all day, probably your sky/freeview box? The stuff won't burn, especially on the auto setting. It is so easy to use. The main thing is getting the liquid quantities right in casseroles, remember that it doesn't evaporate like in an oven or on the hob.

Kaa I'm sorry to hear he's not supporting you. I agree with Apple, perhaps he's uncertain of what to do? I know he should step up and learn what to do but I think it's harder for blokes. Not being sexist, just you're programmed to respond regardless and you just have to do it, whereas they're not getting that hormonal/biological input that we get. You know him though, so perhaps it's not that. Are you able to speak to him about it? I'm terrible for that, I'm more likely to seethe inwardly then make snappy comments at the wrong moment.

Frankie is finally asleep, so I will be going too. We came to bed just after 10, ha taken this long to settle her. Wife says we should leave her to cry but I don't want to do that - she's settled happily now that she's ready, but before she was crying for food/nappy/dummy/food again, so I'm not going to make her cry it out when she's crying for a reason. She's not helping with comments sometimes, she complains about me being boring if I want to go to bed before 10 but I need to do something about getting the baby settled earlier. She makes comments about never being able to have a night out ever since again, but I can't until we get into some sort of routine.
Haven't been on in a while! I know the other ladies chat away on facebook so wanted to pop in and see how you were NJP! Hope you and frankie are well
Kaa, perhaps he'll be better when she's a bit older. Shane's has good and bad moments with Jake at this age, however I know he feels a lot more comfortable when they're a little bit older and more robust because then he can throw them around and play with them. Hopefully your hubby is the same.

Just had a nightmare nappy change. Took it off and he'd done a wet fart so was just wiping that when BAM! He pooed EVERYWHERE (and he hadn't gone for 2 days so it was a lot!) Then he pooed some more....then had a wee....then a bit more poo....then 2 more wees! Had to shout at Shane to wake him up help me. Resulted in a full costume change for Jake and all our bed covers being changed. Typically I'd only put clean ones on yesterday!

We start Jakes bedtime routine at 8, normally manage to finally get him to sleep for about 10. Fortunately my OH starts work early most days so he doesn't mind going to bed early with me and Jake. I tried to leave him to sleep the other night so I could go downstairs for a bit. It failed miserably, he woke up after about 15 minutes.
Apologies in advance but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk!!!!!!! It's happened again!!!!!!!! Fuming!!!!!!!!

Ok breathe!

Njp I'm same as u inwardly seethe then snappy comments but we have now spoken and he's made out he only said that about tea on the table as a way to persuade me to let him be stay at home dad. Not sure I believe him but he obviously realised the true meaning was out of order! He then annoyed me by saying I don't want to go bk to work as staying home with her is easier. So not the point. Grrr.

He is a lot better now and less arguing and do think will improve as she gets older and communicates more verbally etc. He just has no initiative of his own as if I go to wash my hands after nappy change he thinks nothing of sitting watching tv instead of help by dress her etc.

Not a huge Fan of casserole so not really considered it but might be handy to bear in mind for chilli curry spag bol etc

Aw I agree Hun I Don't let faith cry as there's always a reason even if just cuddles or comfort but she's a tiny baby and if she needs comforting so be it! All my needs are second now won't be forever!
Hi Katie! Not too bad! Frankie is doing well, she was 12lb 4oz this week. How is Preston? Any mil horror stories to relay?!

Kaa, glad he realised he was wrong to say that, but the comment about staying at home being easier shows he still doesn't actually get it. How was he before you had her, was he good around the house without having to be told?

Apparently you can cook anything in a slow cooker, even a whole chicken. But I can't see how it would come out very nice, wouldn't waste a fiver on a chicken testing it out!

We had my SIL & BIL around tonight & got a curry. BIL had cucumber Gordons gin. I had a trickle of some with tonic, it is lush! It doesn't taste of cucumbers as such but it has that really refreshing taste. When I'm drinking properly again, I'm getting some! I'm starting to miss booze now. Not being drunk, or hangovers but just having one or two proper glasses of something.

Mellie, sorry but I did laugh at the thought of that nappy change! What a mess! We've had a few muslins pooed on lately because Frankie has a touch of nappy rash so I've been letting her air out for a bit, but she poos all the time so she'll do it during airing out.
Also, kaa are you on the main site or on tapatalk? I don't like browsing on tapatalk but I found I was losing posts when using the main site on my phone so now I mainly use tapatalk to reply.
Oh really a whole chicken ha ours is tiny so defo couldn't even test it for u!

He does chores so to speak but not always finishing them off like washes dishes but doesn't dry put away. Washes clothes but leaves in piles on couch (once dry) mops floors but leaves buckets out. I call him half a job Harry! :-/

Found the perfect post for him on fb will try share it in a min.

Tapatalk never heard of it is it an app,??

I'm not a fan of gin but certainly sounds interesting ! I am also missing the odd glass here and there. Think it just highlights how much I took simple things like that for granted!
A guy I used to work with was obsessed with cucumber gin, well he was a lover of gin in general but he always had a bottle of cucumber gin at home. Never tried it myself though, but I'm not much of a drinker anymore drank too much at uni!

Kaa why are you doing nappy changes while he's at home? Shane has no choice, unless he's doing something productive like cooking then he does all nappy changes and burps. I just hand him over with an instruction of what needs doing. Although he's slowly getting better at predicting what needs doing. Anyone who says staying home is easy has clearly never done it, I will admit I did used to think it would be a lot easier than it is.
Pahahaha just feeding Jake and suddenly a massive pooey fart noise came out!! Shane made the mistake of sighing so I knew he was awake. He's now changing his bum! :)
Mellie, Shane sounds really supportive! Though it sounds like you leave him no option, haha!.

I got 8 hours sleep last night! She was away just after midnight and woke at 8.40am. I love nights like that. Wife is sleeping downstairs because she has a horrendous cough & every time she coughs, the vibrating baby monitor goes off. I was waking several times an hour to check if the baby was crying so she's been on the couch for a couple of nights.

Nige sounds life my dad - when he does the dishes (rarely) he won't put them away because he says he doesn't know where they go! As my mum points out, they've lived in that house since 1987 and he knows where they are when he wants to get them out & use them!

Tapatalk is an app on Android, don't know if it's on iPhone. It's for accessing forums. It takes a bit of getting used to but I found it better than using my phone browsers to post here.
I found the best option is to leave him no choice, he was bad with being on his phone all the time for the first few weeks but I whipped that out of him! Haha I'm kind enough to not wake him up in the middle of the night when he has work the next morning though.

Wow thats a good sleep NJP. I got really happy because Jake slept for 5 hours straight last night. Normally its just 2 or 3. I think you must have given birth to a teenager she sleeps far too well. Especially for a breastfed baby!
Unlucky Shane haha. Nah he never does them all.
He's having his tonsil out tomorrow I dread it as he off work for 2 weeks to recover n b like me having 2 babies :(

Wow 8 hours that's amazing!!!
Haha that's funny ur dad does that. Cheeky men really pushing the limits

Making my christening invites today should be fun :-/ they'll probs be rubbish but only way of getting exactly what I want without the costs ha.

I not got iPhone anyway so will look at that app now thanks
Oh god I don't envy you, at least he won't be able to talk for a little bit though so he can't annoy you that way!

Make sure you post a picture of the christening invites when they're done. Not havinv to make too many I hope. I really need to get round to looking into booking Jakes.

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