*** November 2014 Mum's ***

How come your hv does that kaa? Nothing like that by me, only ever see hvs now if I go to get him weighed. But after their terrible advice last week I'm not planning on going often.

Im meant to be going to my childrens centre today so they can talk me through what they offer. But I have someone coming to pick up a baby bath too so hoping I can still make it to the children's centre.
I love the idea of bitching to your HV for an hour! Is it offered as standard or have you asked for it? Hope everything is okay.

Mine came yesterday and just did basic stuff, gave me more leaflets and said she'd be back at 1 year. She weighed the baby - 12lb 4oz now.

We went to the hospital today & Frankie has her first plaster cast on. It's toe to hip, poor thing, though she doesn't seem bothered at all. We go back every week for repositioning and a new cast. Definitely had to go up into 3-6 clothes now, to accommodate the cast.

Last night, she was really gripey for hours and hours. Finally, at 1.30am, she let rip about 6 massive farts, then settled to lie and giggle at us. It was so cute and I even caught some on film to show my mum. Giggles, not farts!

I'm really tempted to tape breast pads to my boobs at night. If I don't wear a bra I leak every where but if I do wear a bra in bed I get a really itchy cleavage from not letting the skin air out. I am going to look for some of that micropore tape or whatever it is and stick them on. Do you all wear bras overnight? I can't get on with the lack of underwires much longer either, thinking of getting some nursing clasps and converting normal bras for daytime.
NjP...ahhh i bet Frankie looks really cute in her little cast...hope it doesnt get to bother her...can imagine how much she will want to itch when it comes off each week and wont be able to communicate...was thinking in that situation would you be kind to itch or making it a whole lot worse for her...as in the more you itch the itchier it gets.

I also have same dilemma about leaking boobs at night what i currently do is stuff a muslin or two (one for each boob) to catch up the wet ness...as i find bras really itchy and the pads dont seem to stick to my nightie well...i am going through so many nighties at the moment.

Baby massage tomorrow for me...although didnt get to sleep till midnight because of the weather making a racket outside and then I woke at 4am to feed. Imogen...she is only just settling in her moses basket now.

My HV also does house calls...after initial birth stuff, she cam again at 6weeks and is due to come again on 16th feb
Also lovely that. Frankie is growing so well and that she is showing signs of laughing...Imogen isnt very vocal in compasion...but i guess that will come, she does smile which is brilliant.
How do you keep the muslins in place, so you mean in your bra or do they stay in place under your nightie? I don't wear anything in bed, might have to start wearing a vast top lined with muslins or something.

She's really unsettled this morning, she kept screaming even while being fed, like latching off and screaming then latching back on. I don't know if it's the cast. I've got her lying down with it propped up on a thick blanket. It's heavy and she can't kick her legs like she loves to.

Frankie is really vocal, even when asleep she grunts and chatters! Hope she's not going to be one of these people who never shuts up! Imogen might just be one of those types who only speaks when necessary and doesn't waste her breath otherwise!

Do you find that baby classes are on early? Most of the ones here have a 9 or 10 o'clock start. I'm just not organised enough to get anywhere at that time!
My hv didn't say if I'd ever see her again! They only carry on coming round here if they have cause for concern. She just said to take him to get weighed every so often. But she even said I don't need to do that very frequently. Obviously under staffed I assume.

I've worn a bra constantly for the past 8 weeks! Its only come off when I've showered. But then mine are only little so I imagine its mot quite so bad for me. My boobs are still constantly leaking though, I'm sure I read it was meant to get better by now. The worst thing is when I'm feeding from one and the other starts leaking. Plus I've had a few incidents of him coming off part way through a feed and milk just squirting everywhere!

Have they said about how you have to bath Frankie with her cast, or is it just a bed bath type thing? Best that she has the cast on now though, I'm sure it'll be off before you know it anyway.

Most baby classes by me start about 10-11ish which I can manage. Wouldn't be able to make a 9am one though I don't think.

Jake has his first injections today, I'm not looking forward to it. Just hope he doesn't react too badly. Don't want him to have a bad night tonight.
Aw try get a pic on of Frankie in her cast I'm curious to see how it looks on her.
Hopefully it won't bother her though poor lamb.

My hv offered it as I moaned about hubby other week so she said they offer it as a service. She's coming again next week. It's great to get things off ur chest and be reassured that it's not just me and my hormones. Although was worrying when it was suggested it sounds like borderline emotional abuse :-o pretty sure he's not that bad haha.

Yes they are early as I used to lay in bed with faith til about 10/11 not anymore.
They rang finally and I start baby massage 4th Feb yay.

I have to wear a bra 24/7 :( hate it but I would worry about leaking in the night and of course whilst feeding the other boob can start off too! I'm same with squirting too nightmare. Don't think that will ever get better haha.
Wish they discussed this at bfing workshop though like prepare to wear a bra and breastpads for at least 6 months :-/
Good luck today with Jake's jabs hope goes ok lots of mummy cuddles should help :) x
I can't seem to get up and dressed early at all. I don't get to sleep until after midnight so I'm still tired in the mornings. Kaa, glad I'm not the only late morning one, how did you get out of the routine of being in bed til that time? On a good day, if she's asleep around 10 I can jump in the shower and chuck some clothes on, but by the time I've fed her again and washed her and got myself breakfast etc, it's almost lunch time.

If you don't mind me asking, what does he do to piss you off kaa? Understand if you don't want to say though. My wife is irritating me. I know I said it was my choice to have a child & she's had hers so I'd do all the work, but bloody hell! Things like getting ready to go out, I have to remind her to go and get ready on time. Then she'll faff about with her hair and complain that I'm taking ages to get ready, despite me having to get the baby ready, pack her bag, feed her, pack my stuff, sort the dog out, lock the back door etc, while all she does is shower, dress, hair and put her coat on. It drives me mad.

With the bra thing, I really can't bear to wear it at night, the itch is too bad. I don't mind leaking a bit, got a towel under the sheet but like you say mellie, when I do night feeds the other one leaks! Had to change her sleeping bag in the middle of the night last week because my boob soaked it. I have squirted her too, haha!

Aww, poor Jake, hopefully he'll take it in his stride.

Kaa, I'll get a pic of the cast up when I'm next on the laptop. I don't think it is bothering her after all, seems the crying this morning was wind, she's bad with it today.
Reading all your posts about leaking boobs I'm convinced my milk supply never came in properly! I only ever leaked on odd occasions and the was the smallest amount. I bought loads of breast pads and havnt even use one pack! I don't need to wear a bra at night I have leaked a few times in the night when Ruby cries and I look down and it's a little wet and odd time when I've been feeding on one side and the other side has leaked a little.
She's still not feeding from me although she did a few nights ago as I forgt to put the lid back on the flask of hot water so it had gone cold and we had to go boil the kettle, so thought I would try her and it went well but since she hasn't bothered.

Aw poor frankie I hope it doesn't bother her too much it must be really odd for her, I'm sure she will get used to it and find other ways to do things.

That doesn't sound great of your wife! Very unhelpful. You carried the baby yea but your both parents of the baby she should be helping a bit more.
My husbands great we take turns to do things and as Ruby's quite a needy baby we have to plan who gets ready when and showers etc mainly if were all goin out somewhere together or at the weekend.

The baby classes near me are quite early some 9 but most start at 10. The sensory class is in an afternoon though. I didn't think id be ready on time but we are, I try to make sure the night before that I have a set I clothes waiting for me and Ruby to put on and I have her bag ready and just have to put bottles in when I've sterilised theme

I'm wondering if Ruby is showing signs of teething !? I really hope not but she's dribbling so bad and keeps trying to chew on my fingers and her own she's quite whingy too. How early can babies start teething? I thought it was generally around 6-12 months
My classes generally start at 10am and this morning i woke at 9:15... Amazed that i made it...my oh puts brekkie out for me...we change Imogens clothes at night so a quick nappy change, feed and i get about 5 mins to brush hair, teeth, eat and dress...do have a changing bag..always permenatly packed.

Would say though dont worry about going to classes till they are 3 months...imogen sleeps through most of it.

No dont wear bra to bed just stuff muslin across boobs under nightie (which is loose).. Its not full proof but i hate wearing bras and breast pads do nothing.

Hope jabs arent too bad for jake.
I feel bad complaining about her now, I've had to go out & come home to find the two of them bopping away to 90s songs and having a great old time! She's giving her an expressed bottle while I go to the dentist so going to take the opportunity to go shopping alone while I can!
Ahh bless her, at least you know she steps up when you're not around. :) my OH isn't the best with Jake when I'm around, well sometimes he is other times he's terrible and just leaves him to cry when he wants to be picked up.

Jake doesn't tend to sleep past 9am he's normally awake and staring around by then so I have to get up as its impossible to get any more sleep. Doesn't take me long to get him and me dressed and I only have a bowl of bran flakes for breakfast so that doesn't take 5 minutes either. Takes me longer to get Jake in his car seat and into my tiny car!

His injections were horrible, he screamed so loudly and went so red. Then as soon as he got over the first injection, bam he got jabbed with the second! Fortunately he took the drops ok though. He's been sleeping a lot more than usual today now though, I assume as a side effect. Just keep checking his temperature incase it goes up. He does keep crying which is annoying as there's no way to stop it. :(
Ah poor Jake, sounds like he needs lots of mummy cuddles tonight.

I definitely need to get organised for mornings, will have to try sorting myself out a bit.

Going to take your muslin tip, Apple, with a vest top perhaps.

I went to the dentist today as I broke a tooth the other day. Looks like I'm going to have to have it removed, ugh.
Best time to have dental troubles though while it's free! I made sure my dentist checked all my wisdom teeth at my check up, he even x rayed them to check but he said they should all be fine. What tooth is it, hopefully one near the back where no one will notice.

He still keeps screaming for no reason, he hasn't got a temperature though. So not sure if I should give him calpol.

He was just screaming, which the dog was getting distressed about. Anyway ended up with Rocky licking Jake and he actually stopped crying. Its not hygienic at all, but it was still awfully cute!

Got another load of baby clothes dropped off to us from my friend today. Didn't think we'd be getting bigger sizes off them but there's another 2 bin bags full. Lucky boy!
Yeah, it's far enough back not to show in my smile. Getting everything else checked too - like you I'm getting it all done while it's free!

Is he old enough for calpol yet? Poor thing. He's probably just feeling out of sorts, his jab arm might be aching too.

That's loads of clothes. I wish I knew someone to get stuff off! I'm going to eBay some of my stuff, it gets used so little, might as well recoup some of the money.
Yea they can have calpol at 2 months, only a low dose though. Nurse said give it him if he has a temperature or is unsettled. They jab them in the legs not arm, when I took the plasters off there was quite a bit of blood.

Most of these clothes have barely been worn, plus most of them are next so decent quality too. You may as well sell some of your stuff, especially if you don't plan on using it again. Worth joining a Facebook group for selling things in your area. The ones by me constantly have baby clothes ans there's always interest. Then people collect them instead of postage like on ebay.
Aw poor Jake :( hopefully he will be much better tomorrow for you.

I didn't get out of the routine njp haha we still stay in bed til late unless we have plans. Like tomorrow my mums at my sister's parents meeting at college in morn so I'm going to watch my littlest sisters school assembly at 9! I have had a shower tonight and got our things ready in advance though so can just get up and dressed and go in the morning. The stress is more the feeding times but she's good for sleeping in the pram so hopefully be ok and she'll sleep through it ha.

He's a bit of a knob head to be honest. Since having her he's been arsey with me about crying (hormones) and forgetting stuff. Recently we argued as he said if he was at home with faith all day n I was at work he'd make sure my tea was on the table every night for me. Well I don't have to tell u how well that went down!!! :-s
Just things he says make me feel unappreciated. :-/
mellie...poor Jake, I keep forgetting about ghe jabs that are coming and how stressfull it will be for me and Imogen..your post has made me ask oh to come with (he works next door to docs so know excuse).

kaa..how frustrating to have those kind of comments from him,..they have no idea how time consuming these babies are, when imogen is asleep during the day, i find myself running around like a loney trying to do as many tasks as i can. Tomorrow will be fun as we are going away for weekend and i need to pack stuff and car as well as the usual daily tasks. Will be interesting to see what ime i actually leave. Would take thirty mins if no baby to entertain /hold...half thinking about putting her in the carrier...

So we had baby massage today, which i highly recommend, talking to my sister who is also doing the course in a different part of the country it sounds identical...imogen was soo relaxed and has been sooo calm all afternoon..sleeping soundly all day, i was able to have a bath , wash and dry hair and get myself ready for our nct reunion which was tonight. Which was very good, however it unsettled imogen who was awake all through that and then when we got home would not settle and we ended up doing a drive to get her to sleep. I ended up getting stopped by police because i didnt have my lights on,,I was wearing my pjs though so slightly embrasshing...they were very nice about it.
Fingera crossed Faith is good during your sisters assembly, and also hopefully your not surrounded by men if you do need to feed her. Although I'd hope everyone would be too busy looking at the front than at you!

We thought OH would be able to come to Jake's jabs but it was one of the only Thursdays he didn't have off. He should be able to come to the next 2 though.

Why would he be arsey about you crying? Does he not know women at all! That's risky to a normal woman let alone one who's just had a baby. I do think men don't quite realise how hard it can be being at home with a baby all day. Plus as I've said before Jake hardly sleeps so its near impossible for me to do things. I reckon Shane thinks I just sit on the sofa most of the day, although I don't think he's stupid enough to say that as I'd go bonkers!

Hopefully our baby massage will start soon. Do you have to undress them for it? As Jake HATES being dressed and undressed so I can't help but think that'll ruin the relaxation side of it for both of us.

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