**** November 2014 Mummy's ****

Njp, I'm on antibiotics at the moment and my daughters poos are a bit greeny. So I think there's some truth in that theory.
We seem to have just overcome the cluster feeding. I will say that these first few weeks are so testing when it comes to breastfeeding. They cluster feed to build the supply to accommodate their growing tummys. With my eldest the turning point was 7 weeks after a horrendous cluster feeding week. After that she fed a lot quicker - instead of 25 mins it'd take her about 5-10 mins and my boobs felt normal, no longer rock hard! So I promise it gets so much better - then you'll get to the point where you won't want to give it up!xxx
It was a figure of speech mellie, as in she's more active and awake in the day as you would expect a person to be and she's sleeping better at night. She used to be the other way around and would keep us awake all night.
She's too young to actually know the difference although we are building things into her day and night that eventually she can link with them
I'm loathe to express off the foremilk because then my body will keep producing it. There is definitely a difference in the milk, don't know what your midwife was on about stacey! The last couple of expresses I did, the milk started off nearly clear and ended up yellowy creamy.

Expressed milk in the fridge separates to have cream floating on the top, like the old gold top milk bottle from the milkman! It really grossed my wife out, lol!

Mellie, that is good growth! I think newborns can't differentiate night and day. I'm sure I read that their brain doesn't produce the melatonin until a certain age, I'll have to look it up.

Goat, good to know you have greeny poo too! I'll still google the antibiotic and check but I'm sure the midwife warned me about the likelihood of diarrhoea.

Does anyone else find that the things the HV and midwife and various people tell you sort of blur into one in their mind?
Midwife just phoned - green poo is due to wind & antibiotics make wind worse. Will have to make more of an effort to get her burping!
Things I was reading online said to make sure you have lots of light coming in in the daytime and try to keep lighting to a minimum at night time. The night time lighting I can do no problem, I only put the lamp on when I change his nappy otherwise I feed him in the dark. But the day light is difficult, and it will be for at least the next few months.

Im so happy he's put loads of weight on, if he hadn't I think I'd have a mini meltdown as all that cluster feeding would have been for nothing.

I wanted to go the shops today to get last minute christmas things but my Godfather said he was coming round at 12....is now 1.15 and he's still not here so no idea if I'll get chance to go out before my OH gets home from work.
Glad u got some answers njp. I keep faith upright for up to 30 mins after feed which is difficult in middle of night when I'm shattered!

We do nothing different in the day but go to bed at night and have no sound on tv just subtitles and light off. Try not to talk to her as much unless distressed and then I can't not really :-/
I hate waiting in for people, hope he turned up and you got to go out.

I keep a night light on all night, because I can't hear her when I'm all I like to have a dim light on so I can see her. I'm looking for a dimmer one though, the one I've got gives a harsh white light. I think routine is important too, how you speak to them and settle them. Be lively and fun during the day and quiet and gentle at night. Not that I do that yet! I chatter away night and day.
He turned up eventually, but he came bearing gifts so not all bad. :)

OH now has 3 whole days off work, although Monday will be spent at his Grandma's funeral which isn't so good. Got to get him to give Jake a bottle tomorrow so hopefully my mom can feed him when I'm out on Monday otherwise we're in a bit of a pickle.
I didn't at first either but now I do the lively day quiet night. Plus I think u can't help being quiet when dark ha.

Ooh yay presents sounds good what did he bring? Wonder if he will take to a bottle. What will u do if he won't? Are u close enough to go straight bk to sort him out after church/crematorium?

How's it gone with ur under pillow pad njp?
Under pillow pad is okay but I think it doesn't have the same instinctive response as hearing the baby cry. I could quite easily turn over and switch it off, whereas her crying tugs at my heart & I can't help but rush to her.

I find myself soothing her more at night than I'd like to because I'm conscious of the others in the house who need sleep. It's GCSE and ALevel year for two of them so don't want them up all night. So once I'm awake with her I probably fuss more over every little whinge than I usually would.

Are you giving him a formula bottle or an expressed one mellie? I'm sure you've already said but my mind is a sieve! I'm sure it'll go fine, and your mum is an old hand at baby stuff so she'll cope.

Hoping no news is good news from lauraloo. I don't envy her right now!
Got a lamaze toy (I'm a little obsessed with them!) And some clothes from Sainsburys, apparently they've got loads of nice baby stuff but I've never had a look.

I'm hoping he takes the bottle but who knows. My mom said she'll wait outside with him if he wont have a bottle though. But crematorium funerals dont last that long so he might just about manage without wanting a feed. I'm going to go get him after the crematorium and take him to the reception/wake bit. Otherwise it'll mean leaving him far too long, I think my boobs would explode.

I think I'm in for ANOTHER night of cluster feeding tonight. :(
It's expressed milk, my mom would go mental if I gave him formula just to go somewhere. She rang me up yesterday in a mad panic because I told her about my terrible night and she thought I was going to throw in the towel!

Don't blame you for being worried about the other kids sleeping, does she wake them much or do they generally sleep through it? My OH sleeps like a trooper through the screams its ridiculous!

I was thinking about laura earlier, surely the silence means shes at least in now. Maybe even had her baby you never know.
Yes silence has got to be good news with Laura..

Mellie my mum bottlefed us...i actually phoned the breastfeeding support...her tips for couster feeding was eat loads (she said healthy and flapjacks) feed more throughout the day. She also said if i choose to go to bottle she will help me, and said she would pop by next week. Which i think is great to have support.

Good luck tonight girls..
.i had a mini cluster feed between 5-7pm secretly hoping thats it tonight! (Time will tell) either way oh will be there to support tonight, for the lonely hours.
Nice to hear that the support line was helpful. My mom made a really good point yday, she said about loads of people had commented on how well I was doing and how well I was doing with breastfeeding. Obviously I don't feel like that sometimes but generally to the outsider it all looks perfect. So when I hear about peoples babies sleeping through I now always takeit with a pinch of salt as they're highly likely to only be mentioning the good bits.

We had a little cluster earlier. Then he stopped and went to sleep for an hour but nowhe's back on it :(
In with u all on the cluster feeding tonight girls normally she does a bit between 9-12 of an evening anyway but tonight is worse :( not sure if because she a bit off colour after her jabs yesterday. Hopefully won't last much longer as I'm tired n my arm is aching off haha!

Yeh always better with crying. Do u find yr hearing her yourself then??
Ah crucial time for all then hopefully they sleep through it anyway.

Definitely think Laura had baby by now I still can't believe they were leaving her to go so far over!!

Mellie I reckon u be fine and he won't need bottle but get ur being cautious just hope it goes well and he takes it if he needs it.

Apple I love the tip eat loads :) not that I need an excuse hehe
Apparently she doesn't wake them, good thing they are heavy sleepers but she doesn't really scream, I soothe her before she gets to screaming.

My wife sleeps through loads too! Last night she was awake ill and I was up feeding Frankie. It takes ages because after she's fed & changed she just lies and gurgles with occasional whimpers. Wife asked why the baby was still up and I explained that this 2 hour process is what happens every night & is why I'm so tired and she was amazed, because she never usually wakes up during it. So hopefully now she'll realise why I feel so tired in the day!

I think you're both doing really well with breastfeeding. It's made out to be some easy, earth mother type thing and even when people say it's hard work you don't realise just how hard it is. The last couple of midwives have told me not to worry about it, that it takes a few weeks to get the hang of it properly. I do think people gloss over how hard it is, a bit like labour. They look back and forget the really awful bits.

I have a cough or cold coming on, got that tickle in my throat. Two of the kids & my wife have had it. Really hoping Frankie doesn't get it. How does a newborn feed with a blocked nose?
Kaa, I don't hear her when I'm sleeping, just in comparison to napping while wearing a hearing aid or just hearing her during the day, the response is so much more instinctive. I really miss out on that bit when being woken from sleep.

I put Frankie on pillows to feed - if your arm is aching, try propping her up! I spend more time holding my boob in place than holding her.
Now I don't know if Jake's cluster feeding tonight or if he just won't stay settled. I put him in his moses basket fast asleep and then 5 minutes later he's awake screaming. I don't know if its more he doesn't like being moved into it. I'm stuck in a horrible cycle!

There must be a way for a baby to feed with a blocked nose....maybe it'll just be a case of 1 nostril not so blocked and they do all the breathing through that?
Mellie that's what faiths like. Sleeps fine in my arms but then once put down is kicking off. :-/ I'm up again feeding already! She better sleep through the night now ha.

Oh right wasn't sure if u had managed to hear her in the night after all. :-/ such a shame ur missing out on that then but at least u get it in the day.

Bfing really is hard and I think they need to make u more aware of that real life struggle so that women don't get overwhelmed and quit so easily coz I can so get why ppl go to bottles!

I bought a nursing pillow but find coz I have saggy boobs and a short body she was almost too high up on it and it meant she was straight across when lying on it as opposed to angled downwards with her feet (better position for less wind)
Use a cushion every now and then down stairs but most the time don't bother now as figured won't have that luxury if out n about n need to practise. Haha screw that though it kills haha
I have to prop my boobs up! I put rolled up muslins under them. Otherwise the nipples point downwards. The volunteer BF women in the hospital showed me that trick.

Yeah, I hear her fine during the day fortunately.

I wondered how we'll manage without the pillow if put and about but thought I'd concentrate on cracking bfing at home first! Do you find the downward angle helps her?

Mellie, Frankie was doing that today. I indulged her a little because she's not normally like that but if she continues i might have to harden up and ignore her a bit. My ideas of not encouraging crying for cuddles are hard to stick to when she's actually crying though.

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