Night feeds

Lacey said she had a bad dream so wanted to get in my bed! Charley took 5oz's at 12.15 feed so he went a while before his next feed but at 3.30 I tried the dummy but he wouldn't settle so I feed him but he only took 2oz's then woke up at 4.50 again wouldn't settle with dummy so he took 1oz then woke up at 6!! I don't know how to stop his 2nd/3rd feed cos he hardly has anything! I keep thinking another month and he might sleep through but I can't see that happening! He'll be 6 months like Lacey was :(
I brought up a bottle of boiled water for Drake as he keeps doing that chaz. He only takes about 2oz! So I thought perhaps it's thirst. He did settle for about 2hours after having a little bit mind but then it was back to stirring.
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I've found if H doesnt want anymore milk i then change his nappy and then he takes a bit more and sleeps better and longer!!!
i had an awfull night tegan went to sleep at 8:30 woke up at 12:40 and didnt go back to sleep till 4:30! x
i think it must have been a bad night for us all!! H went to sleep at 11-5 but then refused to go back to sleep and thought it was funny to keep us awake!! But i cant help but smile when he does!!!
Jacks feeding routine is weird but its kinda working.. He has 4oz in the day which im gonna start upping to 5/6oz as his sleeing or awake 4/5 hours between them. Then at night his last feed is usually 1/2am 6oz and then he'll sleep through til either 6 or 8.30 yesterday morning :).. HV last told me i should get him in a routine but that's easy for her to say.. I prefer to feed him when he wants it.. His only 6 weeks old.. Got HV coming out today for 6 week check up.. What does this consist of? I know he'll be weighed but what else.. I still need to call doc and make my 6 week appointment opps x
Alfie always drops off after feed at 10, (usually 6oz) then sleeps til 3, takes 4-5ozs then sleeps til 6-7. Its so on those times, i think it will be hard to change his routin e he has made himself!!
I've forgot what night feeds are really dont think I could go back to them herbie never has a feed before7am now just need to do the next step taking out of his basket
Charley did 1 feed last night yay!! It's all gonna go wrong tonight though cos he wanted his feed a hour early so went to bed early but he hardly had any milk so I can see it being 2-3 times tonight!
Lanny, I need tips!!
I havent got a clue chaz monty was 6 months before he slept through dolly was better at 12wk and herbie was a god send at 5 wks, with monty I started giving him hungry baby milk just for his last bottle then started giving him water when he woke but he was 6 months at this time and I knew he wasnt hungry when waking he was just in a habit.
noa fed 9ish, fell asleep properly at 10.30ish and didnt wake up until 4.30!!!! he ate for england tho n when i took him to get changed he was sick all over me, loads. it was drippin from my sholder, tit, hip and knee :wall:
We've had the most awful 2 nights sleep ever! With Drake having got a cough and cold he sleeps on and off all day and stirs and cries all night..I'm seriously knackered.
Seb is now sleeping through! He has been since Monday. He has a feed at 11, asleep for 11.30 and doesn't wake until 7.30! Yay!!!
That is fab about Noa and Seb!

Ella has been sleeping through for 2 weeks now and last night went to bed at 11.30 and I had to wake her for her bottle at 9am! She is such a good girl :love:
Awwwww yay! Clever little lady!!!
I'm so jealous, I know Drake isn't well right now but before now he can't seem to break his 3.30am wake habit.
H was like that when he had a cold!any tips on how to keep him awake so he's tired and sleeps for longer?
Well we managed to go without his night feed last night!! He had his last bottle at 9pm in bed for 10pm stirred at 4.30am dummy in and woke at 5.30 and that's only cos he had a coughing fit!

Was well weird when I woke up though,'i was adamant I fed him. I was searching for his bottle in bed! I was horrified that I couldn't remember and it was only when we went down and saw all his bottles on the fridge that I believed it lmao
tegan went to bed at 10pm woke for boob at 4:45 went back to sleep at 5:15 and is still asleep now x
That's fab news ladies! It makes such a difference doesn't it? :)

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