Night feeds

We wake our LO for a dream feed at 11:30pm or as late as we can stay awake (hubby usually does it) The Aiden will wake at 5am for a feed and then sleep until 9am. He is only 10 days old so I feel very blessed. I know it might not last though and I would like to drop the dream feed, but obviously I dearnt as its working so well! xx
Since he was born Blake feeds about 11:30pm then 3:30 then about 8am.

It takes at least an hour if not longer start to finish including changing him and I'm doing it all myself so OH can sleep.

Until reading this, I thought that was a bit rubbish (my sister's LO sleeps 7pm-7am and has done since about 3 weeks old!). But seems he's doing well so I'm very pleased.

Good luck to those of you getting up frequently in the night. That must be a nightmare. I hope your other halves are helping?!?
Well we fed and bathed Ella at 10:30pm last night and she was in bed by 11:30pm. She just started crying at 4am and taking advice from this thread I went in, popped her dummy in and stroked her face for a minute before creeping out.

So far so good, she seems to have settled back down again- will update when more happens!!
Charleys given me the best nights sleep I've had in ages!
Dream fed at 9.30 last night, then woke at 1am then again at 4.30am. It's still not alot of sleep but it's the most I've had in ages! Just hoping he sleeps until 7ish now!
Toon, I hope Lucas sleeps through soon for you x x
interesting thread, babies are so different!

Owen is nearly 14 weeks and dream fed at 10.30/11 (wont go any later, now waking for this) by OH with expressed breast milk then he was going til about 4 then 7, but last week or so waking at 1, 4 then 7, tried dummy in as that's how I got him to last til 4 but no, he is HUNGRY! hope it's a growth spurt as I was really enjoying the 5 hours sleep! Just can't see him ever dropping a night feed but sure it will happen one day...

does anyone else dream feed with EBM and how much do you give? Tryong to express twice a day now to get it up to 7oz but bet he'd like 8.

Very proud mummy this morning-Sebastian slept from 10.30pm until 5.30am so I got 7 hours sleep! He then took 3oz and slept until 8.30am!

Ironically I feel more tired after lots of sleep than I do with broken sleep!
She woke for a feed at 5.30 and was back to sleep after the feed by 5.50pm so I'm delighted!
awww well done seb and ella there both doing fab sleeping that long dont worry helen you will soon get use to the extra sleep again if herbie starts waking about 5:30am I'm like whats going on here little man lol
Lol! Lanny-I did a thread in health and beauty with your name on it x
Madison has a bath and bottle at 7pm, goes down at 7.30pm and then usually wakes at 4.30. She has another 5oz and then goes back down til about 7.30 am bless her she is a little star xx

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Aw bless her x Seb is currently in bed fast asleep!
Yey sleepy babies :) xx

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I've only had to resettle charley once tonight! I'm hoping he let's me sleep tonight! I've got a banging headache and my eyes are stinging :(
Well Ella has just projectile vomited her whole bottle after we put some bonjella baby on her for her teething - she is sleeping soundly on me atm but I suspect she may not sleep well tonight :(
Oscar still goes to bed with ya at about 10. I could probably put him in his cit, asleep by 9 but he sleeps in til about 8.20 and I don't wanna risk that changing. Both my girls were in bed by 7pm by this age but were both early risers so I'm having a change!!
He wakes up once or twice but tbh, I don't even remember getting him out of his cot, I just wake up with him on my boob in the morning.
Yay charley! Let mummy sleep!!!

Awwww poor Ella! Hope she's ok and still sleeps well!

Lol amy! when Seb was newborn I barely remembered feeding him!

Sebastian is still asleep in his cot in our room x I'm so glad we got the angelcare monitor x
Ella has only ever had one night feed after her 9/10pm bottle at around 3-4am and then sleeps until 7.30-8.30pm - I was wondering how to get rid of that feed though. I really can't be bothered to read all the books and I refuse to let her cry and get into a state as she isn't really a crier and I don't want to encourage that where it currently doesn't exist.

herbie only eva had one night feed since he was born between 3 - 4 am
I didnt let him cry but just started putting his dummy back in time after time till he got to 4.30 am for a few nights.
then he didnt wake till then so I started putting his dummy in till 5 am and so on.
now he has his last bottle between 9-10 pm and wake about 7am the odd morning its 6am but only about once a week

Lanny I could kiss you for giving me this advice!!!

This is the second night running that I've popped the dummy in at 3:30am when she has stirred and she has gone back to sleep until 5:45 am!!

Last night:
Last feed 9:30pm -split feed and bath
Bed by 10:30pm
Feed 5:45am

7 hours sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long may it last! :)
Yay!! Welldone Ella! That's fantastic!

Charleys woken up with a cold :(
He did his normal wake up for 2nd feed but only took half ounce then woke up an hour later and took the whole 4oz's. Shame I've got to waste that 1st bottle as he hates cold milk and it was over a hour since I heated it!

I wish I could do the dummy trick but for the past 2 days Charleys been spitting it out during the day and night! He's just not interested which is kinda good cos I don't really want him to have a dummy!

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