My OPK Journey

hi m2A, how long are you expecting your cycle to be? i think ur surge deffo hasn't happened yet and will arrive in the next few days xx
Heres todays, the lines seem to have faded and disappeared after cd10 :confused:
x x

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Mmmm.......think it's defo still to come
I think Kizzis went really faint then POW :)
yeh i agree with kezza, the lines that you have are surely not dark enough to have indicated ovulation earlier, if you are only cd10 i really believe it will still come! i'm usually cd14-16, this month it came cd17 xx
yeh i agree with kezza, the lines that you have are surely not dark enough to have indicated ovulation earlier, if you are only cd10 i really believe it will still come! i'm usually cd14-16, this month it came cd17 xx

Thanks ladies, im cd13 today. Im just confused as cervix position and ewcm dont match up with opks. Ill keep testing and wait and see x x

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I think my EWCM was cd13/14/15 then was extra watery cd16/17/18

Got my surge on cd16 & OV on cd17

Hope that helps a lil hun

I think my EWCM was cd13/14/15 then was extra watery cd16/17/18

Got my surge on cd16 & OV on cd17

Hope that helps a lil hun


Thanks Kezza, hope your feeing better.
Did you check your cervix? x x

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Mines always been high & soft so I'm starting to think that the cervix position isn't necessarily a good indicator, cos based on mine, I should be pregnant so who knows eh?!?

Heres todays, nothing again x x


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Could still be to come honey, may be late OV this month??
I'm thinking late ov too. Get BD action in anyway in case it's a dud batch o sticks xxx
Thanks ladies :)
I give up worrying about them now, stupid things! x x

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What MIU are your tests? Could be that they're not strong enough hon or you just haven't had your surge yet. As long as you're getting plenty of Bding in though I wouldn't worry too much about the OPKs, as there'll always be plenty of little swimmers present to catch the little egg whenever it makes it's exit! x x x
They are 20miu hunny, im confused as everything doesnt add up but im not worrying about them anymore. If my surge is late then thats ok but im definetly not doing them next month if im still ttc x x

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I know how you feel hon I was close to giving up mine as they did my head in initially :roll: I got the positive in the end but even without that the other signs were all there - OV cramps and lots of ewcm - so I would go with your instincts hon and your actual symptoms rather than what it says on a little stick x x x
Thanks hunny, i seem to be having alot of cm today and cervix has gone back really high and soft, can barely reach it so maybe ov is just around the corner. On a promise from OH tonight, before i go out :)
My next opk is at 6pm so i will just have to wait and see x x

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That sounds promising hon! I'm afraid I know squiddly poo about cervix positions though, I've never checked mine! Might start checking it next month though and finding out a bit more about what it all means. Yay for :bd: get the 'ol Barry White on the Cd player and the candles lit and you'll be ready to ravage your OH when he gets in x x x
Thanks hunny, candles and music sounds lovely but i think im just going to jump him lol ;)
Might be worth starting to check your cervix now so you know how it feels just after ov because it will be easier next month as you will know what its meant to feel like x x

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Perhaps I'll give it a go then - what's it's supposed to feel like after OV? Or at other times of the month for that matter? I'm clueless :eh: x x

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