****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi all

Drake has finally gotten over his 2 colds. He's really starting to get quick on his feet now and when we r out reins are a must as he won't hold your hand for more than a few seconds. He's got this thing atm when he's on his changer of going absolutely bonkers, arms and legs kicking n flailing up in the air while giggling n laughing his lil head off. It's very cute until its actually time to change his bum. Then unless he can be distracted its a 2 man job :(

We still only have 8 teeth through, tho he is chewing his fingers n thumb so I think things might be moving again soon.

Sebbiesmum - snap! My brother is having a lil boy at the end of November. :) I'd love there to be more children in my house too, but still nothing :( I hope college is going well. Ah I can't offer much in the way of suggestions to getting him to walk, but will keep my fingers crossed it happens soon.

Deedee - cock cock made me giggle hehe. I love baby babble too, just really wish sometimes I knew what they thought they were saying. :)

Aww such lovely lil stunners everyone has! Beautiful catch up pics :)
Hi ladies how are your lovely Bubbas?

Cant believe O is nearly 15months! :(
Where does the time go! Shes a proper little girl now. Shes very sturbbon (no idea where she gets it from ;))
Shes still only 18lb so looks like a baby lol
We have lots of words now her new favourite is suck (stuck), she puts her ball pit balls in toys they dont fit in then shouts 'muma suck' lol
Shes still not walking!! Please tell me shes not the only lazy june/july bug? I know i shouldnt stress over it but its hard not to when youre out and about with friends whos babies are younger but walking!! ,xc

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Shes learning to feed herself her youghurt very messy but she loves doing it herself
Mm pan au choclat

Waving bye bye before scooting backwards across the room on her csr 77uploadfromtaptalk1381572809818.jpg

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Xanthe isn't walking unaided yet either. She'll walk if you hold her hands but doesn' t have the balance otherwise. She's also still a dot weight wise so maybe that has something to do with it! Her feet don't look big enough iykwim!
Hi all, it's so lovely to have a catch up on all the gorgeous June/Julybugs, we really do have the most beautiful babies. We're all good, really busy with work and Max, but he's so much fun. He's been a bit clingy and miserable the last week as the poor monkey had tonsillitis but now that he's feeling better he's back to being his cheeky mischievous self. Like some of the others Max says a few words but seems very happy chattering away in his own language. Thankfully he's finally started to listen to me and OH when we say 'no' (which seems like all the time) and if we say 'this way'. It was so frustrating before as he paid no attention to us at all and would just wander off. His new thing is saying 'oh dear' which is very funny although he says it in context so normally he's dropped or broken something. My OH took him to the shop earlier and turned round to pick something up, as he did he heard the dreaded 'oh dear' and turned back to Max launching an egg!! Thankfully the lady in the shop was very understanding :)

Here's a recent photo of my monkey and his crazy hair, it was at a family wedding and the photographer offered to take some extra photos just because he loved his hair :) xxx

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Oh wow Taffy, his hair is adorable :love:

I wouldnt worry about the walking either Em and Frankie, they will get there eventually, usually once they have got their confidence with a few baby steps they just go for it!

All these little people are just too cute!

Elexis is currently cutting 2 teeth at the same time so we havent had a great nights sleep for a while! She made us laugh the other day though, she put her sisters shoes on, climbed up on the sofa and one fell off, her reaction "Oh my shoe" lmao! its the first proper sentence ive heard her say :D She also loves to say "bum bum" now too, suppose thats after many times of saying to her "come here let me change your bum bum" haha

Xanthe isn't walking unaided yet either. She'll walk if you hold her hands but doesn' t have the balance otherwise. She's also still a dot weight wise so maybe that has something to do with it! Her feet don't look big enough iykwim!

This is what annoys me lol. She will do 10+ steps unaided and will walk along when out just holding one hand no trouble so i know shes able to do it she just cant be bothered!
Like you say i wander if her being such a dot has something to do with it!
One day she will just go im sure of it. We need to meet up again and they can refuse to walk together ;) xx

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OMG, such gorgeous babies. They are all coming along so well :love:
I think the rate at which they learn new things at this age varies hugely, so I try not to worry about stuff. Tilly walks well now but was a late crawler. She understands vast amounts of what we say but only speaks a few words herself and is mostly happy to chatter away in her own language. She's all kinds of cute, but also a little terror at the moment. They keep us on our toes, don't they?

Here are a few pics of her recently:

Sebs gone to my parents for the weekend!, he loves seeing my father!..The pair have a lovely bond :), and he will always watch for my dads car pulling up and then he recognises it and gets rather excited!..Its funny :lol:

As for words, we still have no real ones at the minute..Just your normal 'mama,dada'..He's been trying to say cat but it just comes out as a cough!..Which is fun so everytime he sees one he will cough..He has a new found love for pigeons!, gets really excited when they fly away and will laugh at them for hours which is cute :)

Sooo..Have you all heard the recents about the lovely weather were supposed to be getting next month?, supposedly were getting snow from November..All the way through until February :shock:..But as I always say..Ill believe that when i see it ;)
Karen Tilly is gorgeous! Hows pregnancy whilt looking after lo?

Sebbiesmum hope you had a good relax whilst baby free!

Not a great deal going off here at the mo. Sebastian has a cold/bug so we've been stuck in this week.

A few pictures from the last few weeks


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^Wow, Sebastian is so tall! :), and look at all that lovely hair! :D

Nothing much to update over here at the moment, I have half term at college so Im off for the week which is good!

Seb's still has happy as can be watching from his backside!, no real movement!..Apart from him taking steps when you hold his hands, but he wont walk by himself or grab hold of everything, but he's still as mobile as ever on his backside!..But when somethings out of reach rather than shuffling to get it he will just stretch himself!..Rather an amusing sight!..

At the moment he's not so good :(, his eating habits are getting worse and im very worried he's not getting his vitamins!, the only things he's eating at the moment are yogurt, weetabix and sandwiches!..Anything else he's quick to let you know he doesn't like or want it =(

On the plus side, at least we know he's not allergic to peanuts :lol:..Little bugger robbed my peanut butter sandwich when i turned my back for 2 seconds!:shock:
I know he's so lanky lol!

We're havng the same issues with food, he womt eat amy veggies or got dinners...pretty much insisting a diet of fruit and sandwiches (depending on filling) !

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Well im quite relieved to hear im not the only one going through the awkward child phase :lol:

Honestly!..If i have a peanut butter sandwich he will sit at my feet and whinge at me until i give him a bit!, i know i shouldn't give in to him but its the only thing he seems to eat with no fuss :\, that and pop tarts..He doesn't have the healthiest diet in the world!..Ive tried him with vegetable finger foods but they more than likely end up on the floor..I used to have such a good little eater who'd eat anything you made for him..And nowadays he's a little devil :|

Where did my good baby go :(
Xanthe isn't walking unaided yet either. She'll walk if you hold her hands but doesn' t have the balance otherwise. She's also still a dot weight wise so maybe that has something to do with it! Her feet don't look big enough iykwim!

This is what annoys me lol. She will do 10+ steps unaided and will walk along when out just holding one hand no trouble so i know shes able to do it she just cant be bothered!
Like you say i wander if her being such a dot has something to do with it!
One day she will just go im sure of it. We need to meet up again and they can refuse to walk together ;) xx

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Definitely! Haha. She's standing for longer periods unaided now an. She looks desperate to walk but seems to just lack the confidence!

Can't believe how grown up all these babies are looking. Xanthe still has barely any hair...think that's why she still looks baby like!
Melissa - thanks, sweetie. Sebastian is looking gorgeous too. I bet he would dwarf my little shortie. I love how they try to run as soon as they can walk. It's terrifying watching her race around.

Pregnancy has been pretty easy on me so far. Just wondering how I'm going to haul T around once bump gets bigger, but she's getting much better on her feet, so hopefully I'll not have to pick her up and lug her around as much later on. I'm just struggling mostly with the terror of having two, and with the guilt of knowing that I will have to neglect my darling girl a bit once no.2 arrives.

You're not alone in the fussy toddler eating thing. Tilly is very fussy at the moment and sometimes doesn't even bother to try things. She won't eat much veg unless I've sneaked it into something, and doesn't really do potatoes, meat, fish, cold cheese, soft cheese, bread... OMG, it's so annoying. I am continuing to offer her a bit of everything that we eat, and not pandering to her limited tastes, in the hope that it's a phase she will grow out of eventually. Leading by setting a good example is a good way forward, I hope.

They are all monkeys!
Elexis can be fussy with food too, ive since realised that if she wont eat her dinner/tea, if i drizzle tomato ketchup all over it then she will wolf it down :) muhahaha!

Nothing much been going on here, If you ask Elexis where her nose, mouth, teeth, eyes, ears or head is she will now point and show you :D shes trying her best to talk and comes out with some surprise words, for instance, we have been dog sitting for mum through the day for the last 2 weeks and we went there Wednesday morning and her dog Buster came into the kitchen and she pointed and said "buster" it wasnt as clear as that but you could make it out iykwim?! She has also been practising trying to run :lol: looks too funny, she kinda does a stomping type movement atm whilst attempting it! And she absolutely loves dancing too...i have to hand that to her big sister, shes forever dancing so most mornings we end up with the music channel on and both girls dancing around the living room at 6:30am haha! Too cute!

Hey guys!

Hope your all well and keeping warm in this awful weather we've been having! :), well ive been away for so long but im proud to announce that:

WE HAVE A CRAWLER OVER HERE!! :dance::dance::dance:

Its only taken him 17 months to work it out but now we're finally getting somewhere!, theres actually no stopping him now and he enjoys crawling from room to room without wanting to be carried which is relief for my back anyway :lol:

Yesterday seb had the health visitor and he now weighs 22lb, and is 76.5cm tall (which according to google is 2 feet 6⅛ inches :lol: )..The HV seemed very impressed with his progress but told us to go to the gp if he isn't walking by 18 months..So we've got another month!

So its to the doctors for us on the 4th December..Me about my alopecia as it seems to be getting worse and my hair is now falling out in clumps and getting ridiculously thin :(, and seb because he seems to be having trouble with his bowels again..He eats a very balanced diet and still he cant poop without it bothering him =(..Poor thing!

Anyway, i hope youre all well and the bugs are well too :D
:yay: Awesome to hear that Seb is crawling, bet its such a relief isnt it? He will soon be off walking and wreaking havoc :D

Sorry to hear your alopecia has worsened, hope something can be sorted at the docs for you and also Seb!

We havent had much bad weather up here to be honest, a little bit of sleet last night and this morning just rain and sunshine :) so not too bad!

Elexis witters on something chronic lately, all in her own gobbledy gook language although if you ask her to say certain words she will have a good go, i love how she says 'nose' atm, she says it as 'no' but really accentuates the 'o' sound sounds so funny haha! She can tell you where the majority of her body parts are, even shouts boobies if im getting dressed and take my top off the little monkey haha! If i say 'one' she will respond with 2, which is great if we're counting...not so great if i get the biscuit tin out and let her get her own saying "just get one" she replies with "two" haha!

I have been dieting WOOP cant really call it a diet as such as it can also be done to gain weight or just keep a healthy balanced diet, i've lost 6lbs in a week and 6" off of the old flabby baby belly, im keeping to it brilliantly too, cant even have a blip on it as such as its so laid back and easy to do...loving it! And at least i wont be putting weight on over Christmas with the Baileys, Roses, mince pies and all the other yummy crap i tend to eat :lol: so yeah, we're all doing fine! Although Elexis is teething again, so lots of runny nappies and early morning starts!

Hope everyone else is doing great along with their gorgeous little people :)

Yay to having a crawler Sebbiesmummy!
Deedee Bs exactly the same - if I say one he'll take 2 lol!

Amazing how much they're developing now. B is lovely at the moment, although we've experienced a few temper tantrums!
Up to 17 teeth now and he's still trying to cut the ones at the back, causing him a lot of discomfort, non stop dribbling and high temperatures.
We went away to New Forest last weekend and took B to Peppa Pig world and Beaulieu it was great but he was really teething and all I'd packed was nurofen! Opps bad mummy! Luckily found a boots nearby - thank god for bonjela lol.

He's starting to say new words everyday now but he's not really that talkative. He loves to do animal noises but every animal seems to be either moo or meow lol!
How's everyone else's Los doing?
Aww bless B...we only have 11 teeth haha! I swear the amber teething necklace works exceptionally well as shes cutting a back one at the mo and i hadnt realised, it was only when i had a good feel around in there after some nasty nappies that i realised :O

Pepper pig world sounds amazing :D hope u all had a lovely time!

The only animal noise Elexis makes is "roar" for a lion and a weird high pitched squeak which is her cat noise haha! when the cats miaw she does it back to them haha! crazy baby!


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