****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

How's everyone doing? Could do with some toddler updates and see who's on to number 2 now lol?!

Karen how are you doing? Can't be long now for you? X
Hello! Hope you are all well. I'm still on number one lol! Although I'm very broody I've just started a new job so need to wait a while think we will ttc next Jan :-( seems ages away. Olivia is good. Growing up to fast! Can't believe she's 18mths. She is finally walking she started over Christmas so I'm chuffed as its taken so long! Her speech seems to come on more every day! She doesn't stop wittering away now lol x
Elexis is my number 2and i'm not planning on any more haha!

Were doing good here too, Elexis has a wide vocabulary of words, i've heard by 2 they should be saying around 20 recognisable words so i wrote down everything Elexis can say and we're knocking on 40 words at 18 months old! Were also stringing a few words together here too, such as it's here, or what's this! We have however got to the hitting stage if she doesnt get her own way and were dealing with it by saying no and holding her arm before she can actually hit us!

We also had chicken pox over xmas,both girls got them at the exact same time, Elise dealt with them ok, Elexis did for the first 2 days and then she just cried because of the itching, she even figured out if she did a baloo (jungle book) on the back of the sofa that that would scratch her itches on her back haha bless! Least we have them out the way now though :)

Hope everyone else along with their LO's are doing great and hope you all had a lovely xmas :)

Hi all. Sorry, not been around much at all.

Thanks, MrsT, I've got five and a bit weeks til my due date. EEEEEEEEP!!! Terrified is not sufficient to describe how I feel. Tilly is well. Going through the terrible 18 month sleep regression, learning new words every day and mad as a box of frogs. It's all go here. We are trying to sell our house and move back to England to be nearer my family. All with a newborn on the way. I am trying to work right up until I pop. Exhausted.

Lovely to hear your news, girls. Sounds like all the toddlers are doing really well xxx
We're all ok ovet here.
Sebastian is pretty much naughty all the time at the moment, I think we've hit tge terrible two's early!
He's still slow at talking and only says bye, all gone, and no ( probably because it's all I ever seem to say these days!)
Although hes slow on the talking it doesn't stop him getting things, hes quite good at stacking toy tubs/ boxes to use as a ladder to get something, he also keeps turning the tv back on when I switch it off after he's watched cartoons......hes a little monster but full of character and he knows how to sulk and frown really well lol!


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Ah it's lovely to read the updates :)

Drake is getting on really well. He can run around like mad, he's loving getting me to name all parts of my face n body, altho he's not repeating much of it back. He said bye bye mummy a few weeks again (i was only walking out the room lol) which really put a smile on my face. Most of his words have the beginning of the word, but not the end, so things like duck and dog sound similar. He totally ignores "no". He loves to climb on things, but luckily he hasn't learnt to stack things together yet :).

I've been TTC practically since D was born, altho I was breast feeding for 6 months, as it took 2 years to get D and I don't have time to waste at 41.

I hope everyone is well. I hope your move back to England goes well Karen as does your upcoming birth. Yay to Olivia walking Em :). Aw bless Seb he sounds a right lil character Melissa. Lol at Elexis doing a baloo on the sofa deedee :).
Hey everyone :)
So exciting to read how well everyone's LO's are getting on. Harry doesn't have any real recognisable words yet, but does try to copy us saying bye bye, done, tigger. But they aren't what I would call words. He is into climbing everything, and driving his cars around, he is getting really good at those wooden peg puzzles where you put the shapes back in, stacking cups and shape sorter.

As from my ticker, I am expecting baby number 2, currently 4weeks 3days so very early on. Going though some checks though as my hcg seems to be rising slowly (tests getting fainter then darker again) and really bad right sided cramps, doctor is worried about an ectopic pregnancy :( but I should have a scan in a couple of weeks.

Karen C, your so close to you due date now, and your brave trying to keep working and moving house! I hope the move goes well.
Deedee, glad Lexi is on the mend now and so clever with her talking :)
Em, glad to hear Olivia is walking now, she obviously preferred crawling lol. I started a new job only a month ago, and now pregnant, oops!
Melissa, Sebastian sounds like fun. Harry knows how to use the remote to change channels and play/pause it lol
Violet, drake is probably taking everything in that you are teaching him and suddenly you will find he has so many words at once. I really hope you get your bfp soon

Hey ladies, I'm back as TaffyRose1 as I couldn't login or request my password as I no longer use the email I originally signed up with so I created a new profile. It's been so long since I popped in here, Karen I can't believe you are so close to having 2 monsters and Kanga - huge congrats!!

We are currently struck down with the dreaded flu but thankfully Max has been a little star, he even tried to take my temperature with his ear thermometer last night :) He is into everything and you have to watch him like a hawk as he has no fear and loves to climb and throw himself off things!! He;'s been a bot whingy which has been driving me insane but I think it's frustration as he can't quite communicate what he wants so we've been asking him to show us which seems to help a bit. He jabbers away and every so often will amaze us by saying something clear as day. For example he wandered up to the family photos at my in laws today, pointed at a picture of my FIL and said 'Bampi' my MIL was so chuffed and kept trying to get him to say nanny, which he refused to do even though he can actually say nanny, the little monkey.

Also I didn't realise there was an 18 month sleep regression???? That explains a lot!! Fingers crossed we're just out of that.

Look forward to getting on here a bit more and keeping in touch xxx
Aww its great to hear about all these LO's and how well they are doing :D

Karen, not long now for bubba number 2, how exciting!

Melissa - Elexis is also a monkey at the moment, we have started with the hitting stage, she even walloped OH with her toy sweeping brush yesterday, she thought it was funny the little monkey!

Violet - Good luck with TTC, hope you get your BFP real soon :)

Kanga - hope all comes back ok with the blood tests and you can then at least try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy

Taffy - hope you all recover from the flu quickly, sounds like Max is handling it well bless, puts us adults to shame at times dont they haha!

Elexis is a monkey with the TV too, shes forever changing the channel or ends up recording some random programme or something haha! She has also got the frowning and bottom lip out to a 'T' now too and she's also going through a stage of not wanting to go in the pushchair, so sometimes i'll walk her down to my brothers on a morning which is a 10 min walk for me anyway, but she manages that and then back up...problem being that she loves walking that much that as soon as she realises were going back home she tries legging it and then has a diva strop when i pick her up and plonk her in the house :lol: bless!!

So lovely to hear all these updates, everyone's bubbas are doing well.

Well B is a typical little boy, jumping and climbing everything! Speech is coming on well, good lot of words and great understanding when he chooses to listen lol.
Still unsure when to try for baby number 2, I'm maid of honour in July and then it's the big 30 in October and I want to avoid getting pregnant oct/nov otherwise Bs birthday will be too close. God I'm fussy! I think if we start trying around dec then if it takes a few months that's fine.

Well, I haven't written in a while. James is just as cheeky as ever and is constantly amazing me with all that he can say and do. He says proper little sentences which is beyond cute!

He is also going to be a big brother this year, as after TTC for 1 cycle, I got my BFP today :)

How are all the other little (or not-so-little anymore :() 2012 Junebugs and Julybugs?! Xx
Well, I haven't written in a while. James is just as cheeky as ever and is constantly amazing me with all that he can say and do. He says proper little sentences which is beyond cute!

He is also going to be a big brother this year, as after TTC for 1 cycle, I got my BFP today :)

How are all the other little (or not-so-little anymore :() 2012 Junebugs and Julybugs?! Xx

Congratulations Hun that's amazing news! Harrys only saying the odd word and still won't walk! X
Aww bless him!! Enjoy it before he runs you ragged lol xx
Well, I haven't written in a while. James is just as cheeky as ever and is constantly amazing me with all that he can say and do. He says proper little sentences which is beyond cute!

He is also going to be a big brother this year, as after TTC for 1 cycle, I got my BFP today :)

How are all the other little (or not-so-little anymore :() 2012 Junebugs and Julybugs?! Xx

Ah big congratz hon :) :)

Drake has been a bit poorly for a week. Last Saturday he became a lot more sleepy than usual, then Sunday I noticed he was running a bit of a temp and was sick 3 times. Took him to the docs just to be checked over Monday and make sure I was doing the right things for him. Tuesday he had diarrhoea, but by Wednesday the temp was gone so thought he was getting better. Then Thursday evening we noticed some spots on his body which gradually got worse but he seemed fine in himself. The spots have now gone from his body, but he's got some on his legs still. He's gone quite clingy n grizzly with it all, but generally seems ok in himself.

I'm just so glad that everything spaced itself out or I'd have been proper panicking if they had all come on the same day.

The closest we get to a sentence is bye bye mummy here.
Poor Drake :( And poor you! I hate it when James is poorly, feel so helpless! He's teething so badly at the moment with his back molars - it's making him wake up crying in the night! Can't wait for them to push through the gums. Xx
Hi hope the June/July mummies and babies are well? I can't believe so many of you are expecting again! I would love to be but I'm fairly new to my job :-( has anyone heard from Karen? I wonder whether she's had her baby yet!
Harry still isn't walking unaided, he pushes his walker and will toddle around holding hands but that's fairly good I suppose considering his leg length difference! X
Hi Les! I was just thinking about Karen whether she's had her pink or blue bundle yet?
I've no plans for baby number 2 yet, partly because I'm loving my job but we move tomorrow and I think the mortgage is going to cripple us without going on smp lol!
How's Harry doing? Is the GP worried about his walking or happy that he'll do it in his own time?
I have worries with Bs speech. He's very reluctant to talk but he can! It's not shyness but maybe laziness? He had a great chat with a wallaby at the farm the other day lol! Was saying sentences like "here you go and have this".
Hope everyone else is well? X

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