****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Keeping my fingers crossed for the move back to England for you Karen :)

Melissa - hope their LO is out of hospital and feeling much better soon, its amazing how much those little babies can take! Hope you manage to sort bed time out too, Elexis goes in awake, shes really good at settling herself but then she does have teddies and books in her cot and so will usually play for a short while before becoming tired! tbh, i dont know how she would fair if she didnt have those things in with her.

Sebbiesmum - thats great to hear about your little man gaining weight again, bet you're so relived! And congrats on becoming an auntie in March, how exciting! My niece is 11 weeks already, its flown, shes my first niece, probably my last as well lol! I keep having broody moments but then realize i'm finally getting sleep now after 15 months haha!

Elexis is doing ok, shes been full of cold which has meant lots of whingy days and lots of sleep! We have a new kitten, meant to be just fostering her but we have all fallen in love with her and so shes staying with the mad house! Elexis loves her, the kitten is always hanging off her bum or her leg and Elexis just finds it funny, they are thick as thieves together those 2 :lol: She's also trying to say more words and has a good go at copying you when you ask her to say it (Elexis, not the kitten ;) lol) she doesnt tend to scream at strangers so much either now, so shes deffo coming out of her shell...finally!

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Hope all you bug mummies enjoyed the sun today (if you got any!!)

Today I went to a 1st birthday party, my friends son finally turned one and it was a great day! Minus the last bus that didn't turn up and left me stranded with a tired baby 40 minutes from home :|

Here is a photo of seb and me!, I hate how big my belly looks in that dress!!


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Aww what a lovely picture! i hate how my big my belly looks full stop haha!! Baby weight 2nd time round isnt shifting half as fast as the first time! I need to start going to the gym :lol: Glad you both had a fab time at the party!
We went to my friends 30th Party Saturday night, Elexis loved it, was running around with balloons and dancing all night! No wonder she slept so well that night :D

Elexis has been practicing her 'g' sounds for the past few days, ive been encouraging her to say doggy instead of her usual dodda seen as though she can pronounce the 'g' now but no such luck haha! Plenty of time!

When's every body thinking of potty training? We bought a potty last month to get Elexis used to it, she will sit on it, but it usually goes on her head! She knows when she has had a poo now and will usually bring me the wipes, bum cream and a nappy so i'm thinking of maybe trying her within the next few weeks, just to see how we get on!
Out of everything with my 1st daughter, potty training was the worst thing, so i'm kinda dreading it!

Aww what a lovely picture! i hate how my big my belly looks full stop haha!! Baby weight 2nd time round isnt shifting half as fast as the first time! I need to start going to the gym :lol: Glad you both had a fab time at the party!
We went to my friends 30th Party Saturday night, Elexis loved it, was running around with balloons and dancing all night! No wonder she slept so well that night :D

Elexis has been practicing her 'g' sounds for the past few days, ive been encouraging her to say doggy instead of her usual dodda seen as though she can pronounce the 'g' now but no such luck haha! Plenty of time!

When's every body thinking of potty training? We bought a potty last month to get Elexis used to it, she will sit on it, but it usually goes on her head! She knows when she has had a poo now and will usually bring me the wipes, bum cream and a nappy so i'm thinking of maybe trying her within the next few weeks, just to see how we get on!
Out of everything with my 1st daughter, potty training was the worst thing, so i'm kinda dreading it!

That's so cute. Love it when they try to dance, it's hilarious.

I have a potty for Tilly too, and have sat her on it a few times, but she gets off it immediately. Good that she's not terrified of it! I really want to start soon, but she's not good enough at communicating with me yet, so I'm going to wait until she can speak a bit and tell me. She still doesn't really say any proper words - just 'banana' and a few other things. She is really articulate, but in her own language!! I'll probably wait til she's 18 months ish to really think about trying. I don't think she's ready yet. I think if you try too early then it can be a nightmare. In short, I haven't got a clue!

Hey ladies, it's been awhile since I checked in. Loving all the pics, they are gorgeous.

Sebbies mum, I know what u mean about hating ur belly I hate mine, still look and feel like 7 months pregnant :( it's depressing, which makes me comfort eat some more, vicious cycle.

At the request of leesey :P I am checking in lol Harry is doing so well, walking really well and climbing on anything and everything, then crying when he gets stuck! He has just cut all 4 of his first molars together which has made for a very grumpy, clingy, dribbly baby. He has also started tantrum ing when he doesn't get what he wants, which is quite frustrating to deal with, but I know it is just a phase and distraction works a treat, especially food lol He doesn't have many words only dadad, mumum and ba ba (bye bye) and even dadad and mumum aren't specific to us either, more just sounds he makes lol

Anyways I will leave with a few pics :) (sorry I they are huge xx

Aww what a cutie he is Kanga!! Love his blonde hair :) x
Hi girls, sorry I haven't commented on this thread in a while! All the June/July babies are gorgeous and sound to be doing really well! Harry still isn't walking and I'm worried! He pulls himself up but hasn't actually taken any steps. They paediatrician said his uneven legs may affect his walking! He can say a few words though and makes me laugh everyday :-) xxx
Hi girls. Don't get on here much anymore by always love popping in to see how your little ones are doing!

Les Meri isn't walking yet either. She seems to be too scared! I wouldn't worry just get though. Maybe give it a while and then speak to the HV? Love the photos. Such a cheeky little face.

Kanga Harry is such a little stunner. He's seriously adorable.

Frankie congratulations on number 2! Your a brave woman!

Hope everyone is ok and keeping well themselves as well as the babies!

We have had a bad week this week with illness in the house. Sickness bugs and viruses causing havoc! When if comes to bodily fluids I don't think I'm cut out for motherhood. Ha ha. I freeze like a Rabbit in headlights whilst figuring out how to tackle the mess! So gross.

Apart from the bug Meri is doing great. She has such a little personality. She is learning new tricks all the time and it's such a fun age. She's still not walking as soon as you let go of her hands she flops on her bum. She can crawl so fast I don't think she feels there's a need to walk! Little monkey.

Here she is the cheeky one!
Hey ladies, it's been awhile since I checked in. Loving all the pics, they are gorgeous.

Sebbies mum, I know what u mean about hating ur belly I hate mine, still look and feel like 7 months pregnant :( it's depressing, which makes me comfort eat some more, vicious cycle.

At the request of leesey :P I am checking in lol Harry is doing so well, walking really well and climbing on anything and everything, then crying when he gets stuck! He has just cut all 4 of his first molars together which has made for a very grumpy, clingy, dribbly baby. He has also started tantrum ing when he doesn't get what he wants, which is quite frustrating to deal with, but I know it is just a phase and distraction works a treat, especially food lol He doesn't have many words only dadad, mumum and ba ba (bye bye) and even dadad and mumum aren't specific to us either, more just sounds he makes lol

Anyways I will leave with a few pics :) (sorry I they are huge xx


Love the photo of Harry asleep in the shopping trolley Hun! X
Hi girls. Don't get on here much anymore by always love popping in to see how your little ones are doing!

Les Meri isn't walking yet either. She seems to be too scared! I wouldn't worry just get though. Maybe give it a while and then speak to the HV? Love the photos. Such a cheeky little face.

Kanga Harry is such a little stunner. He's seriously adorable.

Frankie congratulations on number 2! Your a brave woman!

Hope everyone is ok and keeping well themselves as well as the babies!

We have had a bad week this week with illness in the house. Sickness bugs and viruses causing havoc! When if comes to bodily fluids I don't think I'm cut out for motherhood. Ha ha. I freeze like a Rabbit in headlights whilst figuring out how to tackle the mess! So gross.

Apart from the bug Meri is doing great. She has such a little personality. She is learning new tricks all the time and it's such a fun age. She's still not walking as soon as you let go of her hands she flops on her bum. She can crawl so fast I don't think she feels there's a need to walk! Little monkey.

Here she is the cheeky one!

Aww she's a little cutie Spammy! That makes me feel better about the walking- Harry is the same, he can crawl faster than I can walk! Xx
Aww thank you everyone :) Les he fell asleep in the trolley just yesterday, I couldn't believe it, it wasn't even his nap time lol Ur Harry looks so cheeky, love the after bath pic :) xx

Spammy Meri is so cute, she will walk when she is ready. Harry never crawled properly until he turned one, before this it was a commando crawl across the floor so not that fast. So when he figured out walking he can't be bothered to crawl now. Xx
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Loving all the updates ladies!
Karen how far along are you now?

B is mad lol! Running everywhere, climbing, constantly injuring himself and talking utter rubbish that I can't translate lol!

Mrs T he's sooo cute!!!!! I love it when the babble away as if they are making sense. So cute.
OMG ladies what absolute stunning babies you all have :D major cute fest going on there while i was catching up!

I love the babble that babies do, elexis is quite good at copying words now although they dont particularly sound exactly like the word but you know shes trying to iykwim!? if you say choc choc she replies with cock cock :lol: for poppy (our new kitten) its pop pop, lately shes really gotten into the night garden and paddies for it putting on, so for iggle piggle its gog gog, at least shes understanding the 'g' part haha!

Anyway heres a few recent ones of my little miss:

lex.jpg lexi.jpg

And this is what she thinks the potty is for :lol:


And finally...hard at work!


OMG ladies what absolute stunning babies you all have :D major cute fest going on there while i was catching up!

I love the babble that babies do, elexis is quite good at copying words now although they dont particularly sound exactly like the word but you know shes trying to iykwim!? if you say choc choc she replies with cock cock :lol: for poppy (our new kitten) its pop pop, lately shes really gotten into the night garden and paddies for it putting on, so for iggle piggle its gog gog, at least shes understanding the 'g' part haha!

Anyway heres a few recent ones of my little miss:

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And this is what she thinks the potty is for :lol:

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And finally...hard at work!

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LOL at cock cock!! She's gorgeous Hun- beautiful blue eyes :-) x
I know, it sounds dodgy dont it haha!

I still cant get over her eyes myself, her dad, sister and i are all brown eyed, but when ive looked into it, because my dad is blue eyed she had a 1 in 3 chance of being born with blue eyes, which is lovely as i can link that gene to my family as OH's family all have brown eyes :)

Great updates ladies, so glad to hear all the June & July bugs are Flourishing! :D

I on the other hand, well i have a very miserable seb at the minute! :(, he's gotten a stinker of a cold off my brother, and we have another tooth to add to the collection too..We're not far off a full mouth and he's 16 months today :). He's still not walking (we've been instructed by the HV to leave it until 18 months and if hes still not walking he's going to the doctors :(), but seems to be very mobile on his backside :lol:, he will now spin around to see where your going if your leaving him, he still cant crawl so i think we will be bypassing that stage, but he's been very close a couple of times! :)

Im back at college full time, and at the moment im finding juggling that and motherhood quite a challenge..Im usually up at 6am, and not back until 5pm..So im pretty highly strung in the afternoon :(

I dunno', if i told anyone here but my brother's girlfriend is having a boy :D, ill have a nephew in March!..Im still frustrated that there won't be the pitter patter of more tiny feet in our house at the moment..But thats life in the end :(...Its never fair LOL!

Anywho, i shall leave you with some pictures of my little, lazy fuzzbuzz :)


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Hiya Hun. Glad to hear college is going well. With the walking - my friend had 2 children - one crawled and was walking by 12 months, the other was a bum shuffler and didn't walk till he was over 18 months. She was told it was because bum shufflers can see everything so don't need to walk! Try teasing him a bit with things he wants out of reach and high up. Have you tried a push along walker so he can see how much fun it is?
I agree with the HV not to worry as its unlikely anything wrong just a clever little boy who gets what he wants in other ways lol! X

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