****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi Mrs T! They don't seem worried as he walks around the furniture and with a walker, he doesn't seem to have the confidence or the balance to just let go! He may need leg lengthening or shortening in the future though which worries me
:-( Harry's speech seems to be developing but not as fast as other babies his age, he's an all round slow developer! Xx
Hi girls

Gemmylou how's James now? I think we are starting the back molars now as D has his fingers almost constantly in his mouth chewing them.

Les how's your job going? Fingers crossed Harry doesn't need surgery. That must be a worry. :( He sounds like he's happy toddling around as he is tho :)

Wow MrsT when B talks, it sounds like he's really good!

Well at 19 months D has finally decided to become clingy and what a shock to the system it was! He's not too bad most of the time, but new situations, like a restaurant we haven't been to before cause a major waterwork meltdown if I dare put him down. Yet we went away at the weekend to his grandparents who we don't often see and he was totally fine. :shock: Even in his regular play groups, he's constantly checking back to me. It's just so not like him. My mom thinks maybe he can sense the new pregnancy, but if that's the case he knew days before I had a clue lol.
Hi girls how are you all and your toddlers now? I can't believe D is almost 2! I don't feel I can call him a baby anymore. He's getting so independent :( and the temper tantrums are getting bigger too :'( :cry:

Awww, proper little boy now!! Just like mine. James is 2 on Tuesday - I'm in disbelief! We're on day 3 of potty training today and James has amazed me at how quickly he's picked it up! Definitely not my little baby, he's too grown up.

I'm all ready for Tuesday now, just need to wrap it!

How is everyone else and their June and Julybugs?

Aw you will have to put up a few pics of his birthday. That would be great to see :) and congratz on baby number 2 :). We have sat D on the potty a bit, but as yet he hasn't figured it out.

Early happy 2nd Birthday James. X
My July bug is taking very well to her new little brother born on 14th May


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Awww congrats Frankie!! How sweet!!

Thank you Violet, can't wait to find out what I'm having on Thursday - a little brother or sister for James!

Aw congratz on yr new lil boy Frankie :)

Gemmylou Good luck with your scan on Thursday. Eee exciting :)
Elexis is 2 in 13days, its flown! She is quickly becoming a naughty monkey too haha! She has started spitting on things lately and has been horrible to our youngest cat! If her sister winds her up or tells her off for something she gives her a whollop, shes very headstrong! Were also getting some lovely temper tantrums when she doesnt get her own way too, screams at you very angrily :shock: i just tend to walk out of that room and leave her to it lol!
We also have been doing potty training for the last month or 2, shes taken to it like a duck to water and uses it all the time now so long as she doesnt have a nappy on, tried her in pull ups but she just ends up doing a wee or a poo in them so not quite sure when to introduce pants/pull ups! I have to say, potty training...i find to be the hardest thing to contend with when you have kids, i hated it with my first, but then she didnt pick it up quite as quickly as Elexis has, still hard though second time around!

Hi girls! I can't believe our little ones are either 2 or nearly 2 now! It seems like only yesterday I was struggling with sleepless nights and I miss it in a way! I'm still trying to convince OH to try for no 2 in July/Aug time but he isn't sure. He has 2 older children as well as Harry, but I desperately want a sibling for him.
Harry's so lovely and his speech is fantastic now, I love our little conversations! He still isn't walking unaided, but the paediatrician isn't worried considering his leg problems.
Congratulations on your little boy Frankie- he's gorgeous!
Congrats on team pink Gemmylou- do you have any names?
Drake is so gorgeous Violet! Harry's used his potty a few times too, but quickly follows it with a wee on the carpet!
Harry has moments like that too Deedee. When I say no he lashes out and laughs at me. I use my disapproving teacher looks and most of the time he cries and kisses me to say sorry xxx
aww bless, yeah we went through a lovely stage where Elexis said sorry and gave you a love and a kiss, now she has to be prompted but then she's decided now that its fun to slap her daddy one because she gets to say sorry and kiss him better, think she sees it as a game, hes the only one that gets a belt though, Elise does if she bosses her or tells her of or takes something from her, were still trying to let Elise know that shes her sister not her mother and give her tips on how to interact with her sister as shes still so young, sometimes shes a little rough with her and plays with her as if shes the same age as herself which obviously at the minute elexis doesnt really understand the whole role play thing and so gets frustrated with Elise! Ahh the joys lol!

Hi girls :)

How did your scan go Gemmylou? And how did James' birthday go?

Deedee how did Elexis' birthday go? Sounds like you are having fun with your girls :)

Les how's Harry? Are you all set for his birthday?

Frankie how's things going with you and your LOs?

We've been having some interrupted nights as D has decided that at some point in the middle of the night he's going to curl up on his pillow to sleep. Every time he does, he sets the monitor off and gives me a heart attack. He seems to be learning a few new words every week, but still babbles loads. Can't believe how much I love him. Sometimes I look at him and my heart just skips a beat cos of how I feel.
Hey, yeah Elexis had a fab birthday, got spoilt rotten...why oh why when family ask "what do they want for their birthday" do i ask them to get gigantic presets, she got a scuttlebug from us as well as some other little nick nacks, a pram and doll from my mum, a trampoline (the ones with the handles on) from my dad, then got clothes from the rest of the family, had to find room for the trampoline though so that was fun! We didnt actually do anything as such on her birthday as pennies were scarce haha so we went out this weekend instead, took her to the soft play with her cousins and uncle (he's 6, not an adult haha..) and then we went to the pub for dinner afterwards, she really enjoyed herself by the looks!
I also attempted to make her birthday cake all by myself this year and was pretty chuffed with the outcome :D so now im making one for my niece's birthday next weekend :)

And yes, its deffo fun having 2 highly strung little ladies haha! fight like cat and dog at times!

Here are some birthday pics anyway:

1bday.jpg 2bday.jpg 3bday.jpg

4bday.jpg 5bday.jpg

Hope everyone's elses LO's have enjoyed their birthdays (for those that have had them so far)

Cannot actually believe how fast 2 year have gone by...its scary!

Look how much they've all grown!! Hope you are all well! Can't believe they are all 2 in the next mth! We are officially TTC again as of today because I've had my implant removed! So hoping Olivia might be a big sister soon! We took her on her first abroad holiday in may which she loved!!
She is doing great! We are currently potty training as she is refusing to wear nappies! Which has been interesting! But she has taken to it brilliantly!
Did you all have parties for 2nd birthdays?
Think we are just having a family and friends bbq tbh!
Heres a few pics for you!!
Potty training
& At a recent trip to the safari park!
Ahh shes such a cutie :)

And no, we didnt have a party we just invited a few family members to our local soft play, had a good hour and half in there and then to the pub for lunch, was a lovely afternoon :)

managed to have a full on convo with elexis over the phone this morning! Went to see OH at the hospital and she was crying for her cousin who was watching her so i rung and spoke with her, my niece said she was smiling from ear to ear to hear my voice, was shocked she actually spoke as usually she doesnt, but at least i convinced her to stop crying and be good for her cousin lol!

Wow have i been away for ages!!..All of our 'bug's are flourishing!!..Sebastian has now started to walk, he started at 23 months..Better late than never i suppose but now getting him to stop is a nightmare so out come the reins!

We've had a time of it, he had his first session of speech therapy at the beginning of July and now the words just seem to be flowing..His favourite song is Pharrell - Happy..It drives me mad!:roll:..But whatever makes him happy :)

Hes had blood work done to rule out autism, well i think they wanted it just to look at his genetics as it runs in OH's family!..And he's in the clear at the moment, he's just slightly anemic!..As he's still extremely fussy with his food, doesn't like fruit or veg! :|..I wonder where he gets that from (*ahem!*)

I hope you're all well :)

And to finish..Here is a picture of our little 'gamer!', hes very smart and knows how to work the ps3 joypad and a smart phone :\...Excuse the effects!!..Im hopelessly addicted to instagram!!


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Wow it's been so long since I cam on here, great to see how all the June/July babies are getting on :)

Max is doing great, still cheeky as ever and we are currently potty training which he has taken to amazingly. It really surprised me as I thought he'd be really lazy but he's been great. His big loves at the moment are any type of vehicle especially his train set and any car/bus/lorry or boat. I think we will be taking a trip to Thomasland at some point soon!

This pregnancy is also going well although I had a minor heart attack this morning when I noticed my ticker said 99 days left!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend xxx
So lovely to hear all the updates!

Well it's been a whirlwind few months with moving house, parties, a holiday to Turkey, my best friends wedding and finishing up with B turning 2 yesterday!
He's thriving and finally starting to talk more however selective he is!
Generally a chilled out little man who loves his cars and planes. Was good as gold for the flights on holiday and really enjoyed himself. He'd been doing swimming lessons before we went but really came on with being in the pool and sea everyday and can now swim a very short distance unaided so super proud mummy!
I was maid of honour Friday for my best friends wedding but hubby couldn't get the day off so I somehow managed to full fill my duties as well as look after a toddler lol!
We went to chessington yesterday and B went on his first proper rollercoaster which he loved!
Oh and I've been doing slimming world for the past 9 weeks and lost 1 and 1/2 stone of baby weight! So life's looking up at the moment!

Anyone heard from Karen and if she had a boy or girl?

Happy birthday for the other day Billy! Also happy birthday to all the other LO turning 2 soon!
Harry's birthday is tomorrow and we have got him a little ikea kitchen, with pans and utensils! It's crazy how quickly the last 2 years have flown by, but I think this is a lovely age. I can have conversations with Harry now and he is running around everywhere after me panicking that he would never learn to walk! Harry was 22 months which I think is a record haha! Xxx

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