****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Thanks guys :)

Well, i went to enroll in college yesterday..Im going back, but at the moment its looking like a big question mark!! ;(..But ive been accepted :D

Because im 24, our shit of a government has stopped partially funding anyone over the age of 23, therefore I have this wacking great tuition fee to stump up..I could of cried when she told me it would cost £1,987:shock:, then ive got another 149 to pay on top of that for admin fees..So i dont think ill be going back as im not eligible for any kind of funding

The only one im allowed is a student loan, and i cant even have that because i dont have an in date passport :(, my mum has my birth certificate and i dont think she'd want me sending it off to be counter signed incase it got lost in the post :\

I sometimes think id be better off just staying at home with Seb, as it was his idea for me to go back to college..I wanted to but now its going to cost me all that money, i dont think i want to! :|..What do i do! :(
Its such a hard one hun, i considered going back to college too but like you cant afford the fee's and then it just felt like a brick wall had been shoved in front of me and there was no way through, i still dont know what i want to do, i know you can get free courses but they seem to be in job roles that i'm trying to get away from iykwim? Really want to become a tattooist but that just seems impossible at the mo too!

Hope something comes good for you hun, i feel like i'm back at school having to make all those career choices all over again! Oh joy!

Haven't checked in here fir ages!
Hope alkyl the babies are well. We're currently on holiday in kos so finally had five minutes to come obviously here!


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Hope you're having a lovely holiday! Can't see pics though! X
Ahh what fab holiday pics! Hope your all having a fab time :) xx
Hi girls. I forgot all about this thread :( so I haven't updated in ages.

So a quick catch up - Drake started walking 3 days before his first birthday and has just been getting faster and more steady ever since. He's into everything and cos he's quite tall, he's reaching onto the desk easily and runs off with things he shouldn't have. He eats pretty much anything atm and is terrible for eating any little bits on the carpet :(

He's started nipping people's clothes between his teeth (which he has 8 of) and he's caught me a couple of times. I'm a bit worried its gonna lead in to biting properly, so I'm trying to stop him, but he's a bit sneaky how he does it at times.

Ever since we went to a wedding back in June when we had to stay out Drake hasn't slept through the night, bar a couple of nights which is starting to get to me a little.

Lovely holiday pics Melissa :)
It's been really nice to read the catch ups on everyone and see how everyone is getting on.
Well I've decided to take the plunge and go back to college!! I start properly on Monday!! Had 2 days of induction this week and it was pretty cool! I have friends other than a 15 month month :lol: I feel popular all of a sudden!!

The fees won't be much of a problem since OH has so kindly offered to pay the 149 quid admin fee, as the tuition fee goes I've got to get my birth certificate countersigned and sent off before November 9th otherwise ill be responsible for the 1,987 quid fee haha! I don't fancy being homeless just yet!! :lol:
Well done Sebbiesmummy! Best of luck - let us know how your first day goes! X
Violet - Drake sounds like he's coming along lovely, i wouldnt worry too much about the biting phase, think most toddlers go through it, Elexis doesnt bite but she can randomly belt you round the face lol, she has a habit of doing it to her sister mainly but then Elise does wind her up so much lol!

Ahh thats good news sebbiesmum :) bet you cant wait to get stuck into the new term and have some adult conversation :D Good luck and hope your first day goes well!

Elexis finally cut a niggly tooth thats been moving for a good 2-3 weeks now, and lo and behold since it came through shes back to sleeping through :yay: never thought we would see the day tbh! evidently teething has been hindering her sleep! Poor bubs!
We have a new word too..."Shabba" god knows what that means but its a firm favourite :lol:

Thanks guys :)

First day tomorrow!! Very excited but not that excited about getting up at 6 in the morning!! :|

Sebs been a very fussy child lately :( some of the foods he used to love he now won't even touch!! He doesn't like to drink milk in the mornings anymore and would rather have it on his weetabix and drink juice instead :( where has the little boy who used to eat anything and everything gone :( he should come back soon!!
Good luck for today Sebbiesmum :D

Elexis has phases with food too, some days she wolfs it down, others she just throws it on the floor for the dog :mad: little monkey! I know what you mean with the milk though, Elexis usually has cows milk in a bottle before bed, but OH looked after the kids the other night as i was at an ann summers party and he didnt give her her milk and she wasnt even bothered! I can easily go through a full bottle of dilute pop within 2 days though, she guzzles the stuff like theres no tomorrow :lol:

Well!! Today was my first day and it was pretty good! I'm pretty tired from getting up at 6am and having to leave the house at 7am but I have tomorrow off so that's pleasing :D

Sebs been terrible with his food today, he loves his yogurt but wouldn't even touch that! We have to distract him with a mobile phone to get him to eat :( he's gone from one extreme to the other and I'm scared of him losing anymore weight :( we still have a none walker or crawler! He seems quite content to just sit and play rather than move around :/ my this child is lazy :/
Xanthe is becoming more of a personality and has started to have tantrums when she doesnt get her own way! :O
In other news, ive just got a bfp!
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Congrats Frankie!!!!! Such exciting news xx

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I just commented on your post Frankie - huge congrats!

Max has also learnt the art of tantruming. But I've stuck to my guns and even though me and OH want to crack up laughing we ignore and distract (they are very funny though). We've also found he's testing the boundaries a bit with his behaviour but he is great fun and his personality is really coming through :)

I haven't been on here for ages but it's so great to read up on everyone xxx
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Thanks ladies xx

Baby 2 - edd 12/05/14
Xanthe Rose - 09/07/12
Awww huge congrats Frankie :D hope you have a nice, straightforward and enjoyable pregnancy :)

And yes...we have tantrums, stomping the feet, screaming and throwing her self around on the floor, i just leave her to it now lol! Shes full of cold atm too so her appetite has gone right down the pan! She slept terribly for the first 3 nights of having the cold, and then this morning i had to wake her up haha! typical!

Huge congrats, Frankie! Welcome to the 2 under 2 club!

Lovely to hear all your news. T has been really sweet lately, but napping and bed time can be a bit hairy at the mo. No idea why. She's running around the house and creating havoc. We've put our house on the market and are hoping to move back to England when it sells. Please keep your fingers crossed for us!

Hope you are all OK xxxx
Congratulations frankie!
Sebs been a bit whingy lately but I think hes in a leap.
We're currently trying to tackle putting him to bed in his cot awake as hes always screamed and cried till being sick when I leave the room so ive just been sitting next to the cot and lying him straight back down when he stands up....erugh it takes so long for his to go off as he fights it so much!

Todays been a bit stressful as my best friends 10 month old boy had open heart surgery which went well and ill be able to see him on monday. I just keep thinking of the poor little sausage still sedated and ventilated. ..poor lil man :(


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Seb had his growth review with the health visitor on Thursday! He's now 75cms tall and has gained his weight back!! :D he now weighs 21.5lb :)

My brother revealed that he's expecting a boy in march :D so I'm going to have a nephew!! She's due on march 4th 2014! :)...still pretty jealous and broody but I'm sure ill get over it :lol:

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