Hey all, not been on here for ages but wanted to stop by and see how everyone is. We really do have the most gorgeous babies
Things are good with us and Max is becoming a proper comedian, he really is as mad as a box of frogs at times, but it keeps us amused. His favourite word is definitely 'cat'. We have a cat and he loves to stand face to face and say cat repeatedly at her. She is very good with him but the look on her face definitely says 'bugger off' haha. He will also say dog, mummy, daddy and look. He's also started saying yes but it's more yesh and is very cute. He's walking more everyday now but has definitely taken his time with it and to be honest I've left him to it. He's very steady on his feet and I think he was only willing to walk once he knew he wouldn't fall. My niece whose the same age was walking quite a while ago but is still very wobbly so it just shows they do things their own way. Max is being a very lazy monkey at the moment and is happily sleeping in until 8am and boy am I making the most of it, especially as we have a leap approaching and no doubt more teeth on the way.
We've also started with some tantruming although they aren't too bad, he mainly just lays himself on the floor and moans. I either ignore him and he gives up or start playing with his toys and he just can't help himself, he has to toddle over and join in.
Have attached a couple of photos to show you how mad his hair is, he has the most amazing curls! The other photo is from when we were in Wales visiting family, that's me and Max on the carousel, which he loved
Other than that I'm also mega busy with work. I work with my OH on his business but have decided to branch out on my own as my passion lies else where since having Max. I'm now designing my own range of large muslin squares and intend on expending the range into muslin sleeping bags, breastfeeding cloths, etc. I've got a supplier and and gearing up to approach the retailers so am very excited! I'll let you know when I have stock as I'm sure I can send out some samples to my fellow mummy's good marketing and all that
Hope you're all well and I will make sure I pop in here more often to catch up.
Lots of love xxx