****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Heres some up to date pics of my little miss :)

Here she is covered in ice cream, she thought it was a wise idea to grab chunks of it and rub it in her hair, for anyone whose friends with me on fb...u may have seen the video haha!

Posing in her new Manchester City Vest...OH was not happy ha

Posing at the park where we went for a picnic :)

Deedee shes so cute!

I still dont have a walker here! Shes been crusing since 8mths but will not walk! Gets so fustrating when my friend whos LO is 6 weeks younger calls to say 'G is walking' was the same with crawling he is always ahead. I know they do it all in their own time and i cant push her or she will just stop. I shouldnt even care but i thought having always worked with children maybe i could teach her things so she did well. She is bright and has about 10-12 words but just not physical. Guess i just need some reassurance that shes not the only one not walking at 1 :(.

Hope all your beautiful june & july bugs are doing well xx
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My LO is very bright, quite a logical thinker and "ahead" of lots of other babies of a similar age, BUT, has always been "behind" when it comes to physical stuff, except sitting up which he did super early! He didn't take his first steps until 2 weeks after his 1st birthday, and even then took a further 2 weeks to properly 'walk'.

My friends LO, who is 7 weeks older than mine (who was exactly 16 months old yesterday) started walking properly yesterday morning.

You're right when you repeat the mantra 'they do it in their own time', but you don't half worry and/or obsess when it's your own!!

She will walk when she is good and ready, and like you said, she's a clever bean, she's probably worked out that she gets where she wants to be faster by her crawling skill rather than taking wobbly steps and falling down!!
Oh Em don't worry she'll do it :)

Sebastian is still unsteady walking but I worry as he doesn't say a single word yet and I can't even get him to wave! He just looks at me like 'yeah right I'm not doing that mum!'

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Hi girls
Just to make you all feel better, my LO can't walk and only says 'teddy' lol! Like you Em, I'm a teacher and thought I could teach Harry things and create a mini Einstein but he has other ideas haha! X
Hey all, not been on here for ages but wanted to stop by and see how everyone is. We really do have the most gorgeous babies :)

Things are good with us and Max is becoming a proper comedian, he really is as mad as a box of frogs at times, but it keeps us amused. His favourite word is definitely 'cat'. We have a cat and he loves to stand face to face and say cat repeatedly at her. She is very good with him but the look on her face definitely says 'bugger off' haha. He will also say dog, mummy, daddy and look. He's also started saying yes but it's more yesh and is very cute. He's walking more everyday now but has definitely taken his time with it and to be honest I've left him to it. He's very steady on his feet and I think he was only willing to walk once he knew he wouldn't fall. My niece whose the same age was walking quite a while ago but is still very wobbly so it just shows they do things their own way. Max is being a very lazy monkey at the moment and is happily sleeping in until 8am and boy am I making the most of it, especially as we have a leap approaching and no doubt more teeth on the way.

We've also started with some tantruming although they aren't too bad, he mainly just lays himself on the floor and moans. I either ignore him and he gives up or start playing with his toys and he just can't help himself, he has to toddle over and join in.

Have attached a couple of photos to show you how mad his hair is, he has the most amazing curls! The other photo is from when we were in Wales visiting family, that's me and Max on the carousel, which he loved :)

Other than that I'm also mega busy with work. I work with my OH on his business but have decided to branch out on my own as my passion lies else where since having Max. I'm now designing my own range of large muslin squares and intend on expending the range into muslin sleeping bags, breastfeeding cloths, etc. I've got a supplier and and gearing up to approach the retailers so am very excited! I'll let you know when I have stock as I'm sure I can send out some samples to my fellow mummy's good marketing and all that :)

Hope you're all well and I will make sure I pop in here more often to catch up.

Lots of love xxx

Hey all, not been on here for ages but wanted to stop by and see how everyone is. We really do have the most gorgeous babies :)

Things are good with us and Max is becoming a proper comedian, he really is as mad as a box of frogs at times, but it keeps us amused. His favourite word is definitely 'cat'. We have a cat and he loves to stand face to face and say cat repeatedly at her. She is very good with him but the look on her face definitely says 'bugger off' haha. He will also say dog, mummy, daddy and look. He's also started saying yes but it's more yesh and is very cute. He's walking more everyday now but has definitely taken his time with it and to be honest I've left him to it. He's very steady on his feet and I think he was only willing to walk once he knew he wouldn't fall. My niece whose the same age was walking quite a while ago but is still very wobbly so it just shows they do things their own way. Max is being a very lazy monkey at the moment and is happily sleeping in until 8am and boy am I making the most of it, especially as we have a leap approaching and no doubt more teeth on the way.

We've also started with some tantruming although they aren't too bad, he mainly just lays himself on the floor and moans. I either ignore him and he gives up or start playing with his toys and he just can't help himself, he has to toddle over and join in.

Have attached a couple of photos to show you how mad his hair is, he has the most amazing curls! The other photo is from when we were in Wales visiting family, that's me and Max on the carousel, which he loved :)

Other than that I'm also mega busy with work. I work with my OH on his business but have decided to branch out on my own as my passion lies else where since having Max. I'm now designing my own range of large muslin squares and intend on expending the range into muslin sleeping bags, breastfeeding cloths, etc. I've got a supplier and and gearing up to approach the retailers so am very excited! I'll let you know when I have stock as I'm sure I can send out some samples to my fellow mummy's good marketing and all that :)

Hope you're all well and I will make sure I pop in here more often to catch up.

Lots of love xxx

Taffy he's gorgeous!

New word today is "no" to accompany the already head shaking and Blue!
I know it's easy for me to say but I'd enjoy it whilst their not mobile. B took his first unaided steps just after 10 months and at 13 months today he is running around and I'm not quick enough! It's tiring but fun at the same time!

Development check went well - no stupid advice from the health visitor so that's always a plus. She said his measurements are similar to that of a 2 year old! He is very tall and in 18-24 months clothing. Lots of teeth now as well, 12/13 maybe another but can't see clearly enough to the back of his mouth.
aww Taffy love those curls, Elexis gets one proper curl at the back of her head, i deffo think when she gets more hair she will be a curly little girl :)

Elexis started taking unaided steps at 10 and a half mo months old, but she was late with crawling, her sister on the other hand was 13 months so walking deffo varies widely and for anyone worrying, dont...they will do it when they feel confident enough :)

Elexis slept through the other night...twice on the trot, shes gone back to waking a couple of times now, but i'm thinking her grumpiness + nappy rash = more teeth on the way so thats maybe why! Its a start at least!

Hi girls! Not been on here for ages! Nice to catch up. Taffy Max is so gorgeous! Look at his hair! Give him a kiss from me.

I love this age. Meri is so cheeky and such a little character. She's not walking yet but crawling very fast and getting more confident with standing so don't think she will be long. She doesn't say much either yet. Just hiya! She says it over and over again. Ha ha. She really needs to learn a new word. Nothing much else to report. Just busy working and keeping the little lady happy. Here she is!
Aww Spammy, Meri is adorable bless her, wish i could put Elexis's hair into a bobble but unfortunately she doesnt have much hair haha!

Gosh, i have been away for sooo long!! :|..Everyones LO's are really coming along nicely..We have some very cute June & July bugs in this thread :)

Well, Seb's just been the same since ive been gone..Still not walking (or showing an interest in wanting to) and he's almost 15 months :(, still not crawling either..I think we have worlds laziest son over here LOL!. And still won't hold his sippy cup either, if he wants it he'll just knock it over and cry until you give it to him, ive tried leaving him to his own devices with it but he will just scream the house to oblivion!..He's so behind its unreal :(

But he's been pretty good with his eating and teeth, we have almost a full set of teeth!, just a few more gaps to fill and we should be there :), the boy loves his food and we are guaranteed a clean plate each time we feed him, anything we put in front of him we're guaranteed it will be gone!, his favourite thing to eat in the whole world is yogurt! and he loves robinson's apple and pear juice!..We could go through gallons of the stuff :lol:

I hope your all well and have been well in my absence :D
Aww he will get there hun, enjoy him being this vulnerable because when he does start doing everything for himself he wont want any help, my little madam thinks she's miss independent now, she wont hold my hand when we walk anywhere, you pick her up she struggles to go back down, try laying her down to give her her bedtime bottle and she thrashes about and takes it off me...i miss my feeding cuddles :( why do they have to grow up so fast!

Sounds like your little mad does well with food though bless. Elexis is big on cheese, she loves the stuff :D we only have 8 teeth here too...she has 2 right under the gum atm which are causing some major bad teething poos and bad nappy rash but all in all shes dealing with it well, her sleep has been slightly disturbed by them coming through so i'll be glad once they make an appearance!

Just to add...just over 18 weeks until xmas muhahaha!!! I cant fricken wait! At least this year my little munchkin should be more excited and able to open her presents by herself lol eeeek!!!!

Hope everyones doing well as well as their LO's :D

Hello everyone. Taffy - Max is ADORABLE. His hair has just gone whoosh and grown like mad, hasn't it? Tilly has started walking now and is exactly the same. She's taken her time and is very cautious, but is getting very steady and much faster now! I know what you mean about this next leap. We are entering it now, I think, with random tantrums and whingeing.

That's exciting news about your business. I'm hoping to start my own proper business soon too. Best of luck with it!

MrsT - wow, what a tall boy! T is a shortie. He'd dwarf her! Glad he's coming along so well.

Deedee. I share your teething pain. It's horrible. T has bad nappy rash at the mo and is quite whingey. Can't wait to see more teeth pop out. We only have 8 here. Sounds like Elexis is a real character! How cute! And OMG, don't talk to me about Christmas! Eek!

Spammy - Meri is so beautiful! What a cheeky little face. You know I adore her. She'll just start walking one day like T did I'm sure and then within a week she'll be pottering around the house on her feet. It's magical.

Sebbie's Mum - don't worry about him crawling and walking. T didn't do a single thing until she was 11.5 months and then it all came in a rush. He will surprise you one day soon, but he will do it in his own time! It's great that he loves his food. What a good boy.

I can hardly ever get a pic of T these days as she is NEVER still. She is all kinds of cute, though. Here she is a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for all the consolation guys :)

Seb's never really been much of a talker, he's pretty quiet and the only words he does say are 'da,da' and 'ma,ma'..Doesn't say yes or no but will grunt at you when you ask him a question which is funny :lol:..Well i guess i just look at it as a bit of bought time before he starts back chatting me when he gets older lol, he also hates laying down to be change and he will kick and try and push himself away from you with his legs so he ends up off the changing mat so i have to put him back on again..Which makes him worse :\, he never used to mind his nappy being changed but now he hates it :(

And he stills doesn't have much hair! :(..He has started growing it at the top so its like a little tuft, and his sides are getting longer as well as a bit on the back..It just needs to be thicker and then we'll be 'cooking on gas' :lol:

And just for the record..A picture of seb!..And me..Excuse the messy hair :|
(On the second picture he's laughing at me..Hence my stupid face :lol: )


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hey everyone! its so nice to have everyones updates on our little munchkins! theyre all soooo beautiful.

dexters been walking since 11 months and is like the speed of lightening now, its definitely more tiring and i must admit some days i wish he wasnt lol. but its very lovely seeing the joy it brings him, yesterday we went a family walk with OHs mum and stepdad and he was sooooo excited to be walking with us instead of being in his pram.. of course he overdid it and on the way home we all hadda take shots of carrying him lol!

we have 9 teeth here and another on the way!
dex still isnt the best eater, turns his nose up at practically everything. but will eat anything when and only when he feels like it lol! it can be very frustrating and upsetting cause im always worried hes not getting enough!!

we've registered with our new doctors and they told me the health visitor would be in touch with me, but tht was over a month ago, so might have to chase her up because dex still hasnt had his jags! do you guys know what age they get them in england?

dexter is FINALLY sleeping through in his own bedroom.. although typically a new family with an 8 month old have moved next door so sometimes i hear her through the night, always the way isnt it! lol.
dex's room is right next to ours, so i can hear him through the wall no bother but ive still been using my monitor, but think im going to have to turn it off cause last night he was very wriggly and it kept me up even though he was jst moving in his sleep!

now that hes sleeping through with no breastfeeding through the night ive decided that its time to stop feeding him all together. his favourite thing to say these days is 'all done', so today hes been trying to get at my boobs and ive just been telling him theyre 'all done'.its not going well, hes very upset about it, but honestly i really feel its time because hes drinking alot of cows milk now anyway!

sebbies mum - dex does the exact same when changin his nappy.... not fun when theres poo involved lol.

karen - tilly is beautiful as ever!
hows your pregnancy going? it it different to your last one? xxx
Sebbie's Mum - he's gorgeous, hair or not. Those are really sweet photos. Tilly doesn't say anything much that makes sense yet. She's trying, bless her. They will get there in their own time.

Thanks, Yvonne x Glad that Dexter is sleeping in his own room and settling in well. We had our jabs at 13 months. If you can't get hold of the HV, just talk to your GP surgery maybe? Don't worry about his eating. Some days Tilly will hoover up scary amounts and other days she just picks at it. He's been walking for ages! It's amazing how fast they learn once they start, though, isn't it?

This pregnancy has been quite a lot tougher than the last one. Possibly because I have T to look after as well as working, so I don't really get time to rest much. I just feel a bit more nauseous than with her, but not too bad at all. I'm absolutely terrified of how it will be once no.2 arrives, but I'm sure I'll muddle through somehow! We had our scan a week and a bit ago and all is well.

Hope you are all well xxx
aww karen, that does sound tough! will be completely worth it though :):)! xxx
Aww Tilly and Seb are gorgeous :D bless em!

We have 8 teeth here too Karen, i can feel 2 more right under her gums! Just wish they would hurry up and show themselves now, was just getting into her sleeping through and then bam lol!

Littlesmoosh, Elexis had her last lot of jabs at 12 and a half month old as Karen said, maybe speak to your GP?

Elexis managed to get her nappy off yesterday :shock: this could be interesting haha! Looks like buying more vests to keep it on through the night, dont want to wake up one morning and be faced with a poo covered baby and cot haha!


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