****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Glad Tilly's appointment went well Karen! I bet it's a huge relief- she's absolutely gorgeous. Xxx
Love this thread!! Not been on for ages, but now since my introduction to Tapatalk, shall be on all the time :-) Once James is asleep tonight, I shall read through here to try and catch up with everyone! Hope all is good!
Ok, think I'm caught up since James is amusing himself! Congrats Karen on baby 2!

So James is a cheeky monkey and a half!! He's walking EVERYWHERE and is such a chatterbox lol. Love his little personality :-) Was completely emotional buying his first pair of shoes 3 weeks ago. Mad that our little ones aren't babies anymore. Time has flown!

How are you all? And your beautiful little people too?!
Hi girls. Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. We are doing great here. Meri is fab. Not walking yet but crawling at lightning speed and is in to everything. She's very funny at the minute and has such a great little personality.

How are all your little monkeys? Such great age isn't it?! It's nice to start getting something back from them I think.

Anyway just a quick hello. Speak to you all soon x
Karen - So glad your app went well with Tilly, must be a massive weight off your mind :)

Were all good here too, Elexis has joined the terrible 2's early i think! She knows how to mega tantrum and for the past week has been waking in the night and when ive gone into her shes thrown a right wobbler, whacking my hand away and rolling around her cot paddying...oh the joys haha!!
Shes into climbing onto everything lately too, weve got a new sofa which is quite low and since figuring out she can get onto it shes been trying to climb onto everything, tables, stools, cabinets...the lot! Think i need to bubble wrap her :lol:

Hope everyone else is doing good along with their LO's :)

Thanks, Deedee, MrsT, Gemmylou and Les.

Deedee - OMG, at least someone's going through the same thing as we are. She is waking every night at least once and crying her eyes out and inconsolable, throwing herself back etc. We have had to resort to taking her downstairs to watch TV in the middle of the night as that's all that snaps her out of it. Nightmare! And I'm so exhausted with work and being pregnant too! Let's just hope it passes soon.

Sounds like Elexis is doing brilliantly! x
James has found the terrible two's early - I hope - otherwise I am dreading next summer lol!! He's also waking in the middle of the night, it's killing me! Hopefully it's just a phase......(she keeps telling herself!) :-)
James has found the terrible two's early - I hope - otherwise I am dreading next summer lol!! He's also waking in the middle of the night, it's killing me! Hopefully it's just a phase......(she keeps telling herself!) :-)
Awful, isn't it? Any pics of your gorgeous little man? x
As much as i hate to do it i just walk out and leave her for 5, and lo and behold she finds her bottle of water has a drink and then gets her head back down to sleep, yet if i go to give her her bottle or go to rest my hand on her to calm her she paddy's even more so i have no other choice than to leave her really...its like she really doesnt want to be mummys friend at that moment haha!! Glad its not just my little terror...must be an age thing! Ive put the tantrums though the day down to her getting frustrated at not been able to communicate properly as 9 times out of 10 its after shes babbled on at us or pointed at nothing haha and then she throws herself on the floor and has a tantrum! Poor kid!

That's what we put his tantrums down to as he's obviously trying to communicate too! Always say I wish I knew what he was saying to me lol xx
As much as i hate to do it i just walk out and leave her for 5, and lo and behold she finds her bottle of water has a drink and then gets her head back down to sleep, yet if i go to give her her bottle or go to rest my hand on her to calm her she paddy's even more so i have no other choice than to leave her really...its like she really doesnt want to be mummys friend at that moment haha!! Glad its not just my little terror...must be an age thing! Ive put the tantrums though the day down to her getting frustrated at not been able to communicate properly as 9 times out of 10 its after shes babbled on at us or pointed at nothing haha and then she throws herself on the floor and has a tantrum! Poor kid!

THat's precisely how T is - she just goes into complete meltdown as soon as we go in to see her, so last night we just left her to it and she calmed down after a few minutes and went back to sleep. She was cruising around her cot, wailing and everything, but she laid back down, found her muzzy and eventually went back to sleep. She did it about three times, but we didn't have to go in to see her. Feels a bit harsh, but like you, it feels like there's no choice. They are desperate to communicate at this age, aren't they? xxx

View attachment 40663 My cheeky little monster!!!
OMG, totally gorgeous smile! There's something so lovely about baby boys! I'd love one. He's adorable xxx
Thank you Karen!!! I do love having a boy, but maybe that's because all babies around me (friends and family) are boys too! :-)
I know, i feel so sorry for them, they are so desperate to tell us what they want and get so frustrated when we dont understand them.
We didnt get a tantrum last night thankfully and i only needed to go into her once for a change, granted she did wake but just grabbed her bottle of water, had a quick drink then went back to sleep...God bless independence haha! She did wake at 6am and had a tantrum, but i worked that one out...on a night when i take her to bed a give her a drink of cows milk in the rocking chair and then pop the remainder in the cot with her as she usually likes to lay there and finish it off, this morning she found the empty bottle, i gave her her water bottle but she pushed it away and pointed to the empty bottle...obviously madam wanted milk! Left her to paddy while i got back in bed and hoped she would go back down for an hour but nope, wide awake and playing with her teddies so early one for me lol! At least shes in a good mood now...lets hope it lasts :)

So how do your LO's communicate and what can they say?

We get pointing mainly followed by babble! She can say "more more" for if she wants more of something, "pop pop" for her juice, "ner ner" for her dummy and "naa naa" for blanket lol! the last 2 dont make sense but at least we've figured out what she means by them now lol.

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We get lots of pointing and "uhh" noises as well as "bo-ey" for his bottle. And if you ask him, for example "do you want some juice?" He either says "yea" or does the point and grunt at something else lol!!

He's trying his best bless him, and I'm trying my best to decode his babble lol!
Afternoon ladies, well despite the letter saying she'd only have men c and hib vaccines and mmr at later date - they did all 3. At least it got it over with!
She had a temperature and was grizzly for a good 48hours but is back to her normal self now. It was a week ago today.
Have a good weekend everyone x

So how do your LO's communicate and what can they say?

We get pointing mainly followed by babble! She can say "more more" for if she wants more of something, "pop pop" for her juice, "ner ner" for her dummy and "naa naa" for blanket lol! the last 2 dont make sense but at least we've figured out what she means by them now lol.

Cute! We have lots of babble that sounds like proper words, but I haven't deciphered any of it yet, but just this week we've had our first clear word... ish. She points at butterflies and says 'butter' very clearly :) It's totally adorable. She also says 'Wata' a lot, which is think is her way of saying 'what's that?'.

I can't wait for more.

Frankie - glad she was OK. T was a grump for a day or two about a week after hers but that was it. x
B's not been right since his mmr :-( he had it done last Thursday and was sick on Sunday and last night. Loss of appetite - refused lunch one day and his dinner tonight which is unheard of. A bit whiny and clingy and an excema flare up. Don't think all the teeth he's sprouting helps, I think we're up to 13 now.

His babbling is coming on though! New words are row row - he has a book that plays row your boat and he picked up a toy chicken today and called it duck!
Aww our bubbas are trying so hard bless em :) love hearing new words and sounds from em! Elexis has a new baby cousin and so the other day i was asking her where's baby and she replied "baba" hehe...they r so clever!

Frankie and MrsT...those MMR jabs are a shocker...Elexis had a high temp and spots all over her body for a week after hers as well as loss of appetite. Hope your LO's are back to their normal selves soon xxx
Oh God, that nasty MMR jab :-( James had a mild fever for 48 hours and was off his food for a week afterwards. Felt so sorry for himself (typical bloke lol!)

Hope they're back to their cheeky selves soon xx

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