****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Lol Karen i left such a huge gap between mine that i had forgot what it all felt like :lol: but i will say i dealt with labour a hell of a lot better 2nd time around :D

Its so scary where the last year has gone though, my brother and his fiancee have just had their first baby last week (she was due on Elexis's birthday but kept everyone waiting lol) i was at the labour which was awesome, but i just kept looking at er thinking, "wow, that was Elexis last year" its amazing how much they change in a year! I am loving this stage of her life though, toddling about, chatting to me as if i should know what shes saying, getting frustrated when she cant do something and just wanting to eat everything in sight...and i mean everything :lol:

She had her jabs wednesday and shes had a right reaction to them, i think its mainly the MMR actually, high temp and covered in spots, but thankfully seems ok in herself! Glad they are done with for now!

Just spotted a June/July 2013 mummies thread. Made me feel really strange! Our babies are just growing too fast!

i felt the exact same when i seen it!! soooo crazy!

feels like dexter has two settings these days. one where all he wants to do is cuddle and kiss everyone and everything in sight. and one where all he wants to do is hit hit hit. ive been putting him on the floor a few metres away from me everytime he hits, so then he just flings himself about the floor screaming and hitting the floor, its really bugging me. he totally knows hes not to hit, he gives a look everytime he does it! my friend was over for the weekend with her 10 month old daughter and dex was the exact same with her, kissin n cuddlin her one minute and lashing out at her the next! its so embarassing!

any of you experiencing this just now?? xxx
My friends kids that are about 13/14 months are doing this at the moment - guess I've got this to look forward to!

It was Billy's 1st birthday yesterday and we've had the most amazing weekend! Saturday was BBQ, bouncy castle and face painting at a pub garden with 60 friends and yesterday we had family over for a garden party. He got spoilt and is still in awe of all his prezzies. I am so tired but it was worth it. He's taken off with his walking and I have to watch him like a hawk!
A few piccys from the weekend -
OMG, happy birthday Billy! Looks like he had an amazing birthday! That cake is awesome, hun, and he's looking so cute.

Yvonne, I'm sorry Dexter is being like this, I don't know how to help as T doesn't do this. Hope it's a phase that passes.

Deedee, I hope I cope with labour as well as I did last time! I'm actually more scared this time because I know what it's like! Tilly had her jabs last Tuesday and has been OK so far. She slept a lot and was a bit out of sorts yesterday, but I'm still waiting to see if she gets a fever or a rash. Hope Elexis gets better soon. I'm so glad they are out of the way now for a couple of years.
gorgeous pics mrsT! and a massssive happy birthday to our wee pal Billy! :)

reeeally hoping this is just a phase. my friends 14 month old is doing the same thing, but hes also biting. dex isnt doing the biting thing but im scared its to come! hoping this means the terrible 2s wont be so terrible seen as im having the terrible 1s!
Karen - Shes much better now i think the whole fever and rash lasted roughly 5-6 days, glad shes back to her normal self now! And yes i was more scared of labour second time around because as you say you know whats to come lol. Im sure u will do just great and Tilly will make an amazing big sister!

Littlesmoosh - Elexis lashes out at times, usually when shes frustrated or angry, i just do as you do and pop her on the floor away from me, been lucky up to press, she will only do it to me...and her sister if shes winding her up...which is a normal occurrence in our household lol!

Mrs T - Happy birthday to your little man, looks like he had an absolutely awesome birthday :) and loving the cake too :D

I've had the letter for Xanthe's jabs but only HiB and Men C no mention of the MMR?! I thought they did them all at once but according to my trust website the MMR is done from 13 months so guess I'll be getting another letter in a couple of weeks!
Anyway first round booked for next Friday.

Not a lot to update here - had a fantastic holiday even though the temperature pushed up to 46C. It was 42C by 10am and lowest night temperature was 33C it was a bit oppressive and took xanthe a few days to get accustomed.
Got back a few days ago and I've got a stinking cold! :/

I've had the letter for Xanthe's jabs but only HiB and Men C no mention of the MMR?! I thought they did them all at once but according to my trust website the MMR is done from 13 months so guess I'll be getting another letter in a couple of weeks!
Anyway first round booked for next Friday.

Not a lot to update here - had a fantastic holiday even though the temperature pushed up to 46C. It was 42C by 10am and lowest night temperature was 33C it was a bit oppressive and took xanthe a few days to get accustomed.
Got back a few days ago and I've got a stinking cold! :/

Our letter came for 3 days after her 1st birthday. For MMR, hip and men c?! odd how different areas do it differently x

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Hi girlies, sorry haven't posted on this thread in a while- everyone's LO's sound to be doing well. Glad Billy enjoyed his birthday MrsT, his presents and cake look amazing and he looks so happy in his little house :-) I got a letter about Harry's jabs this morning, the MMR was on there too x
Loving the birthday piccies!

Not much going on here, only that I have a doctors appt tomorrow as I think I have an anterior wall prolapse and I'm just bleeding all the time with short breaks in between still one year later......yay 0_o

On a happier note it's Sebastians birthday on Thursday and his party on Saturday...I can't wait :D


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Loving the birthday piccies!

Not much going on here, only that I have a doctors appt tomorrow as I think I have an anterior wall prolapse and I'm just bleeding all the time with short breaks in between still one year later......yay 0_o

On a happier note it's Sebastians birthday on Thursday and his party on Saturday...I can't wait :D


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hope the drs goes okay for you.
Didnt realize there was only a day between our two O is 1on friday, what has he got? xx

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Oh I didn't realise either!

He's had a sand pit, little takes red and yellow car, bubble machine, mega blocks and the happy land pirate ship. What's O having? Xxx

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Aww sounds good, shes got a smart trike, a leapfrog picnic basket, an aquadoodle & a noahs arc x

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Happy birthday Sebastian and Olivia!
Urgh Harry is teething again and we've just had two sleepless nights! Luckily it's the school holidays so I don't have to be up for work, but hard work as he's slept so well since 3 months old! He's also pulling himself up on furniture now but only onto his knees, he doesn't seem to like standing lol xxx
Huge happy birthday to all the babies I've not said happy birthday to! Sorry, I can't keep up! Hope you've all had a lovely time. T is doing well - seeing paediatrician about her hips today so I'm apprehensive. Wish us luck xxx
Hope it goes well Karen, I can imagine you're feeling very scared and nervous x
Hope it goes well Karen, I can imagine you're feeling very scared and nervous x
Hi sweetie. Thank you very much. The appointment went well. he was pleased with her overall development, even though she was very wary of him and wouldn't do a lot of the things he wanted her to do. He had a look at her hips and leg length etc. and watched her crawl and pull herself up etc. and said he was happy with how she's moving etc. I'm so relieved.

hope gorgeous Billy is doing well. Tilly says hi! xxx
That's brilliant news! I can imagine Tilly giving him the eye! We've got Billy's development check soon and I know all this bragging about how clever he is and how I think he is a child genius is going to backfire when he just sits there and frowns and the health visitor lol!
Big kisses for Tilly xxx
That's brilliant news! I can imagine Tilly giving him the eye! We've got Billy's development check soon and I know all this bragging about how clever he is and how I think he is a child genius is going to backfire when he just sits there and frowns and the health visitor lol!
Big kisses for Tilly xxx
Ooh, we never had a development check at this age... just at 8 months. I'm kind of glad because T has taken her sweet time doing everything and whilst she seems smart enough, she crawled late, doesn't walk unaided yet etc. etc. so I'd be all defensive of her.

Here she is the other night:
She is stunning. Love Tillys eyes and it looks like shes had a recent hair cut!
We have a 10/11 month development check in our area but they forgot us so I had to ring up and sort it! I'm not too worried but I think it would be helpful to check on his weight and walking and we're looking into a nursery for B as a social thing so wanted some advice on that.

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