****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

It's a nightmare isn't it! Seems to have happened over night! She's got so stubborn. If she wants something and can't have it she doesn't half throw a strop!! I knew that would happen but wasn't expecting it so early! Ha ha

She can crawl yet but has started flipping over in her cot and getting stuck. It's quite funny really but not when it goes on and on. Should get me fit running up an down the stairs all the time though.

Sorry your in the same position with max. Guess it was going to happen though. They couldn't stay little snuggly babies forever! Lol x
spammy - sorry to hear meri is going through a tough time! hoping she perks up soon for you. and if its the teeth then really hope they come through soon!
we're teething here too just now but right now hes at his clingy stage, reckon the pain/crying stage will be here in a few days! :(

we live in dundee in scotland just now. im from glasgow, OH from manchester. so back to manchester. thing is though he needs to have a job lined up before we go. and with less than 3 months before our lease runs out it is scary!!!! moving with dexter will deffo be a challenge, but havent even got a place to go yet, so more worried about tht just now! its totally up in the air just now!

i have no idea where sheffeild is lol. ive heard of it though obviously. is it near manchester??? xxx
Yea it's not far from Manchester. About 40 minutes over the Pennines over the snake pass. I hope he manages to get a job sorted! Not surprised your worrying about it 3 months isn't long is it.
it really isnt, time flies!!!
well when we're both all moved and settled a PF meetup would be great :) xx
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been absent. I've been reading all of your posts and want to send hugs to you all. Les, I'm glad the funeral went well and that Harry is a joy.

We are OK. Tilly has had a tummy bug since last Thursday and is still recovering. We were doing OK but seem to have regressed about two months in the space of a week with regard to sleeping, napping and eating. Last night she was up and crying randomly for a couple of hours. She's just at the start of the next leap too, god help me... She's waking up at 5am again for a feed and going back to sleep, not napping well, back to having three naps a day when I'd got her down to two, and BLW has gone to pot. She's just not interested in food since having the bug, so I'm just offering her stuff but she's pushing it around. I'm due to start my next work project today and dreading it because she's so needy right now that I hardly have the time to work at all. Boooooo. It's all fun and games, eh? Plus hubby is slowly dying of some unnamed virus, wasting away on the sofa and saying he shouldn't touch T in case she catches what he's got. I've got my hands rather full right now. Moan over.

We're an hour from Manchester on the other side - North Wales. So you'll at least have a few of us PF ladies not too far away, Yvonne - I hope your OH manages to get a job. xxx
Hi girls. How are we all doing!?

Les - hope your doing ok after the funeral. I remember it being such a strange feeling like it was all over and it was time to move on but it was all still so raw. Hope your coping ok hun. Just remember everyone is different and you have to deal with it In your own way. At least you have your gorgeous boy to provide lots of cuddles.

Well I'm not having a great week this week to be honest. Meri seems to have changed overnight from a dream child who is happy and easily pleased to a stroppy grumpy little madam!! She's teething I think. Last night was a nightmare. Took 2 hours to get her settled and asleep and she usually goes to bed like a dream!

Also I'm back to work next week which is playing on my mind. Dreading it. Although if she carries on like this I may be glad of the break! Ha

Hope everyone else is doing ok?!

Thanks Spammy, you're so right it was a relief to finally hold the funeral but I've cried everyday since as Ive got to move on now and the reality of never getting to see him again has really kicked in! OH keeps saying my dad wouldn't want me to put my life on hold to grieve but it's easier said than done! I don't want things to get easier in time as it feels like I won't be bothered about him anymore :-( sorry girls what a depressing post!
Harry has his 3rd tooth...at the top but at the side rather than the front! X
Karen - sorry to hear little lady isn't well! Poor love. And bet its a nightmare for you. Don't know how you do it when our working too!!!

Les - like I said you have to deal with it in your own way. And your bound to grieve now as this is when you realise your life is carrying on without him. It's so hard. It happens at a different time for everyone. I was fine immediately after. Well I say fine, I was on autopilot. It was a couple of months later I hit rock bottom and crashed. Ended up of work for about 6 weeks unable to even function. What I'm getting at is if you want to cry then cry. Don't bottle it up because it has to come out eventually and you can't afford to crash and burn because you have your boy to take care of. So if you have a bad day just go with it. There's no right way to deal with the loss of your parent. It's just so awful and you deal with it however you need.

Also, your not just grieving his death, you had to see him so poorly which for me was the worst thing. Seeing your parent in that state isn't something you can explain to someone. It's heartbreaking. And you need to get over that as well as losing him.

Always here is you need I talk sweetie. Loads of love and hugs xxx
Spammy and Les, my heart goes out to you both. I can't imagine what you've been through - you are very brave. Big hugs xxx
That's sweet of you thanks Karen. It's more a case of dealing with the card that's been dealt you than being brave though. You have to keep going even though its hard.

I can honestly say seeing my mum so poorly and dying was by far the worst thing iv ever been through. Just wish I could take the pain away from you Les cos I know how awful it feels xxx
Blimey I'm getting emotional now!!! Group hug xxx
Blimey I'm getting emotional now!!! Group hug xxx

Aww I'm sorry hun, I've depressed everyone! You've been so kind, its nice to talk to someone who understands! I'm dealing with it by eating way too much and putting on loads of weight haha x
Spammy and Les, my heart goes out to you both. I can't imagine what you've been through - you are very brave. Big hugs xxx

Thanks Karen that's really lovely of you xx hope Tilly is on the mend? X
Ahhh don't apologise hun!! Doesn't take much for me to get emotional. I swear my bladder is wired up to my eyeballs. Ha ha ha
Hey I've just come back to the forum after a break but I was here all through my pregnancy.

Name: Frankie
LO name: Xanthe Rose
DoB: 09/07/12
Due date 15/07/12
Weight 8lb 1oz

This was her brand new:

Her Baptism:


Most recent:

Looking forward to catching up with you all :) xx

Hey I've just come back to the forum after a break but I was here all through my pregnancy.

Name: Frankie
LO name: Xanthe Rose
DoB: 09/07/12
Due date 15/07/12
Weight 8lb 1oz

Looking forward to catching up with you all :) xx
Hey Frankie - I remember you! Welcome back! She's SO cute - what lovely photos. What's your news? Hope you are doing well xxx

Les, we are doing much better, thanks. Just after I wrote last time, I gave her slow cooked chilli and rice for dinner and she went mad for it. Since then she's been back on track with eating at least. She's gone totally bonkers with this next leap that she's starting, but she's coming along in leaps and bounds - she's so engaged and interactive, and her facial expressions have become so much more sophisticated lately. She's also grown loads - I had her next to a 9.5 month old boy at swimming the other day and she looked enormous! Somebody has also turned her volume dial up since yesterday and I can barely hear myself think when she's yelling. It's cute, though!
Hey I've just come back to the forum after a break but I was here all through my pregnancy.

Name: Frankie
LO name: Xanthe Rose
DoB: 09/07/12
Due date 15/07/12
Weight 8lb 1oz

Looking forward to catching up with you all :) xx
Hey Frankie - I remember you! Welcome back! She's SO cute - what lovely photos. What's your news? Hope you are doing well xxx

Well, my husband and I separated when Xanthe 3 weeks old. My final divorce papers will be done by May so a few weeks. She has contact with him supervised at a centre once a fortnight for an hour.
It's so hard being a single mom, I have a new found respect for all those that do it and maintain their sanity!
However, we are both really well, keeping ourselves busy. Xanthe is coming on leaps and bounds and I met someone in November, we aren't rushing it but he adores Xanthe and its clear to see she loves him too, and the 3 of us visited his parents in France earlier this month and had a lovely time together!

I'm still catching up on the thread. It's lovely to be back. Les, I don't think i know you from when I was here but just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss. Xx

Oh, Frankie, I'm sorry you and your husband separated - that must have been awful, especially at that time. Looks like you're doing brilliantly on your own, though, and I really hope this new relationship goes well. Glad to see you back on PF and look forward to seeing gorgeous Xanthe's progress! xxx
Hey Frankie!!! Welcome back honey. I remember you from the pregnancy sections. Xanthie is so beautiful!

So sorry to hear your marriage ended. Must have been so tough especially with having a young baby at the time. Sounds like you are doing great though and I'm really glad you have found someone else who is making you happy.

Karen - glad Tilly has her appetite back. You just made me really hungry talking about slow cooked chilli and rice. Ha ha.

We are on the road to Northampton today to see my husbands little sister. She lives in Dorset and she hasn't met Meri yet so should be nice to catch up. We are having a night in a nice hotel too which I'm looking forward to!!

Hope everyone's having a nice weekend xxx
Hi Frankie welcome back! Sorry to hear about you and your husband :-(
Hey I've just come back to the forum after a break but I was here all through my pregnancy.

Name: Frankie
LO name: Xanthe Rose
DoB: 09/07/12
Due date 15/07/12
Weight 8lb 1oz

Looking forward to catching up with you all :) xx
Hey Frankie - I remember you! Welcome back! She's SO cute - what lovely photos. What's your news? Hope you are doing well xxx

Well, my husband and I separated when Xanthe 3 weeks old. My final divorce papers will be done by May so a few weeks. She has contact with him supervised at a centre once a fortnight for an hour.
It's so hard being a single mom, I have a new found respect for all those that do it and maintain their sanity!
However, we are both really well, keeping ourselves busy. Xanthe is coming on leaps and bounds and I met someone in November, we aren't rushing it but he adores Xanthe and its clear to see she loves him too, and the 3 of us visited his parents in France earlier this month and had a lovely time together!

I'm still catching up on the thread. It's lovely to be back. Les, I don't think i know you from when I was here but just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss. Xx

Hi Frankie, I joined a while ago but was too shy to comment on threads while I was pregnant! I got so much wonderful information from the forum but wish I had spoken sooner and everyone has been so amazing! Little Xanthe is adorable and sorry to hear about you and your husband, I admire you for being brave and making a decision to make a happier life for yourself and your daughter though. you sound very positive about the future xxx

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