****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Thanks girls, your messages are lovely it means a lot! Been up and down today, can't imagine life without him, he just wanted to be a Grandad though so I'm glad he had 8 months with Harry xxx
So so sorry honey. Such a painful thing to go through especially when they have battled with such an awful illness . I lost my mum 4 years ago and it's so hard. I know at the moment the pain will be unbelievable. Give your boy lots of cuddles I'm sure it will help.

With time it does get easier although I know it wont feel that way at the moment. Im here if you need to talk.
Feel free to message me if you need to talk. It's hard to imagine how hard it is unless you have been through it yourself.

Loads and loads of love to you and your family sweetheart x

Thank you Spammy, that's really kind. Sorry to hear about your mum, I've always assumed my parents would be there forever xxx
I know honey I felt the same way. I think we grow up thinking our parents are invincible! i know i always did!

And 4 years on I still cry for her. But I now laugh about happy times more than I get upset. I always miss her but the pain does fade after a while.

Wow, I have been away for a while!..Hope all you bug mums are well :)..

Things over here are pretty hectic..Seb' has started to get possibly his 9th and 10th tooth through!..And he can finally sit up by himself!:dance:, its only taken him almost 10 months to work it out, even though he will throw himself back but when he starts to lean forward he can correct himself pretty quick which is great..So i got some cute pictures of him sitting up with his bear yesterday, it was great :D




Sorry about the major picture overload..It was a great moment!:whistle:
hey everyone!
how are we all getting on?
how are you feeling les?? i hope your okay!!

well done sebbie! better late than never! he looks beautiful too :)

all is well here, thats OH handed all his uni work in, so we were visiting my dad for a few days. dad rubbed me up the wrong way a couple of times with his comments here and there. for example, he was outraged that i hadnt brought any shoes for dexter, but i explained that he just pulls them off or the fall off and theres really no point in them. and he was wearing socks, then a snowsuit with feet bitties, then a blanket... but oh no, how could i not bring shoes? ended up snapping at him because he constantly digs me out and makes me feel like a bad mum. but i know what im doing! ugh!
but apart from that things are well. we have to sleep in the living room at my dads so at night dexter was falling asleep in my arms as there were too many distractions for him to fall asleep in his travel cot. but during the day we put the cot up in my little brothers room and he went to sleep in it fine, so i was chuffed about tht as its a new(ish) place for him and new cot and he still went down to sleep on his own. hes doing great!!

dad has a dog which dexter loves and so his 3rd word was 'dog' followed by 'doggy'. so proud! :)
Hi girls sorry I've not been around for so long. Drake is going through a really demanding stage atm. He sits on his own well enough, but he can't sit up from lying down yet. He's only rolled over once about a month ago and he's so not interested in crawling. Consequently toys have to be brought back when they roll or are pushed out of reach.

Somewhere along the line he's learnt the "crying with no tears cos I'm just frustrated Mommy" thing :( which he will also use if he's had enough of sitting and wants to walk somewhere. He doesn't care where fortunately, but there's only so much my back will take, walking him. Since his last cold he's been really dummy orientated at night and cries if he spits it out, so I'm getting woken at least a couple of times at night.

I'm just about recovered from my first ever bout of tonsillitis. 40 years old and I get a childhood illness lol. Happily I managed not to pass it on to anyone. I was worried I was going to pass it on to Drake.

My brother is getting married on Saturday and we had problems with the suit for Drake (and a dress for me, but that's another story). Fortunately my mom sews and she's sorted his trousers out.

Littlesmoosh glad Dexter was managing to fall asleep on his own in a new place :)

Sebbiesmum aww look at him! He looks great, definitely a moment to be proud of :)

Les I'm really sorry about your Dad :( Hugs
Thanks girls..I couldn't believe my eyes :shock: had to grab my iphone quickly before the moment passed!..Unfortunately he still hates it on his front so it looks like we're completely bypassing the crawling stage!, according to my mum i never crawled either..I just chose to get about by shuffling on my backside :lol:

Ive had a pretty eventful day!, went shopping today spent 22 quid on baby clothes and a jumper for myself :|, ive been scowering the internet with OH religiously for teddy bear repairers :lol:..Yep, well my dad gave me his bear from when he was a boy when i was a little girl and i love him to bits, and he's getting on for 50 years old now (the bear and my dad but shhh :lol: ) and he's getting so worn and has holes all over him! :(, Id love to pass him on to Sebastian as he gets older and hopefully the bear will travel down in generations..Would be lovely..Ive emailed the people so fingers crossed they can fix my baby :lol:

Les - Sending lots of hugs your way!..Really sorry to hear about your father :(
Thank you so much girls, you are all so lovely :-) it really is true that children keep you motivated, Harry is going through a cute phase which is taking my mind off missing my dad so much. He holds his teddy out in his cot and giggles when I kiss it- melts my heart! X

Sebbie's mum- yey for Sebastian sitting up, I really believe they do things in their own time and Violet- Harry doesn't really move around either, he get frustrated on his tummy! Yvonne- great news about Dexter's sleep,
You've worked so hard with him, must be so rewarding to see him improve! X
sebbiesmum - hope you get the teddy fixed! your right, would be lovely to pass it down the generations :)

les - glad to hear harry is keeping your mind off things sweety, and he sounds adorable!!!!! and thankyou, we have come on leaps and bounds with the sleep. just wish he would sleep through now though. so my next task is to stop all his night feeds completely. xx
Hey girls!

Sebbiesmum - he's adorable! Those pictures are great! That's a great idea with the bear too! Nice to have something to hand down.

Les - glad your doing ok. It's good you have a little cutie to keep you distracted!

Yvonne - enjoy your time at your dads. I get annoyed with my dad for making comments too but I reckon they mean well. Just smile and nod and do as you wish. Ha ha.

All is ok in our house! Meri is certainly becoming harder work. Although saying that she's still a little angel. She just knows what she wants and makes a fuss when it doesn't go her way! She's also started grabbing faces and it really hurts. Having to tell her no quite sternly and do gentle hands but so far she thinks its funny. Little madam! Who knew things like this started so early!

Hope your all well! Have a good day xx
Hey all,

Sebbiesmum - he's so cute, those pics are gorgeous.

Les - glad to hear you're doing ok and Harry cuddles are helping.

Yvonne - that's great Dexter's doing so well falling asleep somewhere different.

Well I'm having a bit of a nightmare day with Max to be honest. I think it's teething and frustration but there's just no pleasing him today. He had a rubbish morning sleep, which hasn't helped as he's like his mum and needs his sleep :) I'm not allowed out of his sight today and he screams if I stop entertaining him for even a second. But I am being patient as his teething are obviously bothering him. He also wants me to hold his hands so he can walk around the house, but it's back breaking and to be honest I don't want to indulge him in it too much as he'll expect everyone to do it with him all the time. Thankfully we're meeting my sister out for lunch so she'll entertain him and he'll no doubt fall asleep in his buggy, which might just about save my sanity. Oh well at least he has a relatively early bedtime and tomorrow's another day :) xxx
spammy - ive stopped saying the 'no' word because if i say it dexter will definitely do whatever it is im telling him not to. instead ive just been either taking things off him but not saying anything, or blocking off whatever it is hes trying to get at. then distracting him with something else. its like he forgets what he originally wanted lol!

taffy- teething is the worst! feeling for you today and hoping those teeth hurry up and come through!! well done max though for walking while holding hands, dexter still cant grasp that one!! xxx
I'm so behind! Sending hugs to everyone that needs them or wants them!
We've had an interesting few weeks, difficult leap and B screaming at night, health visitors had no ideas, dr said it was back teeth coming through (too scared of getting bitten to check if this is true lol) so we went to an osteopath and what a difference!
He now sleeps 7-5 then back down till 6.30 with some settling, drinking his water and bottles without us holding the bottle, he's so happy and cheerful and today he took 2 steps on his own!
I feel like these last couple of horrendous weeks have all been worth it just to see him so happy today!

Sorry for the self indulgent post x
I can't believe my Seb is 10 months old today :(. He started on 10 month food yesterday and loves it, i was expecting him to be really fussy with it but once he had his first spoonful he was coming back for more :lol: I will seriously cry when seb turns 1 as he's not really my little baby anymore! (I know im sounding like he's 20 or something lol!), he'll be 1 in 2 more months..I dont know why but im just dreading him getting older (not in a nasty way, more in a broody way lol!)

I looked at his first outfit yesterday, and it was first size..Once you compare it with something 9-12 months you really put into perspective how much they grow! :|.

I had to buy Seb a 12-18 month hat yesterday!!..Really does show you how big his noggin really is :lol:
Hi everyone, it was my dad's funeral today and I took Harry to te service which was what he wanted. He was so well behaved, listened to what the speaker was saying and just stared around the room in amazement! I was so worried he would be restless! His grandad would have been proud :-) x
Hope you are all ok? Xxx
aw les. my heart really does go out to you. <3 im glad harry was so well behaved, you're right, his grandad would have been proud indeed. also you should be proud of yourself for being so strong.

all is well here.
dexter is coming on leaps and bounds, progress every single day.
OH has handed all his uni work in and so the hardcore job hunting in manchester has begun. with less than 3 months to go til our flat lease is up i am scared we wont get everything sorted in time!
things with my OH have been a hell of alot better since everything happened a couple of weeks ago. hes back to being the man i fell in love with, long may it continue!

aw les. my heart really does go out to you. <3 im glad harry was so well behaved, you're right, his grandad would have been proud indeed. also you should be proud of yourself for being so strong.

all is well here.
dexter is coming on leaps and bounds, progress every single day.
OH has handed all his uni work in and so the hardcore job hunting in manchester has begun. with less than 3 months to go til our flat lease is up i am scared we wont get everything sorted in time!
things with my OH have been a hell of alot better since everything happened a couple of weeks ago. hes back to being the man i fell in love with, long may it continue!


Thanks hun :-) aww glad things are on the up for you, Manchester is a great place there is so much to see and do with a little one, I'm only an hour away too :-) x
Hi girls. How are we all doing!?

Les - hope your doing ok after the funeral. I remember it being such a strange feeling like it was all over and it was time to move on but it was all still so raw. Hope your coping ok hun. Just remember everyone is different and you have to deal with it In your own way. At least you have your gorgeous boy to provide lots of cuddles.

Well I'm not having a great week this week to be honest. Meri seems to have changed overnight from a dream child who is happy and easily pleased to a stroppy grumpy little madam!! She's teething I think. Last night was a nightmare. Took 2 hours to get her settled and asleep and she usually goes to bed like a dream!

Also I'm back to work next week which is playing on my mind. Dreading it. Although if she carries on like this I may be glad of the break! Ha

Hope everyone else is doing ok?!
Yvonne - moving must be so exciting!! Where are you ATM? I love Manchester. I'm a Sheffield girl and hoping to move back there this year. Really miss it! But the though of moving house and changing jobs is filling me with dread. Things are so much more complicated when you have a little one aren't they!!
Hey Spammy, sorry to hear Meri is being a little monkey, but if it's any consolation Max is exactly the same at the moment. He's now crawling and has started to pick up some speed, which makes nappy changing interesting. He waits until I have the nappy off then flips over and crawls as fast as he can, then there's the meltdown when I catch him and make him lay down to have a clean nappy on! Also last night was a nightmare. Like Meri I think he's teething but he's also worked out he can sit up and pull himself to standing in his cot. He then bounces up and down and then shouts when he realises he's stuck. He even manages it with his sleeping bag on!

I'm really hoping these teeth hurry up and fingers crossed now he can move he will be less frustrated - it's just a nightmare for me trying to keep him out of trouble!! xxx
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