****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

He's yummy Melissa!
We are baby proofing the house! B is everywhere and so quick!

8 teeth now and still showing signs of teething so suspect more might be on the way.
Work want to change my working days so am going to have to look into nursery for B. feel really sad about it :-(
Hi girls

The past 10 days haven't been the best here. Monday last week Drake's eyes were all sticky in the morning, but it kept coming back through the day. Wednesday it was still the same so took him to the docs and he thinks conjunctivitis, but not bad enough to need treatment. At the same time he started to get diarrhoea but I put this down to a banana every other day being too much for him. He's stopped sleeping through the night, sometimes wanting milk, sometimes just wanting to play for an hour.

Towards the end of last week he started going off his milk and squash (I took him off his fruit juice in case it was also causing the diarrhoea), but still loving his food. And he was loving sucking cold wet cloths, ice lollies and fridge teethers so I thought he must be teething, but still no sign of teeth!

His food seems to be passing through pretty much undigested mostly, but he's been fine in himself, just a lil bit grumpy and clingy. He's rolled over from back to front for the first time, he's loving standing holding on to things and walking holding on to hands. In fact he's starting to get brave and let go with one hand, but then won't move lol. He's now rolling forward from a sitting position on to his hands, but then either gets stuck with one leg under himself or goes flat on his belly hehe. Today he actually moved backwards on his belly (I missed it tho :( ).

Yesterday after days of not letting fingers near his mouth, he grabbed my hand and bit down on my knuckle in such a way I was able to keep his tongue out the way and pull his bottom lip down. He has toothy buds! 2 of them right at the front. They've not broken through yet, but after so many signs for so long (on and off for the last 5 months) it's great to see something finally happening.
Ah Melissa he's lovely :). We have the same travel cot :)

Littlesmoosh ah good luck to your OH for his interviews :). Sounds like exciting times are ahead.

Sebbiesmum I bet you can't wait for your holiday! Aw he's looks all set to go :). And congratz on your engagement.

Spammy that's made me laugh about your hubby and the night nurse.

Karen I know what you mean about being impatient for things to happen. I have to keep telling myself he will do things when he's ready.
Thanks everyone:). We have our 8th tooth over here now but Seb's very dribbly indeed and a bit grumpy so i think we have a few more on their way. :D

Plus side is he settled at 9pm instead of 12am which makes me pretty pleased, all the hard work cracking the bedtime routine is paying off! :D
hey guys!

so euan (OH) had 2 job interviews today and they went pretty bad. hes got a second interview for one of them but doesnt think he will get it. and the other one told him he was an 8/10 on paper but a 1/10 in person because he doesnt have good interview technique. so feeling a little deflated.
he has another phone interview on monday and another interview on wednesday. and ive just applied to another 25 jobs for him (all in manchester). so god knows when i will see him again, we've both agreed he should just stay there til he gets something.
im at my dads just now, but need to go back home on tuesday. so will just be me and dexter til whenever euan returns home. so feeling really down. i know its what needs to happen, and its for our future, but feeling pretty lonely right now. and just praying euan gets a job soon! but at least he can take the criticism and work on his technique and do better in the next interview!

me and dex have to sleep in the living room at my dads, so his sleep pattern is all off again and hes back on the boob to get to sleep. so that sucks.
and he just got another tooth through (front,top!) so hes been clingy/whingy.

hope your all well xxx
Hi Yvonne. Sorry they didn't go well hun. Sure he will get something though. Interviews are good experience and as you say at least he can learn from the mistakes.

Keep us posted. Try stay positive, I'm sure he will get something soon.

Maybe going home will be good for you and dexter, routine makes things easier I think. Meri seems to be much happier at home in her routine

All is ok here! Top teeth have come through explains the recent grumpiness. Ha ha.

Work is going ok and Meri is getting used to her days at the mother in laws. She doesn't seem to miss me at all! Charming.

Have a good weekend everyone! X
Aww don't give up hope Yvonne, I had an interview yesterday and felt I had answered the questions badly and I got the job! Most employers will look at the bigger picture, will your OH fit in personality wise rather than how well he answers the set questions. Tell him to keep going :-) x
Aww glad Work is going well Spammy and that Meri is enjoying herself at your in laws. I bet she has a big smile for you when you get home though! X
thanks les, its recruitment hes going for (he doesnt really wanna do tht, but there are just so many jobs goin in it just now it just made sense). so they really need a strong confident person as its basically sales, and euan was just a nervous wreck, so obv it put them off. but the more interviews he does the better he will get at them. hes been in uni for 5 years now as he resat a year, so hes not been doing any interviews in that time, so its all new to him. i know he will get something. just dont know when. so dont know when il see him again, which isnt a nice feeling. combine that with having dexter, just makes me scared n lonely! just reeeally hope he gets something soon so that he can come home, we can pack and we can move. and then settle. this next few months is gunna be hectic! xxx
p.s sorry les, so rude of me... CONGRATULATIONS! well done you for getting the job :):):) xx
Les congrats on the job :)
Littlesmoosh - something will come along for your oh, I know it's easier said and I know it doesn't help your situation - but it will happen. Just keep strong for dexter xx

Xanthe is alot better but still feeling the after effects of the bug. I'm sure it's made her lactose intolerant (I've read that it can happen temporarily) and as she's always had milk problems, colic and now can't eat any foods with full fat milk as it makes her poorly, I've decided to try her on a soya formula for a couple of weeks to see if that just helps her tummy recover.

It was my mums retirement party last night, it was a 70's/80's theme. We had a good time but was worried about Xanthe most of the night.

Have a good weekend everyone, my plans for the day involve snuggling up with Xanthe and watching the voice later :) x

thanks frankie. glad to hear Xanthe is feeling better, hope the milk situation gets better soon! xxx
Aww thanks girls! It's in my village so excited I can walk to work :-) I know what you mean hun, those first few interviews are hard, my mouth is always really dry and I can't talk! I hope your OH gets something really soon and you can get settled in Manchester x
Glad you're both on the mend Frankie x
Ah. So much to catch up on! Violet - hope Drake is better now, and hooray for teeth! T's teething has calmed down for a bit now. She has four teeth so far.

Sebbie's Mum - glad you're starting to get bed time sorted out. it's definitely worth the effort! Hope it carries on going well.

Yvonne - don't be too disheartened by your OH's interviews so far. They do take a lot of practice, and he will find a good job very soon, I'm sure. Best of luck to him! I'd be terrified.

Spammy - glad work is going well! I'm sure Meri misses you, it's just all very new and fun at the moment, but I'm glad she's settled into the new routine.

Les, congratulations on getting that job! That's great news.

Frankie, hope Xanthe gets better soon.

We are fine here. T has caught yet another cold. My MIL keeps telling us not to take her anywhere in case of measles... like I can just keep her at home all day every day! It's just not possible! What have your families been saying?

thanks karen! theres still hope, he has a phone interview tomoro and then 2 face to face interviews next week as well. so fingers crossed.

i havent heard about this measles thing? i mean obv ive heard of measles, but didnt realise it was a problem just now??? xxx
thanks karen! theres still hope, he has a phone interview tomoro and then 2 face to face interviews next week as well. so fingers crossed.

i havent heard about this measles thing? i mean obv ive heard of measles, but didnt realise it was a problem just now??? xxx
There's a bit of an epidemic going on in South Wales, Swansea area, and a few cases recently reported in North Yorkshire. Nothing for you to worry about up in Scotland as far as I know xxx
thanks karen. you're right, you cant stay indoors all the time, thats not healthy either. hoping it all calms down soon x
thanks karen! theres still hope, he has a phone interview tomoro and then 2 face to face interviews next week as well. so fingers crossed.

i havent heard about this measles thing? i mean obv ive heard of measles, but didnt realise it was a problem just now??? xxx
There's a bit of an epidemic going on in South Wales, Swansea area, and a few cases recently reported in North Yorkshire. Nothing for you to worry about up in Scotland as far as I know xxx

I hadn't realised either. My in laws are from South Wales and they come and visit and we go there (well we r supposed to, but we haven't made it yet this year :oops: ). They are from the Cardiff and Rhondda area. Do u think its something I need to worry about?
Xanthe has got a really nasty cough and a temperature of 38.2 so back off to the doctor this morning

There are now 942 cases reported in the Swansea area - it's because not enough people have had the MMR vaccination. It can be a very nasty disease, so we have to keep our babies safe from it if we can, especially since they aren't due to be immunised until they are 13 months. Here is just one of the latest news stories on it - I don't know if your in-laws' area is directly affected, but have a read and look at the other related reports: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-22318588

Since you don't actually live in the area, you're probably not at a high risk xxx

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