****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi ladies, sorry I've not been on here a lot. I'm back at work 3 days a week now so quite busy!

How are you and all your beautiful babies?

Finn is doing really wel, he absolutely loves nursery and I really feel he has turned a corner when it comes to how he is when he's at home with me. He used to be a real handf, never seemed happy but he's so happy these days, even when he's teething! I'm finding it a real joy, whereas I used to feel like I was struggling all the time.

He's still not a good sleeper. He wakes 3 times a night, sometimes more. I've started offering him a bottle in the night instead of the breast but it makes no difference, he still wakes!
glad to hear nursery is going well, and your having a more pleasant time together :):)

im going through the same thing with dexter, hes still waking 3 times in the night as well. and i give him a quick feed then he goes right back to sleep most nights, but the feed isnt really a feed at all. its just a comfort suck. i can feel the difference. so next week (we're visiting family just now). i plan to stop it.

if he wakes im going to just let him self settle. and offer him water incase he is thirsty. think it will be really tough, but i know he doesnt need to be waking. and we will all benefit from it in the end.

more on that next week hahaha! x
Xanthe does the same as Dexter, she'll wake briefly have a quick suck on the bottle and drop off again. I'm going start giving her water instead to try and encourage her to sleep through. She's awake for about a minute lol but quite a few times during the night

Hi girls, how are you all? Having a rubbish time at the moment, still struggling to come to terms with losing my dad and OH is now being a total prat, I've considered taking Harry and going to stay with my mum but it might be me overreacting. Harry helped me open my birthday presents this eve haha! XxImageUploadedByTapatalk1366062480.060843.jpg
aw les :( what a shitty time for your OH to start acting up!
do what you feel is best for you and harry, even if you think your over reacting, you need to do whats going to make things easiest for you at this difficult time! x
Yeah Little smoosh, I'm thinking I need to spend a few nights going cold turkey with Finn and not offering the breast, only water. It going to be bloody hard but, like you said, it will benefit him.

I was looking at the list of all the June/July mummies and I can't believe how many boys there are in the group! x
Hey girls!

Les - sorry your OH is being a pain. All you need at the minute! I reckon they feel helpless seeing you in so much pain and not being able to take it away. Just my theory. Either that or he's just being a prat! Ha ha

Well the dreaded top teeth are on their way through and boy do we know it! Poor thing is really suffering!!

Also she has a new trick of going from sitting on her bum nicely to on her tummy in a second! It's as if she dives forward thinking she can craw but as she can't craw she just yells at me instead! Iv picked her up off her front about 100 times today!!! Everytime i turn my back it happens! Silly sausage.

Early night for me. Think it's going to be a long one what with a sick husband off his face on night nurse next to me on one side and a teething baby in the next room. Wish me luck!! Ha ha.

Ps - last time he took night nurse he disappeared in the middle of the night. I wondered where he had gone and found him asleep on the toilet!! Ha ha ha ha
Hi all. How is everyone? Lovely to hear your news and that our babies are learning new tricks all the time. Spammy, that really made me laugh about your OH and night nurse!

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself this morning... just wondering when T will EVER learn something new that's 'proper' if you know what I mean - like crawling, pulling herself up, cruising or even walking... she's such a daft thing, she only ever wants to sit on her arse and play with whatever's in reach. She doesn't seem to have learnt anything significant for months now and I'm getting a bit impatient. I know she'll get there in there in her own time, but it's a bit depressing seeing my friends' babies learning to crawl or to clap their hands or whatever, and T does nothing. She is just kind of disengaged and distracted all the time. I take her swimming at least once a week and she just stares and stares and kicks her legs a bit, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it and doesn't look at me, doesn't interact. She just whinged and looked totally spooked for the whole class last time, then cried throughout getting dressed, and made me feel so bloody crap - like why the f*** do I bother sometimes? When I sing songs and do baby signing with her, she rarely pays attention. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with her... I dunno. Just feeling a bit shitty. She can stand with support, and has started to commando crawl backwards a bit, but is nowhere near doing anything proper. She is in a leap at the moment, so she might learn something soon, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Last leaps she's not changed very much - she can turn book pages and lift-the-flaps on books like a pro, and she feeds herself really well, but that's it. Very good with her hands, but the rest of her body is just like a spare part she can't be arsed with.

Sorry. Moan over. She's adorable and really cheerful a lot of the time, she does engage with us when she feels like it and babbles with lots of consonants... just she seems a bit behind with physical things... ah well. I'm sure she'll just get up and walk one day and surprise me. Otherwise, she's been very well - a bit neglected as I'm working again and a bit too busy to play with her all the time. I feel like such a rubbish mother...

Sorry for the essay rant. Hope you are all well xxxxx
aww karen :( im really sorry, i feel awful for writing my last thread now.
i can understand where your frustration comes from, but i reckon shes just doing things at her own pace.
dexter is rubbish at turning book pages. and can feed himself finger foods fine, but doesnt want us to use the spoon and hes terrible when he tries it himself.
it sounds to me like she is really good at other things that some of our babies arent so good at!

my mother in law said that as a baby my OH was very daring, and tried everything as fast as he could. but that my brother in law (her second baby) was very cautious and it was like he never tried anything intil he knew in his mind that he could do it. he learned to crawl, walk and talk alot later than my OH did, but that when he did it he was amazing at it. i reckon it might be the same with your beautiful tilly :) xx
Hugs Karen. Baby's are skilled in their own way - think how well Tilly has done with BLW, I know my friend would kill to have her lo eat anything solid at 10 months but she'll only take purée. On the other hand her speech is brilliant.

Tilly has good looks - she'll go far lol! X
Karen Tilly is just her own little person. From your posts she seems like she's just strong minded and will only do things when she's ready! Meri isn't crawling at all yet! In fact she's only just really started rolling! She dives le she's going to crawl and just ends up stuck on her tummy shouting at me!!

Try not to worry about her. They are all different and all do things in their own time. You are a fabulous mummy and she's a lucky little girl to have you. Don't doubt your abilities as a mum.

Massive hugs x
aww karen :( im really sorry, i feel awful for writing my last thread now.
i can understand where your frustration comes from, but i reckon shes just doing things at her own pace.
dexter is rubbish at turning book pages. and can feed himself finger foods fine, but doesnt want us to use the spoon and hes terrible when he tries it himself.
it sounds to me like she is really good at other things that some of our babies arent so good at!

my mother in law said that as a baby my OH was very daring, and tried everything as fast as he could. but that my brother in law (her second baby) was very cautious and it was like he never tried anything intil he knew in his mind that he could do it. he learned to crawl, walk and talk alot later than my OH did, but that when he did it he was amazing at it. i reckon it might be the same with your beautiful tilly :) xx

Oh no! I didn't mean to make you feel bad about your post! I think it's WONDERFUL when babies do things and make their mummies very happy and I'm delighted that Dexter is doing so well - what a super little chap he is! I am so happy for you, I just want a bit of that for myself :) and was feeling a bit sorry for myself. I've felt a bit impatient for weeks now and it's nothing to do with your post about Dexter xxx

Thanks for making me feel better, ladies. Sorry I was moaning. I know she'll do it in her own time. I hold onto the vain hope that she's a genius and just plotting to take over the world instead of learning to crawl. I know she's good at certain things and she's so cute maybe she's just happy lapping up the attention she gets for that. One new trick she's just learnt is to pull great handfuls of her hair. At this rate she'll have none left soon :) Silly moo

Big love to you all xxx
Hey ladies, how are we all doing? :)

Well..me, OH, MIL and sebastian have just booked our first holiday in 2 years!..We're off to sunny Skegness in June for my birthday, and Seb's so it's sort of a joint birthday celebration!..And of course it will be seb's first holiday which is even more exciting :D

Finally convinced OH to get married too :D, though we still haven't set the date he did say the word 'soon' which makes me really pleased but then he added 'Since you've had to put up with me for nearly 3 and a half years' :lol:..So ive been indulging my dress fetish and found some beautiful ones!..Trouble is they dont really have much for the 'curvy' lady :|..Need to lose that weight!! :\

PS - Hope your all enjoying the sun!, here is a picture of Seb' all ready for his adventures in the sun! :D


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sebbiesmum - so jealous of the holiday annnnd of the fact that your gunna be getting married soon! wish my OH would hurry up and put a ring on my finger!

so its all kicking off here! OH just found out today that he had a job interview in manchester on friday, and it sounds really promising! he was on the phone to the guy for a good while chatting away, and the guy sounded like he was keen to hire euan. so hes gunna be going away to do that, so im going through to my dads while hes away so i dont feel so lonely, as he has to stay til monday night because if he gets the follow up interview then thats on the monday! aaaaaaaaah so exciting!
so looks as though we might really be moving SOON! so much to do! theres the small matter of finding somewhere to live hahaha! eeeeeeeeeek!

Sounds exciting Hun! Hope your hubby gets the job, will keep fingers crossed x
thanks mrsT! been looking at flats/houses for the past 2 hours! getting soooo excited lol! really hope he gets it! he has another phone interview tomoro with a different company, so he might get to have an interview with them while hes down too hopefully! just dying to know whats happening! i know we will deffo be goin to manchester within the next few months, but knowing that it could be sooner is so exciting! x
Congratulations on your engagement sebbiesmum
Good luck to your hubby littlesmoosh, fingers crossed for you
Haven't checked in for ages! Hope everyone's well!

Not had much time since returning to work:(

Sebastian is obsessed with walking round the furniture at the mo which means I need eyes in the back ofy head!




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