****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Oh and to top it off I just went to the dentist and I need 3 fillings!! Pregnancy has really wrecked my teeth (cheesecake probably doesn't help either. Oops). MIL has Meri. She doesn't have any bumps as far as I can see. But if she has grandma is sure to find it! Ha ha

Ugh the wine is getting opened tonight.
Oh god, I'm avoiding the dentist right now. Scared...

I know what you mean about grandma finding bumps. After OH accidentally let Tilly fall off the bed when he was out of the room, my Mum thinks he's neglectful and keeps on asking me awful things like 'does he love Tilly?' and shit like that :wall2: It was only because she happened to be staying with us that night, or she'd probably have never even been told about it. She was so anxious... Makes me very angry that anyone could suggest that any of us aren't caring enough towards our daughters/sons just because they had an accident. I shan't rant, but you get the gist...

Yeah, you crack open that wine tonight. xxx

I also have had experience of the MIL finding bumps and bruises. I sent her a pic of Max a few weeks ago, thinking I was being the dutiful daughter in law and the first thing she said to me was 'where did he get that mark on his face?!' Bloody hell woman! He'd scratched himself but the way she looked at me it was like I'd thrown him down the stairs, charming ay. I don't bother sending photos anymore :) xxx
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Ha ha! The cheesecake thing was so funny! Hubby is so funny about what she eats the only sweet things she had had so far are fruit and yoghurt! She went from screaming her head off to smacking her lips together in delight. Done it now haven't I!
Oh and it must be written in the rule book of mother in laws to mention every scratch or bump. Not a meeting with my MIL goes by where she doesn't notice that Meri has scratched herself or something. Drives me crazy!!
I only went to the dentist recently myself and they had to correct one of my fillings..I only have a surface filling in one of my wisdom teeth but i think ive done quite well for the 20 odd years i have teeth and ive only got one filling :D

Seb's really fussy today :( he's constipated!, he's drank so much juice today the poor thing and he's so fussy with his food but still cant seem to poop! :(..He's gone down to bed so im hoping he'll stay down! :(
hope seb sleeps well for you, and hope tomorrow sees the arrival of some poo!

dexter is into EVERYTHING just now! actually scrap that... hes into everything hes not allowed! lol.
we live in the tiniest one bedroom flat. the kitchen and living room are combined. there is 1 cupboard in the whole flat (well theres kitchen cupboards, but i mean like a big cupboard) and so everything is in plain sight. our flat constantly looks a tip even when its just been tidied because theres just no storage space. the flat itself is really nice, and it would be perfect for a single person, but not for 3. and so dexter has access to everything and anything. and now that hes crawling (and at a good speed too) hes just exploring so much of his surroundings. so im constantly chasing after him. and taking things off him. he has a baby walker, which he hates being in. has something similar to a jumparoo, which he hates being in. has an inflatable ring gym thing, which he easily escapes from. and so the only thing for it is letting him crawl around and do his thing. so he is very hard work just now because i need to be extra aware of everything hes doing! cant wait til we move to a 2 bedroom so that i can have his room be a 'safe zone'! not that i would leave him unattended, just so that im not constantly pulling things out his hand. honestly, the amount of toys he has lying around and all he wants to do is eat shoes and pull down the clothes horse. lol.

hes still not doing great at sleeping through, but hes getting much better at self settling when he initially goes to sleep both at nap and bedtime. so im pleased for now. hoping that one day he might just surprise me and sleep through!

hoping all your little ones are doing well! :)
Just thought I'd see how you all are and how the babies are getting on.

I've had a pretty dreadful week to be honest as we've all been ill. Me and OH got the sickness bug and Max is currently on antibiotics. I'm really hoping that because he's on medicine he won't catch what we've had. I really am fed up of these bugs and colds now. Also because he's teething and just finished a leap there really is no pleasing Max at the moment. He's desperate to be walking and gets so frustrated it feels like he spends the whole day whinging at times. I think I'm going to have to get out and about with him more next week now we're getting better, try and occupy him a bit more.

Hope you're all well xxx
Hey honey!

We are pretty rubbish here too!! Meri has a nasty cold and cough and I have been in bed for 3 days with flu! Daddy had been on duty and keeps sending me back to bed when I surface bless him.

Haven't really spent much time with her for the last few days in case of her catching my germs. Managed to give her a bath this morning while hubby went to tesco but that's all! Really missing her. Dying for a big squishy cuddle.

Hoping to be better quick as supposed to be going to Sheffield with Meri on wednesday for a few days in Sheffield with my family.

Sorry you have all been poorly too. Rubbish isn't it. I feel so guilty for staying in bed! Oh and my house looks like a bomb has exploded but that doesn't matter I guess. Daddy is doing a great job of entertaining the princess and everything else will just have to wait.

Get well soon!!

Sorry everyone is feeling poop! :(

Well I'm back to work tomorrow for a 14 hour shift. I'm dreading it, I really don't want to go back :(
Hopefully I can get my newborn photography to take off more and ditch the proper job eventually :(

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Sorry everyone is feeling poop! :(

Well I'm back to work tomorrow for a 14 hour shift. I'm dreading it, I really don't want to go back :(
Hopefully I can get my newborn photography to take off more and ditch the proper job eventually :(

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Aww hope tomorrow goes well hun, I hated being back at first but 4 weeks in and it is definitely easier! The photography sounds great, what do you do at the moment? x
Hope work goes ok tomorrow honey. Horrible feeling isn't it. I only have 2 weeks before back.

Photography sounds great!!! Would be lovely to be able to be your own boss.
Sorry everyone is feeling poop! :(

Well I'm back to work tomorrow for a 14 hour shift. I'm dreading it, I really don't want to go back :(
Hopefully I can get my newborn photography to take off more and ditch the proper job eventually :(

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Aww hope tomorrow goes well hun, I hated being back at first but 4 weeks in and it is definitely easier! The photography sounds great, what do you do at the moment? x

I work on a gynecology ward at the mo and photography on the side.

Thanks guys....I think it will do me Sonera good to have some adult company! X

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Ive been away for so long...Again :lol:, sorry to hear everyones been under the weather i hope your all on the mend now :D

Well me and OH's anniversary was rubbish :(, mainly because we we're skint and couldn't do anything due to it being a week day and no one was around to have seb for us which made me sad as last year we didn't do much either as i was pregnant :(

Seb' has had a crabby few days where he wont let me or OH see his teeth or even get near them to have a look, so brushing seems to be out of the question at the moment!, he now has 8, but we think he's possibly getting his 9th through!, he's slightly constipated too the poor mite as well as drowning me and his father in a river of drool :lol:

Hope your all well :D
sebbiesmum - sorry to hear that about your anniversary but at least you were together, thats the main thing :)
9 teeth? impressive!!! we've just cut our 4th. think a few more are following though because we've got a wee grump on our hands!

how is everyone else getting on? are you all feeling better??

dexter is continuing to get more and more adventurous! and can now stand completely unaided for about 7 seconds before reaching for support. so constantly catching him when he falls lol.`

i dont know if you girls read what i posted in the 'girls room' about the trouble im having with my OH. feel like a fool for broadcasting it, but just wanted to assure you here that things are looking better so far but im keeping tabs on his behaviour and i will take action if it continues. but so far hes doing his best to prove what me and dexter mean to him. so im in better spirits just now.

dexter is into a set routine now. still not sleeping through. but hes doing bed - 9.30pm. wakes at 2.30am, feed and back down. wakes at 5am feed in my bed because he wont settle back into cot. wakes at 8am. naps at 11.30am-12.15pm. then naps again at about 5pm. and its pretty much like clockwork now. just wish he would sleep through but hes doing a hell of alot better than he was. and now hes going to bed at 9.30pm i get some 'me time' before bed which is nice :)
Hey hun! We are ok here thanks. I'm still rough but had to get on with it when hubby went back to work! My cold just won't go! Meri isn't sleeping very well at the minute either so I'm shattered.

Glad things are improving for you! Don't feel bad about posting about it. Sometimes you need to get things off your chest and ask advice from neutral ppl, at the end of the day though you want to do whatever you can to keep your family together so good on you for giving him a chance I say!

Sounds like Dexter is doing great with his sleeping! You did so well with it! Well done you should be really proud of yourself!!!

Meri seems to be changing so much at the minute! Her personality is really coming through and boy does he have a temper! Lol. I have images of epic tantrums before too long.

Sebbiesmum - sorry your anniversary wasn't great! Sure there will be many more where you can make up for it!! Ou last anniversary Meri was 6 weeks old. It's all a blurr! I remember it not being a good one though. We were too tired to even think about it! Lol.

Hope everyone is ok and all recovered from the lurgy!
thanks spammy!!!

sorry to hear your still having abit of a rough time of it :( hopefully meri's sleep gets better for you soon so you can get the rest you need!!!

we're the same here with tantrums. im DREADING the terrible twos because this is already so tough. dexter just wants everything hes not allowed. but on the other hand his personality is getting fuller and fuller, he thinks hes a wee comedian these days. throws things and laughs, hides and laughs, pulls on my nipple and laughs (ouch)! i must admit he is pretty funny lol.

for some reason his new favourite thing so say is 'dung'. and he only ever says it when hes happy. 'dung dung dung dung dung' with a wee smile on his face. very cute. he deffo has his own language going on! i like to think he means 'fun' but cant be sure . xx
Hi hope everyone is ok? We lost my dad last night after battling cancer for the last year, can't begin to think about the future its just too hard but my gorgeous little boy will help us all I'm sure. Sorry for the depressing post, didn't want to share it on the main b&t section as I know a few ladies have been affected by cancer recently xxx
So so sorry honey. Such a painful thing to go through especially when they have battled with such an awful illness . I lost my mum 4 years ago and it's so hard. I know at the moment the pain will be unbelievable. Give your boy lots of cuddles I'm sure it will help.

With time it does get easier although I know it wont feel that way at the moment. Im here if you need to talk.
Feel free to message me if you need to talk. It's hard to imagine how hard it is unless you have been through it yourself.

Loads and loads of love to you and your family sweetheart x
So sorry to hear that Les. I can't imagine how you're feeling but just want to send lots of love and hugs. Make sure you have lots of Harry cuddles today xxxxx
Oh, Les, sweetie. I'm so so sorry for your loss. Big hugs and lots of love xxx
oh les :( thats just awful, cant even imagine how youre feeling right now. we are all here for you xxxx

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