****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

I think it must be a bug :(

I think it's a bug....a leap ..and teething all rolled into one!

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We've got explosive nappies here too, every night I'm changing his sheets 2 or 3 times and it's always in his hair :-( x
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Ahhh Poor thing :(

Hope your all well!, its mine and OH's 3 year anniversary in 4 days and im really stumped at what we can do as its in the week and we'll probably have Seb so that means no going drinking :(. I was going to talk to him about finally setting a date for our wedding as we've been engaged for nearly 3 years (in September)..And we're starting TTC in May..Ohh its so frustrating..We've talked about it openly for months and now it just feels like he's dangling the bait and when i bite he takes it away :|...men can be so damn irritating lol!

least your engaged... im starting to think it will never happen for me!!!

hope you can find a nice way to celebrate your anniversary :)
Thanks littlesmoosh :)..Its very quiet here hope all you bug mums are well :D

Seb had a very horrific accident tonight and it really scared the life out of me that i could only pick him up and cry with him :( :(, he's gotten into a really bad habit of slouching at the moment, i put him in his high chair to watch tv whilst me and OH ate and he let out a huge stretch and slid himself half way down the high chair!, my heart was in my throat as i threw my dinner at OH ready to catch Seb but i didn't catch him in time and he fell straight through the foothole and caught himself on my jewellery box as he landed head first!..The poor thing screamed his head off and i just couldn't help but pick him up and cry with him..I felt awful! :(

The only injuries he has is a red line on his nose and a bit of bruising near his eye but other than that he's okay, he's been feeling sorry for himself all evening
Aw hon :( I'd have cried too. How's he now? Hopefully he was more frightened and shocked than hurt. Fingers crossed he's fine in the morning. Hugs to u both x. I hope you have a good anniversary :)

Sorry I've not been around much girls. Drake has been really demanding lately. He's on his second cold in a few weeks and its really disturbed his eating and sleeping patterns. He's also gone very dummy orientated. :( He used to sleep fine even if he spat it out, now he wakes up (only at night tho) almost as soon as its out. During the day he sleeps without one ok, but he's not sleeping for very long or very often. I think he only had 2 naps about 30-45 mins each today. We've had some terrible nappies the last few days too. I feel for the lil man, but he's still giving me some gorgeous smiles.

I had a nice day last Friday - went shopping for new clothes for LO :D It's better than shopping for myself hehe. Got some 9-12 month outfits for him as he seems to be outgrowing the 6-9 month stuff at 7.5 months and ordered him a little suit for my brothers wedding in 4 weeks.

Hm it's probably the closest I will get to marriage. My n OH will have been going out for 5 years this Sept and there's still no sign of engagement, let alone marriage.
sebbiesmum - omg hun, that its just awful :( feel so sorry for you all. just glad he is okay! you shouldnt feel awful, you obviously thought you had put him somewhere where he would be safe. poor wee guy. dont worry though, guaranteed hes forgotten all about it now!!

violet - feel sorry for you having to deal with 2 colds in a matter of weeks. dexters only ever had one and i know how much hard work that was while he had it! clingy is an understatement!

5 years without a ring? my OH would be getting the ear chewed right off him (its only been 2 years for us and im already hint hint hinting hahhaa) maybe hes planning on popping the question on your anniversary ;) x

ive wrote all about dexters sleeping on a thread called 'result!' if your interested.
other news here is just him really moving about lots. his fave thing to do is shuffle over the the sofa and pull himself up. sp im constantly hovering around him making sure he doesnt fall backwards. also he has a big bruise on his leg and both me and OH have no idea how he got it, i think maybe he whacked himself with a toy? he has a habit of flailing his arms around while holding things! x
Ah sebbiesmum that must have frightened the life out of you, I think we feel it more than them when they hurt themselves. Max has been able to roll for ages but is quite lazy and chose not to. However recently he's realised it's quite a good way to get around. Today he was on the sofa and I literally turned to grab a nappy and 'thud'. I feel awful and cried more than he did. We had a really bad night last night as his top teeth are trying to come through and Max teethes on a cold so kept waking up not being able to breathe love him. I think it's just going to be one of those days xxx
hope they come through nice n fast for you taffy :( teethings the worst <3 never mind teething on a cold! wee soul x
Awwwwww. Goodness me, girls. We're all having a tough time in different ways. Tilly is still in her leap, has her second awful cold in the last three weeks, is teething with her top teeth too and is generally impossible. I'm trying to work and failing...

Tilly's been in this leap for a couple of weeks now and has gone completely mad. I'm still waiting to see if she's going to gain any new skills. Would be nice if she managed to roll over at least - she's still not done it, just goes onto her side and back - or attempt to crawl or cruise, or pull herself up or something properly physical... but NO, typical, awkward thing that she is, she's suddenly become a real pro at turning the pages of her books. I tap the page, say to her 'turn the page' and she reaches out and does it. It's very cute, but not what I expected! I think she's not going to be winning any Olympic medals when she's older, but she'll at least be able to read... Jeeeeez...

Group hug xxx
Hey girls!

Sebbiesmum - poor seb!! And poor you!! That's awful! Glad he's ok though. Think these things just happen! Meri did a dive off the bed the other day and I just felt awful! She was fine though. I felt worse than she did!

It does sound like they are all on one at the minute!!! Meri is being a little nightmare too. Won't nap just shouts at me all day! She isn't too bad at night though thankfully. I can cope with most things as long as iv had my sleep.

Karen - Meri rolled once and hasn't bothered again!!! (Apart from her forward roll off the bed. Lol) Lazy little madam. She's lazy just like Tilly. She can kind of clap now though although its still a work in progress. Her coordination is getting better though! Noticing she's changing quite frequently at the minute! Doesn't seem baby like anymore :( she's growing up too fast!!

Hugs everyone! X
Max is the same as Tilly and Meri, he rolled once ages ago then didn't bother. In fact he would rather play with a toy in reach rather than move to get another one, the lazy monkey. I kept encouraging him to move, then he decides rolling is great and rolls straight off the sofa - maybe I should've encouraged him to stay still! He's desperate to be o the move and gets into position to crawl and rocks but then falls flat and shouts at me. He's also gotten really good with his hands and feeds himself his bottles now and if you give him his dummy before bed he knows to turn it round so the teat is in his mouth. We also have the dreaded top teeth trying to come through so Max and mummy got no sleep last night, funny enough daddy managed a full nights sleep though!!!! xxx
Thank you everyone :hugs:

It literally frightened the life out of me and i was so skeptical of holding him afterwards, i actually felt awful and blamed myself for him hurting himself in the way he did!..He was so whingy yesterday but he seems much better today, all that remains is a scratch on his finger and a bit of a bruise near his eye but other than that he seems in a much better mood today :)

Its just not nice when all you can do is pick them up and cry with them :(
Thank you everyone :hugs:

It literally frightened the life out of me and i was so skeptical of holding him afterwards, i actually felt awful and blamed myself for him hurting himself in the way he did!..He was so whingy yesterday but he seems much better today, all that remains is a scratch on his finger and a bit of a bruise near his eye but other than that he seems in a much better mood today :)

Its just not nice when all you can do is pick them up and cry with them :(
Awww. Bless you, hun. It wasn't your fault, although I can imagine how hard it is not to blame yourself for it. Glad he's cheered up and isn't too much the worse for wear. they are resilient little things. What a little monkey. Give him a cuddle from me. xxx

Taffy - we've got top teeth coming through too. Horrible business. Hope you got better sleep last night. Tilly thankfully has been sleeping through til about 5.30am lately, so I'm getting just about enough sleep to survive xxx
I can't believe it. I am such an absolute tit head!! Even after what happened with Sebastian I still went out for coffee this morning, plonked Meri in to a highchair got distracted and forgot to strap her in. Sat eating cheesecake in my own world and bang. She slides straight out and lands on the tile floor! I was a mess. How can I be so stupid!!!

She's fine anyway. Have her a bit of my cheesecake and she cheered right up. Ha. But keep thinking about it and blubbing. Poor babe.

So sebbiesmum I now l know exactly how you felt only I feel even worse cos I should know better after your warning!!!!

Off to sulk now and think about how I'm a bad bad mummy.
I can't believe it. I am such an absolute tit head!! Even after what happened with Sebastian I still went out for coffee this morning, plonked Meri in to a highchair got distracted and forgot to strap her in. Sat eating cheesecake in my own world and bang. She slides straight out and lands on the tile floor! I was a mess. How can I be so stupid!!!

She's fine anyway. Have her a bit of my cheesecake and she cheered right up. Ha. But keep thinking about it and blubbing. Poor babe.

So sebbiesmum I now l know exactly how you felt only I feel even worse cos I should know better after your warning!!!!

Off to sulk now and think about how I'm a bad bad mummy.
You're not a bad mummy, sweetheart. Never think that. These things happen to all of us. At least you had cheesecake to hand :) That made me chuckle - I'll remember that for future reference. Glad gorgeous Meri is OK - they are really very resilient. Don't punish yourself. It was a mistake, but we all make them. Big hugs xxx
Thanks Karen. Just couldn't believe I did it! Her poor little face! It was a 'What did you do mummy!' Face. Ha ha. Followed by an almighty scream!
Oh and to top it off I just went to the dentist and I need 3 fillings!! Pregnancy has really wrecked my teeth (cheesecake probably doesn't help either. Oops). MIL has Meri. She doesn't have any bumps as far as I can see. But if she has grandma is sure to find it! Ha ha

Ugh the wine is getting opened tonight.
Oh and to top it off I just went to the dentist and I need 3 fillings!! Pregnancy has really wrecked my teeth (cheesecake probably doesn't help either. Oops). MIL has Meri. She doesn't have any bumps as far as I can see. But if she has grandma is sure to find it! Ha ha

Ugh the wine is getting opened tonight.
Oh god, I'm avoiding the dentist right now. Scared...

I know what you mean about grandma finding bumps. After OH accidentally let Tilly fall off the bed when he was out of the room, my Mum thinks he's neglectful and keeps on asking me awful things like 'does he love Tilly?' and shit like that :wall2: It was only because she happened to be staying with us that night, or she'd probably have never even been told about it. She was so anxious... Makes me very angry that anyone could suggest that any of us aren't caring enough towards our daughters/sons just because they had an accident. I shan't rant, but you get the gist...

Yeah, you crack open that wine tonight. xxx
Oh goodness what a ridiculous thing to say!!!!! I'm sure she never had any such accidents with you! Not that she would tell you anyway. Ha ha.

I hate the dentist so much I'd rather give birth again! And she couldn't do the fillings today so have to go back for 2 more appointments!!!
I hate the dentist so much I'd rather give birth again!

:rofl: Me too. Any day of the week, I'd rather give birth again than go to the dentist... as long as I don't have to keep all the babies. One is quite enough for me right now :) xxx
I can't believe it. I am such an absolute tit head!! Even after what happened with Sebastian I still went out for coffee this morning, plonked Meri in to a highchair got distracted and forgot to strap her in. Sat eating cheesecake in my own world and bang. She slides straight out and lands on the tile floor! I was a mess. How can I be so stupid!!!

She's fine anyway. Have her a bit of my cheesecake and she cheered right up. Ha. But keep thinking about it and blubbing. Poor babe.

So sebbiesmum I now l know exactly how you felt only I feel even worse cos I should know better after your warning!!!!

Off to sulk now and think about how I'm a bad bad mummy.

Ah hun, big hug, these little monkeys. You are in no way a bad mummy. Max rolled straight off the sofa earlier this week and I was sat next to him! They are so quick! I think we feel these things more than they do.

I agree with Karen though, I'll remember the cheesecake trick, Max would definitely forget about any bumps if I offered him cheesecake after :) I think I may have to get a large supply soon, Max is desperate to walk so I can see lots of toppling over xxx

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