Awwwwww. Goodness me, girls. We're all having a tough time in different ways. Tilly is still in her leap, has her second awful cold in the last three weeks, is teething with her top teeth too and is generally impossible. I'm trying to work and failing...
Tilly's been in this leap for a couple of weeks now and has gone completely mad. I'm still waiting to see if she's going to gain any new skills. Would be nice if she managed to roll over at least - she's still not done it, just goes onto her side and back - or attempt to crawl or cruise, or pull herself up or something properly physical... but NO, typical, awkward thing that she is, she's suddenly become a real pro at turning the pages of her books. I tap the page, say to her 'turn the page' and she reaches out and does it. It's very cute, but not what I expected! I think she's not going to be winning any Olympic medals when she's older, but she'll at least be able to read... Jeeeeez...
Group hug xxx