****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

I agree hv do my head in, they seem to lose all common sense and just want the babies to follow graphs and books. Then when we did have a concern (Max's jaundice when he was tiny) they fannyed about so much he ended up in hospital - great. As Karen says he'll do what he needs to (they all will) when they're ready. I meet up with 5 ladies we met at NCT every week and its so interesting to see how different the babies are developmentally. We were saying yesterday they seem to all be concentrating on a different skill. I have found taking Max to play areas with other babies and children and meeting up with friends with babies has helped his development as they seem to all copy each other. You'll probably find if another baby has a toy Seb will want to grab it from them :) xxx
How have I missed this thread?? I have a little Junebug baba!

LO name - James
LO dob - 03.06.12
due date - 20.05.12
weight - 7lb 11oz

Have read last 3/4 pages to catch up a bit. Looking forward to chatting and getting involved in the thread!! :-)
Hi Gemmylou. I remember you from the pregnancy sections - welcome to our little June/July thread. How is James doing? xxx
How have I missed this thread?? I have a little Junebug baba!

LO name - James
LO dob - 03.06.12
due date - 20.05.12
weight - 7lb 11oz

Have read last 3/4 pages to catch up a bit. Looking forward to chatting and getting involved in the thread!! :-)

Welcome! :wave:, hope you settle into our little bug nest just fine! :), your little man weighed the same as mine at birth and he arrived 3 days before my little man! :D..And love his name too :)
Thank you!! James isn't too bad now. Recovering from 3 weeks of illnesses bless him. Changed into a nightmare sleeper though :-/ And Sebbiesmum, I love the name Sebastian!! I loved his birth weight, not too chunky but not too tiny either lol xx
How have I missed this thread?? I have a little Junebug baba!

LO name - James
LO dob - 03.06.12
due date - 20.05.12
weight - 7lb 11oz

Have read last 3/4 pages to catch up a bit. Looking forward to chatting and getting involved in the thread!! :-)

welcome!!! :):)
so girls! an update of whats going on here. right now, right this very second i am feeling TRIUMPHANT! lol.

this might be a little controversial, sorry if it is.

as you all know dexters a terrible sleeper!!!! sleeps in our bed. every night. sleeps in my arms during the day. wakes as soon as you put him down etc etc.

well tonight he fell asleep in his cot and has been asleep for nearly half an hour so im thinkin its worked!!!
can to cry it out (thats the controversial part). had tried before in the past but didnt have the heart to stick it out.
well today i only let him have 2 naps, he usually has 3 because hes so tired due to his terrible sleeping and waking constantly at night. so i didnt let him nap tonight. i kept him up, and kept him busy. and today he is crawling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive seen it coming for a while, but today he did it. so he tired himself right out. then i stayed with him and talked to him while he cried himself to sleep. i just kept stroking his face and repeating 'its okay, mummys here, its okay go to sleep, its okay mummys here' and he calmed down and has drifted off. probably will waken in about 2 hours cause as i say, he never sleeps for long even at night. but im absolutely over the moon. this is a massive step in the right direction for us. i actually cant believe it. hes asleep in his cot! he fell asleep in his cot! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!! and like i say today he started crawling too. YAY!!!!

im going to sit down, with my beautiful other half, and have a cuddle and watch 'derek', something we havent been able to watch because we never have a moments peace lol!!! :)
:yay::yay::yay:How did it go last night, hun? Hope he managed to sleep in his cot all night. That would be wonderful for you. It's OK to have him cry if you're with him and stroking him - much more gentle than CIO alone. Sounds like you've at least got something to start with and that's the most important thing. And wow, what a clever boy for crawling! That's amazing xxx
Hi girls, hope everyone is well? I've been snowed under at work for the past 2 weeks and although I've missed Harry like mad, going back wasn't as bad as I was expecting! LO had had a tummy bug for about 4 days now and I've been struck down with it today so my mum has come to the rescue again with the child care, gutted I've missed out on a day with Harry though x
How was your return to week TaffyRose? X
so girls! an update of whats going on here. right now, right this very second i am feeling TRIUMPHANT! lol.

this might be a little controversial, sorry if it is.

as you all know dexters a terrible sleeper!!!! sleeps in our bed. every night. sleeps in my arms during the day. wakes as soon as you put him down etc etc.

well tonight he fell asleep in his cot and has been asleep for nearly half an hour so im thinkin its worked!!!
can to cry it out (thats the controversial part). had tried before in the past but didnt have the heart to stick it out.
well today i only let him have 2 naps, he usually has 3 because hes so tired due to his terrible sleeping and waking constantly at night. so i didnt let him nap tonight. i kept him up, and kept him busy. and today he is crawling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive seen it coming for a while, but today he did it. so he tired himself right out. then i stayed with him and talked to him while he cried himself to sleep. i just kept stroking his face and repeating 'its okay, mummys here, its okay go to sleep, its okay mummys here' and he calmed down and has drifted off. probably will waken in about 2 hours cause as i say, he never sleeps for long even at night. but im absolutely over the moon. this is a massive step in the right direction for us. i actually cant believe it. hes asleep in his cot! he fell asleep in his cot! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!! and like i say today he started crawling too. YAY!!!!

im going to sit down, with my beautiful other half, and have a cuddle and watch 'derek', something we havent been able to watch because we never have a moments peace lol!!! :)

Yey clever Dexter for crawling and clever you for the progress, I bet it's a massive relief to get some sleep and your bed back! Keep it up LO x
Hi girls! I'm back. Had a great week away!

Gemmylou welcome honey! I remember you from the pregnancy section. Only seems like 2 minutes ago! Hard to believe they are growing up so fast.

So glad you had a breakthrough with dexter littlesmoosh! Well done you. Hope you have a good night tonight!

Centre parcs was great. We have been so many times but first time since being parents and its so baby friendly it's unbelievable. Loved it. And so did Meri. She was so good. We were a little worried as we went with some friends who don't have kids but thankfully she behaved and think they well and truly fell in love with her. Ha ha.

Hope everyone is ok! Have so much to catch up on! X
thankyou spammy :)

my aunt, uncle and cousins went to centre parcs this year and said they loved it too!! sounds like one day when me and OH have money we will need to get going :)
glad to hear all your friends fell in love with meri, how couldnt they though ;) xxx
thankyou spammy :)

my aunt, uncle and cousins went to centre parcs this year and said they loved it too!! sounds like one day when me and OH have money we will need to get going :)
glad to hear all your friends fell in love with meri, how couldnt they though ;) xxx

It really is good hun. Sure you would love it. Quite reasonable if you time it right too! We went with another couple and it only cost us £170 per couple for a Monday-Friday break. Well worth it.
Haven't checked in for a while...hope everyone is well!
Not having a brilliant time with seb at the mo. I first thought I'd given him garlic poisoning but a week later he's still got explosive nappies and is off his food so I doubt it is that.

I feel bad for saying this but he is driving me MAD! He does nothing but moan at the moment unless you let him hold your fingers so he can stand up and everything else inbetween is just irritating crying! It's not crying because he's hungry etc it's just because I'm not doing what he wants....like holding his hands to stand up :ebanghead:

He's also waking up pretty much every hour through the night and that really isn't helping! Erugh I hope he cheers up soon. :(

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Hugs honey. He doesn't have a bug does he? Sounds nasty! Hope he cheers up for you soon. Are you going through another leap? They seem to have a lot to answer for!
I think it must be a bug :(

I think it's a bug....a leap ..and teething all rolled into one!

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Ahhh Poor thing :(

Hope your all well!, its mine and OH's 3 year anniversary in 4 days and im really stumped at what we can do as its in the week and we'll probably have Seb so that means no going drinking :(. I was going to talk to him about finally setting a date for our wedding as we've been engaged for nearly 3 years (in September)..And we're starting TTC in May..Ohh its so frustrating..We've talked about it openly for months and now it just feels like he's dangling the bait and when i bite he takes it away :|...men can be so damn irritating lol!

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