****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Tilly only really likes to chew on fabric things - poor little piggy toy was getting some hammer this afternoon! She's been moaning in her sleep all evening, poor bear, but is otherwise in good spirits. I bought a whole load of Funky Giraffe bibs on eBay when she was drooling at 4 months and haven't used them! I suppose I should be grateful. I'm sure I'll need them at some point!

Spammy - hope the anklet makes a difference! It doesn't hurt to try, and makes LO look like a little hippy! xxx
Ohh wow, i bought some new dribble bibs for Seb earlier with lots of cool designs like a superman one and skull and cross bones..I even kept my amazon prime so i could get next day delivery :lol: since i only have like 4 of them and realise that the drool is going to keep coming until he cuts that tooth! :\, Seb usually whinges in his sleep as well :lol:, cant help but giggle a little but feel sorry for them also as it must be agony cutting teeth! :(
Poor things, huh?

I only went and shot myself in the foot with my comments yesterday about teething. After spending all evening wriggling and moaning on and off, at 10.50pm she woke up crying and wouldn't settle again without a dose of calpol and a bit of boob. Put her down at 11.45pm but woke up again to her crying like someone was murdering her at 1am... brought her into the room and plopped her on daddy's pillow, she took one look at her favourite picture on the wall - a geological map of Britain, the little geek - and was instantly calm and smiley. I wanted to strangle her, only her face was just too cute. She started with the 'dadadada... ata.. ata...adadada..' and so we put her back in her cot five minutes later. Slept til 5.30am, fed again, then back to sleep until 7.20am. I know this is nothing compared to some of the nights that you other ladies get, but for us it was extraordinary and mystifying. She's an awkward little monster.

Now I'm trying to work today and have achieved nothing so far. Rubbish. So tired...
Oh no Karen. Nightmare. We had a bad night too. She's full of cold and teething. Bad combination. She slept soundly from 6:30-10 then woke up and wouldn't settle. I'm not feeling too hot myself and hubby is poorly so all in all I got about 2 hours sleep. And she's being a little pain today too. I just want to crawl under my duvet and not surface for preferably 24 hours! Ha.
I feel your pain ladies, Max is also a snotty, grumpy teething mess at the moment. I feel so sorry for him as at night he desperately wants to sleep but his nose is so bunged up he struggles to breathe and wakes up crying. These teeth have a lot to answer for. Like you Karen I'm working today and have achieved nothing! We've just been discussing childcare as we own our own business and I really need to knuckle down. We've decided on Max going to a childminders one day a week and being with my sister one day to start with, gives me heart palpitations just thinking about it, although I must admit it will be nice to be able to concentrate on with out a little person shouting at me :) xxx
Urgh we have a new game in the cot, roll onto my tummy and then scream for mummy to roll me back! He can roll both ways but chooses not to the little monkey! X
Seb had a bad night exactly the same a night ago, Karen!

He was really restless all night, he went down without a fight at around 9pm..And then at 2am when me and OH decided we better get to bed, he spat his dummy and he does the funniest whinge ever when he drops it and cant reach it himself. So i went down to put his dummy in, went back upstairs only to hear him kicking his covers, OH went to check on him and there he is wide awake! :|

He then went on to be up and down every 20 minutes during the whole night, eventually a very knackered OH came back to bed at 9am when he eventually dozed off completely :|, its the worst night of sleep he's ever had!...We've both put it down to his teeth giving him grief

But since then he's not been too bad and slept well yesterday so im happy :).
Oh dear. Sounds awful! We had a good night last night - she slept through from 7-6!! I don't think it will last, because she sleeps better on the day we take her swimming, but it was good anyway.

TaffyRose - I know what you mean about palpitations. I am self employed and work from home and the thought of putting Tilly in a nursery makes me feel a bit sick - I can't justify it. I have lots of free time in between jobs or waiting for client feedback etc. so if she were in nursery on a day when I had no work to do I'd run mad with guilt. I don't have any family close by to look after her.
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My LO finally slept through last night again. He's been sleeping through for months, but the last few weeks he's been crying in his sleep. Sometimes cupping his cheek in my hand quiets him, sometimes he wants his dummy, sometimes I have to get him up and wake him up and resettle him or a teething powder will work.

I think he's getting my cold now tho, so I guess he'll be waking up again in the night soon :(
Max is just getting over a cold. I think he might be teething again as he seems to teethe with a cold. Tonight we have rubbed snufflebabe vapour rub into his chest and bottom of his feet so hopefully that helps. Fingers crossed he continues to sleep through hun xxx
Ooooh I know what I did last night that I haven't tonight! I used a bit of olbas oil on a tissue in his sleepsuit. Wonder if I can sneak some in. He's not settled well tonight :(
How are we all ladies?! i'm guessing everyone is ok as everyone is quiet!

Meri's anklet arrived today! It's sooo cute! Love it. Hope it works.
How are we all ladies?! i'm guessing everyone is ok as everyone is quiet!

Meri's anklet arrived today! It's sooo cute! Love it. Hope it works.

Aw can we see a pic of her wearing it?
Only have a picture of her foot but I love it!ImageUploadedByTapatalk1360695257.047288.jpg
Ah that's so cute Spammy, let me know if you notice a difference xxx
Sorry for the major month-hopping, but it's interesting to see what's on the horizon...

What are these anklet thingys all about?

For teething issues, my friend swears by Bikkiepegs (Boots, Lloyds pharmacy, etc £1.99 a box). They're a ridICulously hard compressed digestive biscuit-type thing, in a finger, with a hole at one end so you can attach it to LO/wherever to prevent dropping... She gives one to her son when he starts whimpering, and it shuts him up for HOURS. Xx
Awwwww, what a super-cute ankle that is. Love the anklet. I went for the all dark cherry one and it looks cute on Tilly.

We are fine. House is completely upside down with replastering and carpeting. It's chaos here and I'm working as well, so haven't been on PF much. Tilly is on good form generally. Hope you are all well xxx
Ha ha. It's a very cubby ankle. Just like the rest of her.

Emamay it's an amber teething anklet. Amber is supposed to have good pain relieving properties am its supposed to help teething. Thought I'd give it a go!

Taffy I will let you know!
I swear by the amber for my boy, he started really whinging on Xmas eve, put it on and hardly heard a peep since. People always taking the pee coz he's a boy with an anklet but I don't care xxImageUploadedByTapatalk1360700254.146829.jpg

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So I should be getting one in ready for Cay then...

How much roughly are they? Only the site linked here doesnt seem to actually have any way of ordering one (mentions a link at one point but the link's not there, possibly because im on my phone...), and the other site I found has the money in a weird format, and wants you to sign up before it'll give up any info.

Can anyone recommend where to get one from that isn't the Dino Daisy website? Xx

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