Right then , Devon is now 5 days old , here are the tumy photos I took on day 4.
Can you believe I didn't get any new stretch marks! I'm sure I will find one now I can see down there! I do get them have loads from my other three kids, but they have had near 9 years to fade and go silvery
Devon was 6 lb 6 oz, he nust have been in my back to not have stretched my tum any, I put on 1 stone 4 lb (which is the lowest I have put on), but still have 9lb to loose now. (have a sneeky susspision it's all in my newly acquired ,milk has come in masssooosive boobies as they weigh a ton!
Need some serious tone up tho so thought I would still post as I want to get back in shape big time.
Excuse the purple big pants - I had a section! ( put old bikini pants back on today -feels lovely!)