MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Thanks girls, got another dark one today, defo on the brink of positive! Arrrghhh!!! So impatient! :D

Got pics of today's test but can't upload til Monday morning. Hopefully will have a nice positive by then though. ;)

x x
Hey Miss j, yeah sorry ive noe been in touch been super busy! :(
I doing pretty good... had to go hospital other day due to pains in lower belly.. turned out to be nothing serious so im relieved! :) finding it rather difficult to get around atm and been told to take it easy :( so been booked physio :/ also went doctors and they said im measuring pretty big for what i should be at 24 weeks so they keeping eye on that!... so nothings gone right so far lol

Hope your ok too.. and i hope this is it for you! :) cant explain how much you deserve this!!

Thanks girls. :) x x

Aw Becki, hope you're ok hun and glad you're being looked after. :hugs: And thank you hun. Hopefully not much longer til we get a BFP. :yay: x x

Little update... After my dark OPK, I did one yesterday which was fainter, still dark ish but fainter than the one before. Have had like a bubble feeling in my left side as well as a mild stitch and slight pulling feeling. But maybe I'm imagining it... :rolleyes:

So I genuinely have no idea whether I'm still in the 2WW or if I'm awaiting OV. :dohh:

So far, am CD21. And if in 2ww then 8DPO... x x

x x
Sorry your OPK's are being a pain agin hun, Did you stop taking the AC? Hope you get a definate positive soon. could you maybe ask for CD21 bloods?xx
Thanks Nurse. :hugs:

Here's yesterday's OPK


I've done an ov test today and it's slightly fainter. :confused:

I'm just about ready to give up, feel like I'm never going to get my BFP. :cry:

I've asked for bloods and my GP and clinic refuse to do any til I've been trying for over a year. :(

x x
Just had a peek at my opk pics. Think yesterday's is the darkest. Luckily we BDed!! x x
I agree yesterday seems to be the darkest, have you tried using the CBD's to check when you get a dark line like that hun? thats what i did this month as the cheapie ones were giving me quite dark lines every day.
Hiya hun. :)

Yep, I used a digi opk after the cheapie opk using the same pot of pee, no smiley face but a dark blue line, though not quite positive. Today's cheapie was slightly fainter than yesterday's so not bothered with the digi opk. Only have two left now and want to save them for when I get an unmistakable dark like on the cheapie hehe. x x
Good plan hun, the cheapies can be a right bugger, i think the fact that they are only 20mui so they pick up smaller amounts of LH, i tried the asda ones which were quite good, they were 35miu so they only gave you a good line when you are def OV, not sure what the smiley ones are but they are higher too i think. xx
The only problem is the cost of them really. My cycles being so irregular and long means I'd end up spending a lot on digi opks. So will just use the cheapies and if I get a nice dark line, use the digi and see if it gets confirmed.... In the meantime, I'm trying to BD every other day. x x
Hey Hun

Nice to see your really positive whilst your opks are messing you about!

Are you taking AC still?


Hi Lou! :waves:

Nah, I stopped the AC on CD 18, wish I hadn't now though. :(

I started this cycle feeling so excited, now I'm already fed up and starting to hate POAS! x x


I personally would carry on with them for a week just to see if it will boost your surge whilst it looks like it's on the verge. Might just push it for you ( god knows if that makes sense lol .. I'm in my own Lil world today!)

Dont give up chick! Your still in with a damn good chance! Especially with you BD'ing every other night!


Thanks Louize. :hugs: I thought as yesterday's opk was so dark, I'd get another dark one today but it's fainter. Perhaps my surge was yesterday and I just tested AFTER the surge - catching it on the way down? Hmm... Like you say, will keep doing the ov tests and see what happens. x x
Lots of luck hun :)

My OPKs have been dark for a good five days too :)

How long have they been dark now?

I was concerned by a 5 day surge last month but it looks like it was ovulation as my bloods were good so hopefully yours is the same
Hey Miss J. Read about your digi price problem. I had it too if its the clearblue. I found that the cbfm sticks also work in thr opk thing. They are on amazon for £12 for 20 which is the price for 7 of the digi opks's. Much better value!

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