MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I had a blob of what I think is EWCM earlier. Stretchy-ish (sorry about the TMI!) as well. :think: Won't be on tomorrow but will do an OPK and remember to take my AC again. x x
Another good line on the OPK today. :think: Took my AC this morning as well. Couldn't get a pic of the opk as camera is on charge! :doh:

Think I have slightly more EWCM but seems a tad watery? :confused:

x x
Not having a great start to the day - got a massive headache and feel very bunged up! :(

Still taking the AC and will do an OPK as soon as I need to pee. Have been doing two a day to see if they're any different. Soooo fed up, my anniversary is in a few days and feeling crappy. :(

x x
Thanks girls, got new pics from today, including a sneaky HPT! :blush:

Here we are.. CD24's OPK and HPT. :)

I think I see a slight shadow of a line on the HPT but I think I've looked so hard, I'm probably imagining it LOL.


Second pic.


I didn't do the digi OPK cos I stupidly threw my pot of pee away rather hastily! :dohh:

x x
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i think i see a line on the hpt hun fx for you xxxxxx
Thanks hun. Have had a few dark OPKs for the past week perhaps and wondered if it was due to HCG! Tried to resist the HPT but failed miserably! :oooo:

x x
well that opk is deffo positive not sure about hpt ill have to have another look at it xx
No idea, will have to wait til later to use the digi, don't need to pee again yet... I feel soooo stingy using it though cos I will then only have one left haha!

x x
oh bugger that you have to put us out of our misery the suspense is killing me ha ha ha xxx
Haha! I don't need to pee! Eeeep. Trying to think of something to make myself want to go haha!! x x
Just had another look at the OPK, it's dried out and is now slightly fainter. :( Do all positive OPKs do this??? x x
they do say not to read them after a certain time maybe this is why xx
Maybe do another cheapy OPK this evening, about 7-8pm and if it's still dark then use the digi then - but that one looks the best yet - I told you it would be this week! :smug:
I cant see anything on HPT but pic is a bit dark, i would say your OPK is positive tho hun :) bet you will get a smily face later :) looks like OV so get BD :dance:
Ok. Just don't want to waste the digi! Am sitting here thinking of running taps and water!! :rofl: x x

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