MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Thanks ladies. Does anyone else think it's way too early to have ovulated? Or could the AC really have worked wonders? Need some reassurance! :( x x
Thanks Cosmic and Danti. :) x x

Feel like I'm on eggshells! Stopped taking my AC now so it's just me and the OPKs. Feeling a bit miserable that I didn't BD last night but we got CD12 and 13....Hopefully it'll be fine. x x
Looks like AC has worked very well for you! Got everything crossed for you! And you know, even if you didn't bd last night, you can do it today instead. Your egg may live up to 24 hours! You know, I thought we'd missed the right days this cycle, but obviously not! I am thinking of you and sending you lots of positive vibes!

Thanks hun. :hugs: Not got high hopes for BDing tonight as hubby working the late shift. :( x x
I think that AC has worked for you and maybe your luck has just changed and your back to a normal cycle!! Fingers crossed you are over in Tri 1 in 2 weeks time!!
Hmm.. Got v. mild crampy type feelings....Way too early for any SS, must stop it! :slap: x x
Damn it, can't help thinking I should have BDed last night. :( What if we've missed it?! :( :( x x
Try to keep positive hun, I know it's easier said then done but just think hun, as the AC has worked for you & your cycles are gonna be super regular now, you get 2 shots at it whereas your normal cycle length of 60-100 days you'd only have one shot

Does that make sense?

Yep, complete sense. :) Gah, I know I'm being silly, I'm just sooo thankful the AC seems to be working! I'd be mega grateful for short cycles, as you say, one of my irregular cycles would be 3 normal ones! Must get my PMA hat back on... :dust: x x
Your not being silly at all :hugs:

Completely understandable when you want to complete your family so much

Well, I've done CD16's opk...


Getting fainter?? x x
Have you got all the OPKs you've done hun? Was thinking put them all together & see how they look


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