CD 42, no AF but 3 neg HPTs!!!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Help!! What is going on? I'm on cd 42, did a test on sat 13th, sat 20th both fmu and then did one on Tuesday night all negative!!
I don't know if my body is still adjusting from the pill as I have three periods around 30 to 35 days apart so not quite regular yet. However I didn't think I would have a cycle this long!! So anyway I'm driving myself mad symptom spotting like I've had mild cramps last week, a pulling sensation, felt sick and had a small nosebleed yesterday. But this morning I feel normal. I have no sore boobs or anything like that so I think I'm just hoping!!
I'm really p***ed off though as I'm going to turkey next Friday and you can bet the witch wants to come with me. If she had of turned up on time turkey would have been mid cycle and the perfect baby making time :( so I'm feeling really depressed by it all.
Hope everyone elses 2ww is going well xx

P.s my tickers are obviously totally wrong!!
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God, you sound like me two cycles ago!!! It's horrible isn't it. I had a 52 day cycle in the end, hang in there hun x
I also forgot to mention that I don't have much of an appetite and am really fussy about what I want to eat. I don't really want to test again cos every time I see the negative I get depressed. I have only used cheapies cos i wanted to save my fr ones (what for i dont know) i just think i will never see a positive and want to save the good testd for a back up lol, funny thing is I have been really relaxed about ttc this month and was just expecting to see AF so now it hasn't turned up it's sent me all nuts again lol

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