MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Thanks ladies. :hugs: x x

Oooh will have a look Scotch. :thumbup: x x

I'm sure I've had slightly more EWCM but my opks don't seem to be lining up with it. My darkest OPK was defo CD20 though. I'll try and do another today but won't be til later in the afternoon. Not much to report other than that and some stitch type feelings that come and go, sometimes when I move I feel a stitch in my left side. That's about it... :think:

x x
Hey Miss J,

Hope you're ok...

I don't really want to give advice as I'm having a similar nightmare with my OPKs and AC.

I do think it's wise to use the Diggi though.

If I was you I'd carry on with the AC just in case.

Thanks Maybe. Shall I start it again then? I haven't taken it for about a week..? x x
Hi Hun,

If it was me I would start them again until you get a smile on your diggi, I think you'd be more annoyed if you do get a positive OPK later down the line and you'd stopped taking it than if you got PG on it, lot's of women have taken it and had healthy babies.

Started it again, took some about an hour ago. :) Just about to go do my OPK. :) x x
Today's OPK...



x x
I'm not convinced unfortunately. :( Taking the AC again now and hoping it will kick my ov up the backside! I so badly want a BFP for my anniversary!! :( :(

x x
Miss J, how many days have you had pretty strong OPKs for now, have you lined them up in a row to compare?

are they 20 miu?

Hmm.. I'm not sure, would have to flip back through my thread - I'll check. Yes, 20miu. x x
Maybe get a batch of stronger MIU's, well that's if you actually need them again after this cycle
I was going to get the 30miu, I just completely forgot! :dohh:

I've had good lines since around CD18/19 I think? I got a very good one on CD 13 which hubby said was positive, they trailed off and went fainter so assumed the AC had worked and then they went back to being dark! :strangle:

x x
I've got everything super duper tightly crossed for you hun that this is the month you get your BFP in time for your anniversary but always worth a thought for next time esp with the AC as well, you may find the 30miu's a lil easier to get to grips with
Mmm I think Kezza might be right you know, but the diggis will do that for you.

Could you maybe get some more cheapies at 30/40miu, that way you'll be able to see a difference when the surge arrives.

I'm getting a de ja vu feeling that this is what happened last time with the OPKs, I reckon the expense of new OPKs will be worth it to save on your stress and so you don't waste a cycle and have to start from scratch next time, get ordering quick lol! :)

You defo have strong levels of LH in your body hun so think the less sensitive OPK's will be better, less stressful & confusing for you as well
I don't think I'm going to get more OPKs cos it'd be such a waste of money as I'd have 50 odd sat in the cupboard. I'm not going to let myself stress out, just going to re start the AC and continue POAS and BD.

I was so tempted to do an IC with my OPK but decided it'd be silly to, so chucked the pot of pee away. When I saw the line I did wonder whether I should have done the IC!! :wall:

x x
You defo have strong levels of LH in your body hun so think the less sensitive OPK's will be better, less stressful & confusing for you as well

I should have ordered the 30miu. :( Hubby didn't want to use OPKs because of last cycle with them, I had to convince him it'd be fine and the AC would help. :dohh:

So I don't think he'd be impressed with me ordering more OPKs because it's confusing again... LOL.

x x
Nightmare !!

I'd have literally headbutted a wall if I was in your shoes Hun!

My advice would be;

Just stay calm and BD every other day like you keep doing and just take each day as it comes like you have been doing. ( and your doing really well at being calm even tho you may disagree ).

Forget about what hubby says, do what you think is best!

Sorry if that sounds harsh ... Don't mean it to be xxx
Lol Louize, I did that with the OPKs - I really thought they'd be fab and clear what with the AC... :rolleyes: Haha!! I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and keep praying for that BFP! ;) x x

Maybe - I couldn't keep it from him, lol. He's actually quite involved in my OPKs, I always get his opinion on the lines and when he comes in from work he asks how my ovulation is going, LOL. x x

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