MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

I'm not 100% sure on that, just a thought, maybe do a separate post asking my lovely

I had a 5 day long surge this month...

I also read when I was researching that that if ovulation is unsuccessful you may have another surge within the next 2-3 days where your body tries again. And that this is perfectly normal and happens loads

Could also be two eggs...
Two eggs? Twins? :oooo: I've always wanted twins. ;)

Hmm.. Will do another tonight and see what it's like. Sat here and can feel mild cramping again. :confused:

x x
Are the cramps feeling worse then the other day? Maybe it is another surge

More or less the same to be honest. I feel them most when sitting down. :confused: Luckily we BDed last night! ;) x x
Mmmmm......defo an interesting one. Stick with the OPKs for the next few days & see what's happening
Ooh Kezza, liking the new avatar pic! :) x x

Did another OPK about an hour ago, still a dark line but slightly fainter than earlier's. Will do another tomorrow and update. :thumbup:

x x
Ok well now i'm confused, don't understand why it's got darker again. I'd keep BD'ng girl, just in case!!! xxx
Thanks hun :flower:

Your OPKs are defo interesting ones my lovely, look forward to having a nose at the piccie

Thanks Kedi. x x

:rofl: I remember the madness of my last cycle with OPKs. 60 odd days with lines on every single one. Little buggers!! Will keep BDing and doing the ov tests as I don't want to miss any opportunity...I REALLY want a July BFP for my anniversary!! :pray:

x x
Keep testing hun :) IMHO I'm not 100% sure if any of those are positive YET (please don't throw things at me...) as I know with those cheapy tests a second line may always show up throughout your cycle. I think you will always have a line, even when the test is negative; I know I always had a second line, and I think maybe Maybe and Pos did as well...?

AND - you asked in one of your earlier posts about could the AC have knocked so much off your cycle to make you OV at CD13, and whilst I reckon it will knock 14+days off this cycle, if your last cycle was 60 days for e.g. then this cycle would be 40 days, with OV then around CD26 - so you might not have missed it just yet :dance:

Keep POAS! And you've got the digi's now if you get any super dark lines :)

Hope you don't mind me giving my opinion, I just know from experience of having really long cycles and always having a second line on the OPK how frustrating it can be deciphering those lines and I would want you to have the best possible chance this cycle now the AC is in your system :hugs: x
Lol Jen, not going to throw things at you! :rofl: I appreciate your opinion as someone who also had irregular AF and who knows how frustrating it can be. :)

Definitely going to keep the opks going, can't stop now I've started - the POAS addiction has come back with a vengeance! :slap:

With regards to CD13's opk, it was definitely the same colour as the control line, no doubt about it, I just wish my camera would have snapped it better. :( CD17's wasn't quite as dark although not far off, so I did think perhaps ovulation is actually on it's way now...But no way of being 100% sure so another reason to keep on with the OPKs. :)

I would be over the moon if CD13's was indeed ovulation - it'd make my cycle a nice and short at 27 days!

Am going to try and hold on til lunchtime to do my OPK for today though, will update then.

Thanks for the reply, I do appreciate you having a look - hope you will keep popping in! :)

x x
hey hun! i agree with jen, i had positive OPK's durinig my cycle at different times, i was lucky and had a regular cycle, usually got my surge cd14-16. a few times after i would still have some sticks left so would use them later on to see if i could get a bfp on them. i had a positive quite a few times and was never pregnant and that was with the clearblue smiley face digi!

i would keep going with them and give ur OH another super month of Bd'ing!

i know this is really hard for you but one thing you can take away is that you can get pregnant and i know they was terribly long cycles, u didn't have that many cycles before you fell preggers so you must be very fertile!! even with the cycles issues.

i really think it will happe for you again soon :hugs: xxx
Thanks Pos. :) x x

Next OPK scheduled for an hour or two, don't need to pee at the mo! :blush:

I don't mind ovulating later (at least I would know I'd ovulated!), just had my heart set on an anniversary BFP. :)

x x
Good luck missj, I have everything crossed for your BFP this cycle xx
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Thanks hun. :) x x

CD18's OPK....


Darker in RL. :( Not positive, I know, but darker than it was during CD14, 15 and 16. x x
MASSIVE good luck hun i have my fingers crossed... 2ww will fly by :)


Thanks Becki. Hope you're ok, not seen you around in ages! :hugs: x x

Nothing much to report here but still feeling mild cramping... :confused:

Will try and do an OPK but got my mum round so might be a bit late. :)

x x

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