MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

I'm ok hun, had a splitting headache and had to spend the morning at a garage getting my car MOT, not fun but just had a kip on the couch so feel a little better.

I know the very feeling of 'needing' to POAS i still have the addiction:rofl:

I hope you get back to a nice big BFP :)
Aw, hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs:

I blame doing OPKs for kickstarting my POAS addiction lol! :wall:

I hope so too, I think I'm due AF on the last day of the hols so hopefully the witch will stay away!

x x
Feeling a bit crampy today, hope it's all for a good reason... x x
Only 5 days til testing! :) Still got some crampy feelings but not too bad. I think if I go by my negative opk I'm only 7DPO today. :confused: But it doesn't matter if I am because by the time I get back and test, I'll be 12DPO. x x
Going to log off now as I have lots to do before tomorrow and if I stay here, it definitely won't get done! Lol. I'm not taking any tests with me and am keeping my test date to the 26th. :) Going to miss all you lovely PF ladies, hope you all have a wonderful weekend, will be keeping my FX for those yet to test as well, hope you all get BFPs! :yay:

Bye girls!


x x
Fingers crossed and lots of :dust: for you MissJ!

Enjoy your holiday and really hoping you come back to a nice, big, fat, :bfp: !! xx
Have a fab time Miss J ... hope to see you come back with a BFP xxx
Hope you have a lovely break at centre parcs xx

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Thanks ladies, had a great time! Feel so guilty for having a tad too much to drink but I was hoping that relaxing and enjoying myself would help! I had some queasiness/nausea while I was away, also some specks of red and just pinky discharge which has disappeared since. :confused: Did a cheapie last night and pretty sure it was BFN. :(

Am running low on cheapies so can't keep testing, will try again in a couple of days.

x x
hey MissJ :wave:
So glad you have a lovely time away & keeping everything crossed for your bfp
When is official testing day?
Supposed to be today but after my bfn last night, I'm feeling a bit deflated. :( x x
Don't lose hope hun, doesn't the low pregnancy hormone run in your family & your still not out my lovely
Yeah it does. But still.... I can't help feeling a bit sad about it. :( I will do another today and see what happens. x x
Heres a bumper bunch of the super stuff for you hun......



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