MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Morning Hun! Glad to hear ur cycle much shorter for u now!! So have ur OPK faded after day 29?? Time will fly now if u don't count the days!

My bloods came back normal - not sure wat I was tested for!! Other than that it's a waiting game now! I am resisting peeing on sticks!!! I ov'd 4 days later than usual so gotta wait longer

When u testing xx
They did eventually fade, yeah. I still had a smiley face on the digi on CD31 so my surge must have gone down slowly lol but on the same day but late evening, I did another digi opk and it was negative. :thumbup:

I took Agnus Castus this cycle and looks like it's worked a treat. :)

Well done for resisting, it's so hard to stop once you get going with the OPKs! What DPO are you now hun?

I'm testing on the 26th...Scary!!

x x
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Ok, I said I wouldn't symptom spot but I can't ignore it. I'm very gassy at the mo, not normally but my stomach has not stopped bubbling! It's not hunger cos I've had breakfast not too long ago and it's just a load of bubbling low down. FX it's the start of a bfp... x x
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It's not hunger cos I've had breakfast not too long ago and it's just a load of bubbling low down. FX it's the start of a bfp... x x

... and not the start of a fart lol ;)

Finger crossed for you MissJ - i'm in such a "everyone is going to get a BFP" frame of mind. It would be so great if we could all get to Tri 1 together :hug:
It's not hunger cos I've had breakfast not too long ago and it's just a load of bubbling low down. FX it's the start of a bfp... x x

... and not the start of a fart lol ;)

Finger crossed for you MissJ - i'm in such a "everyone is going to get a BFP" frame of mind. It would be so great if we could all get to Tri 1 together :hug:


Good luck missj xxx
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It's not hunger cos I've had breakfast not too long ago and it's just a load of bubbling low down. FX it's the start of a bfp... x x

... and not the start of a fart lol ;)

Finger crossed for you MissJ - i'm in such a "everyone is going to get a BFP" frame of mind. It would be so great if we could all get to Tri 1 together :hug:

One of my favorite Louise B quotes ever! LOL!!! :shock::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And how did I miss this entire thread!! I'm officially stalking now :dust:
Lol, hi Traci! How's the pregnancy going? Wow, 28 weeks already! That's gone so quickly! Hope you and baby are ok. x x
Exciting stuff Miss J ..... another thread stalker signing up :)
I have everything crossed for you missj, all the luck in the world hun x
Lol, hi Traci! How's the pregnancy going? Wow, 28 weeks already! That's gone so quickly! Hope you and baby are ok. x x

Its going really well. Its flying by tho, tri 3 already!! Cant wait to see your bfp! :dust:
Thanks ladies. :love: Have changed my ticker thingy cos I was over by one day, one day closer to POAS!! :yay:

Feeling quietly positive but don't want to jump the gun. Got up 5 times in the night to pee and have been so unusually gassy!! :blush: I was ready for bed and struggling to keep my eyes open at 8pm last night, also unlike me as I don't normally doze off until the early hours as I struggle to sleep.

Hmmm.. Wishful thinking maybe? Feels like we've been ttc for so long than when we do get our BFP, we won't be able to believe it lol. :rolleyes:

x x
HaHa sounds all good to me :)

Good luck MissJ Cant wait to see Your BFP :) :) :) xx
I've caved in epic style and done an HPT. :oooo:

Doubt anyone will see anything, I think even my eyes are starting to give up.. ;)

Ooops, just noticed I didn't finished squiggling my top arrow. :rofl: Never mind. :rolleyes:

x x


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you naughty girl MissJ :)

I cant see hun, but it early days yet ;) symptoms generally appear a couple of days before you test positive as the HCG is in your blood first, so your still in with a great shot :) :)

only 2 days till your hols, bet you will have a great time and forget all about POAS till you come back and by then you will get a good line :) :)
:rofl: I didn't think it would be positive, I just wanted to POAS! :looped:

I think I *need* this holiday, my tests will be miles and miles away so I won't be able to cave in! I'll be surrounded by family as well so will have no time to symptom spot either. I'm actually quite looking forward to being TTC and POAS free for a few days! :D

How are you my lovely? x x
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