MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

... But I got both a smiley and a negative yesterday... Oh nooooo does that make me 1dpo today? Aghh what a bummer. :( POAS on hold. x x

Hey Miss J!

That's great news!! :)

I would try not to worry about DPO as I guess no one knows exactly when you OV'd, just start POAS when you feel ready, and if you get a BFN don't let it get you down and keep on :poas: until you get that :bfp:!

Good Luck Hun.

Have a lovely holiday!

Thanks Maybe. I think I am roughly 3-4 dpo but that's basing it on both the opks and EWCM as that has gone now...But that could be totally wrong. I think I will keep my testing day to the 26th anyway cos that's when I get back from my little break away. Don't know what I'm going to do without you all while I'm away!! :oooo: x x
Good luck MissJ - enjoy your break and hope you get a super sticky BFP! x
Thanks Jen. x x

Have felt queasy/sick on and off today, with bouts of nausea, think my body is teasing me. :think:

Woke up at 3am desperate for a drink and guzzled two massive glasses of squash and was still thirsty. Very unusual but too early for symptoms, so somebody slap me!! ;)

x x
Whoohoo im gonna try come on here more often and check out this thread :D i want to see that BFP missJ! :D
& Im doin alright ta hun.. getting fed up with all these pains and stuff :(

hope your doin ok to sweet
and really really good luck!!!

Lol Becki, I want to see it too!! :clock: Aw, hope you feel better soon. x x

All I can say is I seem to be more thirsty than normal, maybe I'm just dehydrated..? Pfft. Why the heck am I SS?! :strangle:

I must stop it, focus on keeping my sanity intact (what's left of it after a year of TTC anyway) and occupy myself with something else. I'm out today so that's a start. ;)

Have a lovely Sunday everyone! :love:

x x
Nice line on an OPK today, buggering thing. Don't know why the heck I did it, but I POAS. :wall:

Gah. Just going to ignore it and look forward to my little holiday. *Sigh*

x x


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Step away from the sticks Missj! dont worry about it, just count the other day as your surge :)

Have a lovely holiday! xxx
Lol Nurse! I know, I need hubby to hide them! Except the HPTs.. ;) Leaving on Friday morning will be back I think on Sunday or Monday....Going to be a loooong weekend without POAS or my PF ladies!! x x
ahh i thought it was tomorrow you were going, ooops!

We will miss your PF updates, at least it will be a distraction from POAS ;)

Are you going somewhere nice? xx
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We're going to CentreParcs. :) Looking forward to a mini break away with hubby. We're definitely not going to do any HPTs til we get back, so a bit nervous. I'm going to do my best to relax and enjoy it but I know that in the back of my mind I'll be wondering whether little bean has implanted. :oooo:

x x
Hi ladies. :wave:

Another day, no symptoms or anything but I'm trying (not very hard though) not to spot them. :rolleyes:

I haven't done any POAS today and I don't plan to either, trying to be strong and stay away from them...although I did give in last night and did a sneaky hpt which I knew would be bfn but I did it anyway... :whistle:

x x
Hey missus!!! How are are u??? Well done for not poas today!!! I haven't either but i really wana! Where abouts are u in ur cycle? Have ur opks gone stronger? I'm on my phone and it's not loading very well for pics?! Xx
Thanks Apple. :D I'm great ta, how are you? :hugs: I'm CD35...or 36 now, think AF due around CD43? I had a smiley face on a digi opk on CD29 and positive opks cd28 and 29 so am either 5 or 6 DPO! It's going SO slowly! :clock: How's your 2WW going hun? x x

Thanks Corrinne. :) x x
Bugger, forgot to update. Have been feeling mild cramping/aches but trying not to pin my hopes on anything, I'm not convinced until I see two lines or a 'pregnant' response on a digi. :)

x x

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